Slam Dunk is not mine.


"I still can't believe Rukawa is buying for you your lunch, Hanamichi," Youhei said, eyeing Rukawa at the bar from the corner of his eye. "Anything you're not telling me?" He stretched out his right arm and laid it on the window ledge by their booth.

Sakuragi chuckled. "I beat that amateur and that's his punishment."

Youhei raised an eyebrow as he focused his vision once again on his best friend. "And he's doing this willingly? I thought the both of you never got along well. Is this the start of a new friendship I'm sensing?" He jested.

"Maybe more," Sakuragi mumbled under his breath, but Youhei was sharp enough to hear it. The shorter boy rested his palm on his chin and gazed into Sakuragi's brown eyes.

"Tell me," he coaxed.

"Well," Sakuragi hesitatingly looked at Rukawa. Good. He's still waiting impatiently for the food to arrive. There's still time for him to tell Youhei everything he had been keeping to himself for a whole year. "I think I like him, as in, more than a friend sort of like." He paused. "I'm attracted to him." There, he said it.

"Hmm." Was Youhei's only repond as he continued gazing at the redhead.

"Youhei. Is it wrong? This feeling? I'm a guy, and he's a guy. It's…"

"In today's society, people are more open-minded. I'm sure they'll accept it. But, I'm not really surprised. When you hate someone, you will be obsessed about the person, his quirks, his hobbies, his favourite food, favourite colour, favourite hang out, till one day, you realize that you are obsessed with that person because you are attracted to him. Maybe that's how you're feeling about Rukawa. You used to hate him a lot at the beginning, finding every chance to beat him up. But I sensed that you changed as the years go by. I thought it was acceptance. Never thought it'll be attraction. Maybe even…love?" Youhei leaned back into his seat.

Sakuragi pursed his lips thoughtfully. "That's quite a mouthful coming from you, Youhei. I'm glad you're the practical one among the rest of the guys. Thanks for understanding," he nodded appreciatively as he kicked his best friend playfully under the table.

"Why is he here?"

Youhei smirked at the boy standing before him. He deliberately stretched himself further into the booth and stretched out both his arms, making himself comfortable. "Yo," he drawled, lifting his right hand in greeting, and then plopping it back onto the head of the seat.

Rukawa sat opposite him, beside Sakuragi, and slowly emptied the overflowing tray of food onto the table. He placed Sakuragi's order: A turkey bacon burger with extra mayonnaise, a large fries and large cup of soda, in front of the redhead, then placed his own beef burger in front of him. As he settled into his seat, he glared at the unwanted guest. "I didn't buy anything for you. Sorry." But his tone was unapologetic.

"I know when I'm not wanted. Well, see you around, Hanamichi, Rukawa. Ja!" Youhei sighed deliberately at Rukawa's coldness, and then slid out of the booth to leave the diner. Rukawa silently ate his burger, but Sakuragi turned back to wave to his friend. When Youhei was sure that Rukawa couldn't care less about him, he gave a thumbs up sign to his friend and mouthed 'gambatte.'

Sakuragi smiled at the gesture. He turned back towards his food and unwrapped his burger. He took a sideway glance at the silent boy beside him and smiled secretly. Rukawa, amazingly, had been a good sport today. When Sakuragi had wanted to visit the amusement park, Rukawa willingly paid for the tickets and followed the redhead around. He even accompanied Sakuragi on the roller coasters, and Sakuragi knew that boy usually tries to avoid that blasted machine as he turned an interesting shade of green after their second ride. But Rukawa did not utter a single complain. Then, when Sakuragi wanted to visit the sportswear store to survey some basketball shoes, Rukawa tagged along. Sure, he was silent throughout, but Sakuragi knew the raven-haired boy was enjoying the afternoon. Somehow, he could sense it.

When the sky darkened, Sakuragi suggested they visit a diner near the school. Rukawa followed without a fight, and even volunteered to pay for the meal. I could get use to this, the redhead mused. Maybe Youhei was right. My obsession with him, it was all because I was attracted to the person that he is. And maybe, he feels the same way too.

"Rukawa, want a fry?" Sakuragi held one out, expecting the boy beside him to take it between his fingers. Instead, the blue-eyed boy leaned forward and nibbled on the fry till his lips touched Sakuragi's finger. He then licked off the salt sticking onto the other boy's skin.

"Yummy," Rukawa mumbled as he leaned back. Slowly, Sakuragi pulled back his hand towards his body. But his eyes still refused to avert his gaze. Those eyes, the redhead wondered. It turned violet again. Just like during the match.

"The day's almost over. What else do you want before this bet expires?" Rukawa looked away and concentrated on his burger. "Being nice is rather tiring."

Sakuragi snapped out of his reverie. "Teme! So you're just acting nice because of the bet? I'm leaving." Sakuragi took his last bite of the burger and stood up to leave, then realized that Rukawa was sitting on the outside, blocking his exit. "Kitsune, move."

"I haven't finished my burger yet," Rukawa mumbled between bites. He took a sip of his soda, then took another baby bite of his burger.

He's provoking me, Sakuragi growled inwardly. "Dammit!" he cursed and then sank towards to floor. When he was under the table, he crawled in between its legs and headed for the aisle. Rukawa put one foot forward. "TEME KITSUNE!" came the growl from under the table.

"People are watching," Rukawa said quietly, only for Sakuragi to be heard. He then said in a slightly louder tone for most of the patrons in the diner to hear. "I know you want to blow me that badly, but could you please wait till we're on the bed to do this? It's rather uncomfortable."

A few muffled giggles were heard from the group of teenage girls at a nearby booth. Sakuragi turned crimson under the table when some curious onlookers peeped under the table to verify Rukawa's statement. There was a loud buzzing noise in his ear, either from his heated skin or the lack of air from under the table, he could not tell. He only knew that he had to get out of there, and not to return to his seat. Ever.

With a deep breath, Sakuragi dug his fingernails into Rukawa's shin, and when the other boy jerked in pain, he rushed out from under the table, threw open the diner door, and ran for his life, swearing under his breath that he shall never return to that blasted place again.

"I knew I'd find you here."

"Feh, since when did you ever know me so well, stupid fox?"

Rukawa sighed and settled into the empty swing beside the redhead. He kicked his heels into the sand and the swing swayed.

Sakuragi was silent. He liked this place. He remembered the first time he was here. It was with Ryota, when they first confessed to each other the number of times they were rejected by girls. Since then, he returned to this playground. There was something about this playground's charm that had attracted the redhead then, and now, he still visits it every now and then to clear his mind, especially after a rough basketball match.

"You're not actually angry, are you?"

Sakuragi gripped the chains of the swing tighter. "The bet is still valid. I want you to apologize."

Rukawa's eyebrow shot up. "What for, do'aho?"

"For everything you said to me. Since the first time I saw you on that rooftop." Sakuragi knew asking for an apology, especially from Rukawa was futile. That boy has pride. And even if he did apologize, would it actually make any difference?

"I'm sorry."

It was a simple two-word apology, but Sakuragi could tell that Rukawa really meant it. He turned to face the boy, only to realize that he's staring at his feet. "I've never said that sincerely before," the black-haired boy said, a hint of surprise in his tone. He placed his two feet into the firm sand and stood up. "Whoa."

Sakuragi hesitated. "Rukawa?" the raven-haired boy turned to face him. "As a final wish, can I see where you live?" Could he sense it? The need, the uncertainty, the insecurity that had rushed into his system and wedged itself permanently into his throat. Sakuragi looked away, refusing to meet his teammate's eyes. Teammate. Maybe that's all we'll ever be.

Rukawa squatted down in front of the redhead and cupped his chin with his pale right hand. "Do'aho. You don't have to beat around the bush with me. Just tell me what you want." His index finger lightly traced the contour of Sakuragi's face. Beautiful.

"I don't want to be alone tonight."

"Do'aho. Nobody wants to be alone at night." With that, he leaned forward till his lips barely skimmed Sakuragi's. "I wonder if you had forgotten our kiss in the classroom," Rukawa said seductively. Sakuragi snorted. It was surprising he could even utter a single noise, as his whole body seemed to be tightening and his heart was beating wildly. "Well, let's refresh your memory, shall we?" but instead of locking their lips, Rukawa playfully bit the redhead's lower lip. "Punishment for forgetting," he mumbled, then bridged the gap till their lips were connected.

Sakuragi lifted his hand and laid it on the back of Rukawa's neck, mostly because it seemed like the most natural thing to do, and also, he might slid off the swing if he did not grab onto anything for support. Sakuragi parted his lips, inviting Rukawa's tongue into his warm mouth.

They stayed like this for about five minutes, Rukawa leaning forward, and Sakuragi trying hard to prevent himself from toppling off the swing, all the while their tongue explored their partner's taste and essence. With a sigh, Sakuragi broke the kiss and absently played with Rukawa's messy hair.

"So, I guess that's a yes?"