Hi so this was inspired by "FRJ: Kaijudo Rise of the Duel Masters " by Twiphase as a Si in Kaijudo, So on with the drill: I do not own Kaijudo or any of its characters, just my oc, so on to the story.

One of best shows would have to be Kaijudo , trust me it has great characters and awesome creatures, my favorite being bob or as his real name is Tatsurion the unchained. A dragon and quillspike hybrid of power, along with his a partner/friend some people say it wasn't that good but I know that is! And that was what I'm trying to explain to my friend now.

"Look, Mike I'm telling you, give it a chance! It will definitely make want to watch all 2 seasons, trust me" was what said to my kinda-best friend mike as we were having this decision once on again(Point less I know, but I still had to try for 34th time, after all 50th the charm).

The reply I got was a sign of annoyance "Yes you said that a dozen times but it won't change my mind that the original Duel Masters are better than this Kaijudo".

" Oh come on! It so is more entertaining than that show, just look at the commits on YouTube and you'll see." I replied on the phone. This was staring to become aggregating and now I just wanted to watch kaijudo on my tablet and be done with this. The voice on the other end gave what sounded like a chuckle, only to then stop with his own sign of annoyance." Listen my mom telling me to take out the trash, so can we just agree that you like your show and I like mind?"

With a resignation of defeat, I agreed." Find,but this is not over!" Which received a small laugh from his and with a goodbye,we hung up. Now I can focus on watching kaijudo,but with episode? Maybe the on with Hissy, that was both sweet and scary with razerkinder puppet." Look I don't care if people like the horror puppet, it just freaked me out with that look and laugh. So with the episode picked, I went to Kimcartoon type in Kaijudo and press play. Only the tablet, started to fizzle, which is weird, to finally shut off!" Oh come on you stupid piece of junk! Work!" as I tried to turn it back on.

And next I know there's a flicker of static and with with a flash of light that blinding, I suddenly feel like I'm falling.






As I opened my eyes just as I see the ground slamming in my face, which let me tell is as pain as it is for a Looney toon to slam in to a painted wall. . . So with a groaned I got up and took a looked around at where I am. The area looked to be grey and foggy, with bones? Okay so I'm in a graveyard. Totally not freaking right now, just as clam as-


Okay so I freaked out, but you would to if you blinded by light to wake up falling in a graveyard! Just as I jumped back, I got a good look at my feet or should I say claws. With that in minded chose to save the freaking out of where I am to what I looking around for a mirror or something, I saw a glowing blue light on the far right, so I oped to go there which reveled the blue light to actually be water as I looked in the reflected surface what me scream in happiness!

I look like evo fury bob, but with out the armor and was a dark red-purple, with a eyes like squeaky and spikes funning down my back to my tail which reminded me vaguely of a icewing's. The head-horns? Piece was shaped like a tear drop, was the colored green with red stripes at top part. And the muzzle only had the one spike and not the side ones. As I turned my attention to the wings I saw that a were the same colorr as my fur? Skin? Whatever, the point is that they are the same color with the inside being a teal green color.

"Whoa". I put a hand to my trout, as my voice now sounded like or a little similar to what bob sounded like when he was younger.

So with how I looked I could only say one thing







This was like a dream come true! But I had liked to be a duelest , but being a breather works too,i guess. Now I have to see what attacks I can do as I looked like a fire/darkness hybrid or if bob and squeaky had a kid together." Ha, I might as well be, I'm even looked to be in between both their heights , that could come up to bob's stomach."


But as that was going on something was also happening in temple.

A red light from the fire civilization tablets and a purple light form the darkness tablets move to convert in the center of the room just as Master Nadia was leaving , only to turned back just as the two lights merge, reveling a new tablet that was red-purple with the top half looking like the fire tablets and bottom half looking like the darkness tablets.

As Nadia got to the new tablet what she saw surprise her as on the tablet was a strange new creature on it and only had a question mark on the name.

As she looked, she knew she had to show the other masters and then they could decide on what to do with this. "Mmm, what are you?" was only thing said in the room around her.

So this it for now and review to tell me what you think. As I'm starting to get the hang of this, and the new creatures will be reveled when the next chaper comes but so you know this is just after the episode "Hunted " so see you next time if your reading this.