Under the Glass Moon by Lonely Soul
Chapter 3: Meet the Eye

The sun was barely able to be seen as it gradually set behind the never-ending, grayish clouds that had hovered over Tokyo like a light curtain for the past couple of days. At the moment only small droplets of warm rain slowly fell from the clouds like mist, making the air more humid.

Subaru, with umbrella in hand and school bag at her side, walked along the crowded sidewalk that led her to the prep school she went to everyday after school. As she walked, she thought back at what happened during school when Mimiru questioned her a few times about what had distracted her in class. Of course, in the end, Mimiru gave up on that after she realized that her friend's thoughts were else where. Subaru didn't like to leave her friend wondering or worrying over her, but she knew that if she told Mimiru, she would eventually end up having to tell her everything about the night before, and most of those things she didn't want Mimiru to know about.

"I guess I should have at least told her something," Subaru said to herself.

As Subaru neared the next crossing zone, she kept to her thoughts, completely absorbed in them and not paying attention to where she was headed. 'I hope she's not mad at--'

Without warning, her thoughts were broken, and she felt herself loose her balance as someone bumped into her from the side. She gasped and quickly managed to steady herself. 'Whew...'She sighed a sigh of relief and thought, 'That was really clos--'

But the wet pavement caused her to miss her footing and she slipped yet again. A low gasp of sudden surprise escaped her lips. Her schoolbag and umbrella dropped out of her hands onto the sidewalk, and since she was so close to the curb, she fell straight onto the hard, concrete street with a thud.

"Ow..." Subaru winced in pain as she tried to pick herself up, but she unexpectedly came to a complete stop when she finally realized the danger she was in.

She was in the path of a fast, oncoming car.

All the movement around her stopped and everything became quiet. She couldn't see or hear the screaming of the other pedestrians around her or the screeching of the nearing car as it tried to stop. Her mind froze, and all she could do was lay there and watch, in fear and horror, the headlights of the approaching caras it drove closer and closer. She quickly squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the impact to occur and death to come, but surprisingly... It never did. Instead, a strong hand firmly gripped her arm and swiftly pulled her off the street.

'What happened?'Subaru thought. Her heart pounded loudly in her ears when she realized she was still alive.

She carefully peered opened her eyes, afraid that when she opened them the car would be only mere inches away from hitting her, but she found herself back on the sidewalk, out of harms way, and face to face with the chest of a man.

"Are you all right?" The young man said softly, breaking her train of thought.

'Those words...
...That voice...
...They sound so familiar...

Wanting to know who had saved her, Subaru immediately looked up at him and time seemed to slow down when her gaze met dark-violet colored ones. She gasped out loud and her eyes widened in surprise. 'Those eyes... It's him!'

Subaru was at a loss for words. She couldn't believe she had finally met him again and kind of under the same circumstances. Then she blushed furiously with embarrassment when she noticed his warm, protective arms where safely wrapped around her. This was the first time a guy had ever held her like that.

A very small, stunned crowd of murmuring pedestrians had formed around them, mumbling about what had just occurred right before their eyes. Subaru heard one comment in particular that made her blush deepen an even darker shade of red. "They must be a couple since they're holding each other like that."

"Hey, it's you! The girl from yesterday. You're not hurt, are you?" Her rescuer said, once again breaking her thoughts.

"Um.. Yeah, I'm that girl, and no, I'm not hurt." She responded in a quiet voice as she slowly pulled away from his grasp and tore away from his gaze, trying to hide the nervousness that she had from him. 'Why am I always so nervous whenever he's around?'

There was an awkward pause. Then, the once hardly noticeable misty rain became large droplets of rain that rapidly poured from the sky, soaking Subaru's already wet clothes. She watched the guy, who coincidently seemed to be everywhere she went since yesterday, quickly pick up her umbrella and schoolbag and hand them to her.

"Here," he said. "They were going to get drenched if they stayed on the ground any longer."

Subaru reached out and took back her belongings. She opened her dark blue umbrella and bowed the same way she did the night before and gratefully said to him, "Thank you so much for helping me again. I really appreciate it... uh...?" She slowly drifted off when she realized she didn't even know his name.

"Tsukasa," he plainly stated with a smile, answering the upcoming question he knew she was about to ask, as the rain fell around him and dripped from the tips of his short, silver hair.

"Oh. Thank you, Tsukasa."

'Tsukasa... so that's his name.'She smiled back at him. Her nervousness was almost completely gone, but her flush cheeks could have fooled anyone. "My name is Subaru."

Before Tsukasa could even say anything else to Subaru, their attention was diverted by a shout that came out of nowhere from someone on the other side of the street.


"Huh?" Subaru heard her name being shouted, so she glanced over her shoulder and her eyes scanned the crowds of busy people walking everywhere. She didn't see anyone she knew at first, but then she finally saw who had called out her name. "Kurim?"

She saw her brother running towards her from only a few yards away, and she saw the annoyed looks some pedestrians gave him when he passed by them and didn't excuse himself for accidentally bumping into them. 'Why is he here?' Subaru thought with confusion. Her brother was usually at home during this time of the day.

When Kurim arrived beside her, she asked him, "Kurim, how did you find me?"

She didn't receive an answer. He had a serious expression on his face, and she wondered what was wrong until she noticed his gaze and attention were focused elsewhere. She turned her head over to where he was looking. "What are you looking... at..." And that's when she figured out why Kurim was acting weird.

Kurim was staring off in the direction Tsukasa was standing, but when Subaru glanced in that direction, the spot was empty and Tsukasa wasn't there anymore.

To be continued...

A/N: All the replies to the reviewers in the previous Author's Note chapter were for the people who reviewed while I was moving during the summer of 2003 and before I updated on Christmas Day 2003.