I hear a voice say "Don't be so blind"
It's telling me all these things
That you would probably hide
Am I your one and only desire
Am I the reason you breathe
Or am I the reason you cry

Always, always, always, always, always, always
I just can't live without you
I love you, I hate you, I can't get around you
I breathe you, I taste you, I can't live without you
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I guess that I'm out the door
And now I'm done with you

I feel, like you don't want me around,
I guess I'll pack all my things,
I guess I'll see you around,
It's all been bottled up until now
As I walk out your door,
All I can hear is the sound

Always, always, always, always, always, always,
I just can't live without you
I love you, I hate you, I can't get around you
I breathe you, I taste you, I can't live without you
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I guess that I'm out the door
And now I'm done with you

I love you, I hate you, I can't live without you

I left my head around your heart
Why would you tear my world apart

Always, always, always, always

I see, the blood all over your hands
Does it make you feel, more like a man
Was it all, just a part of your plan
This pistol's shakin' in my hands
And all I hear is the sound

I love you, I hate you, I can't get around you
I breathe you, I taste you, I can't live without you
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I guess that I'm out the door
And now I'm done with you

I love you, I hate you, I can't live without you

I love you, I hate you, I can't live without you
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I pick myself off the floor
And now I'm done with you
Always, always, always

He had her.

There she was, Little Buffy Summers, alone, angry, and finally revealing her true feelings for him. The most powerful Slayer, he smirked as he flicked his gaze over the soft curves of her slim figure, and here she is, heartsick and yearning for little ol' me. The Scourge of Fucking Europe. Fuck, what did I ever do to get so lucky?

"You're the only one," she'd whispered before turning those doe-green eyes at him. "You're the only one I can talk to."

He twisted his face in a touched expression as he closed the space between them. "Gosh, Buff. That's really… pathetic," he said, adding a taunting snicker in hopes of baiting her on. He loved when she got angry - it brought out such fire in her. Angelus loved playing with it, watching the flames grow, wanting to feel just how hot that passion could really burn.

But he also wanted to be the one to snuff it out, break her. Finally bring the mighty Buffy Summers down on her knees with her pretty lips choking on his cock. He wanted to kill Buffy yes, no doubt about that, but where was the fun in that without a little torture first?

And the way Buffy stared at him told him she was ready for more torture. Hell, hungry for it, more like. He saw it in the way she longed for him, pleading with those big eyes to become the man she ached for him to be. Ain't gonna happen, Buff. The sooner you realize that, the easier this all could be.

"You can't make me disappear just because you say it's over," Buffy declared, hands tightening in trembling fists at her sides. Angelus smiled victoriously at her outward signs of torment. With another step, he bent over her so she could see the truth in his eyes before he spoke.

"Actually, I can," he said, his voice heavy with that very promise. "In fact, I-"

He wanted to say, "I thought I made everything clear," but instead, something came over him - another presence invading his mind and forcing words he'd never, ever say to her out of his mouth.

Angelus was horrified that he was telling her all the things his very counterpart had said. I just want you to have some kind of normal life. But the passion in Buffy's voice as she exclaimed she didn't give a damn about a normal life… He knew in the marrow of his bones it was true. Knew it even before he was finally able to take the reigns from that poof, Angel. For the last two years, Angelus had no choice but to watch The Slayer through Angel's eyes, and each time he couldn't help realize he saw her in a much different light than the one who actually spent time with her did. What he could never see was that Buffy already had her normal life - she'd accepted her place, secretly relished in her power, and she still exerted control over her own life by falling in love with the one vampire she knew she should've killed. Buffy was as content as any foolish girl her age could be, but despite Angelus mocking her choices, he couldn't help but admire her for fighting to have what she wanted.

Even now as this foreign force inside of him pleading with her that it was for the best, she remained stubborn in her defiance. She grabbed him, her impressive Slayer strength spinning him around until he crashed in the opposite wall. You don't care about me, anymore?! She screamed. Is that it?

Of course I don't care about you, Angelus wanted to say. I don't give a FUCK about you, Buff! Jesus, when are you going to get that?

Instead, he uttered it didn't matter how he felt, which he guessed in a way, were true. It didn't matter to Buffy how she felt. The selfish little bitch only cared about herself.

She screamed he tell her he didn't love her. The force asked if it would help, and he wanted to throw back his head and laugh in amusement at its pathetic attempt to lie. But the silent laughter died inside of him the moment he heard the tell-tale click of a pistol.

Oh shit.

Wow, this girl has really gone crazy.

A person don't just wake up and stop loving somebody! Shit, he thought as he stared down her barrel. She sounds like one of those chicks he's seen on that women channel. Lifeline, or whatever it's called. Love is forever, she continued, and he and the force gulped simultaneously as she raised the weapon at him.

Though the demon inside of him knew that gun wouldn't do anything more than weaken him - and piss him off - the force inside of him trembled in fear at the knowledge that it was about to die. Angelus wanted to laugh, but the next he knew, the gun went off and he was tumbling backwards off the balcony, falling down with a crushing force on the courtyard bricks below.

Angelus blacked out for a moment before his consciousness slowly returned. He knew that the force was still inside of him from past experience with Angel, and the vampire was beyond irritated that he had to deal with this shit with yet another whiny little bitch. When the fuck was he gonna get a break? He wondered as the force also awakened and urged him back in the school. Damn it, he inwardly growled. What the fuck is everyone's fascination with Buffy? Even after she shoots them, they still want to be around her like she's Lady fucking Madonna herself. What the hell does she have? A golden pussy?

The night of Buffy's deflowering, Angelus slammed the door down between the shared consciousness of him and Angel. He did not want to see that shit. He didn't mind the fits of lust Angel and Buffy broke out in, but that love… the tenderness. It made him sick. So damn ill that he missed out on how his dick felt in Buffy's untouched pussy. How Buffy felt when she was truly in the throes of lust, passion.

But was she?

His thoughts came to a crashing halt as his lips were suddenly on hers again. He had no idea why the force inside of him was making him kiss her, but Angelus wasn't about to question it. Truthfully, he liked the way Buffy's lips felt against his. Reveled in how she'd grab the back of his neck, crushing her pert breasts against his broad chest as she stroked her tongue into his mouth. And Little Buff didn't disappoint.

She threw herself at him with abandon. Buffy knew this whole time what was happening but like Angelus, was powerless to stop it. Deep down, she knew she didn't want to stop it. This was as close to Angel as she was ever going to get. Though she hated the monster he turned into, she couldn't deny that she loved his body and the things it knew how to do. He wasn't Angel, she knew that, and somewhere deep down, she also knew that she didn't really care.

Truthfully, she wanted to experience more of Angelus.

And so she kissed him, even after she felt the spirit of James Stanley leaving her body, she kept on kissing Angelus like there was no tomorrow. He attacked her back with the same ferocity, lifting her up by the waist and carrying her over to the teacher's desk. Buffy shivered in delight as the cool wood brushed against the exposed skin of her lower back.

"Do you know who I am, Buff?" Angelus whispered as he flicked his tongue along her jaw.

Buffy nodded as she arched further into his touch. "Yes, Angelus. I know it's you."

"Yet you still kiss me? Tsk, tsk, lover," he taunted as he bit the shell of her ear, smirking at her gasp. "Now what would your Watcher and friends think?"
"I don't give a shit about them right now," Buffy answered hoarsely, head too clouded with desire to think about anyone else. All she cared about was this one moment - this one little moment where she finally felt like herself again.

She felt alive.

Angelus could sense her need and it caused his own to surface. Without digging deeper into it, he grabbed Buffy's chin and jerked her mouth to his. As he invaded her mouth with his tongue, he ripped at her clothing, stripping her bare until she was spread beneath him in just a nude bra and tiny pink panties. He groaned at how innocent they made her look, not exactly virginal, but still inexperienced enough that she'd blush if he did what he really craved to do to her right now.

But he kept that impulse in check. For now, he just wanted to have her. Take what was rightfully his. And Buffy responded in kind, tearing his own black button-up and leather pants. He grabbed her hands, stopping her when she went to remove his belt.

"Get on your stomach," he hissed, nudging her thigh with his knee. Buffy immediately complied and turned over. Angelus slid off the desk and grabbed her hips, forcing her towards the end of the desk as he lifted her ass high in the air. "Spread your legs as wide as the desk," he commanded, and was pleased when Buffy didn't hesitate.

"What are you going to do to me, Angelus?

He closed his eyes and licked his lips at the taste of fear in her words. Oh, Buff… The things I could really do to you. "Nothing you can't handle, Slayer. Just do as I say and I'll reward you like a good little girl."

Buffy's eyes fluttered as he trailed his fingers down her spine. She instinctively arched on all fours like a cat getting scratched, shifting on her elbows so she could tilt her ass towards his hand. Angelus relished in her response to him.

"So sensitive," he murmured, kissing the dip in her back. "Let me see how sensitive you really are, Buff. Take your panties off for me."
"I-" Buffy gasped, unsure of what to do. On one hand, she wanted to do what he said so she could reason later on that she wasn't in control. But now, if she actually listened to him and undressed herself, there would be no way of denying that she was a willing participant in this. Well, she was but then again, it'd be so much better if he'd do it for her and-

She yelped in surprise as Angelus laid a hard spank on her ass. She tried to scoot away, but he grabbed hold of her hips, holding her in place. Before she could so much as squirm, he rained another stinging slap down on her opposite cheek.

"You'll get two more if you keep hesitating. Tell me no, and it'll be even worse for you."

Tears welled in Buffy's eyes at the thought of being spanked again. It hadn't happened to her since she was a child, and she hated it now even more as she did then. Now it was so much worse. She was almost an adult and yet here she was, getting disciplined like an unruly juvenile by someone only six years older than her in mortal years. But in the grander sense, Buffy was even less of a child to someone as old and worldly as Angelus. He wasn't just a man, he was a vampire - probably the most sadistic of them all - and in over the two centuries he lived before her, he's had plenty of time to hone his wicked craft and get acclimated to the darker desires of his vampiric ways. She had no doubts in her mind that Angelus had done this girls like her countless of times before, and she knew from reading about them what would happen to her if she didn't obey Angelus.

More than anything, Buffy wanted to survive. Hope that Angel would one day return to her urged her to live on, to keep fighting to see another sunrise. In the feverish derangement suddenly taking hold of her mind, Buffy quickly reasoned that in order to ever see him again, Buffy had to give herself over to the one that kept them apart. Maybe if she did what he said, he'd let her go without killing her or her friends, and she could live another day to figuring out how to stop him without bringing an end to the man she loved as well.

She just had to do this. Buffy closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her fingers trembled as she lowered them to her panties. On the count of three, she promised, gripping them in her fists. One, two, thr-

Before she could finish, Angelus grabbed them by the crotch and tore them right off her. Buffy gasped at the blast of cold air and the rush of wetness gushing down her thighs. The way he ripped them off her… Angelus couldn't believe how wet she was. He'd barely touched her - barely did anything and here she was, already dripping her honey all over some teacher's desk. Growling in satisfaction, he dipped his finger into her warmth. Buffy jerked her hips away at first, but immediately settled back into his finger as he drove it all the way inside her.

"Fuck, Buff," Angelus groaned at her tightness. "You're like a virgin down there."

"You would know," she cocked back, arching a brow over her shoulder. A shiver raced through her at Angelus's wide smirk.

"Goddamn right I'd know. It was this," he said as he fisted himself from his pants, displaying his hardening cock before her, "that ripped that pretty little pussy in half. Think it's ready to go through all that again?"
Buffy shook her head, biting her lip at the way his dirty words caused an onslaught of delicious sensations to course through her. Angel never spoke anyway like that to her before, but Buffy wasn't turned off in the least bit. "I don't know, Angelus, just please -"

"Put your hands before your back," he cut her off. Hearing her say his name and please was enough to break the rest of his control. Without waiting for her to comply, he cuffed her wrists together himself and tied them together with his belt. Buffy shifted uneasily at his movements, but otherwise didn't object. Not that he'd stop if she did anyway. He was beyond reason, beyond common sense. What he needed was Buffy, bound and helpless at his hand. Here at his disposal to do whatever he wished and she couldn't do a damn thing about it.

If she were smart, she would. But Buffy was in no condition to use her brains. She was crazed with sensation, an incredible high unlike any adrenaline rush even her Slayer-strength could provide her. She liked what Angelus was doing and wanted him to keep going, afraid what would happen if the moment stopped too soon.

Angelus dropped to his knees, putting himself face-level with Buffy's dripping cunt. He grabbed her hips and slowly ran his nose down her slit, inhaling her sweet juices. More liquid gushed out at the contact, and Angelus couldn't fucking take it anymore. With a growl, he stuck his tongue in Buffy's pussy and lapped at her soaked walls.

Buffy bucked and moaned at his tongue. Her hands itched to free herself from their restraints, to take control of Angelus's mouth, but Buffy kept herself in the vulnerable position. She only swirled her hips along with the strokes Angelus's tongue made on her inner walls, clenching her fists and keening in delight as he wrapped his lips around her throbbing clit.


He buried his face deeper in her pussy, using two fingers to stretch her lips so he could continue his assault on her clit. She was so wet that his fingers wound up slipping inside her, causing her to moan as they stretched her hole wider than its previous healing allowed. Angelus tore through it without holding back, pumping his fingers into her as he licked and sucked her twitching nub.

"Ohh," Buffy moaned as her juices rose to a tumultuous swell inside her. Something's happening, she realized, but the knowledge didn't make her shy away from thrusting her hips in time with Angelus's mouth and fingers. Whatever had started, she wanted to finish. She was so close. If Angelus would just clamp down on her clit as he shoved his fingers deep inside -

In a flash, Angelus tore himself away from her pussy. He knew she was close, could taste it in her lips, feel it in the desperate motions of her hips. The tormented wail she released only solidified his suspicions. Angelus allowed himself a moment to savor it as he got to his feet and slid his pants down his hips.

Buffy jumped when his cock hit her entrance. Half of her wanted to pull away, to stop this while she still could, but the other half of her was begging her for Angelus's release. He could bring it all to an end, it reasoned with her. Just give in. Let him have it. Let yourself have it, Buffy.

Just once. This one time, and then it never has to happen again.

Her little pep talk ended as once again took control. With a mighty thrust, he speared his cock inside her. She cried out, tears leaking from her eyes as his wideness stretched her beyond capacity. Angelus grabbed her hair, yanking her head back as he drove his cock mercilessly into her. His other hand fisted her ass, fusing their bodies together. With her hand tied, Buffy had nowhere to go but along with the ride. Relishing in the loss of control, she tried to stop the flow of her tears as she greedily matched him thrust for thrust, but no matter how much she enjoyed what Angelus was doing, she couldn't stop the tears from escaping every time she moaned Angelus's name.

Angelus could taste the salt of her sadness in the air as he lost himself in his rhythm inside of her. Her weakness spurned his demon on, making his human facade give way to the vampiric features that made up his true face. Yellow eyes ablaze with lust, Angelus stretched over Buffy until his fangs grazed the gentle slope of her neck. Just one taste… One taste and I'll have Buffy Summers out of my system forever.

So caught up in their animalistic pairing, neither of them realized they had company until something crashed onto the floor.

"You sick fuck!" Xander Harris roared, launching himself at Angelus. Behind him were Giles and Willow, hot on his heels as they went to grab Buffy.

She screamed in a mix of shock and horror as they wrapped her in their arms. Oh God! She threw her head in her hands, releasing a fresh onslaught of tearse. What have I done? They'll never forgive me for this!

Xander threw himself on Angelus's back, attempting to put him in a headlock. Angelus just laughed and merely shrugged off the boy, sending him flying into the wall. From his peripheral, he saw The Watcher get to his feet as if to help the little shit out, and for a moment, Angelus dallied with the idea of killing him.

"NO!" Buffy cried, and for a moment, Angelus thought she was talking to him. But then he saw she was looking at Giles, pleading with her pseudo-father not to harm him - her enemy.

"Giles, please," she pleaded through glistening tears. "Please just - let him go. I don't want anything more to happen."

"He raped you, Buffy!" Giles thundered. A flit of surprise flickered across Buffy's face, and Angelus wondered whether it was because the old Brit yelled or because his words ignited a spark of realization inside of her.

Buffy wondered the same thing. Did Angelus rape her? But now wasn't the time to think about that. She had to get everyone - herself included - away from Angelus before the situation got even more out of hand.

"Giles, we'll deal with this later," she said in a firm voice. Getting to her feet, she hide her wobbling legs as she busied herself with finding her clothing. She'd feel better once she were dressed and Xander wasn't looking at her that way anymore.

Angelus saw it, too. And he didn't like it. Not one bit. She's mine, fuckhead.

"Here," he growled, throwing his shirt at Buffy, who caught it deftly in one hand. "Don't say I didn't give you anything, huh?" he smirked. Buffy blushed at his comment, but no one noticed. They were all too busy gazing at Angelus in shock.

"Yes, well, um -"

"Easy old man," Angelus chided the Brit with a raised hand. "I got a raging hard-on right now and unless you or any of you," he cast his gaze at Willow and Xander, "wanna help me out with that, I suggest you all take Little Miss Summers and get the fuck out of here. I was done with her anyway, so," he shrugged like he wasn't bothered, "you guys just saved me the drama of sending her home."

Buffy's lips thinned in disgust at his callous words. "Come on," she said to everyone else, tugging on Angelus's shirt. "Let's go. I want to go home."

I'll be there waiting for you, Buff.

If anyone else realized that were a possibility, they didn't say anything as they led Buffy away from him. Xander got to his feet, limping as he tried to catch up. When he reached the doorway, he glanced back over his shoulder with a cold glint in his eye.

"You ever touch her again and I'll stake you myself, leech," he hissed through clenched teeth. Xander wasn't convinced what happened here was as Giles said, but regardless, he wasn't going to put up with this shit anymore. Whether Buffy realized it or not, she belonged to him. He was the first one to ever lay eyes on her in Sunnydale. He laid claim on her before Angel even stepped into the picture. Buffy thought she was in love with Angel and that being with Angelus would be a way to stay connected to him, and Xander thought it was time to put all those thoughts to rest. Starting now, with warning Angelus to stay the fuck away from her. He didn't give a shit how powerful the vampire was - no one was going to get his way of getting Buffy all to himself. No one.

Angelus smiled, reading Xander's thoughts so clearly as if he were in his mind. "We'll see about that, lover boy. We'll see."

Before Xander could reply, Angelus pushed him aside and stalked in the opposite way Buffy and the rest had gone. Xander watched him go, seething. He vowed right then and there that if he ever caught or suspected that Buffy was with him again, he would kill Angelus and lock Buffy up in his room, teach her a lesson or two about why only he should be allowed to touch her.