Chapter 1

I don't own DxD; I just use its characters and techniques. All credit goes to its creator. Same applies for anything that I used from other animes.

Welcome to my Vali DxD rewrite. My recent mistakes have annoyed me to the point that I'm gonna rewrite the story. The story is going to be very similar to the original but I'm gonna change a few things around to make it flow better. So here we go with version too.

It was the end of the school day at Kuoh Academy and most of the students were either in clubs or at home doing homework. Then of course, there was the perverted Trio Matsuda Nishikori Motohama Domon and Issei Hyoudou. Matsuda Nishikori was a bald young man with beady eyes and he was wearing the standard Kuoh Academy Uniform which consists of a black blazer over a white, long-sleeved dress shirt with black highlights with a black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress shoes. Motohama Domon had spiky black hair and glasses and much like Matsuda was wearing the Kuoh uniform though his was slightly open. Finally there was Issei Hyoudou; he had short spiky brown hair with brown eyes. His uniform consisted of the same shirt and pants but he kept his open with a red shirt underneath and used sneakers instead of dress shoes. These three were known for their perverted antics and they were currently enjoying their favorite pastime, looking into the locker room of the school's kendo club through a peephole.

(AN: I've just given Matsuda and Motohama random last names because as far as I know their real names haven't been revealed and it amuses me.

"Murayama's jugs are freaking huge" Matsuda said happily as he looked through the hole. Murayama Kirishima was a young woman with brown hair that she kept in a ponytail with light green eyes. She had fairly large breasts which were Matsuda's current focus, that and her pink bra with hearts.

"Yeah bro but I prefer Katase, those legs are amazing" Motohama added. Katase Kozuki was her best friend with short pink hair and matching pink eyes. She was currently in a striped blue bra and panty set showing off her modest breasts. Because of the size of the peephole, Matsuda and Motohama were the only two capable of seeing into the hole which meant that Issei Hyoudou couldn't enjoy the sights of his two friends. Of course that was okay for Issei.

'Those idiots are going to get caught if they keep making all that noise' Issei smirked as he lay against a tree nearby. Issei was just as perverted as the two others but he kept it under control. After all he was well aware of just why the peephole had been left alone.

'I'm surprised those two haven't done anything yet. Surely they sense the two idiots.' A gruff voice said to him.

'I'm pretty sure it's because they want confirmation that I'm here, Ddraig. I am the Red Dragon Emperor after all and Murayama and Katase are devils.' Issei explained to the voice inside him. Issei Hyoudou was known as the Red Dragon Emperor and he was a target of the two girl's master. Ddraig the person he was talking to was the legendary Welsh Dragon, an ancient dragon sealed in a gauntlet on his left arm. His sacred gear awoke last year almost the minute he arrived on campus. At first Issei assumed Ddraig was his imaginary friend but after plenty of persuasion and a series of events around him, the gear officially awoke and their friendship began to flourish

"So should reveal ourselves? This game of cat and mouse has stopped being amusing." Ddraig chuckled.

'Works for me' Issei smirked as he prepared to flare his power. Fortunately for him, it seemed as though his pair of friends were far too loud and the girls heard him anyway.

"Uh Oh!" Matsuda said nervously realizing that they were caught and Issei used the moment to escape himself. Hopefully he's buddy made it to their meeting point without too much trouble.

(Scene Skip)

Issei Hyoudou and his two buddies found themselves relaxing in front of the Old School building of Kuoh Academy. While Issei was completely calm, Matsuda and Motohama were pissed. After all the kendo girls had caught up with them not long after he fled and delivered a swift and severe punishment "Dammit bro how come you never get caught" Motohama cursed. Thanks to the kendo club, the perverted duo had bruises all over.

"Because when you guys started to panic I left" Issei retorted. How his buddies haven't at least questioned what was going on was beyond him. Then again he shouldn't be surprised

"Well since that's done I guess all that's left is to see if she shows up." Matsuda smiled as they looked up towards the open window. Just as they wished, a beautiful woman appeared from the window with a solemn look on her face.

'So she's here again' Issei smirked as the three boys took in the gaze of Rias Gremory. If the 3 boys were considered the greatest undesirables in the school, then the girl they were looking at was one of the most desired; long red hair with bangs that framed her face green eyes that seemed to pierce your soul and massive breasts that were almost too big to be real. She was also the leader of the once defunct Occult Research Club, one of Kuoh's most exclusive clubs. She was also one of Kuoh's Triad the three prettiest girls on campus.

(ORC Clubroom)

Rias Gremory looked down at the young boys with amusement. The solemn look on her face merely a mask to charm the young man "So they're here again huh Rias" a woman teased next to her. She had long black hair tied in a ponytail with two strands down the back and bewitching violet eyes. She was wearing the female uniform which was a white long-sleeved, button-down shirt with a black ribbon on her shirt collar worn under a black shoulder cape and a matching button-down corset, a magenta skirt with white accents, and brown dress shoes. Instead of the long white socks that most girls sported Akeno went with black ones. Akeno's most amazing feature was that her breasts were even larger then Rias's.

"Yes they are Akeno and once again they'll leave" Rias replied towards the young woman.

"You're running out of time Rias. Riser will make his move soon and if you want to get him ready you'll have to make Issei a devil soon." A third female voice said sternly. The girls figure was hidden from view at the moment except for some silver hair.

"Yes I know Valerie but I can't exactly approach one of the perverted trio in school. We have a reputation to keep" Rias scolded.

"Ughh do I have to do everything" the female voice groaned as the door opened and two new figures appeared.

"Sorry Lady Vali, we couldn't get a hold of Issei again" Murayama groaned as she walked into the room.

"Can we please close that hole already? It's been a week and it's obvious that he isn't taking the bait." Katase pleaded. The girls knew about the trio's peeping and the goal was to trap him and get him to join Vali's peerage. Both Murayama and Katase were okay with Issei, sure he was perverted, but he wasn't unattractive. It was just impossible to deal with his perversion.

Vali groaned since the plan had failed, "Fine we can close it. I'll deal with Issei myself" Vali groaned as the two girls left. For Vali it was frustrating that her pawns had failed to get Issei to bite, but it made sense.

'Vali do you think that he knows about the supernatural' a voice said internally.

'I'd be shocked if he didn't. The fact that they stay under the ORC clubroom so often is far too much of a coincidence for my taste' Vali replied nervously. Issei was clearly the leader and for him to come so close to their base of operations was nerve wracking.

"Well if we want to lure my brother's host we have to be smart. He clearly knows about us but is hiding himself" The now named Albion replied.

"I agree but things are getting interesting. Whether Issei wants to or not. He will become a part of our world soon enough" Vali smirked since she noticed a few interesting presences arrive in the area over the previous few days.

"Hopefully by his own choice." Albion acknowledged.

'Hopefully' Vali shrugged.

(Scene Skip)

'Well this is interesting' Issei said to his partner as he made his way towards the bridge that led to his home. A week into the school year, Issei noticed that somebody was following him home. He had no clue who the person was since their presence was masked, but he knew enough to know that it was a devil. As of a week ago, a second presence began to follow him and this signature he recognized. It was that of a fallen angel

I agree. Let the fun begin' Ddraig replied with a bit of glee in his voice. Why were these two so happy you ask? Because, the second presence that was watching him over the last few days was right in front of him.

"Umm excuse me" a young girl said nervously. She had long black hair with a bit of it over her face and was wearing a uniform he didn't recognize. It was a red blazer with a matching red ribbon underneath a white skirt. The green pleaded skirt with white at the bottom and brown dress shoes. Of course it was all a disguise but it was a good one.

"Yes" Issei replied calmly not wanting to hold back his laughter. He was a known pervert and she wasn't wearing the all-white of angel academy. Whoever this person was didn't have any sense or at least assumed that he didn't.

"Would you like to be my boyfriend? I know this seems weird but I've seen you a few times as I walked home from school. I just didn't have the courage to say anything until now." The girl said calmly.

'HAHAHAHAHA this is great. She must really suck at this' Issei thought to himself. Only a moron would fall for this trick. "Before I answer you, what's your name miss. I can't exactly date somebody if I don't know who they are. Plus I don't recognize that uniform" Issei replied nonchalantly.

The girl seemed to freeze for a bit since I caught her off guard but soon replied, "My name is Yuuma Amano and I'm a second year from Seikouji Academy, I know it's far away but I couldn't get into Kuoh or Angel Academy otherwise I'd be there. Sorry if that seems strange."

"Nice save" Ddraig admitted.

'I agree' Issei replied. "Well Ms Amano it would be my pleasure to go out with you." Issei said with a smile on his face. It was a trap, a poorly planned out trap, but one he was going to pretend to fall for nonetheless. Not for his sake, but because things were getting dull and he wanted to spice things up. They spoke for a little bit longer before separating for the day.

(Scene Skip)

The next day, Issei and Yuuma made their way towards Kuoh but did so earlier then he planned. Because Seikouji was so far away she needed to take a train to get to school. As a result he left his house far earlier then he planned. As they got closer and closer to the school, Issei noticed a very interesting presence. "Well isn't this a surprise. Issei Hyoudou is with a cute girl" the female voice teased.

Issei noticed Yuuma flinch a little bit but smiled nonetheless, "It is an honor to be in the presence of the Tomboy Queen, Vali Lucifer." Issei replied before giving a sarcastic bow. Valerie Lucifer or Vali for short was the third member of the Triad along with Rias and Akeno. Unlike most of the girls, Vali wore the male uniform which barely contained her massive breasts, that were slightly larger then Rias's but not quite as large as Akeno's. Pair that with her long silver hair and ice blue eyes and she was no slouch in the looks department despite the nickname. They called her the Tomboy Queen because of the fact she wore the uniform and she was very much like one of the guys.

"Spare me Hyoudou. So what's this pretty girls name and why is she with you?" Vali said with a hint of annoyance. If Issei didn't know better he'd say she knew his girlfriend.

"Her name's Yuuma and she's my new girlfriend." Issei replied.

"Nice to meet you Ms Lucifer" Yuuma said nervously.

Vali looked at her skeptically but smiled nonetheless, "Pleasure to meet you Ms Amano. Your boyfriend here is quite the pervert" Vali teased causing Issei to groan.

"That's fine but l I have to get going. Train to catch and all that. See ya Issei" Yuuma said calmly as she walked away. After she was far enough away, Issei and Vali turned towards one another

"Now that was mean Vali. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were trying to intimidate my girlfriend." Issei smirked. Of course Issei was well aware of Vali's identity and her power. How could he not with Ddraig on his side. Fortunately he learned how to suppress his power and avoid notice.

"Honestly I was just hoping to speak to you myself" Vali replied whimsically.

'More like your plan changed.' Issei replied mentally. "Well have a nice day Vali. It's a shame you don't wear the uniform like Rias and the others because it would look pretty nice on you." Issei teased before leaving Vali to deal with class.

(Scene Skip)

"Okay Issei fess up" Matsuda yelled as we arrived at class.

"Fess up what" Issei replied nonchalantly. He was well aware of what his buddy was worried about and figured that Vali had spread some rumors.

"Rumor has it, that this morning a certain pervert showed up to Kuoh with a cute girl next to him." a new voice said with a smile. It was a girl with red hair that she kept in pigtails and purple rimmed glasses that hid green eyes. Her name was Aika Kiryuu and she was the Perverted Trio's enemy. Kiryuu apparently had the ability to see how big a guy's manhood was and she used it to keep the three boys in line. Well at least Matsuda and Motohama.

"Well those rumors are true Kiryuu. Her name is Yuuma Amano and she asked me out yesterday." Issei smirked causing the whole class to go crazy.

"You lucky bastard." Motohama chuckled.

"You're leaving us behind bro." Matsuda said happily. He expected more tears and anger from the pair but they were almost happy for him.

"You wouldn't happen to have a picture of that girl would you Issei" Murayama said with an innocent smile. She was nervous for some reason and that amused Issei.

"Don't waste your time with it Mury. She's probably some ugly girl who got desperate and asked the pervert out" Katase scowled.

'I'll get you for that later Katase' Issei thought to himself before reaching for his phone. Luckily for him he took a photo of her after getting her number. "Here you go Murayama" Issei smiled knowing that the crowd was about to explode.

"Holy crap she's hot" Murayama gasped.

"What!" Katase said in disbelief as she ran over. When she saw the picture she was as stunned as anybody.

"Now if you don't mind, I have lunch to eat." Issei smirked. Today was going about as well as he could've planned and now the time had come to wait for Yuuma's next move.

(Scene Skip)

"Lady Vali we must do something. Yuuma Amano is a fallen angel and she's going after Issei" Katase said nervously as she stood in front of her master. Murayama was next to her and shared her annoyance

"I'm well aware of that Katase, in fact I know who Yuuma Amano really is" Vali said with a look of boredom on her face.

"How do you know that Vali" Rias wondered as she played a game of chess with Akeno.

"I was raised by Azazel before your brother brought me to your house remember? That means I know about almost every major fallen angel that goes in the field ESPECIALLY the ones that look my age." Vali said sternly knowing Akeno was paying attention. After all everybody in the room knew she was a fallen angel.

"So who is she?" Rias wondered.

"Her name is Raynare and ironically enough she's Azazel's daughter."

"What!" Rias Katase and Akeno all exclaimed at the same time.

"That's right. Azazel is the definition of a pacifists and I doubt he'd approve that his little girl was doing something like this. The question now is what are we gonna do."

"What do you mean by that? If Raynare kills him we can just revive him as a devil. I don't see the problem" Rias said nonchalantly.

"You're horrible Rias" Katase yelled before running out of the room. Vali was about to go after her but Murayama stepped in.

"I'll talk to her" Murayama said with a hint of anger. She may not have reacted as emotionally as her friend but she agreed that this wasn't the way to go. With the two girls gone, it was left to the Triad to decide what to do.

"Think they'll tell him." Rias wondered referring to the two girls.

"Probably" Vali replied nonchalantly.

'He probably already knows what she is. He just wants to see how we react' Albion replied mentally.

'I know that and you know that Albion but we need to wait and see what Issei does' Vali replied mentally. If she knew Raynare well, she was going to ask him out very soon.

(Scene Skip)

As Issei's day came to an end the loss of the peephole meant that the perverted trio couldn't enjoy their muse. Motohama and Matsuda decide to go home and watch porn but Issei decided to do something else. Making his way to the opposite side of town Issei arrived at the house of a friend of his. One who he met during summer break the year before. "Let's see what he has to say about our new friend" Issei smirked as he knocked on the door. A moment later the door opened and an older man with tan skin and black hair with streaks of blonde opened up.

"So what brings you to my house Issei? You're not the type to come over unannounced." The person said with a sarcastic.

"Well I thought I'd come see you since I was asked out by one of your fallen angels yesterday." Issei smiled.

"Come on in" the person replied as his smile quickly turned to a frown.

"Thanks Azazel" Issei smiled as he walked through the door. His life was about to get interesting but Issei needed to know just how interesting as soon as possible.

That's it for Chapter 1 of the rewrite. As I said I was incredibly annoyed at how I handled the last few chapters and decided a fresh start. Issei will still join Vali and most of the things I've done will stay the same. Sure I've adjusted how things began but we'll get to the fun next chapter.

Vali's Peerage

Queen- Issei

Bishop 1- Ravel Phenex

Bishop 2- Le Fay Pendragon

Knight- Arthur 2 pieces

Rook 1- Kuroka (Mutation)

Rook 2- Bikou


Murayama 1 Katase 1 Raynare 2

Issei's Harem: Vali, Katase, Murayama, Irina, Xenovia, Kiryuu, Asia, Ravel, Raynare, and Le Fay