Sup guys? Lighting Wolf here, back with another story, this one about Black Lagoon. Enjoy the 800-word chapter. I don't own BL, Sunao Katabuchi does.

(Present time.)

The pirate tried to crawl to his rifle before he was shot in the back as the man stepped over him.

"Son of a…. What the hell are you doing this for?"

The man asked as the other man turned to face him before raising the Desert Eagle in his hand.

"Simple…. You took my family…. So, I'm simply returning the favor and taking everything from you…. And since you're going to die…. I want you to remember my name…."

The man said as he raised his weapon to the pirate's face.

"It's Michael…"

Michael stated as he fired his weapon at the pirate.

(1 year before.)

Revy was bored… It wasn't a word that ever really applied with her, it didn't really ever seem to go with her.

It had been 6 months since the last mission and she was bored. No one really wanted to hire the Lagoon Company…. She didn't know why, and she didn't really care at the moment.

The tv was talking about a pirate attack as if it wasn't something that happened every day.

That was when the explosion happened.

"What the hell?"

Revy said before rushing out of her room.

(2 miles away.)

Michael almost wished he was dead, the man floated in the water, the rest of the boat laid in ruins around him, Michael didn't know which was worse to be at the moment, the men who were shot or blown to hell when the boat had exploded…. Or the ones who the sharks were finishing off.

Michael knew who had attacked him, it had been the same Pirates who had attacked him and his family when they were younger.

"Damned…. Freaks…"

Michael hissed out, maybe it would be better like this, if he died now, he wouldn't have to think about all those dying around him.

The boat speeding towards him made him chuckle.

He chuckled at the fact that it seemed fate wasn't done with him yet, he passed out a minute later as the sharks scattered, probably thinking the dead wasn't worth the fight with a boat.

(30 minutes later.)

Michael awoke to talking, he felt at his injuries, bandaged, but the blood still remained, he snorted in annoyance as he heard talking.

"Jesus, it's like a massacre… I had to pick him up, he was the only survivor."

Michael heard, he didn't recognize the voice but he knew it was a man, he grunted in pain, he couldn't move… But if the crew was waiting for him to wake up, they didn't seem to know.

"It's just another damn mouth to feed! And he as was half dead when we got here, it would have been better to leave him…. Besides, for all we know, those damned pirates could have come back… Not that those assholes would have stood a chance…."

Michael heard, he cracked his neck, it hurt but the pain at least told him he was still alive… He wouldn't be feeling like a man had snapped him in half if he was dead… At least, he didn't believe that he would.

"We couldn't leave him…. Besides, he's hurt, you really think he can do anything at the moment? He looks like he's barely alive…"

Michael heard and he snorted once more as he looked around, he heard footsteps as he turned and spotted a scalpel.

Not what he would use for fighting, but it would do. He grabbed it as the door opened.


The girl said as Michael looked at the girl which wore a black tank top and shorts, Michael turned and tossed the scalpel to the side.

"You look like crap."

The girl said as Michael snorted in annoyance at this.

"I look like crap…. And you were right, might have been better if the sharks got me…. Damn Pirate assholes…"

Michael grunted as Revy snorted in hesitation, the man looked like he would keel over at any second, but he didn't seem to be scared at her.

She could have easily shot him and he was ready to attack her with a damn scalpel, that took guts.


Revy said as Michael turned and looked out the window in amusement.

"So, what happens now?"

Michael asked in vague amusement as he turned back.

Author Notes

Phew, first chapter done! Yes, I know it isn't the best, first chapter isn't my thing… And yes, I don't entirely know everything on BL, I will… As for Michael at the moment? I will explain more about him next chapter. Next chapter will probably be Wednesday and will have Michael meet Dutch and Rock... Until then, Lighting Wolf out!