
I'm sorry for being on hiatus~! I've been busy with a lot of other things, and this was kinda put on the back burner~chu! Not to mention that writing a wonderfully pervy story is hard to do sometimes~! But I'm on summer vacation now~chu! I've got all the time in the world~!

Also, hehe~ I may have told a little lie in the last chapter~chu... but don't worry~! This chapter will be fine regardless~chu! At least, I hope so~heehee!

I hope you're all ready for the next chapter~chu! I hope it's just what my babies want~! I never thought people would like my fic~chu! Here it is~!

Thank you for liking and following, my babies~chu!

Chapter 5: Chopper's Tears! Robin Accepts Her Punishment!

The night was quiet. All was finally calm on the Sunny. Luffy and Nami had finally embraced each other and slept soundly; Sanji and Zoro had finally stopped fighting for the night; and there was not a single sound other than the waves splashing, and the soft creaking of the ship skimming across them. Zoro observed all this peace from the crow's nest, watching out across the waves for any other ships. He remained silent himself, only watching and listening. That was when he heard something break the silence. It was the creak of a door opening. Zoro looked down to see who could still be up at this hour besides Chopper. He could see a head of long black hair leaving the women's quarters and quickly creeping across the deck of the ship.

Robin? What's she up to? Zoro put his swords down and followed Robin's path over to Chopper's office. Is she... okay? He jumped down from the crow's nest and stood outside the door, listening in. Normally, Zoro would never be this curious to know what his crew members are up to, but since Nami came to him to entrust him with her secrets, he didn't want anything to be hidden from everyone else. Even through the door, he could hear two voices clearly: Robin's and Chopper's. It didn't take long to realize what was going on. After all, Robin's voice was more seductive than usual.

Let me guess... You can't keep it in your pants, can you? You really are a horny slut, aren't you, Robin? I knew it all along... You didn't fool me for a second.

"Uh, Robin?! It's not what it looks like! It's just... I was... um..." Chopper tried to find a way out of Robin's advancements, but he was overwhelmed with confused feelings of sexual desire. Robin simply smiled at him, not wanting to let a good fuck go to waste.

"Don't you worry, little boy~ I'll take good care of you~ I'll teach you everything your young heart desires to know about the birds and the bees~" Robin spawned arms underneath Chopper to lift him up onto the examination table. "And if you wouldn't mind~ I want you to address me as 'Robin~sensei'~" Chopper looked at Robin in confused fear, sweating profusely. He wasn't sure what to do at all.

Sh-should I call for help? But... no one will hear me! I'm sure Robin would think of a way to shut me up! I'm trapped! Done in by my own curiosity! Robin gently rest her hands on Chopper's torso, feeling every inch of his muscular, human body.

"My~ my~ my~ for such a little boy, I never once stopped to appreciate how big~ and strong~ you are~" Robin slowly licked his abdomen as Chopper blushed and whimpered.

"H-Help..." Chopper cried weakly, unable to yell it out. "H-H-Help...!" Suddenly, a hand clasped over his mouth, preventing any noise from coming out of his mouth. Chopper looked down at Robin, who was smiling devilishly back at him.

"Now, now~ We don't want to draw any attention, now do we~? You naughty boy~?" Robin moaned, sliding her hand slowly to Chopper's hardened manhood. "It's already so big~ How you've grown~" Robin began to slowly stroke it, causing Chopper to scream into the hand that covered his mouth. He tried to resist any of Robin's further advancements by rolling around on the table, but arms soon spawned to hold his arms and legs down.

"You're not going anywhere, little boy~" Robin moaned, slowly dragging her tongue up Chopper's shaft.

God... I don't know what to do... As much as I don't want to just barge in there like I own the place... I also feel like... Chopper's in trouble... Damn it! Zoro was still standing outside the door, contemplating on whether he should just let Robin do her thing or rush in to save Chopper. Respect their privacy? Or save a reindeer from being molested? Hell... I don't know... If screaming bloody murder is what turns Chopper on, the kid's fucking weird... weirder than I ever knew.

God! What do I do! Chopper strained his brain on how to escape. However, it was hard to think when unwanted pleasure was fogging up his mind. As much as he wanted the relief, he didn't want any of what was happening to happen. After all, he came to his office to get rid of the fantasies; not make them come true. Chopper kept staring in fear as Robin started bobbing her head up and down on Chopper's cock, coating it with her saliva.

It feels so wrong to be pleasuring a reindeer... but at the same time... he's human... right? Robin was suddenly now questioning the ethics of her actions; after she had already started stuffing her face with the hardened member of the ship's doctor. I've already gone this far... I can't stop now! After all... the excitement... It's all so... alluring~! Robin then strengthened her resolve to finish pleasuring Chopper, and continued sucking up more and more of his cock.

I can try to turn into one of my points...! But her sucking... is so relaxing... I can't... even focus on it! Damn it! Chopper struggled to turn into one of his transformations, but it was no use. Robin soon lifted her head off Chopper's dick and pulled herself up onto the table. She chuckled lustfully as she threw off her towel.

"All right, little boy~ The lesson you've been waiting for~ I want all of your reindeer ejaculate inside of me~ So be a good boy~ and let me work~" Robin moaned, positioning her wet pussy over Chopper's manhood. She suddenly dropped onto it, which ripped a moan from her throat and a somewhat pleasured scream from Chopper's. She slowly started bouncing up and down on his member. Chopper didn't know what to do anymore. He was completely powerless. He soon started crying, not enjoying what he felt he had awakened in Robin.

Robin was bouncing happily on Chopper's cock, her head thrown back and moaning at the ceiling. She soon heard a sobbing noise coming from underneath her. She slowed her bouncing as her smile faded, seeing a gushing of tears coming from the reindeer's eyes. The lust faded from her eyes and she looked at herself in shame.

Wha... what have I become? What am I doing?! How could I let myself do this?! First Usopp, then Luffy... now Chopper... my dear Chopper... How could I let this happen? Her face turned completely red as she started crying too, the arms disappearing in a flurry of petals, freeing Chopper. Chopper looked at her in confusion as she got off his dick and hugged him tightly.

"I'm so sorry, Chopper... I didn't mean to make you feel so... scared of me..." They both started bawling their eyes out as they hugged each other.

"Robin! I was so scared! I thought you had completely changed and I didn't like it at all!" Chopper wailed. "Don't ever scare me like that again!"

"I promise I won't!" Robin wiped her eyes, sobbing into Chopper's chest.

Are they... crying? What the hell is going on in there? Zoro paced the deck in front of the door, still scratching his head on whether he should save Chopper. Maybe... Chopper will be okay. He stood by the door just in case anyway.

Chopper got properly dressed, not feeling aroused anymore, and walked over to his desk, putting the book back on the shelf, and looking at his bulletin board, remembering that he had to make a contraceptive for Nami. He decided to start immediately. Robin wrapped herself up in her towel again. She turned to leave, but suddenly felt like she needed to reassure Chopper she wouldn't go sex crazy on him again. She stopped and opened her mouth.

"Chopper... please forgive me... I never wanted to have that behavior... especially when it would hurt you... I should be protecting you." Chopper blushed, putting down a few bottles on his desk.

"Robin. Of course I forgive you. I know that wasn't really you holding me down and forcing yourself onto me." He smiled at her. "That's why I was so scared, because it seemed like a complete stranger had taken over you." He turned back to his desk, starting to pour a few liquids together in a flask. "I'll be honest... I felt so flustered after Usopp told me and Franky everything that happened between you two after you left. I couldn't stop thinking about you in that way. I was kinda scared... I figured there was some way to just... get those thoughts out of my head." He chuckled. "It actually sounds kinda stupid out loud." Robin simply chuckled.

"That explains your odd behavior when we encountered each other outside..." Robin said, smirking a little. Chopper blushed, mixing some more ingredients together, laughing sheepishly.


"I'm sorry for provoking any stimulus, although it was not my intention..."

"As I said, all is forgiven. I know that isn't really you." Chopper scratched his head at his concoction, then remembering another ingredient.

"What are you making?" Robin asked, tilting her head, wondering what the little reindeer was doing.

"Contraceptive. Nami asked me to make some for her." Chopper frowned a little, as he still disapproved of their irresponsible behavior. "They've certainly been going at it. Nami's definitely a little more... bloated than usual."

"Mm... indeed..." She was reminded of Luffy's intensity during intercourse. She thought back to how hard he rammed into Nami, and how controlling he was to the both of them, and how well he managed to make both their pussies melt. Without her realizing it, she was sparking a small flame of lust again. She smirked lustfully but soon slapped herself. No! Not again! Stop thinking about it! She shook her head, grabbing Chopper's attention.

"Robin? Are you okay?" Chopper asked. Robin's face turned red.

"Yes! I'm fine!" Robin said, "I'm going to go to bed!" She turned to leave, but stopped with her hand on the doorknob. But... Nami and Luffy are in the same room... I need to stay away from them... They started the whole thing...

"Um... Ch-Chopper?"

"Yes, Robin?"

"C-Can I sleep in here tonight?"

Chopper slowly turned to her, confused. Her face was completely red, and her eyes displayed a sense of fear. Chopper looked at her and smiled softly. "Sure! I can see that you're scared... and this is a place of healing! If it will ease your fear to be in here... then stay as long as you need!" Robin smiled and sat on the examination table, watching Chopper work away at creating a contraceptive.

"Man... making this stuff is hard... I don't know if it's going to work or not!"

"Perhaps... I can be a guinea pig?"

Chopper turned to Robin, blushing. He soon remembered there was a good chance that some of Usopp's or Luffy's sperm could have started to work their way to an egg in Robin's womb.

"Um... I mean... sure..." Chopper slowly poured a small amount of his contraceptive into a cup and handed it to Robin. She blushed as she started to drink it, nearly coughing it up as it tasted awful. She gently swallowed it and handed the cup back to Chopper who refilled it with water. "Here... you look like you need it." He handed the cup of water back to Robin.

"I think... we won't know if it works for sure until we check periodically if there's any development of a fetus... God this is so stressful..." Chopper started to tear up. Robin smiled softly and held out her hands, beckoning the reindeer to hug her.

"Would you like a hug?" Robin asked, blushing a little. Chopper hopped into her arms and hugged her, feeling a little more at ease.

"This is nice..." Chopper started to relax. "It would be nicer if you were wearing actual clothes though..."

"Would it be nicer if I did... this?!" Robin suddenly started tickling the reindeer, which got Chopper immediately laughing hysterically.

"Stop! No! Help!" He cried playfully through his laughter. "I'm gonna pee! Stop!"

Suddenly, the door burst open.

"DON'T WORRY, CHOPPER! I'M HERE TO SAVE YOU!" Zoro rushed in, trying to keep a straight face. "Ah! It was you! The six-armed woman! My arch nemesis!" Zoro tried to wink at Robin, but it just looked like blinking. Robin chuckled and suddenly sprouted four arms from her back.

"We meet again, Zorojuro!" Robin smiled evilly. "Unfortunately, you are too late! For I have already given the boy the tickle of death!" Chopper giggled before putting on a scared face.

"Save me, Zorojuro! I'm too young to die!"

"You fiend! How could you! He's just a boy!"

"So are you! For you are in no position to defeat me, Zorojuro!" Robin laughed wickedly. "Handymen! ATTACK!" A large amount of hands started appearing all of Zoro's body, slapping him.

"Unfortunately for you, I know how to defeat them... SHAKING THEM OFF!" He started to flail about intentionally stupidly as the hands started disappearing one by one. "There! Now that your devilish Handymen are gone, I can focus on you!"

"Fool! You've fallen for my trap!" Suddenly, arms spawned on the floor, keeping him where he was.

"This won't work a second time!" He drew Shuusui and swung at the arms, not actually hitting them. The arms, however, disappeared. "You will be defeated after I use my finishing move!" He swung Shuusui toward her, which made two arms disappear. He swung Shuusui again, making the other two arms disappear. He then jabbed the sword in her direction. She yelled in pain and fell back.

"Blast! You've foiled me again, Zorojuro!" She tossed Chopper to him. "But I'll be back! And next time, I will defeat you!" Zoro caught Chopper as he sheathed Shuusui. Chopper looked up at Zoro, giggling.

"Thank you for saving me, Zorojuro!" Chopper hugged Zoro. Zoro put Chopper down.

"It's no problem, boy. Now run along." Zoro said. "I must finish the fight with the woman." Chopper nodded.

"Okay... good night, Zorojuro!" Chopper turned to Robin and whispered to her, "Good night, Robin!" Then he ran off. Robin slowly sat up, smiling at Zoro.

"I think that calmed Chopper's nerves enough... Thank you for-"

"Tell me what the hell is going on."

Robin's eyes widened, blushing. Then she looked away.

"How long were you outside?"

"Long enough."

Robin clutched her towel tightly, blushing even more. Suddenly the door closed behind Zoro. Zoro looked behind him, seeing a flurry of petals disappear from next to the door frame.

"So I'll assume you heard it..."

"I heard more than I wished, yes."


Zoro remained silent.

"Is it wrong... to ask for one more time?"

Zoro's eyes widened in confusion and slight fear.

"I don't want that part of me to come out again... but... deep down... I still... I still want it." Robin's eyes started to tear up. "I just want it out of my system... can you..."


Robin looked up at Zoro, her face entirely red.

"I know what you're going to say. And my answer is no."

Robin turned away again.

"I understand..."

"That was a one time thing, Robin, and I doubt you could find any way to persuade me to do that again without Chopper around."

Robin looked up at Zoro again, this time in confusion. "Wait, what?!"

"The Zorojuro vs the Six Armed Woman thing... I'm not doing it again. You can do stuff like that with Franky, okay? Not with me."

"W-Wait, that's n-not what I was talking about-"


A-Are you denser than Luffy? At least Luffy recognizes when a woman is coming onto him! Robin twitched in shock. Then she shook it off, got off the table, and walked over to Zoro. "Zoro... I-I'm talking about me and you... right now..." She pressed him against the door, her breasts nearly in his face. His face slowly turned red as he began to realize what she was talking about.

Jeez... aren't I a dumbass... Zoro swallowed, trying to prevent himself from staring at her tits.

"Zoro..." She moaned suddenly. Zoro started to sweat a little. She moaned again "Please~... Give me one more~..."

Holy shit... what the hell is she doing to me?! I feel really weak... I- I can't let this happen... but... Zoro's face turned even more red. Fuck... I need to get awa-!

Suddenly, Robin's lips were pressed up against his as her hands started to explore his body. Although she was trying to expel her lust, she was being more passionate with this. Zoro's eyes widened at the sudden advancement, but strangely, to him, it was not unwelcome. He suddenly threw his arms around her, holding her tightly as he continued the kiss.

God... what the hell am I doing? Suddenly, he forced her back onto the examination table, breaking the kiss. Robin looked up at Zoro, blushing and panting. Zoro looked down at her, a dark glow around him.

"Promiscuous wench... now you've gotten me worked up... I guess we both have something we need to get out of our systems..." Zoro suddenly ripped the towel off her body, threw open his robe, and started pulling down his pants. Robin couldn't help but stare into his fiery eyes, bracing herself for whatever he was about to give her. Then she saw it, Zoro's fourth sword pointing straight at her. She felt her body get really hot, suddenly feeling a great desire for his cock.

"Oh God... Zoro~... it's so big~..." She moaned out. Indeed, it was- its length was only rivaled by Luffy's but not by much. "P-Please... Please, Zoro... I-I want it... I need it~!" Robin spread her legs wide open for him, presenting her wet pussy. Zoro positioned his member right up to her pussy, and as he did, he started hardening it with his haki. Robin watched as he did, recognizing it and bracing herself even more. Oh God... here it comes...! He shoved his cock right into her as hard as he could, forcing her to cum immediately and causing a loud pleasure-filled scream to tear out of her throat. Her eyes welled up with tears as she blushed even more. They both stared at each other, each one breathing really heavily. Through her tears, Robin whimpered:

"D-Don't... s-s-s-stop..." She quickly covered up her mouth to muffle the screams she knew would come.

"As you wish..." Zoro said as he grabbed her hips and started pounding into her pussy, forcing her to cum again and again as she screamed more and more into her hand. She cried a little, feeling truly ashamed of herself.

Oh God, Zoro... Yes... Fuck me... Fuck me so hard that I lose every ounce of lust in my body... Fuck me so hard that I forget sex exists! Fuck all my misdeeds out of me! I never should've tried to come between Luffy and Nami! Whatever is their business is their business! Fuck it all away, Zoro! Robin screamed louder and louder into her hand as Zoro kept slamming into her, faster and faster, harder and harder. Wave after wave of juices kept gushing out of Robin's womanhood, creating a puddle on the table and the floor.

"Fuck..." Zoro could feel his own climax coming, and he moved to pull out of Robin's pussy, but her legs, with what little strength she had left, clasped around his waist, keeping him in. He looked at her, somewhat confused. She stared back at him with a fire of lust in her eyes, telling him "put all of it in me." Zoro gave her a nod and slammed into her once more, shooting all of his cum into her womb. She screamed one last time, her back arching as she trembled, cumming again. Her legs fell from Zoro's waist and her hands fell away from her face. The two panted as Zoro finished cumming and pulled out of Robin.

"Z-Zoro... I-I can't... I can't move..." Robin stuttered, her voice shaky. Zoro slowly leaned over her and gently wiped the tears from her eyes. She stared at him in slight shock. "Z-Zoro..." She tried to lift her arms up to hug him but she found that she couldn't. Zoro slowly stood up, putting his pants and robe back on. Robin started feeling terrified, feeling like some chance was slipping away from her.


Zoro looked over at her, blankly. She looked back, trying to figure out what to say.

"Th-Thank you..."

Zoro nodded as he left to find something to clean up Robin's mess with.

Sunlight shined through the window to the women's quarters. The light fell onto the lovers' faces. Nami opened her eyes and looked up at Luffy. She smiled, and held him tighter.

"...mi..." Luffy snored softly "...mi..." Nami looked up at him.

Is he... saying my name in his sleep? She blushed. That- that's the cutest thing e-

"Sanji... where's the meat...?" Luffy snored, smiling a little. Nami face palmed and laid her head back down on the bed. Soon, she lifted her head again, looking for the other woman who was in their party the night before.

Where did Robin go...? Nami shrugged and cuddled up closer to Luffy, smiling, just happy to be with the man she loved.

"Nami..." Luffy snored. Nami's head immediately shot up again.

"Yes, Luffy~?" She whispered back to him.

"I want you to have... some of this meat... that Sanji gave me..." Luffy snored, still completely asleep.

"...Meat?" Nami whispered with disappointment.

"Of course... the sausage is from me- heh...heh..." Luffy snored. Nami immediately blushed, face palming again.

Why you of all people...

"I love you... Nami..."

Nami's face went completely red. Soon, she snuggled up close to him again and smiled.

"I love you, too, Luffy..." She leaned in and kissed his cheek. Suddenly, the door opened wide and Nami immediately covered herself up with the blankets. "Who the hell-?!"

"Don't mind me." Zoro stepped into the room and casually walked to the wardrobes on the back wall.

"Zoro!? What the hell?! Have you ever heard of knocking, you dumbass?! You can't just walk into a girl's room like that!" Nami shouted, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him. Zoro blocked the pillow and looked through the first wardrobe, pulling out a shirt.

"Nami's..." He put it back and closed the door.

"And now you're looking through our clothes?! What the fuck, Zoro?! I never knew you to be such a pervert!"

"You're one to talk." Zoro snapped back coldly, opening the other wardrobe and looking through it. Nami just stared at him, her mouth agape and her face red.

"You- You shut up, you dirty bastard!" She went back to cuddling up to Luffy, annoyed at the intruder. Zoro went back to looking through the clothes in Robin's wardrobe. He pulled out a set and closed the door, walking back to the entrance to the room. Nami looked up at him again.

"Hey! Where the hell are you going with those?!" Nami shouted again. Zoro just stared at her as he started pulling the door closed.

"Sorry to disturb you." Zoro said as the door shut behind him. Nami growled as she pressed her red face into the bed.

"Honestly! The gall of that prick! I tell him that I'm in love with Luffy and he just bursts in like he owns the place! God! Telling ME to not keep secrets... he's the one keeping secrets!" Nami growled. She was soon interrupted from her fit by the embrace of her still sleeping lover, and she quickly calmed down.

"Thank you, Zoro... Was there any issue with obtaining these?"

"Not at all."

Zoro handed Robin her clothes. Suddenly, she was compelled to kiss his cheek. Zoro simply wiped his cheek, blushing a little.

"Thanks again."

"Don't mention it."

"Can anyone PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME what the HECK IS GOING ON HERE?!" Chopper turned in his chair to the two, completely confused about Zoro's and Robin's relationship. While the two were carrying out Robin's business, Chopper was tending to his own business of preparing more contraceptive for Nami.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Zoro responded. Robin looked away, trying to hide her disappointment.

"Yeah... It's nothing..." Robin confirmed.

"Hmmm..." Chopper turned back to his work, muttering remarks of disapproval. Zoro simply shrugged and turned to leave as Robin started to put her clothes on.

Why do I feel weird when he leaves the room...? Robin blushes more, brushing her clothes with her hands. Am I...? Her eyes widened at the thought and clasped her hands to her face. There's no way-!

"I'll leave you to your work, Chopper!" Robin said, hurriedly leaving the room.

"I- Okay...?" Chopper said, completely confused. He just shrugged and turned back to his work.

One thousand, two hundred forty-three...

One thousand, two hundred forty-four...

One thousand, two hundred forty-five...

Zoro took to training after delivering Robin her clothes. He was training to get stronger, of course, but at the same time, something was bothering him. SOMEONE was bothering him. And he couldn't get his mind off her.

One thousand, two hundred forty-six...

One thousand, two hundred forty-seven...

One thousand, two hundred forty-eight...

Suddenly the trap door behind him opened. He turned to the person entering the crow's nest.

"I hope you don't mind me reading up here, Zoro." Robin poked her head up, smiling a little. Zoro simply grunted and returned to his weighted sword swings. Robin climbed up into the crow's nest and sat against the wall, opening her book and reading.

One thousand, two hundred forty-nine...

One thousand, two hundred fifty...

Zoro kept swinging his "sword" while Robin pretended to read behind him, secretly watching him work out.

I can't believe I'm suddenly so hot and bothered for him! Robin started fanning herself a little with her book. Zoro stayed focus on his work out, paying no mind to the woman eyeing him on the other side of the room. Soon the door opened again.

"ROBIN~SWANNNN~!" Sanji yelled up, carrying up a platter with a drink on it. "I heard you had sneaked up here~! Playing hard to- AH!" Sanji poked his head up and immediately saw Zoro's sweaty body, nearly fainting. Robin chuckled.

"Sanji! Over here!" Robin beckoned. Sanji sighed with relief.

"You are up here... Thank God..." Sanji climbed all the way up into the crow's nest and delivered Robin her drink. "I was worried that Franky lied to me, just to pull a prank on me or something." Sanji looked back over at the softly grunting Zoro. "What are you even doing up here, anyway? Why would you want to be around the mosshead?"

"No reason... I just desired a change of scenery."

Zoro suddenly dropped his weight, shocking both Sanji and Robin.


Zoro didn't respond.


Zoro turned to the cook with a wide smirk.

"She's up here because I fucked her brains out last night."

Robin immediately pressed the book against her gasping mouth, her face turning completely red. Sanji's jaw fell, letting his cigarette fall out of his mouth.

"You... did... what?!" Sanji's teeth tightened and his fist clenched.

"Did I stutter?" Zoro asked, getting ready to laugh his ass off.


"Why don't you just ask her, Shitbrow?!" Zoro barked back, pointing to Robin. Sanji whipped his head around to Robin, his face completely changing expressions, smiling like a complete idiot.

"Robin~swan~? Please tell this complete idiot that he's making shit up~!"

Robin simply avoided eye contact, covering her mouth with her book, her face still red. Sanji's smile slowly dropped with each second that Robin remained silent. Eventually she cleared her throat.

"Z-Zoro... I-" Robin choked on her words, but soon managed to get them out as she threw her book down. "ZORO, I'VE NEVER FELT MORE ALIVE THAN LAST NIGHT WHEN YOU FUCKED ME SENSELESS~! AND I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT HOW MUCH I THINK- I THINK I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU~!" Both Zoro and Sanji were surprised at her response. Zoro thought she'd simply confirm or deny it; he didn't expect her to confess her love to him. Sanji was beyond surprised, as he had no clue that Robin would ever admit to ever being involved in such activity with Zoro.

"I- I gotta go... scream... and cry..." Sanji shakily fell out from the crow's nest, his eyes wide open. Zoro just stared at Robin.

"You... You what?!" Zoro yelled in confusion. Robin flinched, realizing what she had just said.

"I-... I'm sorry..." Robin apologized. "I didn't mean for it to come out like that... I just... I-" Suddenly Zoro pressed his lips against hers. Robin's eyes widened, but she quickly wrapped her arms around him and returned the kiss.

This feeling... it's not lust... it's passion...! It feels so much better than anything else in the world~! God, Zoro~! I think I really do love you~! Robin moaned into the kiss as she held Zoro tightly. Eventually, the two split and stared into each other's eyes (or eye in Zoro's case).

"Z-Zoro...?" Robin said shakily. "D-Do you... love me too..?" Zoro closed his mouth and hesitantly nodded.

"I think so..." Zoro said. Robin suddenly pushed him to the floor.

"Then I take back what I said last night... I want more of you..."

/Author's Notes/

Well~ that took an interesting turn~chu! I did tell you guys that I was rescinding my previous statement about the chapter being about Chopper and Robin~chu! I honestly didn't expect it to go this way either~heehee! I guess we'll see where this one leads~!

Thank you all for reading~chu! I love you guys~!

Stay pervy, my babies~chu!
