So, we all know that Miguel and Tulio were intended to be a same sex pairing in the film (a missed opportunity really), and I'm sure we've seen the numerous posts that have Flynn Rider as their son… well here's a story about it ?
Please read, review and enjoy ?
"I can't believe we got away with that."
"We didn't get away with that… that's why we had to run."
Miguel cackled at this, straightening up and brushing his golden hair out of his eyes, "Alright, I can't believe we escaped from that."
Nodding in agreement, Tulio slid down the wall until he was seated on the floor, with Miguel sitting next to him not long after. A comfortable silence fell between them, broken only by the sound of the bustling marketplaces.
And something crying nearby…. Loudly.
"Don't even think about it."
At Tulio's stern words, Miguel twisted around to face him, frowning at the warning glare Tulio was giving him.
Tulio's glare only deepened, "Don't even think about going to investigate…. It's none of our business."
"… It sounds like a baby though."
"Then let the mama deal with it…" Closing his eyes, Tulio rested his head against the brick wall, angling his face to the sun, "…babies are messy, and I already have my hands full dealing with you."
No reply… usually that sort of remark would at least produce an indignant sound.
A silent Miguel was always a sign of trouble.
This was only proven when he glanced over and realised that Miguel was gone.
"Oh, for pity's sake!" he exclaimed, pushing himself to his feet and rushing in the direction that he'd originally heard the crying coming from, knowing that Miguel would be there.
His footsteps echoing on the cobblestone path, Tulio frowned as he spotted Miguel knelt beside a simple basket, lifting the hem of a blanket and wriggling his fingers at whatever was inside.
'Please let it just be a kitten' Tulio pleaded silently, 'Please let it just be a kitten.'
"Tulio…" Miguel then whispered in delight, "… it's a baby!"
Tulio shook his head, "Oh no…" he groaned, watching his lover coo at the baby, "… this isn't happening!"
"What do you mean?"
Not answering, Tulio glanced around frantically, hoping that the baby's mama would suddenly appear and make everything better. Miguel would hand the baby over, charm the mama (as he usually did with women), be a little down for a few days before everything would go back to normal.
But no woman ever appeared.
"We need to- we need to- " Tulio couldn't force the words out, slowly starting to panic. They couldn't just hand the baby over to the local orphanage, not when there was a chance that the child would just be abandoned back on the streets due to a lack of food.
Times were hard, and even he wasn't cruel enough to leave the child to that fate.
"He's so cute!" Miguel squeaked, tickling the little feet that started to peek out of the blankets, "Tulio, look! Look at his little button nose!"
Tulio watched in dread as his partner lathered praise on the baby, pointing out different things and gently poking and prodding at it. As he went to tickle the little belly, Miguel's eyes widened in delight and his jaw dropped in glee as the baby laughed, squirming beneath his touch.
Please don't ask it.
"… can we keep him?"
Glancing down at the blonde-haired man, Tulio winced at the pleading look on his face.
"Please Tulio… can we keep him, please?"
"…. He's very little."
He needed to dissuade Miguel from this, they couldn't do this. "W-we don't have anything to take care of a baby! Baby stuff is expensive!"
"Maybe we can split up! You con people with your 'lucky' dice and I'll play my mandolin. My singing voice isn't that bad, so I might be able to make a few more coins. That old farm wife won't mind us using some of her cow milk, you know she has a soft spot for me. I'll even do most of the work if you want, sing to him, play with him, feed him, dress him, wash him- "
"- He's not ours though Miguel!" Tulio snapped. How could they love a baby who wasn't even theirs?
Miguel paused, a sad look flashing across his face before it was quickly replaced with determination, arms gently lifting the baby out of the blanket as he got to his feet, "I like the name Eugene… I remember one of the nuns used to read a book that had a hero called Eugene in it."
He then turned his attention to Tulio and scowled at him, "He might not be yours… but he's mine."
And then he walked off.
"Miguel… MIGUEL!"
When he finally made it back to their little house (and he really meant little…. Two rooms, one bedroom and a living area), Miguel was already sat on the bed, rocking the baby from side to side and refusing to look Tulio in the eye.
He looked so natural with a baby in his arms.
"Eugene's a good name…" he finally managed to blurt out, forcing a smile onto his face, "… it's… different."
Miguel didn't seem to care about the hesitant tone in Tulio's voice, looking up at him and beaming, "You really think so?"
"Yeah it… suits him." Slowly he made his way over to Miguel and kissed him on the forehead, "I think we have some old blankets? And a basket for him?"
He wasn't going to win this argument… maybe Miguel will see how difficult it was to raise a kid and agree to give him to someone else.
Later on, after getting some milk, feeding the baby… and then arguing over what toys the baby would need, Tulio had his arms wrapped around Miguel as they lay in bed.
"Do you think we're going to be good parents?" Miguel asked quietly, settling into Tulio's embrace.
"You're going to be fantastic."
"You too!"
Tulio shrugged, not wanting to commit to the idea of being a parent just yet.
"Tulio…." Miguel pushed himself up on his elbows and frowned at his lover, "… you'll be a good Papa too. We're partners, we do everything together!"
Feeling a little over-whelmed with the praise that Miguel was giving him, Tulio gave him a soft smile. "Thanks Miguel."
Reassured by this, Miguel settled back down… but not to sleep of course as he continued his happy chatter. "It's going to be perfect now…" he whispered, "… you, me and Eugene."
"…. We can teach him how to be the perfect little pickpocket." Tulio mused, "Darting in and out of the crowds whilst we play dice with them…. We'd get twice as much in once day."
"Or we can actually send him to school like any other kid?"
Glancing down at Miguel, Tulio winced at the disapproving look on the man's face. "Or… or we can send him to school."
Satisfied, Miguel hummed happily and snuggled in further, his eyes slipping shut as he started to drift off. For a few more seconds, Tulio glanced between the sleeping man and the sleeping baby in the basket, a million thoughts running through his mind.
What if he completely failed at this?
What if he turned out to be just like his own Papa?
What if Miguel decided he wanted nothing more to do with him, and took Eugene with him?
Groaning under his breath, Tulio desperately pushed those thoughts away and squeezed his eyes closed.
Maybe when he next woke up, this would all be nothing but a dream.
The soft sounds coming from the basket woke him up immediately.
Miguel didn't even stir.
"Really?" Tulio groaned, "The baby was your idea?!"
Knowing that Miguel could sleep through everything, Tulio made the sacrifice and slowly pushed himself into a seated position.
The fussy sounds coming from the basket threatened to become a full-blown and angry cry, prompting Tulio to rush over. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Eugene didn't need his cloth diaper changing… which probably meant that he was hungry.
Quickly, he prepared a bottle of milk and let the baby feed eagerly, watching as the milk disappeared and Eugene burped in delight.
However, when he tried to put the baby back into the basket, Eugene started fussing again.
"Why are you doing this to me?" Tulio found himself whining, gently rocking the baby from side to side, "I never asked for this, I never signed up to be a Papa."
Eugene just gurgled, large brown eyes staring up at him as he watched the man talk.
The baby's head fits quite easily in the palm of his hand, and Tulio found himself captivated by the attention Eugene was giving him…. He almost didn't want to put him down.
So, he talked to the baby, keeping his voice at a low, comforting rumble. He talked about making loaded dice, Miguel and his dancing, what he would do when they struck big with the gold…. Everything and anything.
All this while, he couldn't help but press tiny baby fingers to his mouth in little kisses, smirking as the baby giggled in delight.
He was utterly captivated, and he knew it…. The baby… Eugene was cooing and gurgling in all the right places. It was slightly reassuring to know that the baby might be another Miguel… someone who was kind, and who listened.
Coaxing Eugene into giving him a toothless smile and a giggle, Tulio know the smile would someday reflect Miguel's… he could just sense it.
He knew perfectly well that his expression was… besotted when he glanced up to see Miguel smiling fondly at him.
"You should both really go back to sleep." The blonde-haired man muttered softly, "Next thing I'll know, you'll both be up making plans and scheming until 3 in the morning!"
"Not until he's old enough to run away," Tulio dead-panned, causing Miguel to giggle.
In the end, Eugene really didn't want to sleep in his own crib and the couple opt to settle in their bed, the baby cuddled safely in between them.