The phone call with her mother made her undeniably shitty day even worse. She stormed back into the apartment, throwing her things wherever they landed.

"Shitty day?" Donna asked from the kitchen area.

"You have no idea," Jackie entered the kitchen and maneuvered around Donna to the liquor cabinet. "I had to do live coverage for six hours outside."

"Jesus Christ, are they even allowed to do that?" Donna asked, looking over at Jackie who was now looking through the bottles.

"Main staff has left for vacation, they can do whatever they want as long as they're paying." She pulled out a completely full vodka bottle and put it down on the counter.

"How long has that been sitting in the closet?" Donna eyed the bottle suspiciously.

Jackie shrugged, "don't know, wanna find out if it's still any good with me?"

Donna looked at her watch, then back at Jackie. "Alright, what the hell," she shrugged, "it's not even seven, I won't still be hungover at nine am, or throwing up if this goes horribly wrong." Jackie smirked and pulled out her old shot glasses.

Donna convinced Jackie to eat the pasta she'd just made before drinking. "You're gonna die after two shots if you don't eat first."

Now the two of them sat on the couch together, each pressed against a corner with their feet up on the cushions, facing each other.

"My mother called me today and asked if I'm getting a divorce," Jackie said after their second shot.

"Are you kidding?"

"Nope," Jackie shook her head "She said that separate holidays are the first sign of a marriage going south. Some bullshit Diane from her stupid book club said."

"Oh fuck Diane!" Donna exclaimed. "That old lady has had like forty husbands, what does she know? She's the one obviously doing something wrong."

Jackie giggled, "that's what I thought! And what the hell does my mother know about a functional marriage anyways? She's slept with half of North America in the past seventeen years - all while still technically being married to my father." She had started to pour their third shots. She handed Donna one, which she held back out in a toast manner.

"Fuck Pam Burkhart," Donna declared.

"Yeah I'll drink to that," Jackie tapped her glass against Donna's before downing the whole thing.

By shot four, they'd moved around and Jackie was now leaning her head against Donna's shoulder.

"Donna, do you think my marriage is over?" Jackie asked, her words slurring.

"I honestly don't know, but I don't think so." Donna was slurring her words just as much.

"I can't tell whether that's a good or bad statement Donna,"

Donna giggled, "you guys have been through too many things to throw in the towel over going to Wisconsin for Christmas, right?"

"Yeah I guess..."

"You guess?" Donna shoved against her playfully.

"It's just that, I feel like he's grown more and more irritated over me working at night news all year and this was the final straw," Jackie confessed.

"He's mad about you getting a better job? What the hell?"

Jackie shrugged, "I dunno. I guess because it's less family time or whatever."

"Ugh, is he serious? Is this 1953? Doesn't he want you to be a good role model for Carrie and Connor? So you can show them moms can work too? You know what, I'm gonna call him—" Donna started to reach for her cell on the coffee table, but Jackie pulled her back.

"Donna no! Let's just take another shot," Jackie opened the bottle before Donna could form another proper sentence.

By shot six, Jackie's head was on Donna's lap.

"Donna — I have a secret?" She whispered loud enough for Donna to hear.


"I said I have a secret," she said a little louder

"No I mean what is it?"

"Oh — I have a magic phone," Jackie giggled.

"A magic phone?" Donna asked suspiciously.

"Yes! It can call the past — but like only this one part of the past and only to Wisconsin—"

"Isn't That a plot to like a uh— Hugh Grant movie we watched?" Donna interrupted, giggling.

"No Donna! It's real! I can show you! It's in my room," Jackie started to sit up. Her head was spinning but she still managed to stand up on her own. She start to pull Donna's arms, "c'mon c'mon c'mon Donna!"

Donna groaned but obliged, following Jackie into her bedroom.

"Hereeeee," Jackie declared, stretching out the word as she pointed to the pink landline. She plopped down on the bed and clumsy pulled the phone towards her. She dialed the Formans' and waited.

"Hello?" Kitty answered. Jackie held the phone out and Donna crouched down to here.

"Hi Mrs. Forman, it's Jackie!"

"And Donna," Donna added

"Oh hello Donna! Eric can't wait for you to get here for Christmas break. Oh and Jackie dear are you sure you can't come out?"

Donna smirked and said "yeah I'm excited too," before she put her hand on the receiver, "this is not a magic phone, Jackie."

"It is! It's just similar things happening..."

"Hey Kitty," Donna uncovered the phone, "I have to go, but I'll see you in a few days!"

"Bye dear!" Kitty replied. Donna giggled as she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Jackie groaned and fell back onto the bed fully. She pulled the phone back up to her ear.

"Jackie?" She heard Kitty say a few times.

"Yes, I'm here. Is Steven there?"

"Oh yes, hold on honey," Jackie could hear Kitty yelling for Steven, so she started to giggle.

She was still giggling when she heard the phone being picked up.


"Steven!" Jackie answered, still giggling.

"Jackie? What's going on?" Steven sounded like he was in a serious mood — that or he was just annoyed. Jackie couldn't tell, nor did she care.

"Nothing," she dragged it out as she flipped over onto her stomach. "I just wanted to talk to you." And to prove to Donna that her phone was magical.

"Jackie, are you drunk?"

Jackie giggle, "pft, no, Steven I'm an adult. Adults don't get drunk."


"I just had a few shots with Donna, but I can handle it, Steven."


"You know Steven, maybe you're the one who's drunk." She nodded her head to herself like she was actually right.

"Nope, not drunk Jackie. But you definitely are." He said plainly. She giggled again.

"Where are you right now, Steven?"

"In my room, where are you?"

"In my room. Whatcha doing?"

"Talking to you."

" I know that, silly." Jackie giggled.

"Jackie, you're in your room, is Donna there?"

"She just left. It's just me on my bed," Jackie looked around her room as if to make sure.

"Alright good. I'm gonna go,"

"What? Steven!"

"Jackie I don't want to talk to you like this," he sighed.

"Steven," she paused. despite her state of inebriation, she still wanted to say the right thing, "I really want to talk to you Steven."

He paused for a moment before she heard him sigh, "fine, then talk."

"I miss you Steven, the real Steven,"

"The real me?"

"Yes, my Steven."

"I'm right here," he said quietly. She shook her head, vaguely remembering that he has no idea what she's talking about.

"Steven, if we get married, will you still love me?" She twirled the phone cord between her fingers. "—hypothetically of course."

He sighed again but said, "hypothetically, wouldn't that be the whole reason for getting married?"

"Yes, but what if you grew to resent me?"

"Jackie, what is this about?"

"I'm afraid Steven, that you wouldn't love me forever."

"Jackie, I—" he sighed again. "I'm not doing this right now Jackie. I'm going."


"I'll call you tomorrow." He said firmly. Jackie heard the dial tone before she could protest.

While I was editing this, I realized that this chapter is basically nothing content wise lol. So I'm going to post chapter 5 later this week. Tbh I don't even really like this chapter that much but chapter five is gonna be better and actually plot-moving. And thank you all so much for your kind words!