One month into the reign of the villains, havoc was being caused everywhere in Equestria...

In one area, Lavan's servants had burned down a forest - not the Everfree Forest, but a smaller one.

"Good work, boys! Now they'll lose their precious air!" Lavan shouted.

When they had left, a unicorn appeared among the ruins of the forest with a slight grin.

The unicorn had a forest green coat with a leaf green tail and mane.

He was Woodsong, Master of Life.

"I bet he'll be shocked once he finds this forest back," he said as he tapped the ground with his horn, restoring the forest back to normal.

In a graveyard, a necromancer pony was resurrecting several ponies to serve as his underlings.

The necromancer exclaimed, "I command you to from your grave!"

Soon several skeletons of the ponies had risen from the tombs.

"Hehehe... Nothing can stop me now," the necromancer uttered.

"You know... you should know better than to say that," a voice came.

The necromancer turned and saw a grey unicorn with a light grey tail and matching mane standing atop a mausoleum.

"Who are you?" The necromancer uttered.

"I am Spinesnap, Master of Undeath!" The unicorn proclaimed.

He leaped down from the mausoleum and landed perfectly, before kicking the necromancer square in the head.

As the necromancer fell, he dropped an amulet. Spinesnap took it up and commanded, "Return to your grave!"

The skeletons then returned to their tombs, as they were compelled by the amulet.

When the last has returned, Spinesnap placed the amulet on the ground and stomped on it, shattering it.

"No! My plans of domination have been ruined!" The necromancer cried out.

"I'll take you back to our base," Spinesnap said as he cuffed the necromancer.

In a chasm in Griffonstone, a griffon named Geri laid with his wing pinned down by a rock.

"Arrrgh... How can I ever get out of this?" he cried.

"Don't worry, I'm going to help!"

A voice called out, and a cyan unicorn with a light blue mane and tail descended on air currents.

"What's your name, girl?" Geri asked.

"My name is Skysoar, Master of Air," Skysoar replied as she summoned a gust of wind which blew the rock off his wing.

"Could you help me out of the chasm?" Geri requested.

"Sure. Here, I'll even give you some treasure!" Skysoar replied in glee and passed him a bronze goblet.

Geri smiled as he held the goblet in his mouth and Skysoar used wind currents to lift him up and out of the chasm.

"I won't forget this!" Geri shouted as he headed back to the nearest down to get his wing healed.

Meanwhile, the witches were preparing to launch a mudslide on a town in Equestria.

"Do we have to do this, mama? We've already enslaved all of the ponies!" Draggle asked Hydia.

"Don't call me mama! And yes, we have to! The ponies should be buried under mud!" Hydia growled.

She proceeded to summon heaps of mud upon a nearby cliff, and it slowly began moving to the town.

A older unicorn with a brown coat and a light brown mane and tail looked at the mudslide.

"I suppose I, Stonekeeper, Master of Earth, must help again," The unicorn uttered.

Stonekeeper used his powers to raise the earth and divert the mudslide over to the side of the town where it could do no damage.

Hydia looked shocked and asked, "What happened? Why'd the stones just raise up?"

"I don't know, but we'd better get out of here before we're caught." Reeka advised.

The witches promptly fled before anyone could find them.

In another area, Katrina had set a hotel on fire.

"Hahahaha! I wonder how the ponies look when their bodies are on fire!" Katrina roared.

When she had left, a pair of unicorns arrived at the burning hotel.

One of them was deep blue with a dark blue mane and tail.

This was Waterdream, Master of Water.

The other was dark red with a light red mane and tail.

He was Emberglow, Master of Fire.

"Okay, Emberglow. You go into the hotel and rescue any ponies trapped in there and I'll put the fire out." Waterdream suggested.

"That sounds like a plan to me!" Emberglow replied.

Emberglow rushed into the building and began evacuating ponies left and right.

"Don't worry, I'm immune to the effects of fire! Now get to the exit, quickly!" Emberglow ordered.

He then found an elevator that was stuck on the bottom floor.

"Oh no... I can't open this!" Emberglow shouted.

"Don't worry, mate! I'll help out!"

A voice replied, and an orange unicorn with a light orange mane and tail arrived, however, he had an interesting thing- a mechanical leg.

He was Gearjolt, Master of Tech.

"Gearjolt, thank goodness you're here! Now get them out of there!" Emberglow said.

Gearjolt opened the doors of the elevator and all the ponies inside poured out and headed to the exit.

Soon the fire had been put out and the guests evacuated.

"Thank goodness you're all safe. I didn't want anyone hurt." Waterdream said.

In the mines of Equestria, several miners had been caved in and their gems had been stolen by some Diamond Dogs, lead by Crunch.

"Help! Somepony help!" One of the miners shouted.

Two unicorns arrived at the mine.

The first had a black coat with a black mane and tail, yet his eyes had pupils, unlike Spellweaver.

He was Shadowstep, Master of Dark.

And the other had a yellow coat with a yellow mane and tail.

He was Righteous Strike, Master of Light.

"Alright, Shadowstep, listen up. You're going to find out where the Diamond Dogs took the gems and bring them back. I'm going to guide these miners to the surface with my light." Righteous Strike commanded.

"Fine, boss." Shadowstep said as he moved into the darkness, merging into it with ease.

Righteous Strike began entering the mine following the cries of the miners.

He used his magic to generate a spear, which he used as a lever to pry the boulders open.

As they fell to the ground and broke, he used his magic to illuminate the area.

"Follow me to the surface, quickly!" Righteous Strike shouted.

They soon began following him as he arrived at the surface.

"Shame we can't get our gems back from those guys now..." One of the miners sobbed.

"Or can you?" Shadowstep said, emerging with a sack full of gems from the miner's shadow.

"You got them? I don't believe it!" The Miner said.

He happily handed the bag of gems to them.

Back in Tambelon, the witches were reporting the failure of the mudslide to the other villains.

"What? How could this be failing?" Tirek asked.

"I don't know. We heard reports of some group called the Elements of Power being responsible." Reeka said.

"Elements of Power? This could be troublesome..." Grogar asked.

At the Elements of Power base, the ponies all gathered up.

"So does anyone know the cause of all this?" Skysoar asked.

"You haven't heard? Apparently there's been a breakout in Taurtaurus, and all the villains have gotten loose! I think we should try to recapture them." Righteous Strike said.

"I think we'll need some help, though..." Gearjolt mentioned.

He lead them downstairs to a portal and turned it on, and someone came through...