Welcome! Ladies and Gentlemen! Writers, viewers, and reviewers! I'm Kyoto and THIS is not a fanfiction!

This is a collection of story ideas, short excerpts, prologue concepts, and plot twists! Take them as a challenge or perhaps just an interesting one-shot! Perhaps skim an idea from one of these for your own story... it's up to you!

Each chapter will be a different idea for a crossover, straight story, or maybe even a direct challenge that I've come up with. Most of these will be serious story ideas, but since I can't see myself actually turning them into full fanfiction I'm posting the beginnings here in the hope that other writers like my ideas and (maybe just maybe) take the concept and run with it.

That being said I may end up turning some of these into stories. Who can say when inspiration will strike? My muse is a fickle lady. I will try to post a new idea or challenge once every week or two until I run out of material. Then I'll post as new ideas come to me!

Remember! not all of these are finished ideas. Many of them are only rough concepts for a potential story, so don't expect me to be able to answer complex questions for their plot (if you wanted to try and adopt one of them for your own story) That being said of course I will answer what questions I can!

However... please don't pressure me into turning these story ideas into actual fanfics. I'm posting these here specifically because I don't see myself doing that. I already have multiple fanfiction which I am struggling to update frequently enough. Stories like 'Hybrid's Game', 'Alternate Plans', 'Incarnation', and 'Sealing Twilight' occupy much of my available writing time. taking the time to flesh out these story ideas will only slow updates for my already posted works!

Now... a few notes for reviewers.

1.) First and foremost... on questions... if you have a serious question about one of my posts please PM me unless the answer to the question is something simple I can respond to in a reader review.

2.) Next. Constructive criticism is fine. But please don't go overboard. Remember these are story concepts and ideas for story beginnings. They are not flushed out and as such are bound to have problems.

3.) If haters gonna hate... they better hate on one of my real stories where I can and will throw it back in your face. Hating on a fanfic is bad enough. Hating on a rough draft is just pathetic.

On Challenges: Some of these ideas will be challenges! On these I'm hoping someone (or several someones) will like my idea enough to turn it into a full story! I don't care how you do it! Take the idea and turn it into a treasure! But... please tell me if you're going to accept my challenge so I can read the result myself!

And that's a wrap!

Just one more thing though

Disclaimer time!

(I don't own Naruto, nor do I own any of the other crossover elements involved here. Only the plot twists and OCs may I call my own)

P.S. - I'll be posting three ideas right away as a special treat!