I do not own In Another World with my Smartphone, or the subtle reference to Yu-Gi-Oh.

Also, pardon my Bard skills...

They aren't the best.

Chapter 4

One year until reunion

Aki was running from town. Again. He was sure he had been careful, but apparently, he hadn't been careful enough. Someone, probably a customer who wanted him to work for them, had found out about his horns, and alerted the guard. So what if he had horns? Was that a reason to call the FREAKIN' ARMY? Aki was sick of all the running and hiding. He needed somewhere out of the way where he could do his work, somewhere there wouldn't be any soldiers. As he thought this, he reached a rather large bluff, and beheld a small farming village at the valley plain a mile away. "Thank you, Gramps!" He began to make his way down to the valley, toting his backpack with him, hope filling him as his hooded cloak flapped in the wind. When he reached town, a huge crowd was gathered in front of a building in the center of town. Once he got close enough, he heard a man speaking.

"I am sorry to say, my friends, but our efforts to find a healer have remained fruitless. Very few healers live in small towns like this anymore, and those who do, are too expensive to afford. It pains me to say this, but I'm afraid Eliza is going to die."

Hearing this, Aki ran faster, pushed through the crowd, once he reached the center, gasped out,

"I… I'm a healer!"

Murmurs spread through the crowd. The man in the center asked reproachfully, "Who are you?" Then, hope beginning to touch his eyes, he said, "Can you truly heal my daughter?"

"Yes," Aki replied, determination set in his face.

The man stepped in front of him "What price would you ask of us? We are a poor farming village, as you can see."

Aki asked only only one thing, "Just let me be a part of your community. Don't worry about lodging, I can stay outside the village. You need not provide for me, or build me a home. Just let me do my job, and provide healing."

Upon hearing this, Eliza's father stepped aside, allowing Aki access to the building. "It will be as you say, if, in fact, you do heal her." As Aki entered the building, he noticed that, with his demonic senses, he could detect the girl's heartbeat, like a tiny tapping. He found Eliza quickly, and knelt beside her, setting down his staff and pack, and looked through his basic healing remedies, then gave up, finding that he didn't have the supplies to bring someone back from the brink. Then, he turned to his staff.

"Quetz?" The staff shivered, then its jaws opened in a mind-boggling yawn, it blinked, then said, in a rich, male voice, "Ah, I see you still insist on that insufferable nickname."

Aki sighed. "Come on, Quetz, I need Formula 27 to save her!"

Quetz gave Aki a dirty look. "Beg me."

Aki's eyes narrowed. "Not this 'God complex' thing again!"

"I actually am a God, so it is necessary for me to possess this so-called God complex. Again. Beg me for it."

Aki's eyes began to glow red. "Why you little-" He forced the staff's mouth open, then jammed his arm down its throat. Quetz let out a series of strangled shrieks, which subsided into a coughing fit when Aki pulled his arm free, clutching a vial in his hand. Aki popped the cork on the vial, after checking that it was the right one, and poured the contents into Eliza's mouth, stroking her throat to help her swallow. Her heartbeat began to strengthen, and Aki knew his job was done. He made sure his hood was still covering his horns, then packed up and left the building. As he did, he realized the sun was setting, and the only one outside, was Eliza's father. Aki noticed that the man was asleep, and thought it unnecessary to wake him. He walked out of town, up to the bluff from which he'd seen the village. There, he took off his pack, and took out his standard Illusion Field and Instant House potions, and set about creating his new home, which would hopefully last longer than the last one.

Chapter 6

When Mayor Karl Vaisen woke up, it took a few seconds for him to remember what had happened the previous night. It took him a few more seconds to rush to his daughter's bedside, only to find her bed empty. Mayor Vaisen rushed outside to find her, but he was spared the need, when he saw Eliza, at her usual place in the fields, gathering crops. "Eliza!" he shouted. "You shouldn't be up! More importantly, how are you up?"

Eliza hurried over to her father. "I don't know! I haven't seen anyone since before dawn, so, did you find a healer or something?"

"That's the thing, you see, this strange person appeared in town yesterday. He said he was a healer, but the weird bit was that all he asked was to be a part of our community. That's it, I didn't see him do it, but it's the only possibility. He must have healed you. If only we knew where he was."

Eliza squinted over her father's shoulder. "I see something weird and shimmery! It's in the forest at the top of the cliff!"

Her father turned. "I don't see anything. Are you sure?"

Eliza nodded firmly. "Positive!" She thought for a few seconds. "I'm gonna go check it out!"

"Wait! You need rest! You almost died!" None of these arguments seemed to faze Eliza. Finally, she exclaimed, "Calm down, Dad! Think about it, if there's something magic and weird going on up there, it's got to be that healer guy! If I find him, I'll be able to thank him!"

Her father sighed, then relented. "Fine, but I'm coming with you."

As they got closer to where Eliza saw the shimmer, she couldn't help but picture what the healer might look like. Her father hadn't seen any part of his face through his hood, and the only hint of his age were his voice, which sounded too young for an old man.

Eliza was busy fantasizing about her savior's appearance, so she didn't notice that while she stepped through the shimmering veil unimpeded, her father's eyes glazed over, and he made a U-turn, straight back down to the village.

Eliza made her way through the trees, until she saw it. A quaint little wooden cottage in a clearing up ahead. As she got closer, she heard someone singing.

Touya, who's the weakest? You are, You are! Touya, who's the strongest?

I am, I am! When you die with few regrets, I'll be on an EPIC QUEST!

The voice continued into what was, she assumed, the second verse.

"That must be him!"

You have all that power and what do you do? You don't even kill a few blobs of green goo!

Touya, who's the weakest? You are, You are! Touya, who's the strongest?

I am, I am! When you die with few regrets, I'll be on an EPIC QUEST!

She picked up the pace. Soon, she would reach the cabin, and find out who he was.

I've fled from twenty towns, for greedy people just ain't fair. No matter how much danger I am in, I never lose my flair!

He then sang the words he'd repeated twice before during the song, then began to speed up.

Time for the third verse, different than the first! This one is a rap, WHY? Because, you are the WORST!

Ya know how Dragons are Seto Kaiba's fave creatures of all time? Well you killed a dragon's child and you didn't give a DIME!

You burnt it to a crisp, with a magnifying GLASS! That's why the next time we meet, I'm gonna KICK YOUR-

The last words were interrupted by a *Knock Knock Knock* as Eliza knocked on the front door.

The door opened, and whatever Eliza thought she would find, it wasn't this.

Standing in the doorway was a boy around her age, with red hair, and wearing a green tunic belted at the waist, beige pants, and what appeared to be soft, fur-covered shoes with no heel covering. "Hmm?" the boy looked at her for a few seconds. Then, he said "Oh, you're here?" and turned his head to the back of his home and yelled

"QUETZ!" A grumpy voice sounded an affirmative from inside.

"Make a note! Formula 27 may have a possibly permanent side effect. Variety, Lesser Glamour Detection!" The annoyed voice said something Eliza couldn't hear.

"I know because the girl it was used on is right here!"

He turned back to Eliza. "So, want to come inside?"

Eliza thought, then said "Sure, but I'm looking for the healer who saved me."

The boy said "Okay, got it! Right this way, Miss Eliza!" then turned and walked inside before Eliza could ask how he knew her name. He led her through the entrance into a storefront area. The boy vaulted over the counter and then opened up a hidden door so Eliza could get in. He opened a door behind the counter, and Eliza caught a glimpse of a shifting spiral staircase, which was, oddly enough, perpendicular to them. The boy said "Whoops!" then closed and reopened the door. This time, the door led into a cozy sitting-room area with a table, and two large poofy chairs, the likes of which Eliza had never seen before. The redhead plopped down on one of them, and gestured to the other one. She sat down and stared at the boy.

"Alright, I followed you, now I would like to meet the one who saved my life yesterday. You know him, I'm sure, seeing as you're here inside this magic shimmery thing."

He chuckled, and said "Alright, I'm kinda disappointed that you didn't figure it out, but allow me to introduce myself."

The boy stood up, gestured to himself, and said, "I am Aki Mystweave, greatest of all Healers, and, Eliza Vaisen, the one who saved your life."


AmbertheCat : Thanks!

Also, I may be finishing The Crimson Dragonslayer pretty quickly, but I'm trying to edit and get chapters of this story out to you guys AFAP (As Fast As Possible)

See ya on the Other Side! ;)