When a Halliwell goes to war
AN: This is my take on the dystopian future and of course this is a Chris revelation. This takes place after Prince Charmed. Also I want to state that like most other Chris rev stories the characters will be a be an exaggeration of themselves. I hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: I do not own charmed
"Dammit Chris, you know you don't make it easy for yourself right?" Paige scolded as Chris stood there scowling back at her.
"Well I try." He said Sarcastically
"Well maybe I should just get Piper and she can blow you up. How about that?" Paige retorted back crossing her arms.
"Ah yes the old splice of murder trick to get answers. That should do it!" He said not worried about her threat.
"Ok guys can we just calm down and relax." Phoebe said in between the two raging witchlighters.
The pair had been arguing for about half an hour now and didn't look like they were willing to back down any time soon. They had been going round in circles so much that Phoebe didn't even notice when they had moved from kitchen to the attic and she was pretty sure they didn't either.
"I'll relax when he starts talking." Paige shouted.
"And I'll relax when she get's off my case." Chris shouted back.
"Ok lets take a breather and...
"No I won't get off your case, not until you tell us the truth." She screeched.
Chris was about to retort when they heard Piper approaching.
"What is all the noise?" Piper asked. She stopped and looked at the occupants of the attic. Her face slowly turning from concern to pure Rage. Her eyes locked on Chris and immediately her hands raised in her I'm gonna blow you up pose. Chris's eyes widened and Phoebe acted immediately.
"Piper no!" She screeched as she jumped in front of Chris.
Paige stood there unphased by Piper's reaction. It was Chris's that bugged her. Paige knew, Piper knew on a level she wouldn't really blow up Chris. Piper knew Chris was half witch and if she did blow him up he would stay blown up, unlike Leo who was a full whitelighter and could be blown up constantly and come back to life. Paige knew Piper only did the action because she wasn't over his actions or his little confession that she still didn't believe it. None of them did.
When Piper lifted her hands she saw the look in Chris's eyes. It wasn't fear like any normal person was supposed to have. It was more a mix of Hurt, Pain and something else but she couldn't tell because as fast as the look came it was gone and there stood an emotionless Chris. She realised in that split second she wasn't used to that. She was used to a bitchy Chris, an angry Chris, a conniving Chris and any Chris that was close to sarcastic, Neurotic and Annoying.
When she first met Chris he was manipulative and still was but he had calmed down mostly until the Piper's birthday. Mostly he was just an obsessed little freak over hunting demons. Over the time she had spent with him she had gained the ability to tell when he was lying. Sometimes she wondered if he was even trying again. Chris was still a mystery to her. One that she wanted to find out. She had given Chris the benefit of the doubt when he first interfered in their lives but after trying to trick them into giving up Wyatt's powers she lost any doubt in her mind that said that Chris was a good guy.
Looking at Chris with a blank stare while her sister stood in front of him as a human shield made caused all that doubt to come back but not the way she expected.
"What are you doing here? I thought I told you I never wanna see you again." Piper said in a venomous tone.
"For your information your sister is the reason I'm here." He said with no emotion in his tone.
Pipers eyes locked on to Phoebes at first. "Blame her." She said pointing the finger at Paige. Piper eyes then locked onto Paige's.
"Hey I'm simply trying to get answers." She retorted in her defence.
"Yeah well get answers anywhere else." She said to Paige. Piper then turned to look at Chris. "You get the hell out of my house. If I catch you here again I won't hesitate and stay away from my family." She said vehemently.
Chris just stared for a few seconds. Paige couldn't see any visible emotion on his face and it was really bugging her. She didn't like it.
"Fine." He said to Piper. He then turned to Paige "Next time don't spy on me Paige." He said calmly before orbing out.
"What the hell is he talking about?" Piper asked still annoyed at her sister.
"That's why I called him here. I was out with some cute guy I met at P3 the other night and on our date I saw him across the street. He was dressed as a pizza delivery guy." She stated.
Piper's brow raised as she folded her arms.
"I'm not lying Piper. I saw him and followed him. Well I sensed him. He drove a motor bike with a pizza box on it. Any who when he finally stopped I excused myself to the bathroom and orbed to his location. I saw him walk inside an apartment building so I went it and followed him from a good distance and I saw him knock on a door. From where I was standing I couldn't see the person but the next thing I know I saw him rush the apartment. That's when I orbed into the apartment but no one was there. I tried sensing Chris but he was off the radar. So I went back to my date. When I woke up this morning, first thing I did was go over there and I find future boy sleeping so I orbed his ass over here and started questioning him. He got pissy, wouldn't answer any of my questions and we had been arguing ever since." She said.
"Yeah and I had the misfortune of being in the kitchen when she orbed him over here." Phoebe said sounding tired.
"So your saying he attacked and maybe murdered an innocent and took their Apartment?" Piper questioned.
"Well he wouldn't deny it so probably." Paige retorted.
"Woah Paige let's back it up for a second ok. Chris may be a lot of things but he is not a murderer." Phoebe said trying to reason with her sisters. She knew they didn't trust him but Chris wouldn't kill an innocent would he?
"Don't be so sure Pheebs. Remember the Valkyries?" Piper questioned her, raising her doubt a little more.
"Ok but Leo never proved that and the elders let it go Piper. If he did it they would of pursued him." Phoebe said seriously wondering if there was anything better she could be doing right now then arguing if her whitelighter was a murderer. The answer was most definitely yes.
"Well what about the elders? When he first got here he let some of them die. What if that was part of his evil plan. What if he's the one trying to turn Wyatt evil. We may not be best friends with the elders but they didn't deserve that not to mention they are one of the best forces of good out there for all we knew he could of been trying to remove as much good influence around Wyatt as possible. Maybe even us. " Paige concluded.
"What?" Phoebe said shocked Paige would even think that.
"I mean he's always trying to send us on dangerous demon hunts and if that isn't to take us out then he's definitely trying to take out the competition." She said sure of her assessment of the situation.
"And adding to that turning theory he manipulated for Leo to become an Elder which the titans went after him and if didn't even die then he was still out of the way so he could become our whitelighter and Leo couldn't be around Wyatt." Piper said getting more angry with each word she spat out.
"Look I'm not saying Chris is the most trustworthy guy in the world but I definitely think you two are way off base. He's a half whitelighter. He's a flipping angel. Ok that has to count for something and that fact that the elders can be the most annoying bastards at times just means that their not perfect considering their angels. That goes for you too Paige. We all have our dark side and I think your judging Chris's just a little too much. He came here from the future to protect Wyatt and he's saved our lives on a couple of occasions. Are some of his actions questionable of course and I don't agree with all them but that doesn't justify all this character assassination and accusing him of being evil not without proof anyway." Phoebe said to her sisters trying make them see reason.
"Well let's get proof then." Paige said as if a lightbulb had appeared above her head.
"I'm sorry?" Phoebe said not really liking the glint that was in her sisters eye.
"We can't accuse without getting proof so let's find the proof that he's evil and vanquish his ass." Paige excited now.
"He's human Paige!" Phoebe retorted.
"Oh yeah. Fine then just send his ass back to the future and strip him of his powers for good measure." She said and began to stride over too the book of shadows.
"Exactly how do you plan on getting proof?" Piper said now intrigued.
"Let's go to the future. Or in you guys case back to the future." She said with a little smirk.
AN: Let me know what you think.