So I just have a couple of quick notes here before the story starts: First of all I want to thank you for reading my work and I hope you enjoy it!

Next, I just want to explain a couple of things real quickly:

First of all; I am primarily familiar with these characters from the Ducktales cartoons but I did look up the comics as much as I could without buying any (I just can't afford to splurge on a bunch of comics right now because of bills!) so while I strive to have the characters remain as in-character as possible I apologize if I failed with the comic exclusive characters, I just kind of ran with the impressions I got of them from what little I could find.

Also, I started this after having only watched the first 9 episodes of the reboot so consider this story to be taking place in a slightly different continuity. (I will say no more so as not to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't seen the first season finale of the reboot.)

Then there's Hexa, Castandra and Winnicent. These three are my own creations to add to the story just for fun and are not cannon at all. I just got inspired while listening to 'I put a spell on you' from the movie Hocus Pocus and reading Serena Valentino's Disney villain book series and thought it would be fun if Magica had sisters. 'Hexa' is obviously a somewhat generic name but 'Castandra', a fusion of 'Cast' and 'Cassandra' I thought was a fun name and well the name 'Winnicent' is simply a tribute to two of Disney's most infamous witches: Winnifred Sanderson from Hocus Pocus and Maleficent of course!

And the joke with the ring is a reference to the game 'Curse of Monkey Island' which is one of my favorite PC games.

(Also, for those who don't know, Rosolio calls Scrooge a 'Jerk' a 'Creep' and a 'Homewrecker' in Italian. I thought it fitting for him to use some Italian in his dialogue since he is Italian after all and no, I don't know Italian, just google translate haha!)

Well I'm done rambling now so on with the story! Enjoy!

"Oh, Scrooge dearest!" Scrooge McDuck looked up from his desk, paperwork, and newest treasure map to see his longtime friend and would-be girlfriend Brigitta MacBridge rushing in, her heart-shaped blonde hairdo, blue dress and gold earrings swaying a bit with her rapid movement. "Hello Brigitta, what brings you here today?" He asked, secretly hoping her visit would be business oriented and brief which; unfortunately, was not the case.

"I came here to see you of course!... I also wanted to get your opinion on this investment I'm considering making." Scrooge sighed and took the papers the blonde duckess held out to him. He read the papers over and handed them back. "This investment is frivolous and won't benefit you at all." He said dismissively. "Now if you don't mind I-" "Oh, I knew I could rely on you for good advice Lammiekins!" Brigitta swooned. "Brigitta I really need to get back to work so unless there's something else you need these tax forms won't do themselves." Scrooge slipped the map into a drawer, not wanting her to see it and get any ideas, and attempted to return to his work but Brigitta interrupted him again.

"Well now that you mention it there was something else I wanted to talk to you about snookums." She said, sliding a catalog on top of Scrooge's papers. "Which do you think would look the best on me? My personal favorites are numbers 5 and 2."

Scrooge choked on air as he saw what sort of catalog she had been looking at: A wedding dress catalog! "Uh, I-I-I-I" He sputtered as he tried to catch his breath and find words to carefully handle this situation. "Brigitta… please tell me you haven't bought one of these already." He finally said, subtly pushing the catalog towards the trash can beside the desk.

"Oh, not yet! We have to set a date first and of course there's the actual proposal and the ring…" She spun around, Scrooge narrowly avoiding being hit by her long gold necklace as it whipped around with her movement, and began to gush about what sort of romantic proposal he should make while he cringed in his chair.

It wasn't that Scrooge didn't like Brigitta but she was just so obsessive and was practically his own personal stalker it him worried at times that she may just be after him for his fortune and at other times that if he actually gave in to her craziness that her 'affections' might just be the death of him! He had made up his mind that he was never going to marry her and sometimes he wondered if it was really worth it to stay friends with her, as much as she could accept that, but in the end; he couldn't ignore his sense of chivalry and his morals and helped Brigitta when she needed it and gladly accepted her assistance from time to time when necessary. After all, just because he didn't want to marry her didn't mean he wished harm on her.

At this very moment however, he felt it ENTIRELY necessary to attempt to sneak out of his office while she danced about in her daydreams of a wedding that would never be more than a fantasy. Scrooge was almost across the threshold of his office and into the hallway when Brigitta noticed him. "Where are you running off to sweetheart?" She inquired as she grabbed hold of his arm and pulled him back into the office. "I-I… I have to go um… The boys! I have plans with my nephews today and I'm going to be late if I don't-" "Oh aren't you such a devoted family man!" Brigitta interrupted. "You know, I've always admired that about you… I bet you'd be a great father!" Scrooge swallowed hard at her clear insinuation of wanting a family with him and desperately tried to think of a way to escape his would-be wooer.

After listening to Brigitta go on and on for several minutes about their 'eventual' marriage Scrooge decided that he really needed to shut her up because he did actually have an appointment he was now late for because of her antics.

"Look Brigitta, I gotta say it: I'm not gonna marry you! How long are you going to continue this ridiculous chase! What if I married someone else, would you still keep up this insanity?" Brigitta stopped talking and loosened her grip on Scrooge's arm, slowly releasing it and looking him the eye, a devastated expression inching its way across her face.

"M-married to someone else?" She stuttered. "W-who? Who is this homewrecker you're going to marry?" The question began sadly but ended with a hint of jealousy, specifically with the 'homewrecker' part. "That's not what I said-" Brigitta had already made up her mind and cut him off after taking a deep breath to compose herself. "No, It's fine. I should be happy for you and your bride to-be. I would love to meet her and be invited to the wedding of course!" Brigitta forced herself to cheer up and proceeded to bombard Scrooge with questions about his 'impending' nuptials.

He answered as best he could on the spot; trying to be vague about the non-existent bride and any other details he could. Brigitta was not satisfied. "If you won't tell me anything maybe I'll just have to call Mrs. Beakley or Donald's girlfriend Daisy and see if one of them will tell me who she is. I just have to know who stole my Scrooge away from me!" She said dramatically, then quickly left before Scrooge could stop her. He slumped down into his chair, rubbed his temples and took several deep breaths to calm himself before calling to his secretary.

"Ms. Quackfaster; clear my schedule… I have a big problem today…"

On Mt. Vesuvius Magica DeSpell wasn't having much better a day than Scrooge was. Her would-be fiancé Rosolio, a dim-witted Goose and self-proclaimed expert sorcerer, had come to once again try to woo her and as always, was failing miserably.

"Go away, you goony gander!" Magica tossed the bouquet of petunias Rosolio had brought her into the mouth of Mt. Vesuvius. "But Magica, il mio amore! We are to be married! This is no way to treat your fiancé!" Rosolio cried as he tried to follow Magica into her hut. "I don't remember agreeing to any such arrangement!" She snapped, trying to slam the door in his face.

"Magi-poo!" Rosolio whined, sticking his foot in the doorway to stop her from closing the door. "Give me one good reason why you won't marry me! Just one!" He pleaded. Magica huffed in exasperation and tried even harder to slam the door, even if she did so on his stupid foot. "How about I just don't want to! Why can't that be good enough for you?"

Rosolio kept on holding the door and finally used a spell to keep her from slamming it and to save his foot, which was surely going to be crushed if he didn't. "Presto disappearo!" And with those words the door vanished. Magica groaned.

"Why did you do that to my door you goon!" "So you would stop trying to shut me out il mio amore, and so you wouldn't break my poor foot!" "I ought to break your head! But I think it's already broken!" Magica growled. "Ah, Magi-poo, you're so beautiful when you're angry!" Rosolio swooned. "Argh! GET OUT!" Magica tried to force him out of her hut but he just countered her spells and she didn't have the strength necessary to physically push the overweight goose out of her home. "I won't leave you il mio amore unless I'm given good reason to!" Magica gagged. "Stop calling me that, I'm going to be sick." "Never! I will always say it because it is true; you are il mio amore Magi-poo!"

Magica groaned again; she wondered what it would take to get through Rosolio's thick skull that she didn't want him and would prefer to be left alone. Then what she thought was a brilliant idea came to her mind and in her usual fashion she didn't think it through before the words came out of her mouth.

"I won't marry you because I'm going to marry someone else! Is that good enough to get rid of you?" Rosolio's jaw dropped and he stood before her in complete and silent shock for so long that Magica actually wondered if his brain had shut down.

When Rosolio finally reacted, it wasn't pleasant. His face grew red with rage and he began fuming about how he would turn the no-good fiancée stealing jerk into a toad or a fly or an amoeba until Magica clocked him on the head with her wand."You will do no such thing you goon! You want me to be happy, yes? Then you will fly away and leave me be!" Rosolio looked at her sadly while rubbing his head. "Does your family know about this Magi-poo il mio amore?" "I said to stop calling me that! I just told you I'm marrying another so stop it!"He shook his head. "Never! Even if you're in the arms of another you'll always be Magi-poo il mio amore!" Magica sighed. "Whatever; just go away now, I am very busy planning a wedding." She tried to usher Rosolio out so she could resume plotting to get Scrooge's dime but he wouldn't budge."You didn't answer my question, you haven't told your family have you il mio amore?" "Why would I? They'd just cause problems and make trouble. Besides I-I mean-we just want a uh, small and quick wedding, no big fuss."

Magica realized in that moment that she was going to regret trying to trick Rosolio into thinking she was engaged to someone else; he wasn't going to just leave and never come back, it could never be that easy. "Nonsense; I will go tell your family and then we shall see if this cretino will be a suitable husband for you!" "No! Rosolio don't you… dare." Before she could get the last word out, he was gone with a wave of his wand.

"Oh no!" Magica wailed, "That goony gander is trying to ruin my life!" Magica decided the best thing she could do was to leave and figure something out before her family showed up. She gathered a few things and her brother Poe and used a travel spell to leave quickly.

Scrooge entered his mansion and called for Mrs. Beakley who came immediately to attend to her employer.

"Yes Mr. McDuck? Why do you sound so agitated?" "Have you heard from Brigitta MacBridge today?" "No sir, why do you ask?" "Because she thinks I'm getting married!" Mrs. Beakley gave him a confused look. "Doesn't she always think you're getting married to her?" Scrooge shook his head. "No, Mrs. Beakley not to her, to someone else. She's got it in her head I'm marrying someone else!" "Oh my!" "Mrs. Beakley I'm in trouble and I don't what to do to get out of it! Brigitta said she'd talk to you or Daisy to find out who my non-existent bride is!"

Mrs. Beakley suppressed a chuckle. "I'm afraid I don't know what to tell you Mr. McDuck. But I will call Daisy and tell her the situation." Scrooge was a little relieved at that. "Thank you Mrs. Beakley. Now to figure out how I'm gonna fix this mess." He expressed his gratitude to his housekeeper and proceeded to go to his home office to try and think up a plan.

Magica needed think of a good plan to deal with her family; because they were all witches they would know if she simply conjured up a phony fiancé or if she enchanted someone into being her phony fiancé with a love spell so that meant that she had to either tell the truth and suffer the consequences or find someone who would willingly help her out. Most people she knew wouldn't do it without wanting something in return and she knew that would just be going from one problem to another so what else could she do?

Ultimately, she decided that sticking to her usual routines might be a good way to calm herself down and think of something so there she was, at her small manor in Duckburg, gathering her niece Lena to make yet another attempt to steal Scrooge's number one dime and work on Lena's witch training. The young pink-haired duck greeted her Aunt happily.

"Welcome back Aunt Magica!" Lena noticed her aunt's sour and concerned expression. "What's wrong?" "Rosolio. He thinks I am engaged and is going to bring the family to meet a fiancé that doesn't exist!" She explained. "Oh man, that guy is so stupid! I really don't want to see any of them." "I agree, but for now we are going to try for Scrooge's dime again."

Lena figured her aunt needed a distraction and maybe if nobody was home when the family arrived they'd just leave and the problem would resolve itself. "Okay, let's go!"

"I'll stay here since I won't be of any help but you two be careful okay?" Poe said, leaving his spot on Magica's shoulder to sit on the back of a nearby chair. Lena walked over and stroked the raven lovingly. "We will dad. Just don't answer the door if anybody knocks okay?" Poe chuckled. "How can I? I don't have any fingers." Lena chuckled then joined her aunt on her broom and the two witches flew off to McDuck's money bin.

Scrooge was pacing back and forth in his home office, trying desperately to think of a solution to his problem with Brigitta. He had no idea where Goldie was at the moment as the last he'd heard from her she was off on some new adventure of her own and it wouldn't work to try and pass Mrs. Beakley or Ms. Quackfaster off as his fake fiancé because Brigitta would know better and to be honest he didn't really know Ms. Quackfaster that well and he didn't think Mrs. Beakley would be able to keep herself from laughing at the whole situation.

Of course, he could always try telling Brigitta the truth but either she wouldn't listen or she'd just interpret his words in her own way again and either assume he was planning their wedding or become so infuriated with him she'd never speak to him again.

Scrooge sighed and stopped in front of the window that offered a view of his money bin and saw a familiar form flying toward it. "Argh, not today! I don't have time for this!" He fumed as he saw Magica heading toward his money bin.

Scrooge raced out to the money bin and got to it just as Magica and Lena were about to try opening it with a spell. "Stop right there Magica! I really do not have time for your antics today so I would greatly appreciate it if you would just go away!" Magica scoffed, jumping off her broom and crossing her arms. "I have problems too but here I am and your dime will help fix some of them!" Scrooge sighed in defeat. "You can't just make this easy, can you?"

"Uh, Aunt Magica…" Lena jumped off the broom and tugged at the red cuffed sleeve of her aunt's black dress. "What! Ohhh NO!" Magica gasped in apparent horror and grabbed Lena by the hand. "Quick, maybe if we get out of here now we can still-"

"Cretino! Ladro! Distruttore domestico!" "Huh? What?" Scrooge turned to look behind him and was completely confused by the overweight, red-faced, Italian goose whose red frock coat and top hat looked a bit too small, yelling at him and calling him a… homewrecker? "So! This is the man who's stolen you from me Magi-poo?" "WHAT?" Scrooge followed the goose's gaze and looked at Magica in total confusion. "Magica… who is this looney and just what in blazes is he talking about?" Just as Magica was about to answer, another voice spoke.

"My beautiful little bambina is finally getting married!" Magica was wrapped in a crushing hug by another witch wearing a green dress and several, probably magical, pendants. She had long crazy blonde hair and spectacles sat upon the base of her beak.

"Ugh, Granny… let… go!" Magica squirmed around until finally breaking free of her grandmother's grip.

"Rosolio, you great buffoon! What have you done!" Magica screeched at the dim goose. "I brought your family to meet your fiancé. Why would you choose this geezer over me?"

"WHAT?!" Scrooge was now in a panic, he certainly didn't remember getting engaged to Magica yet somehow these loons believed they were getting married! What did Magica tell them and, for the love of his number one dime, why? "Magica I demand an explanation- mmph!" "Uh, if you don't mind we need to talk, ALONE!" Magica grabbed Scrooge by the beak, tossed one of her foof bombs and with a few quick words, had whisked herself, Scrooge, and Lena back to her Duckburg manor.

"Oh, what do I do? What can I do?" Magica lamented, pacing back and forth in the entryway. "For starters, you can tell me what's going on here!" Scrooge barked, crossing his arms and glaring. "Who were those people and WHY do they think you and I are getting married? What did you tell them?" "Nothing! Well, nothing about you. I told Rosolio that I was engaged to make him go away and instead he tells my family; who now think I'm marrying YOU!" She fumed at him.

"Oh, great. As if I don't have enough marital messes!" Scrooge groaned. "Rosolio's so stupid." Lena shook her head with a sigh.

"Wait," Poe flew up and sat on Scrooge's shoulder. "What did you mean about already having a marital mess? Don't tell me you're actually getting married to somebody now!" "Of course not, you looney! She's a sweet girl but I wouldn't marry her even if it would double my fortune!" He swatted at the duck turned raven.

"What? You're already engaged? Since when?" Magica asked, drawn out of her lamentations by the conversation and her curiosity and a tiny hint of a feeling that could possibly be disappointment. "NO! Why Brigitta got that ridiculous notion in her head that I am engaged to someone else I do not know but I'm not marrying ANYBODY!" Now Scrooge was fuming.

"So, it sounds like you two are in the same boat… you both need a phony fiancé." Poe said thoughtfully. "No, we're not. Did you not hear what I said? I'M NOT MARRYING ANYBODY! And I'm certainly not gonna lie about it either!"

"Then what are you going to do?" Magica asked the angry Scot. "I-I… I don't know yet, but I'll think of something!" He glared at Magica. "However," He added, "I do not want to get caught up in your problems witch!" Magica chuckled a bit. "That's all well and fine Scroogie but, it looks like you already are!"

She stopped laughing at looked at him with a more serious expression. "Don't blame me though, it's not my fault my relatives are such nuisances." She said flatly before slumping down in a chair. "What am I gonna do Poe? Any ideas?" "Well…" Poe looked between the witch and the miser. "I'd say just go with it for now." "WHAT!?" Magica and Scrooge yelped in unison.

"Dad's right; Just go with it and later on you can stage a break-up or something." Lena agreed with her father's suggestion. "Are you insane?" Scrooge snapped. "There is no way I'm doing any such thing!" "Me either!" Magica agreed.

Never mind that Magica actually found the idea amusing and intriguing in it's own way; there was simply no way she would pretend to be engaged to Scrooge McDuck; after all, he would certainly never go for such a crazy plan right?

"Okay, well then you can tell Granny and Rosolio the truth and I'll just hide in here somewhere until the fireworks are over." Poe flew over to a nearby closet and perched on the knob of the open door. "Again, I agree with dad; I don't wanna see what they'll do if they hear the truth." Lena added.

"Well I can tell Brigitta the truth and I'm sure she'll understand." Scrooge grinned confidently until Magica spoke. "Ha! She might understand, or she might team up with Glomgold to steal your fortune and break your heart for breaking hers!" Scrooge knew Magica was right… there really was no telling how Brigitta would react, even if she was the one who started this mess.

Scrooge thought about his limited options. he truly never expected to find himself in such a situation and if not for the fact that talking to Brigitta could be at times like talking over a bad phone connection, only every other word gets heard. Part of him found the idea of pretending to be engaged to Magica without it having to do with his dime rather interesting; the other part reminded him that this time he would be dealing with her family and that was the primary concern, he didn't want them to get angry and take anything out on his family.

"Fine." Scrooge muttered after thinking it over. "What?" Magica looked at him, totally dumbfounded. "I'll go along with this silly charade until we figure out how to fix this mess."

Magica couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Are you serious?" Scrooge nodded. "On one condition." He stated firmly. Magica gulped nervously and asked, "What?" "You stop chasing after my number one dime!" Magica sighed, of course McDuck would try to find a way to get something out of this mess. "For a year. I won't go after your dime for a year. How's that?" She asked. "I mean permanently Magica!" "A year is the most I will agree to!" The two stared each other down for several minutes.

Finally, after deciding he likely wouldn't get her to agree to anything else, Scrooge nodded and held out his hand. "Agreed." Magica took his hand and they shook on it. "Now then; sweetheart," Scrooge cringed with his use of the normally affectionate term. "Can we go get your crazy family away from my money bin?"

The 'happy' couple returned to where they had left Rosolio and Granny De Spell while Lena and Poe went to into inform Scrooge's nephews and servants of the situation.

"Why did you run off like that Magi-poo?" Rosolio held himself back from trying to hug Magica when he saw her arm and arm with Scrooge. Magica sighed in annoyance.

"I apologize for my behavior earlier," Scrooge started, surprisingly calm and convincing in his sincerity. "Magica didn't tell me her family was coming and I was caught off guard." "Ooh, such a gentleman. Apology accepted bambino." Granny DeSpell said, circling Scrooge and looking over him closely.

"So, I guess you decided this was easier than stealing his dime huh? Well he's not a sorcerer but I suppose he'll do." "Granny!" Magica fumed. "Don't circle him like some kind of vulture! And since when do I care for your approval of anything!" Granny DeSpell simply ignored Magica and continued talking. "The girls should be here soon, they're just dying to see who you're marrying!"

Magica's face paled. "Y-you don't mean my sisters are coming here? Not that! Anything but that!" "Sisters?" Scrooge questioned, looking uneasy since Magica's reaction wasn't very reassuring.

"They are like actual vultures! Intolerable, awful, horrendous witches!" Magica's expression grew more fearful with each descriptor. "Yes, I'm so proud of all my bambinas!" Granny DeSpell said with a big grin. "Though they may be skilled in witchery, none of them compare to you in beauty Magi-poo!" Rosolio swooned. Magica just groaned.

"Look, uh, Scroogie and I have a lot to discuss and plan for the wedding so if you don't mind just leaving now-" "Nonsense dearie!" Granny cut her off. "Your sisters and I want to help you plan and of course we're all going to be in attendance!" Magica's eyes widened in horror. "And where exactly will you be staying, might I ask?" Scrooge asked nervously. Granny looked at Scrooge's mansion, then at Scrooge. "You wouldn't mind terribly, would you, Grandson-in-law-to-be?" She smiled sweetly.

Inside the McDuck Mansion Lena and Poe explained the situation to Webbigail, who told everyone else.

"Ewwww! Poor Uncle Scrooge!" Huey, Dewey and Louie cringed at the thought. "How did this happen?" Donald asked. "Exactly what I'd like to know!" Mrs. Beakley leered down at Lena suspiciously. "Precisely;" Duckworth added. "How do we know that she isn't simply enacting some elaborate scheme?" "Lena's not lying! I believe her!" Webby defended her friend. "Thanks, Webbs." "Uh, we're about to find out because here comes Mr. McDee and his bride-to-be!" Launchpad pointed out the window to the couple walking toward the mansion entrance, arguing the whole way as they entered.

"There's no way I'm gonna have a bunch of freeloaders staying in my mansion; especially not one who calls me a 'Homewrecker'!" Scrooge fumed. "It's not my fault! Don't blame me for my family's stupidity and annoyingness!" Magica spat back.

"Well I guess Lena's right; they even sound like a real married couple!" Launchpad laughed until they both shot him a deathly glare. "SHUT UP!" They both spat at the now cowering Launchpad.

Scrooge returned his glare to Magica. "This stupid charade is gonna put my family in danger now! Imagine if your family finds out you lied; I'd have a house full of very angry witches!" "I…I, I'm sorry! But I can't do anything about it! My family only listens to what they want to hear from me… I could tell them to leave until I'm blue in the face but they won't listen." Magica now seemed to calm down a little and Scrooge just stared silently for a moment, shocked that the witch had actually apologized to him.

"Wow! This place is HUGE!" A small voice exclaimed. "So, you decided to give up on the dime huh? I'm not surprised little sister!" Another voice cackled maniacally. "I don't think she truly gave up on his dime… she just decided to take the easy way because she's so soft!" Another added to the cackling. "At least she's surely got a BIG rock on her finger for her trouble!" A fourth sighed enviously. Scrooge and family turned around to see three witches and a little witch standing in Scrooge's foyer.

They all wore dresses similar to Magica's but with a few minor differences: The tallest wore minimal make-up, a long black dress with red cuffs and a high, ruffled collar and had her black hair tied in a neat bun atop her head.

The middle one had golden hair pinned up on one side with a cascade of curls spilling down the other. Her make-up was heavy and her dress, the same length as Magica's with the same red cuffs, sported a plunging neck line that was borderline inappropriate.

The third and shorter of the three had her black hair tied in braids on either side of her head and her dress was almost identical to Magica's except with a more modest neckline. The little girl gawking at the mansion sported black pigtails and a little black dress with a red collar, red cuffs on the sleeves and red buttons on the front.

"Hexa, Castandra, Winnicent and little Minima… Oh great!" Magica groaned.

"Don't look so excited dear sister." Hexa, the tallest one said dryly. "I mean after all, we only came here to support you on your big day!" Castandra added, tossing some of her blonde curls. "Whoopee." Magica waved her left hand with more sarcasm than enthusiasm.

Castandra gasped and grabbed her hand. "Sister dear WHERE is your ring! Every bride-to-be needs a HUGE rock on her finger!" "I bet the skinflint wouldn't put out for a ring at all, let alone some big diamond." Winnicent scoffed. "True," Hexa said with a shrug. "Everyone knows Scrooge McDuck is a selfish old miser so, the very IDEA that he would marry is preposterous enough; there's no way he would get her a ring."

Magica jerked away from her sister's grip. "Now see here! I uh… I…" Magica tried to think of something to say to argue with them but they did have a point, Scrooge wouldn't get her a ring, even to pretend, and she couldn't just conjure one in front of her sisters either.

"It's being polished by my personal jeweler right now. Nothing but the best for my, um, darling Magica." Scrooge suddenly explained. Magica and his family just tried their best to play along. "Right! Scroogie is very good to me!" She moved away from her sisters and took Scrooge by the arm, almost like she was preparing to use him as a shield.

"Well then, I simply can't wait to see it Magica dear!" Castandra had a far off and amorous look in her eyes. Hexa rolled her eyes. "We've had a long trip so if you wouldn't mind showing us where we'll be staying we'd like to freshen up a bit." "Of course." Scrooge said politely. "It's my great pleasure to put up my dear Magica's family here in my mansion." He inwardly cringed at his own words.

"Uh, Mrs. Beakley would you kindly go and see to the guest rooms, make sure everything is prepared for our guests." Mrs. Beakley gulped and nodded at her employer. "Y-yes Mr. McDuck, right away!" She quickly made her way up the stairs, thankful for an excuse to get away from the witchy sisters but nervous about having them staying in the mansion.

Scrooge had everyone go to the dinning room where he had Duckworth serve tea and biscuits as appetizers while lunch was prepared.

"I do apologize for the wait, this was so short notice I didn't have time prepare your rooms in advance." Scrooge tried his best to be polite to the group of witches at his table, now including Granny DeSpell and Rosolio. "Aren't you so sweet! It's quite all right bambino, we did come unexpectedly and unannounced." Granny said between sips of tea.

"No good fiancée stealing cretino…" Rosolio muttered while munching on some of the biscuits. Magica, who sat between him and Scrooge, kicked him in the shin under the table. "Ow!" "Are you okay Rosolio?" Minima asked, looking at him from across the table. "She- hmmph!" Magica shoved a biscuit in his mouth before he could finish his response. "Shut your beak you buffoon." "So, tell me Magica; why did you choose the miserly geezer over the fully trained sorcerer?" Hexa asked "I… well... Because Rosolio is such a buffoon and Scrooge is…uh, well…" Magica struggled to find something to say about Scrooge.

"Craw! Stop it you brat!" The commotion gave Magica the needed reprieve from the previous topic.

"Minima! Leave your uncle Poe alone this instant!" She barked at her niece who had Poe by the tail feathers. "Aw, we were just gonna play Auntie!" Minima whined. "Leave the girl alone Magica!" Winnicent snapped. "My precious Minima hasn't done anything wrong, she just wants to play with the nice raven." She stroked her daughter's hair lovingly. "I know how she wants to play and I don't wanna! Nevermore!" Poe crowed as he tried to escape Minima's grip. "But uncle… you'd look so cute in dress, or tied up in a death trap!" she smiled at the raven innocently.

"Let my dad go, you pint-sized pain in the neck!" Lena snapped, whacking Minima on the head, causing her to let go of Poe; who immediately flew to the safety of Magica's shoulder. "Ma-ma! Lena hit me!" Minima wailed. "Lena! You apologize to Minima right now!" Winnicent demanded. "I'm really sorry Minima." Lena rolled her eyes as she made the half-hearted apology.

"You okay Poe?" Magica whispered. He nodded. "Yeah, may be missing a tail feather though."

"It's okay sweetie; Lena is just jealous that you're already a stronger witch than her." Winnicent soothed. "Yeah right." Lena muttered under her breath.

"Well it isn't Minima's fault that poor Poe is stuck in the raven form." Hexa remarked. Magica glared at her sister. "What does that have to do with anything right now Hexa?" "If you weren't such a pathetic witch you could have fixed your blunder by now and turned Poe back to normal." Hexa took a sip of tea. "Not like Poe was much better at magic than you anyway. If I could I would turn him back myself, being the eldest and strongest of us." "But you can't, so stuff a sock in it Hexa!" Magica growled.

"All right girls that's enough!" Granny DeSpell intervened. "This is supposed to be an occasion for celebrating so even if it's not what we expected we should settle down and celebrate!"

"What is that supposed to mean; 'not what you expected'?" Magica turned her attention to Granny DeSpell. "Well, we all thought that you would be marrying Rosolio not… oh how do I say this?" Magica crossed her arms. "Just spit it out." "Well… a non-magical, and frankly rather old, person. There are those who would find it well…" "Embarrassing." Hexa bluntly finished her grandmother's sentence.

She motioned toward Scrooge who sat in his chair looking like his fuse was a half inch away from detonation. Snickering to the other side of Scrooge was Donald, who was trying so hard to not burst out laughing on the spot.

"Honestly what I would really like to know is why he would choose Magica? Not only is she the softest witch there's ever been but she's also not really the prettiest either." Castandra said, making eyes at Scrooge's solid silver tea service. "I mean I would look so much better adorned in all the wonderful jewels I'm sure he has and could buy~"

Scrooge shuddered and glared at her, inching the tea service closer to himself and Donald nearly choked on his tea trying to contain his laughter. Scrooge and Magica were relieved when Duckworth and Mrs. Beakley came in to announce the guest rooms were ready and serve lunch.

"I can't believe they had the nerve to call me old!" Scrooge raged in his home office after lunch. "Well, you are old Scroogie." Magica chuckled. "Your family is absolutely terrible, just terrible!" "I told you so. Gah! I wish Rosolio had kept his beak shut!" she groaned in agreement. "So, what about this ring that's being polished? How are you planning to back up that statement?" "Can't you just make one with your magic?" Scrooge asked. "I could… but they would know the difference between a real ring and a magically conjured one." "Meaning?" Scrooge was not liking where Magica was going with this.

"Meaning they would question and criticize why you didn't just give me a ring instead of making me conjure one." She explained. "Have you not seen enough already to convince you that they will annoy you to death over it?" Scrooge scowled. "I am not wasting my money on a ring for the likes of you." He said firmly.

"Then what do you propose to do Scroogie?" She questioned, deliberately adding emphasis to certain words to annoy him. "I am apparently supposed to have a ring and I already told you why I can't make one with magic." "Hmph; More like you won't make one with magic." Scrooge grumbled. "Oh whatever! It'll be YOU they criticize and hound, not me!" Magica fumed.

"CRAW! MAGICA HELP!" Poe's voice rang through the mansion. "Uncle Scrooge! Uncle Scrooge Help!" The voices of Scrooge's triplet nephews cried out. Scrooge and Magica bolted from the office, down the hall and into the boys' room where they found total chaos.

Minima had gotten a hold of Poe and dressed him up, put him in a cage hanging from the middle of the ceiling and enchanted the boys' toys to come to life and harass them.

"Help us!" Huey cried as a bunch of green army men wrapped him a blanket like a giant burrito. "Do something! Make her make them stop!" Dewey pleaded as he tried to shield himself from the relentless fire of toy guns and cannons. "Get me out of here!" Louie wailed as building blocks nearly entombed him.

"Minima! Stop it this minute!" Magica commanded. "But Auntie I need to practice!" Minima whined. "Not on my nephews and not in my house you brat!" Scrooge used his cane to snag the cage holding Poe and pull it down. "Give him back you, meanie!"

"Magica, get your niece under control or I will!" Scrooge threatened as he released Poe from the cage. "Right…" Magica began to wave her hands and chant a spell. "Abra Duckabra, Toys that play go back to being played with!" As she finished her spell the toys all fell silent and the boys were freed. "Thanks!" They all breathed a sigh of relief as they escaped their torments.

"MA-MAAA!" Minima wailed and almost immediately Winnicent appeared.

"What is it my little witch?" "Auntie Magica and Unkey Scrooge were being mean to me!" She sniffled. "I was just playing with Unkey Poe and my new cousins…" "Magica can't you just let her be? Surely you have more important things to be doing then interrupting Minima getting to know the boys!" Winnicent snapped. "Maybe if you actually supervised Minima there wouldn't be any trouble!" Magica fumed at her sister. "You're just jealous that you're not the baby of the family anymore." Winnicent scoffed and Minima stuck her tongue out behind her. "Although I suppose you'll probably try to take that spotlight again with a little egg of your own at some point now."

The triplets gagged while the color drained from Scrooge and Magica's faces. "We need to go pick up the ring from the Jeweler's, NOW!" Scrooge sputtered and Magica nodded nervously. "Uh Right! Let's go!" And with that she quickly teleported them into town.

"I cannot think of anything more disturbing! The very notion is unimaginably nauseating!" Scrooge shuddered. "'A little egg of my own'? YUCK! Never!" Magica was sure she could feel her skin crawl at the very thought of it, especially with Scrooge of all people!

After taking a moment to compose themselves Magica spoke again. "My sister needs to learn to button her beak and pay attention to her brat." "I can agree with that." Scrooge nodded."Well let's go, I guess I don't have any choice now." He started off down the street. "What? Where are you going?" Magica followed him in confusion. "I went and said we were picking up a ring so I guess I have to now." Scrooge griped. "Could be worse…" Magica shuddered. "We could be being forced to pick up a baby carriage!" They both cringed at the thought.

Scrooge and Magica soon arrived at his money bin. "Why are we here instead of a jewelers?" Magica inquired. "Because," Scrooge sighed in resigned defeat. "I said I wasn't gonna spend any money on a ring for you and I meant it." "So, then I still don't know why we're at your money bin." She continued to follow him. "Just shut up and follow me." Scrooge led the way into his office. "Stay right here witch, move a muscle before I return and you'll regret it." Magica considered retorting but was too curious and so kept her beak shut and waited as instructed.

When Scrooge returned from the main vault he was holding a golden ring with a large ruby on it.

"What is this?" Magica asked as Scrooge put on it her finger with a big grin. "It's a cursed ring I found on one of my many adventures; it'll transform the wearer into a solid gold statue." "Ack! Then get it off of me!" Magica shrieked and flailed about, struggling to remove the ring until she realized Scrooge was laughing his tail feathers off and that nothing was happening to her.

"Curse you McDuck! That's not funny!" "Oh yes, it is Magica! It's hysterical!" Scrooge laughed until he felt a sharp pain in his forehead. "Ouch!" He rubbed the spot where the ring had made contact when Magica threw it at him. "Goon." Magica hissed. Scrooge picked up the ring. "Okay, Okay. I've had my fun." He wiped a tear from his eye. "I did find this like I said, but it's not really cursed; I promise." "Better not or you will be!" Magica threatened as she put the ring back on.

"I don't really care too much for this one so I'm not too worried about it, but nevertheless you will return it when this is over or pay me back for it." "You know I can't afford to pay you for it." Magica hissed. "Then I'm sure you'll be returning it." Scrooge scoffed. "Now we'd better be getting back, I want to make sure your kooky family doesn't destroy mine!" Magica nodded and they walked back to the mansion.

"Oh my! It's so big and red!" Castandra almost literally drooled over the ring on Magica's finger when she saw it. "Yes, and it's mine so don't get any ideas you jewel thief!" Magica swiftly yanked her hand away when Castandra tried to take it from her finger. "Is it magical?" she asked, eyes firmly fixed on the large ruby.

They all sat in the lounge around the large fireplace as Magica showed off the ring in the glow of the fire.

"I'm sure it's just cheap costume jewelry." Hexa yawned, unimpressed. "Yes, after all he's just a non-magical, there's no way he would be able to get her a magical ring." Winnicent added. "It's still beautiful bambina, even if it's fake." Granny DeSpell said reassuringly. "Are you all daft? Scrooge McDuck doesn't do fake! That ruby is as real as they come and so's the band too!" Scrooge huffed, upset at being accused of owning a fake ruby ring. "Really?" Castandra leered over her sister's hand, staring longingly at the ruby.

"Yes it is, and it's magical as well." Magica stated. "Ooh really?" Castandra's eyes got even bigger. "Yes, it gives the wearer the power turn whomever they want into stone!" Magica launched toward Castandra who shrieked and ran out of the room. Then Magica turned to Granny, Winnicent and Hexa. "You wouldn't dare!" Hexa hissed. "Try me." Magica challenged. The other three witches looked at her and then each other before deciding they didn't want to risk being turned into stone with magic they were unfamiliar with and also fled the room.

Scrooge and Magica burst into hysterical laughter after they left. "See? Now that's funny!" Magica cackled. "I couldn't agree more!" Scrooge snickered. "I honestly can't believe you used my trick from earlier!" "Well it's funnier when it's not done to me!" The two laughed until Granny DeSpell and Hexa poked their heads back in the room. "You little snip! How dare you trick us like that!" Hexa hissed while Granny just laughed. "That's a good one bambina!" "Well maybe it'll teach Castandra not to drool over other people's jewels." Magica huffed.

Soon the daylight gave way to night and after dinner everyone started heading off to their rooms. "Hopefully we'll get ourselves out of this mess in the morning." Scrooge yawned. "I hope so." Magica nodded as the two approached the stairs to bid everyone goodnight.

"M-Magi-poo please tell me you two aren't staying together!" Rosolio whimpered, a heart broken look in his eyes. Before the horrified couple could respond Hexa smacked Rosolio in the head. "Idiot. I'm sure they are so you'll just have to get over it. Besides it would be highly inappropriate for her to stay with you!" "Uh well…" Magica started.

"Sir?" Duckworth leaned down to whisper to Scrooge so the witches couldn't hear. "What?" "All the guest rooms are taken at this point… so where do you intend to put your supposed bride-to-be?" "Criminy! Are you serious Duckworth?" "Gravely sir." Duckworth nodded, stifling a chuckle at the situation.

Scrooge facepalmed and sighed in irritation. "This just gets worse all the time!" He muttered under his breath. "Erm, Scroogie is something wrong?" Magica asked, her voice a little overly syrupy. "Uh, n-nothing at all Magica dearest. We should all be getting to bed though, it's late and we have a big day tomorrow. Goodnight all!" Scrooge linked arms with Magica and ushered her into his room.

"What's the big idea dragging me in here Scrooge!" Magica barked after Scrooge shut the door. "Unfortunately, this where you'll have to sleep witch." Scrooge grumbled as he opened his closet and tossed a pillow and some spare blankets on the floor beside the bed. "Make yourself at home." "What! Why?" Magica demanded. "Because, your whole family took up all the extra rooms, that's why!" Magica groaned while Scrooge shut himself in his closet to change out of his frock coat and into his nightshirt. Magica chanted a few words and her suitcase appeared in the room, allowing her to change to her plain white sleeveless night gown while Scrooge was in the closet.

When Scrooge came out of the closet Magica was sprawled out on the bed. "What do you think you're doing?" He grabbed the blanket and shook it, causing her to fall off the bed. "Hey!" "When I said 'make yourself at home' I didn't mean it literally!" Scrooge pointed to the pillow and blankets on the floor. "That's where you're gonna sleep!"

Magica scoffed. "You expect me to sleep on the floor like a dog? I don't think so! I'm a lady and a guest so I get to sleep on the bed and you can sleep on the floor!" "First of all: you're not a guest you're a freeloader and secondly, you're no lady, Magica DeSpell!" Scrooge retorted as he got under his covers and lay down, turning his back to her.

Suddenly he was hit with a pillow. "You goon!" Magica barked. "It's no wonder you're not married; no woman in her right mind would put up with you!" Scrooge turned and shot her a glare before returning the pillow. "Oof!" The pillow struck Magica square in the beak. "Shut up and go to sleep!" Scrooge returned to his former position and tried his best to ignore the witch in his room as she muttered and grumbled while she tried to make herself comfortable on his bedroom floor.