A walked up to her and said nothing; she raised her nose slightly. It was perfect. Believable. His brother, however, was already causing concern, yet with him, that was normal, and so Sesshomaru ignored him.

"My Lord," One by one women bowed to him, and he seemed to pay no mind to anything. Kagome bit her lip, "Are we supposed to do something or just stand in the crowd?"

He looked at her "It is a ball,"

She rose an eyebrow then looked to the side where everyone was standing. Without a word, she left him and stood away. She settled for watching, at least for now. Seeing how they moved, who danced with who. It was smart on her part, and so he followed suit.


"What?" She asked,

"What do you see?" He asked,


"Correct, just as they want it,"

Kagome slowly looked at him "They?"

He looked at her and nicked himself for the slip up "Demons, human, the holy they, not us," He thought on his feet like aways.

She looked back at "I seem to recall at one time you were for that,"

"I was for being alone Miko,"

She smiled "At least someone is dancing, how weird would it be if no one was,"

Looking around, he started noting the whispers. To the demons, not dancing was not a big deal, but if they were forced into this, the holy side would suspect to see them do just that. But how do you dance pretending to accept a fate when really you were actually accepting the fate? How do you pretend to pretend?

"Do you know how to dance?" He asked,

"Um, not very good, but yes?"

Held out his hand and hoped Kagome would pull a Kagome.

She did.

She looked at it like it would burn her, then she glanced at him. He looked at her and said nothing, just waited. She reacted just like he thought she would. Slowly she took his hand, and he took her to the floor. Pulling her close, she looked nervous. Perfect.

He was majestic, as always. She stumbled slightly under his strong leadership, often looking at her feet. He made himself not smirk at it. It was too perfect. But soon, the music changed, and the swift-paced turned slower. She gained her foot and held onto his arms with more courage, and finally, her eyes met his. He quickly loses track of the count of the people watching and of the music.

In a room full of people, it is he and her. Her hair sways, her hips fit perfectly into his hand, and she is trusting him.

Her eyes are bright only brighter due to the jewels in her head, reminding him just what she is. Fire, by gods, she could be fire. Right now, he has it contained, but what if he didn't. What would it be like to see her loose and free with no bounds? He was excited to see her shyness, but what about after? What wildfire would meet him after the skyness?

He wondered, would her love be like her power? Like her? He felt the rise of an aroused growl, and he had to think of something fast.

Lucky for them both, his brother made a scene.

He would never be so glad it as he was now.

They stopped dancing, and it gave him time to cool off before he left her by herself and made his way to Inuyasha.

"Half Breed," He cut short.

Inuyasha growled. "This whole thing is dumb," He said out loud.

"You must forgive the halfbreed he was raised in the wild,"

The demons laughed; the holy just watched their minds at bay with the likely fight.

"Well, forgive me for not being fed with a silver fucking spoon!"

Sesshomaru grabbed Inuyasha by the back of the neck, and they made their way out. Once he was sure they were far enough away, he quickly released him.

"Oi, dummy, what happened to everyone is watching!"

"My mind wandered,"

"The fuck?"

Damn it.

"Your destraction was well planned,"

"I think it's the only reason your mother invited me,"

"Remind me to thank her,"

"K, whatever you need to get out of this and now,"

"Hn, I agree,"

Inuyasha ran his hands through his hair "I can not believe this shit ugh,"

"Go back, tell Kagome, make an exit and then leave,"

"And take Kagome with me?"

He thought about it for a split second "No,"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes "You fucking owe me,"

Sesshomaru snorted, and Inuyasha cursed the whole way back. Sesshomaru shook his head and took a breath, but it would be short-lived.

"My Lord,"

He turned to see a female, "Are you lost?"

"I believe I am,"

He pointed, and she looked down the path his brother had just taken. She then smiled, "Perhaps you could walk with me?"

"Perhaps not,"

She giggled, "Then perhaps we can do something else?" She stepped closer and inhaled "I'm sure all this pressure and power is making your quiet, hungry," She opened her dress slightly giving any man a view of her freash mounds if they so chose to look. He didn't

"You are making a fool of yourself,"

"I am a little drunk, a little birdly told me you like it rough," She said, her mouth close to his ear like it was some dark, dirty little secret.

Then they hear someone clear their throat.

The woman stepped back but just smiled. He didn't move.

"Lady Miko," The woman bowed,

Kagome only nodded slightly and then moved her eyes to Sesshomaru "Inuyasha made a grand exit, and your mother is making quite the fuss,"

"Oh, I do love it when that woman gets fired up," The girl looked at Sesshomaru. "To be continued," She left in a hurry. His lip curled in a slight snarl. Kagome put her head high as he started to walk by him.

He stopped her "It is not what it seems,"

Kagome looked around,

"No one is watching with my mother showing her dominance,"


He looked around, grabbed her, and found the closes odd room he could find. It was dark; this room was not lite.

"Seal it,"


He pulled on her sash, bringing her body close to his "Seal it Kagome,"

"She got your all hot and bothered,"

He shut her mouth my kissing her, long and slow and when he broke it she could only make out his gold eyed "I was hot and bothered as you so put well before her,"

He could just see the blush on her face "Seal it Kagome,"

He lowered his mouth to her, and as he kissed her, she sealed the room.

Thanks again for reading. I am going through somethings now, if you would like updates, please follow me on Fb Onlyaftermidnight.

Also, if you haven't read my book The Alpha of Dragons, please grab a copy! It's less than $4 and would help me out a lot right now. First chapter is free! Everywhere Ebooks are sold. It's also posted on my Fb.

Thank you again!