(Beacon academy)

"Ruby wake up class is over" Weiss said

"Oh i fell asleep again" Ruby complained as she sat up

"Well maybe if you spent time taking notes. You would be kept occupied so you wouldn't get bored" Weiss Responded

"But that takes so much effort" She complained again

"Anyways hurry up. Goodwitch came in half way through class and said that ozpin wanted to see the entire team and you know how yang gets when we make her wait" Weiss explained

"Right coming." Ruby responded quickly and then proceeded to use her semblance to gather all of her things and run out of the door while holding Weiss in a matter of seconds

(Ozpin's Office)

"Were here sorry im late" Ruby yelled as she and Weiss burst through the door

"Ruby what have i told you about doing that!" Weiss yelled

"It's fine ruby me and blake have only been here for like two minute" Yang responded ignoring Weiss

"Anyways you wanted to see us proffessor Ozpin" Weiss asked

"Yes please all of you sit down and i will explain" Ozpin said

"Oh no what did i do now" Ruby asked as her team sat down

"Nothing miss Rose. I called the four of you here to talk to you about a little project that me and General Ironwood have been working on for a few months" Ozpin explained

"Project?" Blake asked intrigued

"Yes you see were always looking for new and more efficent ways to train our students to become huntsman and huntresses. So for the last few months we've been working on a virtual reality system that can simulate combat situations without actually putting students in danger and we think we may finally have a way to do it and the first working versions have been developed and we want you to test them" Ozpin explained

"Virtual Reality Training system?" Weiss questioned

"Why have us test it?" Yang asked

"It was a random selection and your team was drawn" Ozpin explained

"Well im in the whole thing sounds awesome and i really want to try it out" Ruby announced

"Yeah im in to. Come on guys what's the worst that could happen" Yang asked

"We die in real life if we die in the simulation" Blake sugested half joking

"I assure you that something like that won't happen" Ozpin assured the girls

"I guess if you dolts are doing it then i might as well to" Weiss said

"Very well go and change it to your combat attire's and get your weapons and meet in professor goodwitches classroom in an hour" Ozpin explained

(One hour later.)

"Well here we are" Ruby said as the team stood outside goodwitches classroom

"Are you guys sure it's a good idea to be doing this" Blake asked

"Oh it's a horrible idea but it's like i said. What's the worst that could happen" Yang answered

"Welp let's go" Ruby said as she opened the door

The four of them then walked into good witches classroom and noticed that it was the front of the class was completly different from how it was normally . The main stage (that was normally used for duels) had four pods on it with cables linking into them . Professor Ozpin and General Ironwood were stood at the front of the classroom using a computer

"Were here professor. " Ruby said

"Welcome students i trust you are prepared" Ozpin asked

"As prepared as we can be" Yang admitted

"It's understandable that you would be nervous but we needed first year students to test the software as they would be the ones normally using them. I thank you four for doing this" Ironwood Stated

"It's really no problem sir" Weiss told the general

"Right well if you four could stand still for just a second" Ironwood said

The four of them did as they were asked before a red beam began to scan them. After a few seconds it stopped and the monitors above the pods began to register the data

"Uh what just happend" Blake asked

"The system just did a scan of you and your weapons to document basic things like your semblance so that it can be recreated once your inside the simulation." Ironwood explained

"But what about our weapons" Ruby asked

"We already have the data on those and they will be given to you once you enter the simulation" Ozpin Answered

"That makes sense. Although i still don't fully trust this" Yang remarked

"Don't worry we can communicate with you at all times while your in there and we can force you to disconect should worse come to worse" Ironwood reassured

"Well we might as well give it a shot" Ruby said as she walked towards one of the pods

"The systems are all set up once you lay down in the full dive system connector the pods should close. From there all you have to do i say the words link start and the you should be connected to the system" Ironwood explaained

The team did as ironwood instructed and layed down in the pods and ironwood had said the pods closed and they were completly locked in.

"Allright you are good to go" Ironwood said

"Link start" They all yelled

(With Ruby)

Ruby's vison was replaced with bright flashing light before going black for a second. Eventually her vision brightend and she was brought to an area that had nothing in it except a key pad infront of her

"Is this normal" Ruby said to herself

She then touched the keyboard and it gave her a prompt to chose her username and password

"The heck do i need i username and password for. Oh well might as well play along" Ruby said

She took a second to choose her name before entering it chosing to call herself "Crescent Rose" and then entered her password before her vision went white again

(With ozpin and ironwood)

"How are things going so far" Ozpin asked

"They're going ok so far everything seems to working fine" Ironwood informed him

A few seconds after he said that the readings on Ironwoods monitor began to go beserk before alarms began to sound

"Whats happening" Ozpin asked worried

"The Dust power core is destablising. We have to get them out now" Ironwood yelled

But before the two of them could react the readings returned to normal and it was as if nothing ever happend but a message popped up on Ironwood's screen that made his eye's go wide

"What's wrong general" Ozpin Asked the general

"I dont know but whatever you do. Do not remove them from their pods" Ironwood instructed

(With Ruby)

After entering her username her vision finally returned to her and she saw that she was in the middle of a town

"What the. I didn't know that there were other people testing this" Ruby said to herself

She then walked over to the person nearest to her hoping to learn something about what was going on

"Excuse me would you mind telling me where i am" Ruby asked the person

"Your in the town of beginings on the first floor of castle Aincrad. Welcome to Sword Art Online. Would you like a breif tutorial" The girl responded

The Girl (Who ruby learned to be an npc) Explained to ruby about the world she was currently in and how to do other things like open her menu and how to check her skills and explained what all of the base skills that she had did

"Well thank you" Ruby responded

"It's really no problem. Have fun on your travels" The NPC Said

"Well i guess i should check my gear" Ruby said to herself as she swiped with her right hand and opened the menu

It was just as the npc had said it would be having alot of different skills that she could level up but one was already unlocked and was seperate from the others

"Scythe Wielding well i guess that makes sense since i have crescent rose still with me" Ruby said

True to her word. Ruby's attire was exactly the same as her regular one and she still had crescent rose with her

"Ruby is that you" A voice called from behind her

She turned around to Weisss,Blake and Yang walking up to her

"Hey do you guys have any idea whats going on" Ruby asked

"I have no idea all i know is that apparently were in some place called Aincrad in a game called sword art online. But it doesn't seem right. For starters Ozpin said we were the first testers for this thing. Yet there are alot of other people around here that aren't NPC'S" Weiss stated

"We also tried logging out but the button won't work" Yang continued

"I know i tried aswell and why haven't we heard from Ozpin or Ironwood yet?" Ruby agreed

"I don't know but we might as well make the most of it while we can. Apparently there are meant to be some monsters on the outskirts of this place." Yand sugested

"Seriously yang we are in a completly strange world that we don't know about and the first thing you want to do is go fight monsters" Weiss complained

"Relax Ice Queen. We just have to wait Untill Ironwood realises something's gone wrong and then he'll pull us out" Yang countered

"Yang has a point. There's no point in just sitting around" Blake spoke up

"Alright let's go but first" Ruby began

Weiss,Blake and Yang all had menus pop up infront of them

"We need to add eachother as friends" Ruby sugested

The rest of the team agreed to this and added eachother as friends and then formed a party

"So we all named ourselves after our weapons huh" Yang said smirking

"I guess we're all really uncreative" Ruby chuckled

"Anyways lets get going" Yang said

(Half an hour later. Fields outside of the town of beginings)

"Kyah" Yang yelled as she punched a boar and killed it

"Nice one Yang" Ruby cheered

"I find it funny that we all have unique skills for our weapons and weiss doesn't" Yang pointed out as she collected her drops

"Well that's because i use a normal weapon" Weiss countered

"A dust shooting raipier is normal" Blake questioned

"Well it's my turn then" Ruby Said as she stood up

Ruby ran towards the boar instantly drawing it's attention. The boar charged at her but just as it was about to hit her she jumped to the side and had it run past her. She then took out Crescent Rose and slashed at the boar knocking down half of it's health. Keeping up the pressure ruby lunged forward and slashed at the boar multiple times before its hp droped to zero and it shattered

"Way to go rubes" Yang called

"Hey is that a scythe" A voice from behind her asked

"Huh" Ruby ruby asked as she turned around

She then saw someone with black her that hung down the front of his face. He had a blue t-shirt and was wearing a leather chest piece. He had a regular sword sheathed on his back

"Uhh yeah it is. Why" Ruby asked curiously

"No reason it's just scythes aren't very common in SAO especially on this floor" He explained

"Well i guess i just got lucky" Ruby Responded whiile lauging nervously

"Maybe." He responded

"Anyways im Ruby or Crescent Rose if you prefer to use our handles i guess" She introduced herself holding out her hand

"Kirito" He responded and shook her hand

"Making friends rubes" Yang asked as she walked up

"Uhh yeah guys this is Kirito. Kirito these are my teammates Weiss,Blake and Yang" Ruby Introduced

"Uh hey" He responded nervously

"Hey Kirito how could you just leave me like that" Another guy ran up and complained

"Sorry i just saw something that i needed to check out" Kirtio responded

"Eh it's fine i understand you ditching me to go hang out with this pretty young lady" The guy joked refering to Ruby

"It's not like that Klein and you know that" Kirito Said rolling his eyes

"Sure. Anyways im Klein" The newly introduce guy said

"Im Yang or Ember Celica if you prefer" Yang introduced

"Gambol Shroud or Blake" Blake responded not really interested

"Myrtenaster. But call me Weiss if it's easier" Weiss Told them

"And im Crescent Rose but i'd prefer Ruby" Ruby finished

"Nice to meet ya. Im Klein" He introduced

"You know it's kind of weird for you to just out right give out your irl names" Kirito told them

"Eh what's the worst that can happen" Ruby joked

"Anyways i'm really hungry so im gonna log out for a bit" Klein announced

"To bad the food you eat here only satisfies your hunger virtually" Kirito Said

"Yeah for reals that's why i ordered a pizza for five thirty" Klein Told him

"Wow your so prepared" Kirito responded sarcastically

"You know it besides the game can wait until i get my pizza on" Klein Explained

"I guess" Kirito said to himself sounding kinda down

"Hey how do you even log out any way" Ruby asked

"It should be at the bottom of your menu under settings" Kirito explained

"We tried but it's just blank" Weiss explained

"Huh" Kirito asked as he check his menu

"Their right it's blank oh well it's day one of the game. There are bound to be some bugss. I bet the devs are freaking out right now" Klein theorised

"You will to. It's five twenty five" Kirito Pointed out

"Well theres got to be something we can do" Yang said as Klein freaked out over his Pizza

"Why don't we just contact i game master" Kirito sugested

"I tried that but he's not picking up" Klein explained

"Are there anyother ways of logging out" Blake asked

"Hmm. No. Whenever a play wants to log out of SAO the only way they can log out is through the menu" Kirito explained

"Thaat can't be right there's gotta be someother way out. Return!. Log out!. Escape! " Klein yelled in an attempt to log out

"Told you. and there was no emergency log out in the manual either" Kirto told him

"What if someone removes the way we're logging in from the outside" Ruby sugested

"That would work or we wait until someone fixes the bug" Kirito confirmed

"but i live alone " Klein said

"This is more than just a bug. If we can't log out it's gonna cause some serious problems for the game" Kirito observed

"The game and everyone logged in" Weiss agreed

"I wonder if the developers even know whats happening. Because they could just shut down the servers and everyone would be forced to log out" Kirito explained

"Then Shouldn't they have said something by now" Ruby asked

Before the conversation could continue the sound of bells rining chimed across the fields and everybody suddenly started glowing and were teleported back to the town they started in with thousands of other people

"Someone forced a teleport" Kirito obeserved

"Look up there" Yang said pointing at a red hexagon in the sky

The hexagon which read the word "warning" then began to spread out until it formed a complete dome over the area they were in. A red liquid then began to ooze through the gaps until they formed a hooded figure

"What the hell is that" Kelin asked

"I dont even know" Blake responded

"Attention players i welcome you to my world" He spoke

"What's he mean by that" Kirito asked

"My name is Akihiko Kayaba and as of this moment i am in control of this world. I'm sure many of you have noticed an item missing from your menu's. The log out button. I assure you this is not a defect in the game. I repeat this is not a defect. This is how Sword Art Online was designed to be" Kayaba announced

"He's kidding right" Klein asked

"You cannot log youselves out of SAO and no one from the outside will be able to shutdown or remove the nerve gear from your head. If anyone attempts to do so a transmitter inside the nerve gear will discharge a microwave signal into your skull destroying your brain and ending your life" Kayaba continued

"What the hell" Yang said to herself

"That must be why Ozpin and Ironwood haven't logged us out yet" Weiss realised

"You guys are beliveing this crap. He's gotta be nuts right?" Klein asked

"He's not the transmitter signal in the nerve gear work just like microwaves. If the safety is disabled it could fry your brain" Kirito explained

"Couldn't someone cut the power?" Klein sugested

"That won't work. The nerve gears got an internal battery" Kirtio responded

"And we've got a dust energy core powering ours. Those things can go for years" Weiss wispered to her teamates

"This is crazy" Klein yelled

"Despite my warning the Family and friends of some players have attempted to remove the nerve gear. An unfortunate descision to say the least. As a result the game now has two hundred and thirteen less players than when it began. They've been deleted from both Aincrad and the real world" Kayba informed them

"two hundred and thirteen" Kirito said in shock

"No way" Klein said also in shock

"As you can see international news media has round the clock coverage of everything happening. Including the deaths. At this point it's safe to assume the likely hood of the nerve gear being removed is minamal at best.I hope this brings you a little comfort as you try to clear the game" Kayaba said bringing up news screens all around him

"That's meant to comfort us" Blake asked disgusted

"It is important to remember the following. There is no longer any way to revive someone within the game if your hp drops to zero. Your avatar will be deleted from the system. Forever and the nerve gear will simulteaneously destroy your brain. There is only one way for a player to escape now you must clear the game. Right now you are gathered on floor one. The lowest level of Aincrad. If you can get through the dungeon and defeat the boss. You may advance to the next floor. Defeat the boss on floor one hundread and you will clear the game" Kayaba continued

"We can't clear all one hundred floors. That's freaking impossible. Not even the Beta testers made it that far" Klein yelled

"Last but not least i've placed a little gift in the item storage of every player. Please have a look" Kayba instructed

"I don't have anything" Ruby thought confused

She then looked to her left and saw Kirito and Klein be engulfed in bright light

"Kirito" She called concerned before the light faded away

When the light fade kirito's appearance had completly changed. His hair was now short and his eyes were a different colour. Klein had changed as well with his hair now being spiked instead of long and flat

"What happend to you guys" Yang asked

"The scan. theres a high density signal device inside the nerve gear rig. It can see what my face looks like but how does it know my height and body type?" Kirito realised

"Remember the calibration thing you had to do when you first put the nerve gear on" Klein responded

"Oh yeah your right that's were it got out physical data" Kirito realised

"What's the point. Why would anyone do this to us" Klein asked

"I think he's about to tell us" Ruby responded pointing up at the sky

"Right now your probaly wondering why.." Kayaba began

"Well that was oddly well timed" Weiss stated

"Why would Akihiko Kayaba, Developer of sword art online and Nerve gear do this. Ultimatley my goal is a simple one. The reason i created sword art online was to control the fate of a world of my design." He explained

"Kayaba" Kirito Growled

"As you can see i have achieved my goal. This marks the end of the tutorial and the offical launch of sword art online. Player is wish you the best of luck" Kayaba finished

His body then reverted back into it's liquid phase before retreating back into the dome before disapearing along with it. Once the dome had dissapeared there was a deadly silence. Until people began shouting in panic.

"Oh my god" Weiss said wide eyed

"We're stuck inside a game" Blake continued with the same expression

"This isn't a game anymore" Yang realised

"Come on guys we've got a game to clear" Ruby said as she began to walk away

"What ruby are you insane" Weiss asked

"Come on Klein" Kirito suddenly spoke up and began running with guy towards one of the exits

"Guys come on" Ruby said following them

"Ruby wait" Yang called before her and the rest of the team ran after them

(Five mintues later. allwyway in the town of begginings)

"Yeah and i think that scruffy face fits you ten times better to" Kirito shouted before running off

He began to run down the street but breifly stopped for a second

"Hey Kirito" A voice called

"Huh" He reacted turning around and seeing ruby and her team

"What's up guys" He asked

"You said you know the safest way to the next village right" Ruby asked

"Yeah why" He confirmed

"Could you take us there. We'll stay out of your way once we get there. It's just i wouldn't feel right just sitting here and feeling sorry for myself when there's a chance we could save everyone" Ruby explained

"Look ruby.." Yang began

"No Yang. Why are we afraid now . We've been in way tougher situations than this with actual real danger. Were huntresses so it's our duty to protect people. No matter what the situation" Ruby countered

"As much as i hate to admit it. Im with the dolt" Weiss agreed

"She's right this is what we signed up for" Blake confirmed

"Well i'll be damned. Never thought my little sister would be giving me encouragement" Yang said while smiling

"Wait huntresses" Kirito asked

"I'll make you a deal" Ruby said

"Huh" Kirito asked

"Show us to the next down and i'll explain" Ruby Proposed

"Jesus your like argo. Alright but keep up" Kirito responded

"Alright. Come on guys lets go" Ruby responded as they began to run

(Outside the town)

The group was running on the outside of the town to get to the next village when five wolves spawned in their paths causing them all to draw their weapons

"I got this, I can do this" Kirito thought

"I've got people to protect i have to this" Ruby thought

"I will survive" Both of them thought

All five of them proceeded to kill one of the wolves each in one shot

"Kyahh!" Kirito yelled in a cry of determination

(End or part 1)

Well this i didn't expect to write XD. So just know that this is a pilot chapter so i will do more if people show interest in the story. So depending on the reception the story gets you might see more from me XD. So until the next potential chapter i will se you guys next time o/