Fusion Fic

One Tin Soldier: the Legend of Heero Yuy

Disclaimer: Neither the Gundam Wing Characters, nor does the movie Billy Jack belong to me.  I'm just borrowing the characters for my own twisted ideas, and then I'll give them back, I promise.

Pairings: 1+2 mainly, 3+4, 5+S

Rating: R

Warnings: big time OOC, violence, prejudice, abuse, rape

Author's Note: I love the movie Billy Jack, and one day, I got to thinking about how similar the characters of Billy and Heero are, and poof! a fic idea was born.  A lot of events of this fic will be similar to ones that happened in the movie, with some of the dialogue being the same, because it was so powerful.  In others, I am deviating.  The fic will be taking place in the future, with space colonies, but the only character who fought during a war will be Heero.  One more thing that I will be doing is using the songs intermixed in some of the parts, so some parts will be songfics, while others won't.  If that makes any sense at all. ^_^;  Anyway, enjoy!

Part One:

Mustangs, Freedom, and Oz

Listen, children, to a story
That was written long ago,
'Bout a kingdom on a mountain
And the valley-folk below.

The wild mustangs sprinted joyfully under the fiery desert sun.  They knew nothing of the war that had ended only a year earlier, nor did they care, for they had the freedom to run, run wherever they wished.  All around them, life peaked out from the harsh yellow color of the sand beneath them.  Cacti, Palo Verde trees, mesquites, and other plants littered the landscape, keeping it from being completely barren.  The horses rejoiced, in the only way they knew, prancing and playing with each other, never seeing the danger they were in until it was too late.

The horses had no idea that the creatures who lived in a town they called Oz hated the desert.  They also didn't know that the humans wanted to capture them to start ranches, so that they could forget the war. 

On the mountain was a treasure
Buried deep beneath the stone,
And the valley-people swore
They'd have it for their very own.

If the horses could have spoken, they could have talked about the land that gave them life.  A beautiful, wild land that refused to be tamed by human hands, even this far into the future.  The land gave them freedom to roam wherever they wished, and the horses could feel a deep attachment to it. 

Some humans had found that attachment as well.  A new group had arrived not too long earlier, and had built a large complex not too far from the mustangs' favorite grazing lands.  But these humans were searching for peace, and a place that would accept them, for they had been cut off from everything they'd ever known by a government that, after warring with the space colonies for so long, had decided having space colonies was more trouble than it was worth.  So, the government officials had torn down the colonies, and forced the people who lived on them to return to earth, where their ancestors had once lived. 

Soon after arriving, these humans had discovered a healing peace that only a wild land could provide.  They felt a kinship with the horses who freely jogged across it, and left them well alone.

However, the citizens of Oz hated these humans, derisively calling them "colonists," as though it were a dirty word, and indeed, it had become one over the years.  The people of Oz distrusted the colony-born people, even though most of the ones living at the complex were little more than children, at most teenagers.  The Oz citizens could not understand how the land and the colonists lived in perfect harmony together.  The colonists appreciated the land, in a way the people who'd been born in that area never could. 
Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend.
Do it in the name of Heaven,
You can justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgement day,
On the bloody morning after....
One tin soldier rides away.

The citizens had complained very loudly when the owner of the complex, a young man by the name of Duo Maxwell, had chosen that site for the complex.  Duo had further angered the citizens by getting a bill to protect the wild mustangs passed through Congress.  But that hadn't stopped poachers, lead by a man named "Duke" Dermail.  No one knew what his real name was.  He'd gone by the name of "Duke" for as long as anyone could remember.  Duke was one of those rich corrupt men who believed the world belonged to him, and he could use it in any way he wanted.  He owned a large ranch outside of town, and had started his ranch by capturing wild mustangs.  Occasionally, he still captured some new ones, to add new blood to his stock, especially after that ridiculous law.  He'd vowed then that he'd find a way to get rid of Duo Maxwell, for good. 

So the people of the valley
Sent a message up the hill,
Asking for the buried treasure,
Tons of gold for which they'd kill.

Since then, though, his "minions" had not been able to find anything that had grounds to get rid of either Duo or his "Haven," as the complex had come to be called.  But, he had found revenge in small ways.  The deputy, known familiarly as Trant, hated Haven as much as almost everyone else in Oz, so he often accompanied Duke and other townspeople whenever they hunted the mustangs down. 

Duo complained loudly about what was happening, and even though Sheriff Rashid stood firmly in Duo's camp, Duke and his men were careful not to leave any evidence of their activities.  So the thinning of the mustang herd could not be traced to him, even though everyone knew he was the one behind it.  That fact enraged and deeply saddened Duo, because he'd learned to love the wild mustangs in the very short time since he'd had Haven built. 

Came an answer from the kingdom,
"With our brothers we will share
All the secrets of our mountain,
All the riches buried there."

Duo and the other colonist refugees had found peace in the wild lands, but more trouble than they ever could have believed they'd find when they'd moved to Haven.  Another reason for the townspeople hating them, in addition to not being earthborn, Duo's kindness and humor, plus the exotic nature of each person who lived there had lured many teenagers from other areas to Haven.  The townspeople watched darkly as Haven's population continued to grow, in spite of vast opposition to it. 

Also, many people hated Duo personally.  Part of this was because of how damned beautiful the young man was.  He had deep violet eyes, long golden brown hair he usually wore in a braid, and delicate elfin features that sometimes had people mistake him for a woman.  Duke's son, Alex, lusted after the man, and had tried to seduce him several times.  Duo had politely maneuvered around them the first couple times, but after one time Alex got violent, Duo had very firmly told him to fuck off.  After that, several townspeople, either out of jealousy or outrage that he would treat their "leading citizen's son in such a manner," had placed their loyalties firmly with Duke.

Now the valley cried with anger,
"Mount your horses! Draw your sword!"
And they killed the mountain-people,
So they won their just reward.

One time, Duke had gone out to Haven to offer Duo several million credits to buy Haven.  Duo had rolled his eyes, and told him nothing would ever persuade him to sell Haven.  Duke had then left Duo and Alex locked in a room together, but Duo had easily fought the other man off, and thrown them both off Haven's land, with the help of Sheriff Rashid.  Duke, Trant, and the other followers didn't quite trust Rashid from that point on, but understood that he was the type of man who would do his job, no matter what the personal cost.  He may have been all for Haven, and he liked Duo personally, but he would never interfere unless he had solid evidence backing him up.

So, the hunts for the wild mustang continued, especially on clear days like this one, where a gentle breeze blew, keeping the temperature from being too hot.  The men rode in their trucks, bumpily chasing and effectively trapping the mustangs in a corral they'd set up a long time ago for just that purpose.

Now they stood beside the treasure,
On the mountain, dark and red.
Turned the stone and looked beneath it...
"Peace on Earth" was all it said.

            "Well done, men," Duke said, confidently strolling up to the corral.  The horses they'd managed to capture bucked and circled the corral, searching with wild eyes for an escape.  Duke looked them over from afar.  Two of the three looked all right, but one was kind of sickly.  He tsked, before turning around to his men.  "This one's not good enough for the MS ranch; it'll have to be shot."

            The men guffawed, and several loud voices shouted, "Let me have this one, boss!"

            But Duke shook his head, and walked purposefully over to his son.  Duke and Alex looked nothing alike.  Alex had more his grandfather's looks, with a stockier build.  Both Alex and Duke were tall, with blonde hair, though Duke's had lightened to gray over the years.  Alex had to wear glasses, and often strutted around like a barnyard rooster.  Duke was more dignified, and often took his time, making others wait for him. 

            Alex swallowed hard, watching his father through narrowed eyes.  His best friend, Mueller, sat on the hood of the truck, leaning against the windshield.  The two of them never went anywhere without the other one; they needed each other to bully people too much.  With strength in numbers, they often took whatever they wanted from the other kids at school, knowing they could get away with it.  Mueller had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes.  He was a little smaller than Alex, but since Alex was usually the ringleader of their cruelty, it didn't matter. 

            "Boy, I'd like you to take the first shot," Duke said, handing Alex a shotgun.  Alex grabbed it from him, and stepped down from the car, amid the shouts of encouragement from the other men.  Alex slowly stepped closer to the corral, where he knew he'd be able to get a better shot.  The men all shut up, as Alex aimed, and pulled his finger back.  BANG!  A shot cracked against the canyon walls, and Alex scrambled backwards as the gun fell to the ground.

            They all turned to look in the direction the shot had come from, and saw a tall shadow of a man sitting on a horse.

            "Damn that man," Duke murmured.

Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend.
Do it in the name of Heaven,
You can justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgement day,
On the bloody morning after....
One tin soldier rides away.

            The man slowly rode towards them, the shotgun in his arms pointed lazily toward the group.  It winked in the sunlight, as though it wanted to taste blood that day.  Duke sauntered up to him, as all the others fell back, praying that the outcome would be good…they would all walk away from this encounter alive. 

            "Poaching's illegal," he carefully told them.  "And you're on government land."

            "Really?  Boys, did you know we were on government land?" Duke turned back to his men, each of who quickly shook their heads.  "We're sorry.  We didn't know."

            The man's icy deep blue eyes slowly perused them, pausing when they landed on Trant.

            "Leave now," he tightened his grip on the gun.
            "See here!  We've got the law with us, Heero Yuy!  You can't just tell us to leave," Duke almost jumped back as those cobalt blue eyes flashed coldly at him, before staring Trant down.

            "When policemen break the law, then there is no law; only chaos," Heero aimed the gun at Trant.  "On this land, I am the law.  Now go."

            Trant trembled as he stepped forward to grab Duke's arm.  "He's right, Duke.  I've got no authority on government land."  The whole time, Trant never once took his eyes off Heero.

            Duke hated to back down, but he knew Heero's reputation.  "All right.  We'll go.  But this isn't over," he threatened.

            Heero suddenly shot three times in rapid succession, targeting the area around their feet.  Abruptly, they all ran into the safety of their cars, and drove away as fast as they could.

            Heero shook his head, thinking fools.  He slid off his horse, and walked over to the corral.  Soothing the animals, he yanked the corral open, freeing them to rejoin their herd.  Heero laughed, an almost psychotic sound that startled his horse, before jumping back on him, and riding with the mustangs.