I'm back and with a new story!! (for now at least)

let me know if you want me to continue this story or go back to my first one.


Naruto was fuming. He had spent the better part of his day walking through the streets of konoha ranting outloud. "Not only did Kakashi-sensei blow me off to go train the teme but my replacement Sensei is a joke!" He sighed in fustration. "Guess I'll have to train on my own then."

It was then that he heard the sound of giggling not too far off, so he decided to investigate. Naruto walked closer to the origin of the sound and the sight before him made him sweatdrop. Before his very eyes stood a grown man with long spiky white hair crouched down, staring intently through a peep hole into the womens hotsprings and giggling like a pervert. Naruto stared for a moment before deciding to let the prankster side of him take over.

He took a deep breath and shouted "Hey! Why are you peeping into the womens hotspring old man!?!"

At the mention of a pervert the women in the hotspring shot a death glare at the newly discovered peep hole.

Upon seeing this, Jiraiya pomptly fell on his ass. He stared up at Naruto with fear in his eyes. "How could you do this to me!?" he shouted hysterically.

Naruto began to smirk "calm down, all I did was ruin your little show."

"No!" Jiraiya began. "you dont understa-"

Jiraiya froze as he felt eyes peer into his very soul. He turned slowly to face a group of half naked women clothed only in towels. He laughed nervously and said "hey ladies."

The women, seeing that Jiraiya was still crouched near the peep hole, deduced that he must be the pervert. So one of them taking the lead yelled "Show him what happens to perverts girls!!"

The color in Jiraiya's face vanished like the Avatar (A/N Get it? no? I'll stop.)

as the group of women decended upon him. Fortunately one of the girls in the front of the group tripped, falling on Jiraiya and pushing her fleshy mounds into his face.

Realizing the compromising position she was in the woman shot up onto her feet with a blush and ran away grumbling about touchy perverts. Looking at Jiraiya, one could see that his face was one of pure bliss.

The group of women, undeterred, decended uopn the old sage and began to beat the life out of him. During this whole spectacle Naruto was off to the side snickering.

Once their rage subsided and they were satisfied with the now bloody man, the ladies went back about their business.

As Naruto was about to turn around and find somwhere to train Jiraiya shot up from the ground seemingly unfazed by his previous beating. He looked to Naruto, grabbed him by the shoulders and said "I think I'm in love! That womans body was so voluptuous and her boobs were so soft and-"

Naruto spoke. "What are you even talking about? and who are you?"

"Who am I? I am Jiraiya! The one and only toad sage of mount myoboku! Jiraiya exclaimed as he struck a pose. "And for your involvment in getting me so close to such a beautiful woman I will grant you one request."

"Anything?" Naruto asked.

"Anything." Jiraiya repeated.

Naruto thought for a moment before saying "well, I still need a sensei to teach me about ninja stuff."

"Consider it done! And I know just the jutsu to teach you!" Before Naruto could say anything the old sage placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder and shunshined away.


Suddenly Naruto found himself beside a stream with Jiraiya not too far away.

"Ok kid let's start your training!" Jiraiya declared.

Naruto glared at the man. " Hey you cant just wisk people away like that you old perv!" he exclaimed.

Jiraiya deadpanned. "do you wanna learn this super cool jutsu or not?"

Naruto frowned but kept quiet to listen. "ok" Jiraiya started. "here's what you gotta do. First you need to draw blood" Jiraiya bit his thumb and continue with the lesson. "Then you need 5 handseals, boar, dog, bird, monkey, then ram in that order. And finally... summoning jutsu!" Jiraiya slammed his palm on the ground and in a poof of smoke a giant toad appeared.

Naruto's jaw hit the floor. "that's amazing! I've never seen anything like that before!"

Jiraiya closed his eyes to bask in the praise his new student was giving him. Jiraiya missed the look of determination that flashed across Naruto's face, and by the time he opened his eyes it was too late.

He saw Naruto with a bloody thumb going through the handseals of the summoning jutsu.

"Wait Naruto! you can't--"

"SUMMONING JUTSU!" Naruto rammed his palm into the ground and in the classic poof of smoke... he vanished.

Jiraiya stared dumbfounded at the space that Naruto had just occupied. "This is why I cant have an apprentice! They always do dumb shit and get themselves killed!" Jiraiya exclaimed with anime tears running down his face.


Naruto found himself in a strange unfamiliar area. It was cold and the air seemed thin. As he looked around he could see only trees. Not knowing where he was he decided to simply walk in one direction until he found something.

and so Naruto started walking. After some time passed Naruto began to hear things. It almost sounded like something was moving through the trees, like something was stalking him waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Naruto looked up to the trees but saw nothing. Unerved at the thought of being hunted down by animals, Naruto began jogging through the forest untill he reached a clearing.

The sound of giant wings beating through the air stopped him in his tracks as he looked to the skies to see three dragons, each the size of a house, decend to the ground and surround him. Each dragron was a different color, the one to his right was red, the one in front of him was blue and the one on his left was green.

Naruto stared at these mythical beasts in awe. He hadn't known that dragons even existed. One of the dragons took this moment to lower his head and inspect Naruto fully. The dragon looked Naruto up and down and finally made eye contact. The dragon stared Naruto down, and Naruto stared back.

Seemingly done with his inspection the dragon raised his head and spoke. "How have you found this place?"

"um... the last thing I remember was attempting the summoning jutsu, and then I ended up here. What is this place anyway?" Naruto inquired.

"For starters, I shall introduce myself, I am Chishiki and these are my two brothers Chikara" he said looking to the red dragon. "and Jaakuna" he said looking to the green dragon. "This place is called the throat of the world, it's a mountain home to the dragon summons."

Naruto grinned at them and introduced himself as well "My name's Naruto Uzumaki" Suddenly Naruto's eyes widened with surprise as he registered what the dragon had said "You guys are summons?!"

At his outburst the three dragons nodded their heads. Naruto grinned in excitement and at the prospect of riding a dragon into battle. With these powerful summons by his side he could finally gain the village's respect and he could become hokage.

Seeing Naruto's excitement the red dragon named Chikara spoke "calm yourself runt, you cannot summon us."

Naruto looked to him, confused "Why not? I can perform the summoning jutsu just fine, thats how I got here in the first place."

"The summoning jutsu is supposed to bring a summon creature like myself to you, not the other way round. The only plausible reason you could've appeared here is because you did not have a summoning contract at the time you attempted the jutsu, but even then the jutsu should've just failed." Chishiki commented.

Jaakuna continued "So you cannot summon us because you have not signed our contract"

Naruto asked "so all I have to do to summon you is sign your contract?"

Chikara spoke. "Not just anyone can summon the mighty dragons! To display your worthiness you must first pass a trial, only then will you be able you summon us"

"Like a test? A test for what?" Naruto questioned.

"There are three different sections, my section is a trial of the subconscious mind, Where nothing is hidden and your true self is revealed." Chishiki responded.

Undeterred Naruto asked "How do I take the test?"

"You must simply look into my eyesChishiki said.

Naruto turned to meet the gaze of the dragon and as their eyes met Chishiki's eyes began to gleam with a mysterious intensity.

Naruto could almost feel the dragon peering into his phsyche, as if he wasn't alone in his own head. It was a strange and unsettling feeling, one that made his heart sink.

After about a minute Chishiki's eyes stopped glowing, he shook his head and spoke "Young and hopeful, yet haunted by the demon he is unaware of, wishing to lead and protect the very people that damned him..." He squinted his eyes in thought. "you pass, hold out your wrist."

Naruto did as he was asked and Chishiki spit a ball of fire that struck his wrist. Although the fire did not cause him pain it left Chishiki's mark behind.

"With this mark you will no longer need the hand seals to summon me"

"Cool!" Naruto was excited that he could now summon a dragon but he wanted to pass the other tests as well.

"Whats next?" Naruto questioned

"My test is next runt" Chikara spoke. ""If you want to gain my mark you must withstand my flame"

Naruto furrowed his brow and steeled himself for the pain. He held out his wrist for the dragon to begin the test.

"You can always turn back runt, my flames burn hotter than hellfire."

"Do it."

He nodded and took a deep breath, then he released a continuous gout of fire that very slowly singed Chikara's mark onto his wrist.

Naruto gritted his teeth. He could feel every skin cell burn with the intensity of the sun and become ash, but he held strong and endured.

Halfway through the test the stream of fire intensified and the flames turned blue.

'The fire is getting hotter!' Naruto thought.

aaaaAAAGHHH!! Naruto screamed in agony but he refused to back down and after a little while the test was over.

He dropped to his knees and stared at the new mark.

"Now's my test! All you have to do is solve a Riddle." Jaakuna spoke.

Naruto still had an eye closed from the pain and his mind was slightly foggy. 'They must've done that on purpose, to make the riddle harder to solve.'

"A man is condemned to death and has to choose between three rooms, one room has raging fires in it, another has deadly trained shinobi, and the last has three lions who haven't eaten in years. Which room is safest?"

Delirious from the pain Naruto furrowed his brow in deep thought 'The shinobi are way too dangerous so its fire or lions.'

Naruto had never seen a lion but he had read and heard stories of their strength and ferocity.

'A person could... probably live through a fire.'

Resigned to his conclusion he opened his mouth to answer the riddle but just then his stomach growled.

Naruto flinched "ugh this hunger is gonna kill me... wait a fucking minute!!"

He looked up to Jaakuna with a fire in his eyes and said "The answer is room number three"


"Because the Lions haven't eaten for years which means they've already starved to death."

Jaakuna smirked and spit a fireball at Naruto's wrist to place his mark. The three dragons combined their strems of fire to make the summoning scroll appear.

"Signing the contract will allow you to summon the rest of the clan" Chishiki said.

"Do you have like a pen or something?" Naruto asked.

"You're supposed to use your blood you idiot." Chikara spoke

Naruto rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment and bit his thumb to sign the contract.

"Now that you've signed our contract you must know that as you are, you cannot summon us whenever you'd like. Chishiki said.

"What do you mean?"

"We will only come to your aid if you are in mortal danger or there is a chance you will take severe damage." Chishiki stated.

"Why? Is there a way I can overcome this?"

"The only way for you to change this is if you gain the title of dragon sage. To do this you must get passed the second most powerful dragon and meet our boss summon." Jaakuna said.

"His name is Mundana and he lives in the cave over there, get passed him to get to our boss and he will grant you the title of dragon sage. Chikara stated.

Naruto looked over to the cave in the mountainside and readied himself for a fight.


Let me know what you think of the story and if you want me to continue it

also leave a review if you spotted the references I made to other games, movies, etc. that have dragons in them.