Author note: none of the characters used in this story are mine, all of these are from their respective owners and creators

Chapter 1

The aftermath

Dust, it was the only thing that was left from him, the kid he once took by his very wing, the one that he considered as the son he never had, the one that managed to stood up to everything life put in his way, a political conflict, a maniac with mechanical wings, fight against aliens that wanted to wipe out of life, he managed to stand up despite everything that happened, but now, he was just ashes, as well as the half of the universe

Thoughts about the ones he loved being still alive or have died the same way the others did, turned to dust to never return, at least, until finding a way to revert everything Thanos could have done, if there actually was one

But now, sadness, hatred, rage filled his heart, his soul burning with pure wishes of vengeance against the mad titan, the one he only fought a couple moments ago, he thought about how they were close, SO CLOSE, to getting the Gauntlet, if it wasn't for Star-lord/Peter Quill from Missouri, that had to hit the titans head while Mantis was trying to hold him off, he couldn't have waited?, couldn't he had a little bit of patience until they took of the Gauntlet?, those were questions with difficult answers, since he once was in a similar situation when he fought the Mandarin and his henchmen, where he thought that Pepper had died fallen to the fire, only to appear to save him, hitting the crazy scientist turned monster, but now, that didn't matter

As he got up, having the ashes of Peter in his hand, he didn't know what to do, he didn't know where to go after all of this, this battle turned up to be a big disaster, a colossal failure of the Avengers, they won against the Chitauri and Loki 6 years ago, they won against Ultron and his army 3 years ago, with severe consequences, but it still counted as a somewhat victory, but then, the Civil War between he and Team Cap happened, where the Avengers ended up completely divided , some missing widout leaving a trace, Tony couldn't think of a much worse situation that the one he was now, they had failed, they were defeated, Thanos won, he achieved his goal of wiping out half the universe, and now they didn't were to go from here

"so, he won?" Nebula asked, while Tony still looked at the ashes of Peter "as always"

"a-as always, did he alredy did things like this" Tony asked

"he wiped out half the population of planets, one by one, massacre after massacre" she explained "Gamora came from one of these killings"


"I don't know" she said, looking cold and calculative

Tony remembered Strange final words before disappearing into dust "Tony, there was no other way….." he didn't really knew where to start or where to go after such disastrous results "we have lost, there's nowhere to go now, we have failed, and it seems there's no other way out of this"

He started walking towards the Milano, that was still somewhat functional after the crash, alongside Nebula, who walked only a few meters behind him, they needed to find the rest of the survivors of this, find a way to emend all of the deaths Thanos caused, and stop him once and for all, however, the constant question was how?, with all of the forces from earth not even being close to stop Thanos, they did manage to somewhat hurt his army, but who knows?, probably he still had allies somewhere in the universe, if they were still alive, so they needed to find a way to find their own allies to being capable of fighting back, to strike back against Thanos and defeat him

"no matter what, he's gonna to pay, for all of this"

Meanwhile, in Wakanda, every survivor of the battle went to the palace to think about what they could do to stop Thanos, they were taking the bodies of all the people that died in battle and didn't turn to dust, even questioning themselves what to do with the bodies of the Black Order or even Thanos soldiers

In the main room of the palace, everyone, Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Rocket, Rodney, Okoye, Shuri, M'Baku, Thor and all of the others that managed to survive the battle

"we must think of something, we can't just stand here while half the universe was killed" Steve said

"the entire world it's at chaos, just look at FOX News, Steve, people have gone crazy over so many deaths and disappearances" Bruce said

"there's gotta be somewhat of a way to fix this" Natasha said

"unfortunately there isn't, at least for now, Thanos took the Gauntlet after the snap" Thor said "altho I don't it should work since it was pretty damaged, also considering the fact that his objective has finally been achieved, so he won't be in the mood to another encounter, at least for now"

"so what, we are gonna stand here doing nothing eating popcorn, I WANT VENGEANCE!" Rocket yelled angrily

"control yourself rabbit, now it's not the time to fight between ourselves" Thor said trying to comfort the raccoon

"yeah, we already have bad experiences with fighting between us" Steve said while sitting down in a chair

"I don't think we talked about this because of the fight, but what happened?" Bruce asked "I mean, what caused the team to separate?"

"you know?" Steve raised his head

"Tony told me after I falled where Strange lived with Wong" Bruce explained "but he didn't go much into detail, so could you explained"

Steve looked at the rest of the presents, he didn't know if it was a good idea to tell what happened with the Accords, but it seemed to be the best, considering the recent circunstances

"see, remember Sokovia?" Steve asked

"well, yeah, we fought Ultron and beat him there, why?" Bruce wasn't understanding what was going on very well

"we ended killing many people when the city fell, that, as well as the casualties of the Battle of New York, Washington D.C with the fall of SHIELD, and a mission in which Wanda accidentally killed some people due to saving me from a bomb" Steve begun explaining the details

"what?" Thor asked

"it made the government realize that, we couldn't be kept loose without any control, so Ross presented us the Sokovia Accords"

"ROSS?!" Banner was shocked, the same man that hunted him down for years and caused Blonsky to go Rouge and Psychopathic was partly responsible for the team being separated? "as if, Thaddeus Ross?, why him?"

"he's the Secretary of State, he had the Authority to present the Accords" Natasha said

"wait wait wait, so you say you weren't a full group, that some guy appeared and say "you are all disbanded" and that's it?" Rocket asked

"it was that or submitting ourselves to the justice and going to jail" Steve said "and it wasn't like that exactly, you are misinterpreting things all together"

"so what?, buddy, let me tell you something, I have been in God knows how many interstellar prisons and escaped them all" Rocket said "and you say you were afraid to going to only one, pfft, amateurs"

"rabbit please" Thor said "please proceed, he tends to be a bit snarky"

"so, the Accords said we had to submit ourselves to Governmental control, meaning we couldn't act in the case of an emergency without their permission, that's why we had an debate, which lead to all of us divided whether or not going with the Accords, not only that, but Bucky was still considered a criminal, and then happened the bomb that killed king T'Chaka" Steve said, making many of the Wakandians feel sad remembering that tragedy, especially Ramona, Shuri and Okoye, while M'Baku remembered how he challenged T'Challa for the throne, he couldn't believe that the same guy he fought was now turned into dust "so, in resume, we ended up divided, we fought on an airport, and also being more divided when we went after one of the responsible for the separation, Zumo, Tony discovered that…..Bucky killed his parents"

"WHAT?!" everyone said

"and, let's just say I already knew that, as well as Natasha, from before SHIELD fell"

"why did you hid something like that from Tony?" Bruce said

"the man of iron maybe snarky, but he's honorable, and your friend" Thor said

"yeah, I know" Steve said "the ones that ended on my side were taken to prison after the fight, but I broke them out and became Rouge, ending up where we at"

"wow" Bruce "I didn't expect everything to this being that messed up" Bruce said, sitting in a nearby chair

"I don't get it, what the hell has this have to do with fighting Thanos?" Rocket asked

"hey, a little respect maybe, this is personal" Rodney said, annoying the raccoon

"sorry, I was going to tell you about how my team encountered one of Thanos henchmen that betrayed him and used the Power Stone" Rocket said, making everyone look at him

"¿wait what?" Bruce asked

"yeah, in Xandar" Thor confirmed "it was a big battle, and also a big mess"

"so is from there that Thanos got the Power Stone?" Bruce asked "wait, I think I got something"

"so do I" Steve said

"what?" Rodney asked

"oh no, nononononono, by any means, we are not…." Shuri

"we must go to Xandar" Steve said, raising up the chair "as well as gaining allies, does anybody know where Scott is?"

"still in Domiciliary Prison, why?" Natasha asked

"we need him, as well as much help as we can" Steve said "c'mon, we got some work to do"

Well, this was a little complicated chapter, but I hope you all enjoyed it

The only hard part was Tony, since I think he's completely crushed after seeing Peter vanish just like that, as well as the others, also the fact that I'm referencing Hulk solo movie was something I wanted to make, since I recently watched constantly Bruce fight against Abomination in Harlem, a constantly hearing the Score of that part, I love it, also, I thinking about making Blonsky and Killmonger appear, Blonsky because it has been years since his fight with Hulk, and I think he still lives considering Hulk let him go at the end of that film, due to Betty pleading him to let him go, about Killmonger, it really saddened me the fact that he died, since he could have done an agreement with T'Challa after the fight in the Train rails and was somewhat right, put in the reviews what you think of those ideas, next chapter is going to be the aftermath of the Ant-Man and the Wasp post credit scene

See ya next time :D