Chapter 40

Yamino smiled at her mate. /Where's our little one?/ Yamino asked.

/Mama!/ the baby yipped as she jumped on Yamino, glaring at Atemu.

/Come to my head. I can't feel my body/ Yamino said.

The baby purred and jumped onto her mother's head, nuzzling her.

Yamino purred happily, smiling at the girl. /Love you, Princess./

/Love you to, Mama./

Yamino purred again, closing her eyes tiredly.

Atemu grunted as he stood up, searching for the remainder of his food.

Yamino whined and pouted. /Someone hug me!/

Isis chuckled and went to her lover, curling around her and nuzzling her.

Yamino purred and smiled. /Why are you so hot, Love?/ Yamino asked, feeling Isis radiating heat.

/Mating season is ending so I guess that our heat is going crazy./

Yamino blushed darkly. /Does that mean you have to mate again?/ Yamino asked.

/If my mate is up to it but you're not/ Isis replied.

/Sorry/ Yamino said softly.

/Not your fault/ Isis replied.

/I'm going to miss having been pregnant/ Yamino said with a blush.

Isis chuckled. /Like Yami./

/Yami's going to be a kid again/ Yamino said with a smile.

Isis hummed and laid her head down.

/Yami is a cute baby/ Yamino said with a chuckle.

/How do you know how he will look like?/

/He's me/ Yamino replied simply.

Isis scoffed and chuckled at the answer.

/What's with the scoffing?/ Yamino asked.

/Nothing, nothing./

/Don't do that. What is it really?/ Yamino asked.

/Nothing/ Isis laughed.

Yamino pouted, hating when her lover got like this.

/Sleep, Queeny/ Isis said.

/Don't call me Queeny/ Yamino growled.

/Then sleep./

Yamino grumbled and closed her eyes to sleep.

Atemu sighed as he walked from his little cave.

/Where are you going? I'm still hungry/ Baby whined as he jumped onto Atemu's back.

/And I'm also still hungry/ Atemu replied coolly.

Baby whined and lay on Atemu's back, not liking his mother like this.

Atemu opened his wings and flapped them before going off.

Baby smiled, liking the feeling of flying.

Atemu flew far from his territory and landed when he smelt animals near.

Baby hissed. /Humans here/ Baby whispered.

/What?/ Atemu snapped, screeching as a powerful and heavy net caught him.

As they fell, Atemu curled around Baby and fell hard.

Baby whimpered. /I hate humans/

"Well, well. Lookie what we have here," a woman said, smirking as Atemu and Baby got shocked when they tried to attack the net and leave,

/What do you want?/ Atemu growled.

"You," the woman said before she yelled, "Take them to the base and prepare for the operation!"

/What Operation?/ Atemu asked fearfully.

"None of your business. I suggest you shut up before I kill the baby lizard under you."

Baby whimpered, gasping when he was teleported away.

/No!/ Atemu yelled, snarling and growling when he was shocked as he tried to grab the woman who took Baby away from him.

/He's fine, Big Me/ Atemu 2 said as he appeared in Baby's place.

/Leave me be!/ Atemu roared, biting Atemu 2's wing.

Atemu 2 cried out and whimpered, trying not to cry. /Why attack me?! I saved Baby!/

/Leave me alone!/ Atemu screamed as he was about to attack his other self again.

He stopped when he felt a sharp pain from his stomach where Yami was growing, looking down to see a spear through it.

"There. Now that you're calm, get him to the base," the lady said before Atemu and her disappeared, leaving Atemu 2 alone.

Atemu 2 tried to teleport but he couldn't.

He hurt too badly and he couldn't fly either.

/Where am I?/ Atemu asked as he looked around.

"The facility. That's all you need to know," the woman replied.

Atemu growled and tried to leave, crying out in pain in shock and in his stomach.

"You'll hurt the child if you move," the woman said with a smirk, knowing about the reincarnation.

Atemu hissed and snarled at the woman, pacing angrily.

"Why so angry? Snapping at children and leaving them to die?" The woman asked.

Atemu secretly winced, his stoic expression still shown.

"Answer or I'll hurt the brat in your stomach," the woman growled.

/Let me go! Who do you think you are!?/ Atemu roared loudly.

The girl chuckled and twisted the spear still in Atemu. "That's not an answer," She said, Atemu crying in pain.

/No… please!/ Atemu screeched.

"Please what?" The girl asked with a confused frown.

Atemu snapped and snarled, almost scratching the girl.

/Let me out!/

The girl responded by changing the angle and twisting the spear again.

Atemu screamed and fell, panting in pain as his tears ran.

Atemu looked down in fear when he noticed a clear liquid escape the wound.

/No…/ Atemu whimpered.

He couldn't sense the life inside of him anymore.

'No, Yami please,' Atemu thought as he cried harder.

The girl noticed as well and paled, removing the spear.

She kept muttering something to herself as she tried to stop the bleeding and fix the damage.

/Ow!/ Atemu yelled as he tried to pull back, trying to assist the wound on his own.

"Don't resist. I can't let the brat die. She'll kill me if I do," the woman replied.

/Who?/ Atemu snapped.

The girl didn't reply as she kept chanting that she would kill her.

Atemu cried as he still didn't feel any life.

'I'm sorry Yami… so sorry...'

He noticed a faint glow on his stomach before the embryo and everything disappeared, Atemu being transported home by the gods themselves.

Atemu looked on blankly as his mate ran to him.

He noticed Atemu 2 looking miserable as Isis tried to mend his wing.

Atemu's eyes started to darken slightly as everything finally came back to him.

Atemu 2 whimpered softly, tears running down his cheek as he seemed to talk to thin air.

'Mini me...'

/Are you alright, Atemu?/ Yugi asked worriedly.

/ never have… never will../ Atemu whispered coolly.

/What? That didn't make much sense/ Yugi replied. /OR is that just me?/

/Mini me I'm sorry.../

/Mama gone/ Atemu 2 whimpered.

/I know... I tried to save him... I really did/ Atemu whispered.

/A-Are you going t-to hurt me again?/ Atemu 2 whimpered fearfully.

/I'm sorry… I didn't mean to.../ Atemu began to cry again.

Atemu 2 weakly walked over to him, snuggling against Atemu's side.

Atemu curled around the baby, nuzzling him.

Atemu 2 purred softly. /What happens now?/ Atemu 2 asked.

/I don't know/ Atemu said sadly, sniffling.

The others surrounded them, giving them a hug as they mourned the loss.

As the pulled back, they noticed Atemu knocked out.

Isis set to work on Atemu while Atemu 2 went to snuggle up against Yamino, Yamino still unable to move.

/How's Atemu?/ Yamino asked.

/Not good/ Little Atemu replied.

/How?/ Yamino asked worriedly.

/He's passed out/ Atemu 2 replied.


/I don't know. I'm just a baby/ Atemu 2 replied but he looked to be at least 5 by now.

/Whoa, you grew/ Yamino said, shocked.

/Did I?/ Atemu 2 asked, looking down at himself.

/Yes. And a lot./

/I didn't notice/ Atemu 2 muttered with a blush.

Yamino laughed and tried to get up.

She whined softly when she couldn't even more her neck, her amusement dying away as she was reminded that she couldn't move.

/Isis, when can I move?/ Yamino whined.

"I don't know, Baby," Isis replied, a little distracted since she was still working on Atemu.

There was a sudden roar and the royals flew in.

Atemu 2 looked over at Amara and Aknamkanon.

/What happened here?/ Aknamkanon snapped.

/Mama's gone. Humans killed him/ Atemu 2 said, tears running down his cheeks.

/No.../ Amara murmured as she went to the baby.

/Yes. Mama's gone now/ Atemu 2 replied, nuzzling the Queen.

Amara nuzzled him back and curled around him and Yamino.

/Yamino can't move/ Atemu 2 said softly.

/Why? What happened?/ Amara asked.

/Atemu bit her neck/ Atemu 2 replied.

/What!?/ Amara screeched, getting up.

/He didn't mean it/ Yamino said.

/That doesn't matter!/

/Yes it does. You can't say that you haven't snapped when hurting and scared/ Yamino replied.

/I know I have but he could have killed you/ Amara stated.

/He didn't mean to. His instincts kicked in/ Yamino said.

/When don't they?/ Amara mumbled.

/What was that? He's me/ Atemu 2 said.

/He's what?/

/He's me. I am his reincarnation/ Atemu 2 replied.

/Wait, why?/ Aknamkanon asked as he came close.

/He has a deadly virus in his system/ Atemu 2 replied.

/How?/ Both of Atemu's parents asked, worried.

/He got the virus cause of his leg. If Atemu doesn't get stubborn, he should be fine/ Atemu 2 said, nudging Atemu in the process.

Aknamkanon nodded and sighed. /You heard that, right son?/ he asked.

Atemu 2 nudged Atemu again. Atemu groaned. /Yes, yes/ he mumbled.

Aknamkanon nodded before he turned around and flew off.

Before Amara followed, she grabbed Yamino and dragged her near Atemu.

Yugi smiled and walked to his mates and laid down next to them too, the kids all running and jumping and/or lying next to their parents.

Atemu smiled at his family and purred.

As hard as his life was right now, he was glad he had his family close.

And there's the end of the story. Sorry for cutting it off so fast, wasn't really up to finishing.

I would like to thank my close friend, Jofisk for editing this for me.