Hi, I'm uploading this because I've had requests regarding this story and its deletion. This story was written when I was like, 14. For reference, I'm in college now. It's a little embarrassing but also a little fascinating seeing the child I was in high school. Anyway, for your viewing pleasure; the raw, unedited The Language of Sunflowers by Themis Decima.

The Language Of Sunflowers

Prologue: The Sunflower Gesture

Themis Decima does not own Naruto. She does however, own this story

Metaphorical storm clouds swirled around Itachi Uchiha's head as he stormed down Dōbutsu Street, raven ponytail flapping behind him. The sun was blazing high in the sky, but its glaring rays were blocked by the wooden-and-stone walls of the shop houses on either side of the broad street. There weren't many people wandering the many floral shops of Dōbutsu Street (hence it's name), but there weren't very few people either. Pockets of lively villagers thronged here and then but there were still some areas that looked pityingly desolate and empty.

The Uchiha Clan heir was currently dressed in his civilian attire; black cloth rustled and smoothed over lean muscle as he moved masterfully and swiftly. He wasn't in a hurry to get anywhere of course- maybe away from the curious shoppers of the street but his primary objective was to make his way towards the edge of the village, where his favorite and most isolated training ground was located.

He was intending to rip out a few trees, maybe wreck a hole in the ground. Heck, maybe even take out his fury on a few fools who were lucky enough to be there but all he cared about was draining the anger and energy out of him so that he could return to God knows where to sleep. Not back to the Uchiha Compound of course. No no no no no, he would tear the faces off those senile Elders if he ever caught sight of them. How dare they- How DARE they just SUGGEST that he abandon his brother like that! Oh Itachi-san, we think you're spending too much time with your brother and not on your training and therefore we're going to separate the both of you. Hope you're not too pissed, Ja!

Okaa-sama looked absolutely stunned when she heard the Elders say that. Otou-sama looked absolutely bored when he heard the Elders say that. Itachi had merely stood up, bowed and walked out of the room.
So now as he stormed down Dōbutsu Street, terrified passers-by steering the hell out of his way, he felt beyond annoyed when he felt the chakra signature of a kunoichi chasing after him. He had no time for fangirls especially one- as he could sense, who had an aura of bossiness that clung to her as she jogged towards him.

He slowed down with a sigh, letting his anger sink and simmer just below the surface. Okaa-sama had always emphasized on being a gentleman, no matter who the person was or how much you disliked him or her, everybody deserved respect.

Yes, even fangirls. The things he did for his mother…

This fangirl who was marching up to him was probably one of those confident ones who proclaimed their love to him on a daily basis in public or told him how unordinary and ugly he was, hoping with all their love novel-addled brains and confused hearts that he would be "shocked" at their 'bold' statements and think them "interesting". Come on, what was this? Fanfiction?

"Oi you! Ponytail!"

And thus the degrading of my self-esteem starts…

"You owe me 17 bucks! And I'm through with your 'my-mother-is-in-the-hospital' stories!"

That is new-What?!

He stopped and swiveled around to meet the glare of blue crystalline eyes of an apron-wearing teen, with her long platinum blonde hair tied up into a high ponytail and a long fringe partially covering her left eye, her face was flushed in anger as she waved a bunch of sunflowers in the air.

She froze in her tracks the moment his onyx eye met hers, his eyebrow raised… and he didn't know that a human being could turn red like that.

"U-Uchiha-san!" she stuttered out, sunflowers in mid-air. He caught her blue eyes wander over his muscular torso for awhile before she gulped and met his eyes again. He smirked slightly.

"I-I-I mistook you for someone else, gomenasai!" she blurted out before bowing down deeply. Itachi's expression merely grew more amused by the minute (not openly of course. Hello? Uchiha, duh) – no one had ever mistook him for somebody else before.

Meanwhile, the blonde straightened up with a hesitant look on her face, her eyes looking down at nothing in particular as she bit her lip. It was at that moment that Itachi recognized her as Ino Yamanaka, one of the genin that graduated along with his otouto. If memory served him right (and his was excellent, thank you very much), she was now a chunin.

Well, Ino Yamanaka had grown quite gracefully.

The Yamanaka heir was biting her lip currently, before she suddenly reached out to pluck a dainty yellow sunflower from the bunch she was holding. Itachi took it instinctively from her offering hand, noting the furious blush on her cheeks. Ino gazed up at him and bright blue connected with black before shying away hurriedly. Itachi felt a tingle run up his spine.

Suddenly, as if possessed by a sudden surge of confidence, the platinum blonde's head snapped up to look at him before grinning brightly.

"Would you mind…putting a smile on your face?"

Itachi blinked. Sorry?

Ino Yamanaka merely led out a nervous chuckle, "It's Kindness Week! And since I was giving out these bunch of flowers anyway…". At this, the blonde florist simply bowed before walking away.

The Uchiha Clan heir however, stood there stunned in the middle of Dōbutsu Street, staring after the retreating back of the Yamanaka Clan heir. As he stared at the dainty miniature sunflower in his hand, tingles went up his fingers and spine.

Then the ever stoic Uchiha Clan heir broke tradition by saying a very non-cool word.


This is a REWRITE! Chapter Two shall contain the rest of the original chapter. Why am I rewriting so early into the story? Well, I read the first chapter (and the only chapter, thank god) and it didn't make any sense. So… rewrite!

Expect another chapter by… End of this month? I'm not sure, I have stuff going on including a MikotoUchiha art competiton on deviantART and I need to write another chapter of my 'The Importance Of Being A Wallflower' (which, btw, is a major disaster )

I love reviews! Review please! Tell me how it is and whether this rewrite is better! (or worse? O.O)

Cupcakes and Cookies~ 3