A/N: Sorry it's so late. As an apology, it is longer than it was meant to be, and the plot took a turn I didn't expect. Review to let me know if you've enjoyed this.

The Central City Police were striking out with their bank robber. Three long days of work led to nothing, until another bank was robbed that Thursday. The precinct was flooded with witnesses again, but it was different this time. Multiple people had died, and no one was sure if they were caused by the robber or the weather.

Someone also managed to get a video.

Every detective and CSI in the building were crowded around a computer while the video played on a loop. No one would have caught what Barry had, and he knew that, so he shoved his way through the crowd.

"Rewind it."

The officer that was in control of the computer looked at Barry as if he was crazy, but complied anyway. Barry didn't have him rewind all the way, only until the moment where all the windows in the bank shattered, shooting his hand out to pause it. It would take too long for the officer to stop it.

"Now play it frame by frame."

The first few frames seemed useless, but on the fourth the robber's hood had been blown back just enough to give a blurry shot of his face. Now they at least had something they could match up to the sketch that was currently in process. That wasn't what Barry was looking at thought. The robber's fingers curled as the weather got worse, and considering recent events Barry was considering that they were connected. Barry saw the robber in person later that day, when him and Iris were both on break from work. Iris didn't have long so the speedster chose to meet her and Eddie there.

Barry and Eddie didn't exactly get along, but they didn't hate each other. It was more of an issue of them not knowing each other, but Eddie made Iris happy, so he wanted to try. He was glad that they had told Joe about their relationship almost a week after Barry woke up. He didn't think he could lie to Joe about that.

"Hey Bar, what are you thinking about?"

Eddie was leaning close to Barry, snapping his fingers in front of the speedster's face to get his attention.

"I- what?"

Iris rolled her eyes at Barry, taking a sip of her coffee. "We were talking about family dinner this week, and you just spaced out. Thinking about some hottie? Maybe Isabelle's dad?"

Iris had a wide grin, amused by Barry's blush.

"What? No. Leonard is the farthest thing from my mind!"

"Leonard? When did you find out his name?"

Barry ducked his head, trying to back out of the conversation, but it was useless. Eddie and Iris were now both staring at him expectantly.

"He was one of the people at the bank on Sunday. I guess he was giving his statement to Captain Singh when I showed up. I got his number."

Oh no. Barry regretted the last sentence as soon as it left his mouth. He could practically see the sparkle in her eyes.

"Did you call him?" She squealed out.

"No. I don't see a need to?"

"Do you still have his number?"

"Yeah," He muttered, reaching into his pocket. "It's right here."

Before Barry could stop Iris, she had both the paper and Barry's phone in her hands.

"Leonard Snart? That's an unfortunate name."

"Snart?" Eddie questioned, finally breaking his own silence. "He used to be a thief. Targeted museums and armored cars. Six years ago his criminal record just disappeared and he hasn't been seen since. That's what I heard from Joe during a case anyway. Snart was one of our witnesses."

"Woah. You attract all the weirdos Barry."

"He's not even attracted to me." Barry spluttered out. "The first time we met he thought I was kidnapping his daughter!"

"He is." Iris and Eddie said together.

Iris started typing the number into Barry's phone,holding it higher when the man tried to take it from her. She pressed the call button with smirk, pressing speakerphone as it rang.

"Iris! What are you doing?" Barry hissed out.

"I'm with Barry on this one, babe."

Eddie shut his mouth the moment Iris glared at him. "I'm just helping."

"Helping with-" Barry cut off his sentence as soon as the phone clicked.


"Answer him!" Iris whispered, leaning over the phone.

"No way! You're the one that called him." Barry whispered back.

"Well he gave his number to you!"

"Is anyone there?"

Iris sent Barry the same glare that had been sent to Eddie before responding. "Yes, sorry about that. This is Iris from the other day. Barry's sister?"

"You're his sister? I thought you might be a date or something."

"That didn't stop you from giving him your number," She chuckled out. "Anyway, the Care Bear is also a chicken, and didn't realize that you wanted a date, so I'm calling for him. How's tonight for you?"

"Sounds good. How about I pick him up at seven?"

Barry shook his head at that. He still lived at S.T.A.R. Labs, and a lot of people hated them after the particle accelerator exploded. He didn't know if Leonard was one of them.

"Sounds good. I'll text you the address. This is his phone, so you have his number if anything changes. I'll make sure he's ready on-"

That was when the front windows shattered, everyone inside Jitters screamed, taking cover. Eddie moved to protect Iris, and for Barry everything slowed down. He pushed everyone who was in danger of serious injury before returning to where he had been as if nothing had changed. Barry could feel the glass cutting into his skin, and the wind from outside whipped around the store.

"Iris! What's going on?"

Oh. Leonard was still on the phone. Barry grabbed at the phone that had fallen to the floor,pressing its now shattered screen against his face.

"It's Barry. I need you to call 911 and have them send as many ambulances as possible. The windows at Jitter's shattered and-"

A hand grabbed the phone from Barry's hand and threw it against the ground. It crunched under a foot, definitely cutting off the call. An arm wrapped around Barry and pulled him back against a hard chest.

"We can't have that. If anyone else calls for help we'll have a problem."

He didn't know the voice behind him, and he couldn't see the man, but he knew that it was their suspect. This guy was a killer and people, including Eddie and Iris, were in danger. Barry relaxed against the person behind him, and took a moment to make sure that his face didn't show his worry or fear.

"Everyone stay calm." He shouted above the roaring wind. "Just do what he says and we'll all be fine. You too Eddie. Let it happen."

"Smart kid." The man chuckled into his ear. "I think I'll keep you for insurance."

The man let Barry go for a second, gripping the speedster's wrist instead. Barry angled his face to look at the man's face, but he couldn't get a clear view.

"Now, I want anything of value. Cash, credit cards, jewelry, and the likes. Put it in the bag."

Thankfully everyone cooperated, stepping up one by one to empty their pockets and purses. The man even took Eddie's gun. The last touch was taking the money from the cash register before escaping, dragging Barry along with him.