Last chapter!

Keda's POV

After I recovered from the Nibelheim incident, Sephiroth and I got married in a secret but beautiful ceremony. Eight months later I went into labor and gave life to a beautiful little girl. Sephiroth and I named her Angel.

Mom and Dad were hard core in love with their granddaughter and would constantly argue who would hold her. Sephiroth was a fantastic father and he adored Angel. When she was born it wasn't hard to tell that Angel would have her father's silver hair. I thought she would get her father's eyes too but to my delight they were a crimson red like mine. Sephiroth and I became adjusted to be being a married couple as well as parents.

We stayed in Cosmo Canyon out of Shinra's detection for two years before we left and moved to the Northern Continent. My dragons followed us there and not long after we settled down near a decent sized town did Ice Flower and Xydrin become mates. One morning Ice Flower rose for her mating flight and Xydrin flew after her. Seeing the two dragon courting was a sight to see.

Ice Flower and Xydrin chose a nesting sight in a cave not far from our house. Ice Flower was currently pregnant with her eggs and would lay her clutch soon. Both her and Xydrin took turns keeping the eggs warm. Xydrin also became bound to Angel and the bronze male was fiercely protective of his rider. Talenth eventually became bound to me and Tazith had yet to find his rider. Sephiroth became a mercenary and killed monsters to earn money while I opened a new veterinarian's office which was very successful. Angel was thriving as well. Personality wise she was most like her father, she rarely threw tantrums or lost her temper. When she got mad, you definitely my saw me in her.

After she turned two did she take her wolf form for the first time. Her fur was pure white and she was beautiful as a wolf. In time she would learn the ways how a shifter lived. I wondered if she would gain a gift went she got older.

"Ice Flower's clutched this morning" my husband said after I came home for the day. Excitement surged through me at this revelation.

"How many eggs?" I asked.


"No wonder her sides looked huge, now they have to wait for another month until the young hatch"

"Talenth and Tazith plan on helping rear the hatchlings" Sephiroth explained as he sat down. He then looked around for Angel.

"She's still napping but she won't be for long her third birthday is coming up soon" I told him. "Hard to believe"

Sephiroth chuckled before coming over to me and he pressed a kiss against my lips. I still blushed when my husband did this.

"I told you things would be alright" Seph pointed out after he finished kissing me. We ended up making love before Angel woke up.

Two and Half Years Later.

Midgar/Shinra Headquarters.

Keda's POV

When I arrived on the Shinra Science Floor I was dumbfounded on seeing so much blood on the floor. I was in Midgar on business when I received Leon's email. My best friend had joined a group called AVALANCHE who were against Shinra and he needed my help to get his fellow members out. I met up with him outside the Shinra Headquarters entrance and we found dead bodies everywhere.

"Something really bad happened here" Leon said eying the blood. He wore a dark red shirt with a black vest over it. He wore black jeans and dark brown boots. His hair was slightly longer now and he had it tied back in a pony tail. He wore stud earrings in his ears while I wore a sleeveless dress that was dark blue that want past my knees and stopped over my black boots which had golden rings on the top. Underneath my dress I wore dark grey pants and matching fingerless gloves. I had my sword on my back while Zirenth rested in its holster. My other sword was never recovered after the Nibelheim incident five years ago.

I wore my hair in a pony tail at the moment.

"Let's go the cells are this way" Leon said. Nodding I followed after him and we soon came upon the cells. I snatched the keys from a dead guard while Leon went into a cell that was opened already.

"Holy shit Cloud is that you?!" I exclaimed seeing none other than Cloud Strife. The last time I saw Cloud was five years ago!

Cloud looked to me and his eyes widened.,


The blonde wore the 1st class Soldier uniform. Without thinking I walked over and hugged him.

"I'm so glad your okay"

"You look good Keda" Cloud replied as he gave me a hug back. Tifa had been in the cell with Cloud and she was now a beautiful woman. Leon went to the other cells to free the others who were in them. One of the other prisoners was another beautiful woman named Aerith. She was dressed in all pink and I sensed the power of an Ancient that was in her blood. The other two prisoners were AVALANCHE's leader named Barret. I liked him because he had a mouth and he had a gun arm. The other prisoner was a red lion and wolf hybrid that was from Cosmo Canyon. I recognized him immediately as Nanaki. The others called him Red XIII. I would call him Red growing up.

Red knocked me over and he licked my face happy to reunite with an old friend. Afterwards Leon stayed behind with Barrett while Red, Cloud, Aeris, Tifa, and I left the cells. We took the elevator to the next floor where more blood stained the floor and several bodies lay lifeless. Red volunteered to wait for Leon and Barret while the rest of us headed to where President Shinra's office was.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed seeing the lifeless body of President Shinra slumped over his desk. What was worse a copy of the Masamune was embedded in his back.

"He's dead the leader of Inc. is dead" Barret said arriving with Leon. Tifa ran to behind the desk and stopped to get a better look of the fake Masamune.

"This sword must be"

"Sephiroth's" Cloud replied and I heard hatred in his voice.

"That's bullshit!" Leon exclaimed. "Sephiroth's dead, I saw his body!"

This was a lie because Sephiroth had been in hiding after the disaster at Nibelheim. In fact I didn't even have my wedding and engagement ring on. My husband was back at home with our five year old daughter.

"He must have survived then" Cloud added.

Aerith suddenly yelped and we turned to see a man poking his face out from behind a pillar. He then started to run but Cloud and Barret grabbed him.

"Please don't kill me" the man begged.

"What happened here?" demanded Leon.


"Did you see him?" Cloud asked next.

"Yeah I saw him, I saw him with my own eyes, I wouldn't lie about something like this, he also said he wouldn't let us have the Promised Land"

"F*k this isn't good" Leon growled.

Suddenly the fat guy freed himself and we heard the sound of a helicopter outside.

"Rufus! F*k I for about him!" Barret shouted.

"Who is that?" Tifa questioned

"Vice President Shinra, the president's son" Leon answered.

Cloud was the first to head outside and it wasn't long until we followed after him. The fat guy from got onto the helicopter as Rufus looked to us.

"Who are you guys?" the blonde asked.

"I'm Cloud former Soldier First Class!" Cloud began.

"From AVALANCHE!" Barret shouted.

"Same here!" Tifa and Leon added.

"A flower girl from the slums!" Aerith yelled.

"A research specimen!" Red said.

"A healer and Mother of Dragons!" I finished.

"What a crew" Rufus replied. "Well I'm Rufus, President of Shinra Inc."

Barret shouted at Rufus he was only the new president due to his father being murdered. Then he walked around us making his appointment speech. My inner wolf growled and I did too. Cloud turned to Barret and told him to get Aerith out of the building. Barret protested but he eventually high tailed it off the roof with the others.

"It's been awhile since I last had a decent fight" I told Cloud taking my sword.

"Suit yourself Keda" Cloud told me as he took out the Buster Sword. I wondered if Zack was even alive but I seriously doubted it.

"Why do you two wish to fight me?" Rufus asked.

"You seek the Promised Land and Sephiroth"

"Exactly" Rufus agreed. He then turned to me. "I believe Sephiroth and you were involved"

"F*k you" I snarled. "Let's dance!"

Rufus then get out a gun and a black wolf like creature appeared next to him. When Rufus shot at us, Cloud and I ducked to avoid getting shot. The wolf like creature casted Barrier around its master and I decided to focus on eliminating it while Cloud fought with Rufus. The black creature lunged at me and it tried biting my leg. I thrust my sword deep into the damn things heart and it howled. After removing my sword I used Zirenth to shoot it. Once it was dead did I help Cloud with Rufus.

I used my Blizzard materia while Cloud attacked with the Buster Sword. After Cloud used his attack Cross-Slash did my Limit Break activate. I put Zirenth back into its holster and I whistled. Talenth and Tazith appeared on both sides of me in their smaller forms. They had snuck into Shinra Headquarters with me and kept out of sight until I needed them.

"Let him have it" I told my children.

Talenth and her brother opened up their mouths and together hissed flames at Rufus. This attack was called Inferno and dealt quite a significant amount of damage. Rufus yelped in pain before the helicopter that had been hovering around came over him and he grabbed hold of it.

"We make a good team" I told Cloud looking to him.

"Yeah we do but be honest with me Keda is Sephiroth alive?"

"He is" I confirmed. "But it wasn't him that killed everyone in Nibelheim, it was Jenova disguised as him, as a clone, it's a long story but I'm willing to explain it if you will let me"

"Alright where has he been all this time?" he asked.

"We've been in hiding, in fact Sephiroth and I are married"

"I remember now that you were engaged to him, my memory from five years ago is hazy"

"Where is Zack?" I questioned.

"Zack? I don't know who that is" Cloud stated.

I wanted to ask why he couldn't remember but I decided to wait because his memory sucked right now.

"Let's go" Cloud said. I nodded before we headed inside and met up with Tifa so we could get out of Midgar. Whatever Jenova was up to was obviously serious to the point the planet was in danger and I would make sure she was stopped.

And that wraps up Crisis Core and on to Final Fantasy VII!