Digimon Queen Rika
Chapter 11
Co-Written with GreyKing46
We do not own any of these characters. All rights belong to the respective owners
SargentEpsilon: That's probably my bad. There's a LOT to remember and update on different files.
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It was the next day; around midday with Sakuyamon hearing what happened back in the forest, she wanted to know what had happened to the both of them.
"I am very disappointed with you." She frowned at both of them
"We're sorry, Your Majesty." The two apologised
"BanchoLilimon, where did ask for them to meet you?" Sakuyamon asked
"MILES back from where they said they were." BanchoLilimon answered sadly
"Really?" She frowned
"We got lost." Mamemon answered shamefully.
"And we couldn't find our way back." Gryzmon followed up. "After we walked past the meeting point because Mamemon wanted to get to work so we would be promoted quicker."
"Damn it, Mamemon..." Sakuyamon frowned and sighed.
"Hey!" Mamemon snapped at Gryzmon snapped
"S'true, you wanted to get better as a Knight." Gryzmon answered. "I wanted to go back!"
Mamemon snarled and clenched his fists
"Mamemon, Gryzmon that's enough!" Sakuyamon called out, calling quiet.
The two Digimon gulped as they soon quietened down.
"Mamemon... I am ashamed with you." She frowned
"My-My Queen?" Mamemon frowned, his heart sinking hearing this
"Y-You can't be serious." Mamemon stammered, broken-hearted and began to glare at her.
"I AM serious. From this moment forward, you are no longer a Knight." Sakuyamon remained strong as she looked at him
"You were taught patience and caring for your comrades are the most important aspects of a knight again and again during your training. Now you have not only ignored those lessons but you have proven that you think those lessons are lies and worthless, that they do not matter. You disregarded the safety of your fellow knight while also disobeying orders just for your pride and for glory. You invaded another Digimon's land and attacked him. Get out of my sight."
"But-you...You can't!" Mamemon snapped.
"I already have." Sakuyamon answered. "Get out."
"You-!" Mamemon tried to attack but was stopped by BanchoLilimon, by knocking him out.
"Forgive me, My Queen. I'll get rid of him." BanchoLilimon answered sadly, taking him away.
Sakuyamon nodded sadly and sat down.
BanchoLilimon looked down in shame, and looking at Mamemon with disgust, as she dragged him away via her vine yo-yo
'It's not her fault. Each Knight is different.' Sakuyamon thought sadly. "Gryzmon, you are excused. We will find a group to add you to so you can continue your path to being a knight." She sighed
"H-Honestly, Your Highness...I...I dunno if I'm cut out for it...I couldn't do anything." Gryzmon answered sadly.
"Because there was nothing to do." She assured "Your comrade forced you to go beyond your meeting point, he ignored your advice and you did not attack when he provoked someone else. You are a kind soul. You will be a great a knight as... As those who had fallen. They were a lot like you." She was clearly slightly sad as she said the last bit but was entirely honest
Gryzmon's eyes widened and lowered his head to the floor. "Y-Your Highness, I-I'm not worthy."
"Then be worthy." She encouraged
"I-I promise. I'll do my best." Gryzmon answered, leaving with new vigour and loyalty for his Queen.
Sakuyamon sighed contently and looked on.
"That was a good thing you did." Gallantmon reassured her.
"I know...But from what they said when recounting yesterday...A 'red and gold' Digimon, does that sound like anyone we know?" Sakuyamon spoke.
"No, not really. And it wasn't me, I wasn't anywhere near Minotarumon's location." Gallantmon answered
"I know." She nodded, holding his hand. "Besides, you are silver and red. Outside of Crimson Mode and I doubt you were in that form for this."
"Yeah, true." Gallantmon nodded
"We'll figure it out." Sakuyamon spoke, getting up. "I'm going out for a little while."
"Want me to come with you?" He asked in concern
Sakuyamon thought for a little...and she nodded. "Please. I need the company."
He nodded and held her hand
"We'll look after the castle." Junomon spoke, alongside Tinkermon and Venusmon
"I know, I trust you." Sakuyamon smiled.
*Elsewhere in the Digital World*
We find ourselves at a makeshift camp, a fire with fish and meat cooking over it. And two figures were sitting, watching their meals cook.
Both being feminine, one looking a bit like a nurse and the other like a nun
"Is it done yet?" The nurse asked quietly.
The nun prodded the meat gently and saw the juices pour out. "Little longer." She responded
"Good." The nurse mumbled, rubbing her stomach in hunger
"How're you holding up?" The nun asked kindly.
"Just...Just hungry." The nurse answered, holding her staff, her staff looking like a five point trident
"It will be okay little sister, it is nearly finished." The nun assured
"I can't believe what happened still...It-it was a nightmare." The nurse began to choke up, almost coughing in sadness
"We got separated from all the knights." The nun nodded, holding the nurse close "It will be okay Blanc, we can survive without them."
The nurse, now named 'Blanc', hummed gently. "Thank you, Noir." Using her sister's name
"It shall be fine." Noir assured once more, smiling
The two continued to wait for their meal to be cooked until it was ready.
Through the forests and deep into the caverns of the Digital World, there was a group of six walking through them. Guardromon, MarineAngemon and Cyberdramon, along with their Tamers.
Their clothes were ripped and dirty
After spending months in the Digital World, raiding the various villages of Queen Sakuyamon, though they were mostly unsuccessful. Sure they had gotten a few lucky hits in, but the villages were protected by the Knights.
Half the world... The Sovereigns were becoming impatient
"Ryo...What're we doing here?" Kenta asked sadly, his spirit was diminished and his clothes looked like they were through thick thorn bushes.
"We need to find her castle." He snarled
"It's been six MONTHS. Every time we get close, we're pushed back." Kazu followed, he had lost his cap three months back and his clothes were only stitched up by some loose string.
"We can do this!" He hissed
"What's with you man? You're burning us out." Kenta spoke
"We've got a FUCKING job to do!" Ryo snapped, stopping and grabbed Kenta's remaining shirt and slammed him into the cavern wall.
"H...hey! Let me go!" Kenta cried
"Ryo, let him-!" Guardomon began to defend his partner, but Cyberdramon snarled stopping him.
"I am NOT ending this!" Ryo snapped before he dropped the guy and walked off
Both Ryo and Cyberdramon walked off in a rage, Kenta and Kazu were looking in fear at their 'leader' now.
"Kenta? Kazu?" Guardromon and MarineAngemon asked them in worry and exhaustion
"We're fine." Kenta sighed
Kazu groaned as he rubbed his neck. "Yeah...Fine."
*In the forests*
Sakuyamon and Gallantmon were walking through the forests, passing the flowers that were growing there. "Hey, the flowers look great." Gallantmon smiled
"Yes...Yes, they do." Sakuyamon nodded, albeit a little sad
"Still thinking about Ma-" Gallantmon began to speak before Sakuyamon raised her hand to stop him.
"I don't want any reminding." Sakuyamon answered
"Sorry." He apologised.
"It's fine. I can't believe how much I've grown in all this time." Sakuyamon spoke, looking around.
"You've always been a badass woman." Gallantmon teased
"And you've got a nice one." She smiled, slapping his posterior playfully.
"Hey." He frowned, waving a finger at her teasingly
"Come on, let's just walk." She asked
Gallantmon grinned and slapped her ass, running off in front of her
"Hey!" She gasped and ran after him, the Knight Digimon laughing as he ran.
"Catch me if you can Ice Queen!" He called back with a teasing smile
"Oh, it is ON, GOGGLE-HEAD!" She called out, running as fast as he was.
Both began to laugh, feeling like kids
The two ran deeper into the forests, not noticing where they were going and soon they were in a large lake area, surrounded by flowers and saplings.
Gallantmon looked ahead and screeched to a halt...Not noticing that Sakuyamon was hot on his trails and crashed into him, the two flying straight into the lake.
"AAAHHH!" The two armoured Mega's yelled in shock, soon splashing into the water
The two were under the water for a growing period of time. Their bubbles were soon getting less and less...Until two shadows pulled out of the water.
"GAH!" Sakuyamon and Gallantmon gasped for air as they had swum to the surface.
The two panted lightly, holding each other's hand
"Are-are you okay?" Gallantmon panted, looking at her, trying to keep her afloat.
"Yeah." Sakuyamon nodded, smiling. You did not need to 'breath' in the Digital World but still
Gallantmon soon began to pull her to the shore, hoping that his armour didn't weigh him down.
"Gallantmon, wait." Sakuyamon spoke, swimming with him.
"Wh-what?" He asked, grabbing onto the shoreline and pulled themselves up...Which revealed Sakuyamon in a golden and purple bikini!
"... How..." He mumbled, unable to look away
"Take off your armour...I want to swim." Sakuyamon purred, teasing him
He nodded, getting out of the lake to take his armour off
Sakuyamon smiled as she saw Gallantmon remove his armour, showing off his chiselled physique and his red underwear. She couldn't help but giggle at that aspect.
"What's so funny?" He frowned
"You look like a sexy underwear model." She smiled
"And you look like a bikini model." He grinned back, getting back into the water
The two began to swim and play, kissing and tagging each other as they were in the cold waters of the lake.
They did not know, however, that two Digimon were watching them
"N-Noir, look." Sistermon Blanc looked at her sister and back at the scene.
"It...It's her. The Queen." Sistermon Noir nodded, seeing the two there.
"She's beautiful." Noir whispered
"She is." Blanc nodded. "We...Could we talk to her?"
"I guess." Noir nodded
The two walked through the forest bushes, hoping not to scare Sakuyamon and Gallantmon into attacking them
The two were now against the edge of the pool, kissing each other
"I love you, Sakuyamon." Gallantmon whispered, stroking his Queen's hair.
"Same." The queen smiled gently, licking her purple lips for a second before she kissed him again
The two Sistermon continued to walk towards them, nervous and feeling happy at the same time.
But there was a great rumble. Somewhere in the lake.
"What was that?" Gallantmon asked in worry
"Don't know." She frowned
Erupting from the depths of the water was a shimmering gold and silver looking aquatic-dinosaur with razor-fins and metal plates.
"What the heck is that?" Gallantmon called out
"MetalSeadramon!" Sakuyamon answered
The Digimon roared, glaring down at the four of them...and he looked hungry.
"A Mega, we can take him." Sakuyamon smiled at her lover as she resummoned her armour
Gallantmon tried to pull himself out of the water, but MetalSeadramon's blaster shot down at the pair of them.
Sakuyamon summoned a barrier to protect herself, but Gallantmon wasn't so lucky. Having no armour, he was flung back onto land and was hurt.
"Ah!" He yelled in pain, his armour shifting to grey for a second next to him
"Gallantmon!" Sakuyamon called out, using her magic to levitate herself to him.
MetalSeadramon whipped his tail to attack Sakuyamon, but she blocked it, retaliating it back.
"You have pissed me off." She glared
The MetalSeadramon roared and shot off a blast of energy from his nose-cannon, Sakuyamon riposting it away while keeping it concentrated on her while Gallantmon could get armoured up.
"Ow...Hnn! Not fun." He groaned, getting from the ground.
His armour was turning grey and blue every few seconds before reverting to normal
"That...That was weird." Gallantmon spoke in worry. "I've got to go-Civilians. Sakuyamon! Civilians!" He called out as he saw the two Sistermon.
"What? GAH!" Sakuyamon responded before blocking MetalSeadramon's attack
She was sent into a tree from the strike, pulling herself up
"HSSH!" The MetalSeadramon hissed, glaring at not only Gallantmon, but at the Sistermon.
"No!" Sakuyamon called out, but before she could attack a deep heavy buzz could be heard coming from the forest...And it caught MetalSeadramon's attention
A dark red and golden flighty blur rocketed out of the thick brush, slashing at MetalSeadramon's Chrome-Digizoid face, blinding him with sparks.
MetalSeadramon roared in pain, falling back
"Who or what is that?" Gallantmon asked, his armour now back on and protecting the Sistermon.
"The being Mamemon and Gryzmon saw." Sakuyamon gasped, seeing the physical being that they described.
The blur soon rocketed down, slamming MetalSeadramon's head into the ground and knocking it out.
The dust cloud that rose from the crater of MetalSeadramon's head soon settled...And it revealed the being that fought said Mega.
It was a human-sized insectoid Digimon, a dark blue jacket, red claws for feet and red-armoured clawed hands with golden guards and spiked golden shoulder guards; black baggy trousers with gold medallions and a red chest-piece with red helmet and insect antenna; purple hair coming from the base of his head, clear blue insect wings and two small golden hornet-like drones following him.
He looked at them and seemed to smile before he flew off again
The two Megas looked at each other before they looked at the Sistermon. "Are you two okay?" They asked in concern
"Huh? Oh, yes, we are. Who are you?" Sakuyamon asked, nodding
"I am Sistermon Noir. And this is my little sister, Blanc." Noir introduced themselves.
"I'm Gallantmon, this is Queen Sakuyamon." Gallantmon responded kindly
"Hello." Sakuyamon nodded
"Y-Your Majesty...Please. C-Can we-?" Blanc asked timidly, hiding behind her sister.
Both girls where blushing madly, staring at the queen's body. The allure all but overwhelming them
'Oh dear...My 'Allure' is making them drool.' Sakuyamon frowned, seeing the two acting like this
It was rather adorable
"Would you like to come back to the castle with us?" Sakuyamon asked kindly, kneeling down to their eye-level.
They both nodded eagerly, blushing
"Come on then, we need to get out of here." Sakuyamon answered.
"GRANI!" Gallantmon called out, summoning his trusty steed
*Back at the castle*
LadyDevimon was standing outside at room, her idol's room
'I hope she'll come out today.' LadyDevimon thought to herself as she raised her leather gloved hand and knocked
"What?" Angewomon's voice responded through the door.
"A... Angewomon?" LadyDevimon stuttered, her awe and nerves filling her voice
"Who is it?" Angewomon asked, slowly opening the door to only just a crack
"M... My name is LadyDevimon. I... I'm a knight in training." She said nervously
"Congratulations. Please leave." Angewomon began to close the door but LadyDevimon's foot was unintentionally in the way
"I'm sorry. I... I know you probably don't remember me... And I don't blame you... But you are my hero." LadyDevimon explained
"...I'm your hero?" Angewomon asked, looking at LadyDevimon
"Yes. Yes, you are." LadyDevimon nodded, looking in through the crack of the door.
While holding a familiar autograph
Angewomon's eyes began to focus, she saw the signature she gave to- "Salamon? You-YOU'RE Salamon?"
"You remember me?" LadyDevimon asked in joy
"You...Were so small." Angewomon thought back kindly. "When...When did you Digivolve?" She asked, slowly opening the door.
"I became a BlackGatomon a few days after you gave me the autograph. I became this form about three weeks ago. I trained hard." She smiled shyly
"I...I'm impressed." Angewomon answered, fully opening the door and exposed herself to LadyDevimon, she was much weaker and unkempt than when she once was. Having not trained and kept to herself, still mourning Mistymon, she had let herself go.
Of course that did not affect her body at all, still being a sleek and curvy as ever, but her cloths had greyed slightly from being inside and lazily washed, her hair unkept and her face having smeared make up
"Do you...Want to come in?" Angewomon asked kindly
"Please." LadyDevimon nodded quickly
Angewomon allowed LadyDevimon to come in, letting her see her untidy room.
The bed was heavily slept in, there were clothes in the corner and the bathroom looked like a sauna.
"What... Happened here?" LadyDevimon wondered aloud in shock
"I...I just...Couldn't...I couldn't be bothered." Angewomon frowned, looking at it all.
"Huh?" LadyDevimon blinked
"When Mistymon died...I couldn't be motivated." Angewomon frowned as she explained. "To do... Anything."
LadyDevimon frowned as she heard that. "Well...Let me help you get motivated."
"What do you mean?" Angewomon asked
"I-I mean...You inspired ME to become stronger. Let me do the same for you." LadyDevimon blushed under her mask, trying to sound professional.
But her mind had nearly drifted to a fantasy
"I'd...I'd appreciate it." Angewomon smiled gently and accepted the offer.
*with Sakuyamon*
"Here we are." Sakuyamon spoke as she, Gallantmon and the two Sistermon landed.
"It-it's amazing." Blanc whispered, seeing the kingdom's borders.
"Yes, it is, Blanc." Noir agreed
"Open the gates! The Queen and King returns!" The guards at the gates called out.
The gates quickly opened, the four walking inside
"Welcome back, your highness." The guards spoke as they closed the gates.
"Thank you." Sakuyamon responded
"All quiet on this front, your Highness." The guard spoke, talking to Gallantmon
"Great, keep up the good work." Gallantmon praised them
"Sir!" They responded
"This way, we'll talk over dinner, the two of you look starved." Sakuyamon offered, leading the way to the castle.
"Thank you." The Sistermon smiled, both hugging her happily
'I think...This is going to be a good day.' Sakuyamon thought kindly, before looking back to the forest. And thought about that Digimon in the forest. 'I'm sure we'll meet again.'
To be continued
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