Overprotective Chapter 9
By Mr_Toast
I've made up my mind, and this will be the last chapter in my series Overprotective. This was really fun to write and I will be writing more Lion King fanfictions in the future. This will be a rather short and sweet ending that I hope everyone will enjoy. I'm glad to see that I have over 500 views which may not seem like much, but I'm happy to have that many, so without much else to say... Enjoy!
Simba and Nala where currently sitting in the same field that they had always gone to. They were celebrating the one month anniversary of winning the battle against Zira. No one knows what happened to her or where she went, but all that can be said is that Nala is happy she doesn't have to see her anymore.
"Simba, What do you think it will be like when you become king?" Nala asked looking up at the stars. She knew that Simba liked to come here because he could look up and seek help from the previous kings.
"I don't know, I hope I will be like my dad" Simba said. Simba had never seen his father fail, or put his pride into a tight spot. Simba always feared failing his pride and sentencing them to there doom.
"Well I don't!" Nala said as she tackled Simba to the ground. They had this way of bonding with each other by shoving the other to the ground and running away. "Because you're not your father, and I love you" She said with a playful smirk.
Simba quickly reversed on her and pinned her to the ground. He smiled at her, but his smile quickly faded to a frown, and got up and walked away. Nala knew that something was bothering him and wanted to help him work past it.
"Alright Simba, What's wrong?" Nala asked in a playful voice. She had figured out that she was much more successful at making him compliant when she used her playful voice.
"It's just that when I become king… We won't be able to do this anymore…" Simba said in a sad tone. Being a king meant that you had to commit all your time to your duties, meaning that you had very little free time to do whatever you want with.
"Which is why were doing it now" Nala said as she nuzzled into him. She was like a sponge on water when it came to nuzzling Simba. She could just keep absorbing he warmness and never get tired of it.
"I love you" Simba said as he started to nuzzle her back.
"I love you too" Nala said.
And that's how the epic tale of Simba and Nala ends.
Simba will become the king two years later and will pick Nala as his queen. The two will rule over pride rock with utter fairness and respect for their pride. Nala gives birth to two cubs, Kiara and Kion. The first born is Kiara, who will one day be the queen, and the second born is Kion, who will become the leader of the lion guard.
As far as Chumvi and Kula go, Mufasa decided to let Kula stay for she had proven her loyalty in battle. Chumvi and Kula married and had three cubs of their own. Later on they would move out of the pride lands and into a oasis of a jungle, where they could raise their cubs and live a happy life without the worries of danger or war.
As for Zira, she later has a cub of her own, who she names Kovu. Kovu rejects his mothers beliefs and runs off to the pride lands, where Simba unheld judgement until he was proven worthy. Kovu and Kiara would get married when they got older and he would one day become king of the pride lands with Kiara as his queen.
Nala never lost her protective state over Simba, and she loved him with all her heart until the end of time.
Simba, Nala, Chumvi, And Kula all found the one they were destined to be with, and all lived happily ever after.
The End
Ok so first thing first, I know that ending was cringier than shit, But give it to me, it was kinda perfect. Sorry i went a little into depth on the Lion King facts but ey… Players gonna play. Thank you all for the amazing support you guys showed and I hope to see you guys in all of my other fanfictions. It has been a honor writing and this, and with that said, See you next friends… Mr_Toast Out...