Far From Home

Right now we're in a hurry.

And I am in a worry.

That we are lingering too long,

Not getting on our way.


Back south we must go.

Over Imil's fields of snow.

Our enemies ahead of us,

Getting older is the day.


Give up, I say "I'll see her."

I go to find our healer.

Our fourth companion, newly joined,

Not counting our djinn.


So at her doors go rattling.

It opens, she's still packing.

Awkward words, they are exchanged,

And Mia lets me in.


Still getting potions for our travels.

For all the many battles.

And to me, she does admit,

She's loathe to leave her home.


I give her understanding.

But our departure is outstanding.

Never planned to leave Vale,

And my departure I bemoan.


But Mercury, it's been lit.

To our destruction, foes have seen fit.

If the lighthouses all kindled?

A fear I do confide.


But we have to go and find them.

In mind and matter be strong.

Save Jenna, Felix, Kraden,

Over Weyard, travel wide.


So the door behind us is closed.

We both suppress our own woes.

We both know we have wasted time,

So to our friends we run.


The southern road is calling.

From the sky, the snow is falling.

But warmth is our companion,

From a rising, golden sun.