6 Incredible Heroes
Syndrome's Legacy
Sickness was in the security room where the guards took Jack-Jack earlier, and he stood with his mouth agape in pure shock. The security room was completely destroyed. The terminals were smashed to pieces, there were cables hanging from the ceiling, sparks were shooting from the walls, there were burn marks on the walls, there was a giant hole in the back wall that revealed more damage elsewhere, and there was rubble everywhere. Most of the guards were unconscious, badly hurt, except one who was hiding behind what was left of a terminal.
Sickness could not believe what he was seeing as he said, "Unbelievable!"
The guard slowly rose from behind the terminal, shaking in terror as he looked around, then Sickness turned and glared at him.
He walked up to him and furiously exclaimed, "You idiots couldn't handle a little baby?!"
The guard was still terrified as he said, "That's not a baby! It's a demon!"
Sickness simply put his hand to his forehead in frustration when suddenly another guard ran in and said, "Sir Mr. Incredible…"
He stopped when he saw the damage to the room and said, "Whoa! What happened here?!"
Sickness was frustrated even more as he angrily said, "Never mind! What is it?!"
The guard brushed it off and said, "Hamada has escaped! Security has spotted him flying with the robot and Mr. Incredible's daughter!"
Sickness was shocked, but somewhat impressed as he said, "What?! He actually got out?! He's even better than I thought."
He smiled to himself for a brief moment before he turned back to the guard and said, "Anything else?"
The guard pointed his finger as he said, "Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl have managed to avoid our capture. They were last seen heading for the southwest exit!"
Sickness showed a twisted smile, intrigued by this revelation as he curled his finger against his chin as an idea popped into his head.
Sickness put his hand down as he smiled evilly to himself and said, "Good."
The guard was confused as he perplexed, "Sir?"
Sickness had a twisted smile on his face as he cracked his knuckles and said, "Don't worry. I've got a plan. This should be fun."
He walked past the guard and marched down the corridor with a twisted smile on his face as chuckled to himself.
Meanwhile over the jungle
Hiro and Violet were riding Baymax while three Velocipods pursued them; they flew over the trees as they approached the water. As they flew above the water the Velocipods began shooting at them; Violet saw them and quickly held her hands out and created a force-field around the three of them. Her force-field protected them as the bullets were harmlessly deflected while Baymax kept flying with the sphere of energy around him.
Hiro looked over his shoulder and gratefully said, "Thanks Violet. Keep it up, I've got a plan! Don't drop it until I tell you!"
Violet trusted him as she nodded in agreement, then suddenly Baymax stopped, turned around and flew straight toward the first Velocipod. They flew straight toward it at high speed and the pilot stopped shooting as he screamed in fear.
Hiro then immediately yelled, "Now!"
Violet dropped her force-field and grabbed onto Hiro, then they flew over the Velocipod as Baymax grabbed the pilot, lifted him out of his cockpit, and dropped him into the water. The empty Velocipod crashed into the ocean and the three heroes flew to take care the other two.
Baymax flew behind the next Velocipod as Hiro yelled, "Baymax! Clothesline!"
Baymax held his right fist straight out to the side as they flew over the Velocipod, knocking the pilot out and into the water. He resurfaced shortly after and watched as Hiro, Baymax, and Violet flew away; Hiro and Violet smiled at each other. They looked ahead to see the remaining Velocipod flying straight toward them as the pilot began firing his weapons at them. Violet immediately created another force-field around the three of them, safely deflecting all of the bullets. The Velocipod kept shooting as it flew straight toward them and Hiro and Violet both got an idea as they smiled at each other ambitiously.
They looked ahead as Baymax flew straight toward the Velocipod not changing direction while the pilot kept shooting at them. As they came closer the pilot screamed in fear before he abandoned ship, jumping out of the cockpit and splashing into the water. The empty Velocipod crashed into the three heroes, exploding against Violet's force-field and leaving her, Hiro, and Baymax unharmed. Violet dropped her force-field and held onto Hiro as they kept flying, smiling at each other before the Viper flew in front of them. The pilots of the Viper prepared to fire as Baymax hovered in front of their vehicle.
Hiro was completely unafraid as he yelled, "Baymax, use rocket fist on the rotor!"
Baymax did as Hiro ordered and launched his left fist at the Viper; it hit the outer rim of the Viper's left rotor near the center. This resulted in a huge explosion as the rotor was destroyed and the pilots lost control while Baymax's fist returned to him. The Viper started going down and the pilots quickly jumped out of the sides as it crashed into the water and blew up.
Hiro, Violet, and Baymax stared down at the guards swimming as Violet excitedly said, "That was awesome!"
Hiro smiled at her in agreement as he said, "Yeah, you know, we make a pretty good team."
Violet was flattered as she said, "Yeah, I guess we do."
Hiro did not lose focus as he looked forward seriously and said, "Alright! Now we have to find the others and regroup. Baymax, who's closest to us right now?"
Baymax turned through the air as he scanned and then pointed his finger, saying, "I detect Dashal Robert Parr there, being pursued by two humans moving at high speed."
Violet quickly became worried as she exclaimed, "Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go help him!"
Hiro nodded and Baymax flew in the direction of some large sea stacks, before long they spotted two Velocipods pursuing Dash. They were shooting at him as he ran on top of the water, swerving to avoid their bullets. Baymax flew behind the first Velocipod and lifted the pilot out of the cockpit before dropping him into the water. He then slammed his fist into the side of the second Velocipod, knocking the pilot out of his seat and into the ocean before both vehicles splashed into the water. Dash heard the noise and looked over his shoulder, but saw nothing, then Baymax flew next to him above the water.
Hiro and Violet smiled at him as Hiro said, "Hey! You still want a ride?"
A huge excited grin of relief appeared on Dash's face as they moved closer to where Violet took his hand and lifted him onto Baymax. Dash held onto her as they suddenly flew directly up, tilted to where they were flying upside down, and then flipped to where they were back to normal.
Dash was having so much fun as he pounded his fist in the air and yelled, "This is so cool! To infinity and beyond!"
Violet closed her eyes and shook her head, smiling at her brother's immature reference but amused nonetheless.
Baymax flew back to the beach where he landed as Dash got off and looked at them as Violet said, "Listen Dash, we have to find mom, dad, Jack-Jack, and Hiro's friends."
Hiro spoke up and urgently said, "Baymax can use his scan for them. Follow us and try to keep up. We'll lead you to them."
Dash nodded and Baymax took off, flying over the trees while Dash followed them on foot, running as fast as he could.
As he flew Baymax turned his head and said, "I detect Go Go."
Hiro and Violet looked down and spotted Go Go fighting a few guards, then Baymax flew lower to the ground until they were directly above Dash.
Dash kept running as he looked up at them, when Hiro pointed his finger and said, "Dash, Go Go's over there! Go help her and tell her to follow us!"
Dash nodded as he separated and zipped away; meanwhile three guards were trying to attack Go Go on foot. Two of them aimed their weapons at her, but she threw her disks at their faces and knocked them out cold. The third one raised his gun but Go Go skated toward him and punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground. She smiled victoriously as she stared down at the three guards, suddenly she heard the sound of a gun cock.
A fourth guard appeared behind her, aiming his gun at her as he said, "Now I've got you! Don't move or…"
He was interrupted when Dash suddenly zoomed past him and hit him, causing the guard to misfire. Go Go was about to attack when Dash suddenly came at the guard and rapidly punched him in the face before finally knocking him out.
Go Go smiled gratefully as she said, "Nice timing kid."
Dash pointed at Hiro, Violet, and Baymax flying and said, "They say they want us to follow them!"
Go Go showed a serious expression as she said, "Got it!"
They both zoomed off to follow the others; meanwhile Violet, riding Baymax, turned to see Fred jumping over trees.
She pointed her finger as she said, "Look! There's Fred!"
Hiro turned and saw him as he yelled, "Fred!"
Fred stopped and landed on top of a palm tree as he waved to them and happily said, "Guys! Great to see you!"
They kept flying forward as Hiro yelled, "Follow us! We need to regroup!"
Fred saluted them as he said, "On it!"
He kept jumping high in the air as he followed them, covering a lot of ground, while Dash and Go Go followed at high speed.
Baymax, Hiro, and Violet kept flying when Baymax detected something and said, "I detect Wasabi being attacked by three guards."
Hiro and Violet turned to Fred jumping behind them as Hiro shouted, "Fred, Wasabi's in trouble!"
Fred tried to sound heroic as he said, "No one messes with a friend of Fredzilla!"
He hurried to help Wasabi, who was hiding behind a large boulder as three guards tried shoot at him, prompting Wasabi to scream in fear. Fred suddenly landed on top of one of the guards, knocking him out, and then kicked the other two.
Wasabi came out of hiding as he happily exclaimed, "Fred!"
Fred held his arms out and happily said, "Never fear Fredzilla is here!"
Go Go zoomed by and briefly circled them as she seriously said, "Save it for later! We have to keep moving!"
Wasabi immediately caught on and said, "Oh right!"
Fred grabbed Wasabi and held him tightly as Wasabi nervously said, "Alright… just not so… HIGH!"
He screamed as Fred began jumping with him and they, Go Go, and Dash continued to follow Baymax, Hiro, and Violet.
As Baymax kept flying he scanned and said, "I detect Honey Lemon and Jack-Jack."
Suddenly they saw two green laser beams shoot into the sky briefly then a huge explosion occurred up ahead.
Violet smiled knowingly as she said, "Yep, that's Jack-Jack."
They flew in the direction of the explosion and beneath a canopy of trees was a giant monster Jack-Jack holding an empty Velocipod. Honey Lemon desperately tried to calm him down as he spoke angry baby gibberish before throwing it away like some kind of toy. The Velocipod blew up as Jack-Jack roared angrily while Honey Lemon nervously patted him on the back.
Suddenly Baymax, Hiro, and Violet flew down and hovered in front of them as Violet exclaimed, "Jack-Jack!"
Upon seeing his sister Jack-Jack calmed down as he changed to human but was still huge and chubby as he stared at them.
Honey Lemon stepped in front of him and smiled as she said, "Hiro! I'm so glad you're alright!"
Hiro interrupted her as he said, "Listen we still need to find Mr. and Mrs. Parr and get out of here! Let's go!"
Honey Lemon glanced back at Jack-Jack as she said, "Well I'd be happy to if only I could get Jack-Jack to calm down."
Jack-Jack was crying again, still a giant, and Violet got his attention as she said, "Jack-Jack, follow us! We'll take you to mom!"
They took off and left them alone, Jack-Jack looked around and suddenly lifted Honey Lemon and carried her in his arms. He quickly began running on his giant baby legs to follow them as he carried Honey Lemon who felt awkward about this but smiled nonetheless.
Meanwhile in a corridor
Bob and Helen knocked out two guards as they ran straight for the exit with serious expressions on their faces. The door opened automatically and they stopped as they looked around, checking to makes sure there were no guards around.
Flying up above Baymax scanned them and said, "I detect Robert and Helen Parr."
Hiro and Violet were relieved as Hiro said, "They made it out!"
Violet happily cheered, "Yes!"
Hiro patted Baymax's back and said, "Take us to them."
Bob and Helen were running through the jungle but stopped when they heard a noise, then they looked up as Baymax hovered above them.
Violet waved down at them as she happily said, "Mom, dad, you're okay!"
Bob smiled as he happily said, "Kids!"
Hiro interrupted as he said, "Listen! Follow us and we'll lead you to the others!"
They both nodded as they sprinted after them as Baymax flew over the jungle again as Hiro looked for a good area for everyone to regroup.
He spotted an area and used the communicator in his helmet as he said, "Guys, there's a clearing up ahead. Rendezvous there!"
The others all responded, "Got it!"
They flew high above the trees and all the others could clearly see them as they hurried after them, ready to regroup. Baymax landed in the clearing and Hiro and Violet both climbed off his back and waited for the others to show up. Less than ten seconds later, everyone showed up; first Dash and Go Go zoomed into the clearing and stopped. Next Fred and Wasabi appeared as they landed from in the air, Fred putting Wasabi back on the ground. Jack-Jack burst through the trees, still a giant, as he carried Honey Lemon while all the others couldn't help but stare at them. Finally Bob and Helen ran into the clearing, and when he saw them Jack-Jack happily released Honey Lemon and shrunk back to normal size as he walked toward Helen.
Fred pulled back the top of his costume, showing his face as he, Go Go, Honey Lemon, and Wasabi happily exclaimed, "Hiro!"
They ran to him and pulled him into a group hug, while Helen scooped up Jack-Jack as she and Bob exclaimed, "Kids!"
They pulled Dash and Violet into a tender group hug as both teams happily reunited with their lost friends and family. Their reunion was suddenly interrupted when four Velocipods flew by and began circling all of them. Helen stretched her left arm out and punched one of the pilots in the face, causing him to crash into some trees. Bob swung his fist down on the front of the second Velocipod, knocking it into the ground and sending dirt in the air. Go Go threw one of her disks at the third pilot, hitting him in the face and knocking him, causing him to crash into the fourth Velocipod, resulting in a huge explosion above them. A huge ball of fire came crashing down toward the superheroes as they all gathered close together as Violet created a force-field around them. It exploded over the force-field and left some metal debris around them but they were all fine.
Violet dropped the force-field as Dash happily cheered, "Yeah!"
Hiro was very impressed as he said, "Wow!"
Fred was so excited as he squealed, "This is so cool!"
Suddenly they all saw three more Velocipods flying toward them and a couple dozen guards running on foot. All of them, even Jack-Jack, smiled ambitiously as they stood in fighting stances while the Incredibles' theme music played in the background. All eleven heroes fearlessly battled the guards as Hiro got on Baymax's back and flew toward them while Dash and Go Go zipped around at super speed. Go Go threw her disks and knocked out two guards while Dash punched another in the face as hard as he could. Helen jumped between two guards and did a handstand and a split kick, stretching her legs out and kicking both guards in the face. One guard came behind her and prepared to shoot, but Jack-Jack teleported over him and changed into his monster form as he began climbing all over the guard and biting him.
Honey Lemon made three chem-balls and threw them at three guards, and all the balls popped and covered them in huge globs of sticky blue foam. They struggled to break free but Go Go threw one of her disks, which bounced between their faces and knocked all of them out. Fred jumped on top of one of the Velocipods and threw the pilot out of the cockpit before jumping off, then Baymax flew at the empty Velocipod and knocked it away. Another Velocipod hovered above the ground and prepared to fire at Helen, but Bob grabbed it from underneath and threw it away with all his strength. Fred kicked two more guards and knocked them out while another aimed at him from behind, but Wasabi cut his rifle in half and kicked him to the ground.
Jack-Jack ran on all fours in his monster form and then lit his body on fire as he attacked another guard, causing the guard to run around screaming. Another guard aimed his weapon at Jack-Jack, but Baymax came, took the guard's weapon, and crushed it in his hand. Bob came and knocked the guard out as Hiro hopped off Baymax and took off to join the fight while Baymax looked around. The last Velocipod hovered as it prepared to fire but Helen stretched her arm out and grabbed the guard, yanking him out of the cockpit. Baymax immediately destroyed the Velocipod with his rocket fist while Helen through the guard behind her. He groaned as he got up and reached for a discarded rifle but it flew away from him as Hiro attracted it with his magnetic glove and held it in his hand. The guard was suddenly hit behind from an invisible force and knocked out, then Violet turned visible behind him. Hiro tossed the gun away as he and Violet grinned smugly and high-fived each other, then everyone gathered and looked around at all the guards they beat.
Bob was impressed as he addressed Big Hero 6 and said, "Not bad. I think you kids showed real promise today."
Honey Lemon was flattered as she said, "Thank you. That's so kind of you to say."
Go Go sternly interrupted as she said, "Yeah great, look can we talk about this later, we still have to get out of here."
Helen held Jack-Jack as she seriously agreed, "Go Go's right! We have to find a way off this island and back to the city!"
Hiro suddenly turned back to everyone else as he urgently said, "Yeah no kidding! Listen, I know what these guys are doing! Last night they launched a huge jumbo jet that flew to San Fransokyo this morning!"
Go Go glanced to the side as she said, "That must've been that thing we saw launch last night."
Bob scratched his chin in thought as he said, "Yeah, we saw it too. Not sure what it was carrying though."
Hiro panted as he urgently exclaimed, "I do! It was transporting an army of robots! 10,000 of them! Dangerous too! If we don't stop them they'll destroy San Fransokyo, and who knows what next!"
They all gasped in horror as Wasabi exclaimed, "Oh my god!"
Honey Lemon glanced at the others as she nervously said, "This is bad!"
Hiro nodded and spoke frantically as he said, "Yeah! Oh and you guys are not gonna believe this! JOHN is behind the whole thing!"
Fred, Go Go, Honey Lemon, and Wasabi all exclaimed, "What?!"
The Incredibles were all confused as Dash asked, "Who?"
Big Hero 6 turned to the Incredibles as Honey Lemon explained, "Another student at SFIT. He's a friend of ours. He's the same age as Hiro and he's brilliant!"
Wasabi was shocked as he asked, "Yeah but he's behind this?!"
Hiro held his arms out as he went on and said, "Yeah, he's behind everything. He sent that Omnidroid to attack San Fransokyo and he kidnapped me and brought me here. Oh and now he calls himself…"
He was suddenly interrupted and his eyes widened in shock as he heard a voice say, "Sickness."
All of them turned and looked up in the sky as they saw Sickness fly down toward them using jet thrusters in his boots, which emitted blue fire as he landed about thirty feet in front of them.
He smiled evilly as he held his arms out and moved them to refer to the heroes while he said, "Ladies and gentlemen, Big Hero 6 and the Incredibles!"
He laughed to himself for a moment before faking a friendly smile as he said, "Hey Ethel, Heather, Fred, Marcus, how's it going?"
Baymax waved his hand as he said, "Hello John."
Sickness became annoyed as he said, "It's Sickness, Baymax! Sickness!"
He calmed down and showed a sinister smile as he looked at the Incredibles and said, "Welcome Parrs."
Their eyes widened in shock as they realized the young villain somehow knew their secret identities.
Sickness had a twisted smile as he pointed at the Incredibles, then the others while he said, "You know, I'm actually glad you all survive the crash. Now I can take you and your family down myself! And I guess the rest of you guys could be useful to me."
Go Go shot him a death glare as she coldly said, "Don't bet on it kid!"
She then threw both her disks at him, but he didn't even flinch as he pressed the red light on the buckle of his utility belt. A shimmering red round force-field immediately appeared around Sickness, blocking Go Go's disk, much to their shock.
Wasabi's jaw dropped as he said, "Plasma force-field?"
Sickness grinned tauntingly as he held his hand out to refer to Violet as he said, "Yep, like the one I made in school, but with some major modifications. I was inspired by Violet. Although mine is much better."
Violet glared daggers at Sickness as he dropped his force-field and Honey Lemon demanded, "How could you do all these things Johnny?"
Sickness showed a serious expression as he pointed at her, then pointed at Bob while he said, "I'm changing the world Heather, plus I can finally get revenge on Mr. Incredible and his family!"
Bob was shocked and confused as he said, "Revenge? What did we ever do to you?"
Sickness furiously pointed at the Incredibles as he yelled, "YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!"
They all gasped as Bob felt insulted as he yelled, "What are you talking about?! I never killed anyone!"
Sickness shook his head, turned away, and smiled slyly out the corner of his eye as he said, "You still haven't figured it out? How could possibly forget my brother? I mean come on, he was your biggest fan."
Bob's eyes widened in pure shock and realization as his jaw dropped and he said, "Syndrome."
Sickness chuckled as he applauded sarcastically and said, "Bravo. You really are Mr. Incredible. That's right, Syndrome was my brother. Took you long enough."
Everyone was shocked as Hiro said, "I don't believe it!"
While Sickness continued Hiro looked and saw a large piece of metal debris as Sickness said, "I was born when he was only 11 years old, and our mom died when I was four so he pretty much raised me himself. He taught me everything he knew and he told me all about you supers. Oh yeah he wasn't good enough to be a super. Why? Because he didn't have powers! So you wouldn't let him be your sidekick! And what happens fifteen years later? You take away his future and kill him!"
Hiro glanced back and forth between Sickness and the metal debris while Sickness continued, "And then you let your son be Incrediboy! Why? Because he has powers! Well I don't need powers, I have brainpower, and that's all that matters! How do you think I got into SFIT? I invented things along with my brother, especially weapons. Oh sure the program froze all his assets, but not all of my assets. You think Syndrome invented all his weapons by himself? Ha! I invented about half of them, and I sold them for myself. That is how I use my power! And now I'm going to use that power to carry on my brother's legacy! And then you supers will be…"
He was interrupted as Hiro promptly used his magnetic gloves to attract the metal debris into his hands, then he reversed the polarity and launched it at Sickness. Sickness narrowly dodged it and all of them ran at him but he immediately fired a beam from his fingertip, trapping and immobilizing all of them in a field of zero-point-energy.
Sickness was impressed and amused as he chuckled and said, "Hiro, you smooth player! You got me monologuing! I feel so embarrassed!"
He waved his hand as he threw all of them to the ground, releasing them from his zero-point energy as they all lied down and groaned.
Hiro was on his back, hid mind blown as he exclaimed, "Zero-point energy?!"
Sickness grinned arrogantly as he bragged, "Oh yeah! Pretty cool isn't it? I invented it myself. My brother said it was the best weapon ever. He liked it so much that he wanted it too. Yeah we only shared the best inventions with each other."
He laughed evilly as he froze them with another beam of zero-point energy, lifted them into the air and slammed them onto the ground. He did the same thing again and when they hit the ground they groaned as they got back up, only for him to yet again freeze them in a field of zero-point energy.
With them trapped he smiled maniacally as he pointed to his forehead and said, "See? I don't need superpowers, I've got brainpower! That's what makes the future! You can't beat me!"
Sickness smiled evilly as he said, "Now that I have you all no one will stop me from…"
He stopped as he noticed something, squinting his eyes, he silently counted them and said, "Wait a minute… Someone's missing! Where's Incredigirl?"
Suddenly he was hit in the side of the face and fell to the ground, freeing the others from his zero-point energy.
Sickness lied on the ground as he saw Violet appear in front of him with an angry expression on her face.
Sickness was impressed as he pointed at her and complimented her, "You blindsided me! Not bad. I have to admit you're better than I thought."
He stood back up as Violet turned invisible again, but Sickness smiled confidently as he reached into his utility belt and pulled out a pair of goggles. He put them on and they showed Violet's heat signature running toward him, and he shot a beam of zero-point energy at her. It trapped her in a field where she was frozen as she turned visible again with a scared expression on her face as her eyes looked in different directions.
Sickness took the goggles off and mocked her as he smugly said, "Infrared goggles. With these I can see you whether you're visible or not."
Hiro got up and saw Violet in trouble, prompting him to angrily yell, "Get away from her!"
He ran straight toward Sickness but Sickness smiled sadistically as he waved his arm and threw Violet at Hiro. They landed in front of Baymax, Honey Lemon, Dash, and Wasabi, who helped them up, while Bob, Helen, Go Go, and Jack-Jack angrily ran for Sickness. However Sickness sadistically used both fingertips to trap each group in separate fields of his zero-point energy.
He lifted them all into the air as he sarcastically said, "Aww! Mom and dad protecting their little girl. How sweet!"
He then eyed Hiro and Violet, who were next to each other in their containment field, and said, "And you two… You two make a good team. And you get along really well. Wait a minute… Are you two A COUPLE?!"
Only able to move their eyes, Violet and Hiro looked at each other then back at Sickness who laughed hysterically.
He smiled happily as he joked around and said, "Captain Hero and Incredigirl dating! Two young heroes from different teams meet and fall in love! That's rich! Ohhh today just keeps getting better and better!"
Later in the containment unit
Sickness had Big Hero 6 and the Incredibles, minus Baymax and Jack-Jack, imprisoned in the same device where he had Hiro the day before. The device had extended to the sides to hold all nine of them in the energy field with mineballs over their hands and feet. They floated next to each other and from left to right there was Dash, Go Go, Honey Lemon, Violet, Hiro, Bob, Helen, Wasabi, and Fred in that order. Sickness had confiscated Honey Lemon's purse and Go Go's skates, and the mineballs restraining Wasabi's hands prevented him from activating his plasma blades. Sickness had a sinister smile on his face as he held a remote in his hand, controlling a gigantic monitor above the doors. The monitor showed a live news report about how his jumbo jet had landed on a road in downtown San Fransokyo. The police had formed a perimeter around the jet, which was currently inactive as they waited for something to happen.
Sickness turned to the supers as he evilly explained, "Huh? You see? Now this is good TV! Everything's going exactly how I planned it! The Omnibots will emerge from the jet and begin their attack, destroying the city and sending it into chaos! Oh sure the police will try to stop them but with Big Hero 6 gone there will be no one to save the good people of San Fransokyo!"
He smiled evilly as he raised his left finger and pushed another button on the remote as he said, "But this is just the opening act."
The monitor then showed a computer simulation of the Omnibots spreading across the country, then around the world.
As the simulation played Sickness spoke melodramatically and explained, "After they get everyone's attention they'll spread out across the country, then the world! They'll target the famous veteran heroes and eliminate them! Oh no! All the great supers of yesterday are gone! What will we do? But wait… all is not lost. There is still hope. A generation of new heroes will rise up and save the world! And who will lead them? Sickness, that's who!"
He glanced back at the Incredibles and Big Hero 6 as he gloated, "I'll lead an entire new era of superheroes!"
Bob glared daggers at Sickness as he coldly said, "So you're going to kill real heroes so that you can replace them with a bunch of imposters?!"
Sickness turned and walked up to Bob as he pointed at him and said, "Oh don't act so surprised. This was going to happen with or without me! The world is changing. You supers had your fun but now the game's over! Your time is up, and our time is just beginning!"
He pointed his thumb at himself, then pointed at Bob as he spat, "We are the future, you are HISTORY!"
Sickness smiled as he turned to Hiro and glanced at the other members of Big Hero 6 as he said, "We could use you Hiro, and you guys too. Think about it. With our brilliant minds we could become the greatest superheroes of all time! What do you say?"
Go Go glared at him as she angrily answered, "Dream on!"
Honey Lemon agreed as she said, "Never!"
Fred spoke in disapproval as he said, "A superhero becoming a supervillain?! No way! Not cool!"
Wasabi shook his head as he said, "Not a chance!"
Hiro glared daggers at Sickness as he spitefully said, "We'll never join you!"
Sickness glared back at Hiro and put his arms out as he said, "Come on Hiro! Together we would be invincible! You and I are a lot alike!"
In a fit of rage Hiro angrily exclaimed, "I am NOTHING like you!"
Sickness put his hands on his sides as he retorted, "Oh you're not? We're both young geniuses with so much to offer! We've both lost our brothers because of people who they used to admire! We both want to make them proud! And we've both felt the thirst for revenge! How did you feel when you first found out Callaghan was responsible for Tadashi?"
Hiro's expression softened and he became full of remorse as he realized Sickness was right, and he hung his head in shame.
Everyone looked at Hiro with sympathy while Sickness said, "Uh huh, that's what I thought. Your brother and mine were both great people, who made us what we are today. They wanted us to put our genius to good use. You want to be a hero, Hiro? Join me!"
Violet glared at Sickness as she spitefully said, "He's already a hero! And he is ten times the hero you will ever be!"
Hiro looked at her, touched by her kind words, and smiled at her before defiantly looking back at Sickness.
Sickness moved his hand to refer to Violet while he said, "You think they'll accept you as one of them? They don't care how smart you are, the only thing that matters to them is whether or not you have powers! To them you're just like every other guy."
Sickness turned back to the monitor, once again showing the news, and looked back at them as he said, "But we don't need them. They're yesterday's news. We have to keep up with the times, keep moving forward! And we'll be better than them because we won't need powers! With our big brains we can make our own powers. THEY are obsolete!"
Hiro defiantly replied, "Maybe so, but they're still as super as ever."
Sickness began to lose his patience as he said, "People only respect those who have power! That's the way the world works. And supers only respect you if you have more power. Why? Because you're a threat! That's why they made supers illegal. We need to show them how powerful we are by eliminating the competition, then the world will finally respect us! They'll accept us and they'll have no choice, because they will need us!"
Hiro glared at Sickness and coldly said, "I know what you need: a good therapist."
Sickness glared at him but then grinned evilly at Fred as he gloated, "Maybe you'll change your mind after my Omnibots get rid of all the has-beens. With Baymax's scanners and fighting moves, and the weapons and artificial intelligence I've implanted in them, those old supers won't stand a chance. And the first one they'll take out will be Boss Awesome."
In his suit Fred gasped in horror as he said, "Dad!"
Sickness then grinned at Wasabi as he said, "After that they'll move on to Frozone."
Wasabi's jaw dropped in shock and fear, from both the thought of the Omnibots attacking his uncle Lucius and that Sickness somehow knew who his uncle was.
Sickness briefly glanced around at the nine of them before smirking at Bob and Helen as he said, "Then the rest of them will go down one by one! And even if you guys don't join me I'm sure Jack-Jack will."
Bob and Helen glared at him furiously as he turned around and said, "Now then, if you'll excuse me I'm going to get a front row seat to watch the show."
As he started walking Bob spitefully said, "No matter what happens you'll never win! You'll never be a REAL hero!"
Sickness kept walking as he narrowed his eyes and said, "Reality is a matter of perception, and from everyone else's perception I WILL be a hero."
He walked out the door and marched down the corridor, after passing three more doors he walked into another room. This room was another containment unit but much different from the other one; it was mostly empty but had a computer terminal on the left side. A large piece of technology hung from the ceiling, generating a large dome-shaped force-field over the floor. Inside the force-field was Jack-Jack, who sat with a large metal collar around his neck, which he didn't seem to like. Baymax stood in front of the force-field as he stared down at Jack-Jack when Sickness came up next to him. Jack-Jack growled as he tried to pull the collar off his neck but was unable to do so.
Baymax watched him as he said, "That collar is restraining Jack-Jack."
Sickness showed no regard as he said, "It prevents him from using his powers."
Baymax kept watching Jack-Jack as he said, "It seems to be causing him some discomfort. Perhaps it should be removed."
Sickness turned to Baymax and then said, "Ow."
Hearing that word, Baymax turned to Sickness and said, "Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. I was alerted to your need to medical attention when you said 'ow'."
Sickness showed a tedious expression but narrowed his eyes as he opened Baymax's access port and removed Tadashi's chip, tossing it to the sidewall before closing the port. Baymax's eyes turned red as he stared down at Sickness, awaiting his order.
Sickness pointed at the entrance and said, "Whoever comes in through that door, destroy them!"
Baymax took a few steps as he turned and stared at the door, intending to destroy anyone who would enter through it. Sickness laughed maniacally as he walked out the door and proceeded down the corridor as he made his way to his Manta Jet.
Author's note: Things are getting serious! So yes, some of you might have seen this coming, Sickness is Syndrome's brother. When I first thought up this story I was going to make Syndrome the villain. I was going to make up a way he somehow survived the jet explosion, but then I thought of Sickness and decided he would be better. Sickness is also meant to represent an evil version of Hiro or what Hiro could've become if he didn't have his friends and Baymax. This is why I have him trying to convince Hiro to join him.