Warnings: Attempted rape/ non-con, violence (a good way to keep it attempted-just sayin'), gender disguise, I think that's it. Tell me if I missed anything.

In regards to cover art!

This is not my baby. That lovely art is the work of the amazing Regal_Regina

follow her, worship her, love her... so she'll keep making us pretty things :)

A Godiva Tale

Chronicle the First

Her Highness Lady Regina strolled the bleak dreary avenues of a once bustling marketplace. When She had first arrived the palace and all of the surrounding lands teamed with vibrant life. The stalls of the market were crammed with exotic goods and items of the finest craftsmanship one could ever desire. A proud heart ached to think that such days were gone for good.

Leopold had been a good and noble king when they married. As he was advanced in years and Her own heart recently broken by loss they agreed that the arrangement was simply for the care of His sweet daughter Snow. With the loss of Her fiancé to war, Regina had yearned for a family to nurture. Having lost His wife of many long years Leopold had no desire to replace Her in His heart. He merely needed a mother for His daughter. Snow required a woman's guiding hand. And so the bargain was struck.

It had been a charmed life at first. Every need was catered to, not a whim denied. Each day brought new wonders of discovery that the virtuous queen shared with Her young charge. Long luxurious hours were spent teaching Snow the lady arts and finer points of etiquette. More importantly, Lady Regina taught Her charge that while a lady was expected to keep her place and mind her tongue did not mean that her presence should go unfelt, merely that if she were to be taken seriously one must choose their words well. It was this theory that would eventually lead to calamity.

Lady Regina kept Her sadness to Herself over the turn the kingdom had taken. She never raised voice for Her own fears or pain, but when She witnessed the plight of Her subjects She felt a duty as their representative to speak up, on days very much like today. As the queen strolled the market she noticed a soldier roughly manhandling a merchant.

"Please, I have nothing more to give," the man cried out as his family erupted in tears behind him.

"You'll find something or I'll…."

The threat was completed by a black leather gloved fist rearing back menacingly. One of the armored knights surrounding the queen responded to Her revulsion immediately springing forward to catch the assailant's arm at the elbow.

"Unhand me, you! I'm on the king's business," the soldier protested. The knight remained unmoved and spoke not. His actions said all as the knight stood his ground. Ripping his arm from the knight's grasp the soldier shoved uselessly at a steel chest plate. "Well, go on then. What have you got to say for yourself? Cat got your tongue now? Or are you just gonna leave me to my business in peace," the soldier demanded. The knight spoke not, moved not until the soldier reached for the merchant again. The knight spun the soldier by the shoulder forcing the other man to face him.

"What is this," the soldier cried out. A look of inspiration crossed a grizzled face as the black-clad soldier remarked, "Oh, I get it! You're that dumb knight I heard so much about." The knight tapped a finger against his helmet roughly where his nose would be in a silent signal of how close his assumptions were. "I wonder if you'll scream when I kick your ass," the soldier growled launching himself at the knight. For being wrapped in steel the knight moved remarkably fast easily sidestepping and tripping the leather-clad soldier.

"That is quite enough," the queen called out putting a stop to the altercation. The assailants eyed one other coldly as the noblewoman insisted upon knowing, "And just what has this man done?" As he rose and dusted himself off the soldier groused, "He's behind on his taxes." A perturbed expression pinched aristocratic features as Regina queried, "And this is cause for assault?" With a cocky grin, the soldier replied, "The army doesn't pay for itself, ma'am. We have to keep the kingdom safe."

A dark brow quirked with the sarcastic reply, "You're doing a marvelous job. At this rate, we won't need fear the ogres anymore." The soldier sneered openly. The irritated queen took a moment to gather Her thoughts before inquiring, "And how much does he owe?" No sooner was the sum shared than it was paid. The debt was far less than Her shopping budget for the day.

After that unpleasant affair, the queen returned immediately to the palace. She demanded of a guard, "Where is the king?! I must speak with him immediately!" The nervous-looking man felt compelled to answer, "He is in the Great Hall in a private meeting with visiting dignitaries, ma'am. You'll have to wait…" The rest of his words fell on deaf ears as the queen plunged forward. With head held high, She burst through the doors of the Great Hall.

"What is the meaning of this," King George demanded to know outraged by the disruption. "Excuse the interruption but I have come on a matter of the utmost importance," Regina announced Herself. When the queen had entered the king instinctively leaped to His feet. At Her words, He crumbled back into the ornate chair around the bargaining table with a heavy sigh. "I highly doubt that," Leopold grumbled clearly tiring of Her dramatics.

Rage at the dismissive statement raised the heat in Her cheeks. Plush lips pressed tightly together gathering Her words before responding, "I have counseled you on this before I know, but your taxes weigh heavily on your people."

"Regina," the king sighed before being cut off by Her continued ranting.

"No, I will not be dismissed this time! Now your soldiers are attacking your people like looting thugs to garner more funds that you don't need for a military that is more massive than could ever be necessary," Regina insisted.

The king's jaw clenched as He bit back, "The military is of the utmost importance as is this alliance with King George. You have no idea of the matters in which you speak, woman!"

Unruffled by His attempts to silence Her Regina pressed forward, "That is completely untrue! There has not been another attack by ogres, barbarians or even neighboring countries for years now. Your fear cripples your kingdom and your people cry out for mercy. They may have supported you in the days after the attack, but now their backs break under the weight of protection they no longer require."

Leopold leaped to His feet once more face flushed with rage, "They do require it! We are not safe! Those beasts nearly killed Snow!"

"And I am the one who saved Her not your precious military," Regina shouted back chest heaving in anger.

The king silently sneered at His wife a moment before coldly issuing a challenge He was certain that the decent, pious, virtuous noblewoman would refuse, "Fine, you can save them all… at the cost of your own pride."

The danger in His voice gave the queen pause but the brunette firebrand would not back down demanding to know, "How?"

A sadistic grin crossed the once noble king's face as He offered His bargain, "If you will ride naked through the marketplace, the entire length of it, then I will lift taxes completely for one full cycle."

The poised beauty was completely shocked at the concept. However even as the heat of embarrassment flushed high cheekbones She responded with stubborn resolve, "Fine."

The king recoiled from the stunning response. In truth, He had never in a million years suspected that She would agree. King George's lips tugged to the side trying desperately not to outright snicker at the clear lovers' quarrel. "You truly mean to do this? The entire length of the marketplace," Leopold grappled for clarification.

"It is a small price to pay for my people, My Lord. When shall it be done," Regina inquired with head held high. King George openly smiled at the queen's fire and persistence clearly amused by this.

Leopold thought a moment struggling for thought in the whirlwind His mind had become. "Two days hence. Tomorrow the decree shall be issued that upon midday all residents, citizens, and merchants must remain inside, bar their doors and windows and gaze not upon your shame. Should even one break the decree, should even one disrespect your sacrifice your bargain shall be null and void," the king insisted.

"Very well, I believe in my people. They shall not betray me," Regina informed the king before sharply turning on Her heel and leaving them to their negotiations. The queen was neither surprised nor disturbed by two knights trailing Her steps as it was customary. That is until one of them reached out gripping Her by the arm. Startled the queen jerked Her arm free demanding, "Unhand me!" The knight held up both hands in a submissive gesture.

A dark brow pinched in confusion at the odd behavior. Rather than lash out at the punishable offense Regina inquired sharply, "What is the meaning of this?!" The knight placed both hands together in a pleading fashion. Thick lashes bat over stern brown eyes a moment as the clever queen deciphered the body signals. "You're the mute knight," She asked in an even tone. A slow nod replied. "Well what is so important that you would risk the stocks to lay hands on me," she queried.

The otherwise able knight pointed back towards the Great Hall then to Regina and shook his head within his helmet. After a moment the queen replied, "You don't think I should do it." That suddenly frustrating helmet tilted to the side as pleading hands were raised together once more. "Well if you'll pardon my wording you clearly have no say in the matter," a sharp voice informed the mute before stubborn steps continued down the hall.

Clanging metal steps quickly overtook Her pace as the knight raced ahead to kneel at Her feet pleading silently. Regina huffed in irritation at Her speechless detractor growling, "It has been decided. There is nothing more to say… or gesture." Even in Her frustration, the devout queen tried Her best to respect all of Her subjects even the stubborn mute ones.

Although the queen spoke with resolution worry and anxiety haunted Her well into the next day. While having tea with Snow the princess noted Her stepmother's long stare. Unable to resist the curiosity the porcelain-skinned child excitedly asked, "Are you really going to do it?" Dark brows rose as though mildly appalled at the suggestion. "Of course," Regina replied evenly as She took a dainty sip of Her tea.

"But why? It must be so frightening and humiliating," the princess breathily replied in awe of Her role model of femininity. Taking a moment to gather Her thoughts Regina set down Her tea before answering, "In life, other people, especially men, will try to take away your power, your strength, your virtue, your dignity. You simply have to take a stand and say no. I will not allow you to. I will not be silenced. I will not be cowed. And I will not be ashamed, no matter what insane hurdles they might throw your way."

The queen's heart swelled when those bright grey eyes sparkled at Her in wonder. "I want to grow up to be like you someday, clever, strong and brave," Snow declared. A brilliant smile broke over plush lips before they descended upon the princess's forehead. "I'm sure you will. Now, back to your archery lessons," the queen gently encouraged Her ward.

When the time of Her duty neared the queen quietly slipped into the stables with only a cape to protect all that She was blessed with from view. She took great care to mount Her horse when all heads were turned so as not to prematurely reveal Herself. With everything securely settled Regina confidently trotted out to the main courtyard. There a row of knights were mounted at full attention to either side of the main gate. The king strode forward announcing with a gracious sweep of the hand, "You may choose two to accompany you upon your ride."

Anxious brown orbs flowed over the honorable men at attention. Trotting down the line slowly She made Her selection. "Sir Jones," She called out pointing at the blue-eyed knight well known for his resourcefulness. Continuing down the line a smile tugged at plush lips when Her gaze fell upon the one knight to keep his helm. "And Sir Swan," She announced. While several felt slighted at this, Sir Swan's nobility and skill were unmatched.

Both knights moved forward to flank their queen. All others in the courtyard turned their backs out of respect. Regina couldn't fight the smirk that graced Her lips knowing that this was the only way Her esteemed husband would ever view Her so as She tossed Her cloak at Him. Sir Jones smirked at the entire affair trying fiercely to pretend that his gaze wasn't darting towards the naked queen every other breath. However, the mute knight's focus was impossible to perceive beneath that ever-present helmet.

The gates opened upon a ghost town. Wind gusted through empty marketplace stalls. Every door and shutter was barred. Even as the breeze prickled Her skin reminding the queen of Her fragile state a warm smile graced plush lips to know that Her faith was not misplaced. Her people respected Her as well as Her wishes. For a moment it felt as though they were doing this together, each doing their part. While Her duty and risk were greater the love of Her people gave Her strength and kept Her head held high.

After several twists and turns, they had reached the midpoint of the market nearest to town before the course would begin to angle back towards the castle. Regina heaved a sigh of relief. It was nearly done. No sooner had the queen felt assured of Her victory than reality brought Her crashing down barebacked onto cobblestone streets. She cried out from the impact while looking about for Her unseen attacker. The knights surrounding Her spun, but Sir Jones stood still watching with a sick twisted smile as a foul-smelling man clothed in rags crouched over Her leering, "Well well, aren't you the pretty thing?"

Regina was paralyzed by fear in a moment of panic. Hungry eyes roamed Her body as he greedily licked his lips in anticipation. The horror of his intentions turned Her stomach. Desperate brown eyes turned towards Sir Jones only to find another set of hungry eyes proclaiming, "Save me some. I'll have next." Before the queen could mount a response a gauntlet shot out dismounting the untrustworthy knight. In a flash a steel boot sent the peasant's head reeling. As the man stumbled to his feet a spear impaled his thigh. As the man screamed in agony pinned to the spot brown eyes launched upward to be greeted by a steel glove. Without a moment's hesitation, She took the offered hand and was immediately hauled onto the knight's horse.

Everything happened in a blur. One moment they were in the marketplace the next the mute knight was riding at breakneck speed through the village and beyond. "Where are you taking me," a sharp voice flooded with terror demanded. The knight's only response was to tighten the arm around Her. The action pressed bare flesh against cool metal. While part of a keen mind was certain that the action was meant to protect Her from view as well as stabilize Her upon the beast such assurances did not settle the riotous beat of Her heart. Every last part of Her body seemed to cry out at the treatment. What Regina might need at that moment was as alien to Her as the sensation of riding naked through the town and beyond the outskirts.

In the foothills on the farthest edges of town in a barn that looked half-abandoned, they finally came to a stop. Flustered beyond the telling of it the queen immediately demanded, "What do you think you're doing?! Put me down!" Without falter, the mute knight carefully aided his charge to the ground. In a fluid movement, the knight landed before Her. Sir Swan stared on making no movement aggressive or helpful. Crossing Her arms over Her chest the rattled regent struck out slapping that infuriating helmet with a sharp, "How dare you?!"

To Her credit, the undefeatable knight's head spun sending that helmet flying. Brown eyes widened at the sight of the voluminous blonde waves that spilled forth. Never had She seen anything so enchanting that is until Sir Swan lifted her pinkened chin to gaze upon her queen with the most stunning green eyes in existence nestled within the face of an angel. Even as wonder stole the royal breath the question that never made it to Her lips was answered. Women were not allowed to serve in the military upon pain of death.

Then something even more shocking occurred as a melodic voice bargained, "I saved your life. Now I need you to save mine."

Notes: So thoughts? Feelings? I know this is a little short of what I usually do my chapters on, but it was just such a good story beat to stop at. Don't worry there's still plenty of gas in this tank. We're just getting started :D And thanks again to the fabulously talented Regal_Regina for her amazing artwork that not only graces the cover but inspired this fic. You have her to thank as much as me :)