Sasuke charge towards Naruto, hands already in pouches withdrawing knives and stars to throw at his rival. Letting fly with the first salvo of projectiles he rushed left, already anticipating Naruto's dodge thanks to his eyes. Striking out at Naruto's chest as the blonde unknowingly moved into his path he scored to quick hits into his stomach, leaning back to launch a kick up towards the blondes face.
Naruto grabbed the extended foot, using it to throw Sasuke straight across the arena, this gave him time to quickly made a squad of clones, sending them forward in a suicidal rush as he withdrew an explosive tag, lighting it and sending it straight into the middle of the clones, now at half strength as Sasuke tore through them.
The tag went off, destroying the rest of the clones, Sasuke dived left, barely escaping the heated blast as he impacted the ground, he just had time to stand before a new group of clones rushed onto him. A sweeping kick took one, three quick jabs taking another.
Two Narutos grabbed his arm and he just had time to turn to see one more rushing in to deliver a devastating punch. He didn't give it a chance. His loose legs shot out catching the onrushing clone in the head, swinging back to dispel the one on his right with a double kick to the gut, both feet back on the ground giving him ample leverage to launch the other clear across the clearing.
Turning towards the now larger group of waiting clones he extended one arm forward, fingers curling into a come hither motion. "Bring it" He called towards the sea of Naruto's.
"Teme" With a matched war cry the army charged as one.
Naruto watched as Sasuke destroyed his army. It was almost depressing, even a 100 of him weren't enough to beat Sasuke. He sighed as with a roar Sasuke unleashed fire on half the field, catching almost 20 clones within the blaze.
He had wanted to beat Sasuke normally, with his fists, but Sasuke really was a genius, he could see that. The way Sasuke fought was almost beautiful, not a single movement wasted as he span around the clones, each strike hitting, every weapon connecting, everywhere he moved Sasuke left billowing white smoke in his wake.
"Well it was a nice try, better stick to the original plan"
Sasuke moved towards the last clone. The last five minutes had been a mad dance of arms and legs, he could give Naruto that at least, he made for good endurance training. The clones had even managed a couple of hits on him, his lip bled from the swelling below his right eye, one arm hung slightly lower than the other, compensating for the bruising he surely had on the shoulder there from when a clone threw another straight into him.
The last clone had stood back for a while continuously throwing weapons at him throughout the battle, but by now it's supplies seemed to have ran dry and it was preparing for hand to hand as he let loose a straight forward right hook. The clone dodged, diving towards his feet and knocking them both onto the ground. Sasuke rolled with the attack ending up on top it, delivering a two fingered jab to its neck and ending its life.
Revealing the glowing scroll beneath it.
Once more a Jet of water shot into the sky, this time carrying Sasuke up with it as the first of Naruto's buried scrolls went off. The other scrolls hit their own timers, each releasing into the air, catching Sasuke once more, shooting him back into the air just as he was nearing the ground.
The second time down Sasuke was allowed to fall, and he fell cleanly into the water with a graceful dive, curving his body to use the falls momentum to launch himself back out again, to land once more on his feet.
"Really Dobe, your resorting to this tired tactic" Sasuke mockingly taunted the blonde now stood opposite him "I may not have much Chakra left but I easily have enough to beat you".
"Screw you Teme" Summoning more clones to his side, Naruto stared down is friend "Don't get mad because you got outsmarted by me, you got so sucked up in fighting my clones you let me do whatever I wanted, not that I needed to of course, I was just tiring you out".
It seemed to have worked, Naruto was as chipper as ever and surrounded by clones just as energetic. Sasuke however, despite his confidant stance was clearly winded, two fights in quick succession along with a fair amount of chakra use had left him drained, he would not win a battle of attrition.
"Naruto!" Sasuke Charged forwards once more, determined to end this battle before his body failed him. He reached into his weapon pouch, retrieving his last two shuriken, sending them on with a quick flick, taking out two clones with well placed head shots, he then shouldered straight through another clone in his way coming face to face with the real Naruto and letting loose with a right hook.
Naruto barely deflected the blow, countering with a left kick that sauke caught with his arm before bringing the right arm down from its failed attack in a vicious elbow that destroyed the clone that managed to Kawarimi with the original, sacrificing itself so that Naruto could escape as another 5 clones dogpiled the temporarily stationary Uchiha.
For a second Sasuke gave way under the weight of the clones smothering him, releasing his chakra he sank back through the water, swimming down and away from his pursuers. Reaching the bottom he picked up a kunai resting on the arena floor, holding it in a reverse grip he looked up to see all 5 clones had followed him down.
Pushing off in a chakra assisted burst, Sasuke tore through all 5 at once with his newly found weapon, shooting straight through the surface to land right across from Naruto.
"Is that all You've got?" Flicking his head to one side, Sasuke wiped his hair from his eyes to give him an unrestricted view.
"Heh, I can go forever, Teme" Another 10 clones appeared round Naruto who seemed unaffected by the continuous chakra usage.
Sasuke jumped back from the crowd, landing on the last foot of wall poking above the water line, hands forming familiar seals once more. "Hmm time to end this, as usual you've missed the fatal flaw in your plan, well, to be expected really, your not a Dobe for nothing after all"
With that he touched his lightning encased hand to the water, and Naruto screamed.
Page Break
It burned, that was all Naruto could feel as his skin lit up in pain, every nerve screamed out as electricity coursed through is body, for what felt like an age, but in reality was just a second he screamed out in pain. As it finally stopped he sank down to his knees, drawing in harsh gulps of air as steam rose from his body, his clothes dried out as the water in them was boiled by the heat, leaving him covered in burns that softened and faded even as he lay there panting.
Looking up he saw Sasuke walk towards him, slowly, confidently, Sasuke thought he had won.
Maybe he had won.
No. Not like this. He had worked too hard, trained, prepared, planned. He would not be defeated by Sasuke, not this time.
Sasuke was standing over him now, one leg raised to deliver a final brutal axe kick to his head. With a roar Naruto pushed his bleeding palms down on the surface of the water, chakra released in an unintelligible scream, a huge plume of smoke sent him flying out of the way. Straight into Sasuke, who was unprepared for the sudden movement and was caught in the stomach by the flying blonde sending them straight up into the air.
Releasing more and more chakra from his hands and feet Naruto escaped higher in the air, leaving behind Sasuke who had began to fall already.
Sasuke landed cleany, and seeing Naruto had reached the peak of his ascent he grinned, hands forming seals as he prepared to fry his rival as he fell back to earth.
Naruto drew two kunai as he fell, holding both straight out as he dived head first towards Sasuke as he focused his entire being into spearing his teammate.
As Naruto fell down to 10m from the ground Sasuke's sharingan trakked the exact timing to launch, pushing the last of his chakra into this final attack, Sasuke focused onto the blonde, three seals left he pushed chakra from his stomach, up his throat and rose his arms to release a fiery hell.
Every sense focused onto Naruto.
Which was why he never noticed the Toad rising from the depths that swallowed him whole.
Naruto fell to land on the water as the toad let loose a long burp of smoke, evidently Sasuke had continued his jutsu. With a last burp the toad spat out the Uchiha, who smoked from the mixture of cooked skin and burning acid he'd coated himself in when he attempted to burn through a Summoned toads stomach.
"Hoy kid" The toad didn't seem happy with his meal "What the hell, I like spicy food but that was a little too fiery, even for me"
"Ah, I'm sorry Gamaten! Let me call you back later and I'll have some real food for you"
"Hmm you better, and Sake too" Appeased for now the summon disappeared in an explosion of smoke.
Peeking out from behind the wall Genma judged it safe enough to come out of hiding once more.
"The winner, and Tournament victor….UZUMAKI NARUTO!"
With the match finally over the spectators began screaming and cheering, the last match had been a thriller of ups and down with tactics and skill from both sides. A small amount of grumbling came from those that bet big on the Uchiha to win but the rest were ecstatic from the display.
Naruto leaped in the air screaming and waving his hands around. He'd done it, his plan had worked, though Sasuke had nearly had him all the same, that last second summoning had only come to him at the last moment and wasnt that stupid. Create an entire water based tactic and not involve your amphibious summons, so stupid. Oh well he had time for new tactics later, right now he was celebrating his win.
Sarutobi looked down on the boy celebrating his victory, chuckling to himself at the continued antics from the Jinchuriki who was busy splashing water everywhere in his celebration, getting a lot of the spectators wet as he did so. Turning to his not so well disguised student he continued his feigned ignorance.
"Well that really was a good show right Kazekage kun"
The veiled head turned towards him, Orochimaru knew that his blasted sensei knew, but had je known before or had he just realised now?
Suna had retreated, the bastards running before he even started, and without their sacrif- ahem distraction his forces would never even get past the walls before the now alert Konoha forces wiped them out. Looking at his smirking sensei he thought it might be worth it to attack anyway, just to wipe the grin off that smug bastards face!
Breathing in, controlling his fury and easing back into the relaxed mindset he was known for he made the sign of retreat to Kabuto.
"Yes Hokage Dono, most surprising tactics, i see i must watch out for this Naruto he has the makings of a strong fighter"
"It was his surprising tactics i liked" The Hokage replied, stuffing tobacco into his pipe, turning his back to the other Kage in a way he knew made Orochimaru twitch as he restrained from throwing it all away and attacking then and there. "He really knew how to trick his opponent, let them think they were inside his defence, before contouring with one quick maneuver" Lighting his pipe and seemingly accidently blowing smoke right into the other Kages face. "A lesson we would all do well to learn, right?"
"Yes very wise" Orochimaru spoke through gritted teeth. Standing to leave, he'd had enough of this, he was going back to Oto where he dispensed the insults, not received them.
Sarutobi chuckled as he watched his student leave, with any luck the anbu had successfully tagged most of the leaving Oto ninja, soon they would know exactly where Orochimaru's bases were, when dealing with a snake you have to destroy its lair after all.
Maybe he could speak to Naruto about that, flooding the bases all at once seemed like an appealing option, though that did raise a question, where did Naruto get all that water from?
An hour ago, at a certain nearby spring
Jiraiya had been greatly enjoying himself this past hour, with everyone off to the tournament the outside springs were deserted. Just him and the three babes skinny dipping in the mid morning sun, heh life was good.
He was torn from his fantasies as screams started from the pool, peeking over the bushes he saw the miraculous site in front of him, the water had all disappeared sucked into some dimension unknown, leaving nothing but a dried up lake, some fish and three very naked ladies.
Rocketing back into the undergrowth from the force of the blood spurting from his nose he grinned as only a true pervert can. He made a vow right there, whoever had done this was a true man, worthy of praise and thanks, maybe he could make this person his student? With his training he could make anyone stronger.
Thanks for reading, wow this is the first fic i've ever completed, the chapters just all seemed to flow together. To be honest i've had this idea for a while, like a year, just never really had the motivation to write it.
I'm thinking of starting a long running fic, which is currently in the planning phase still so watch out for that, it's going to be a Naruto/Fairy tail crossover where Fairy tail is the future of the Naruto world, like the very distant future. It should all make sense in the first chapter. So watch out for that.
Lastly here's an omake, the thoughts of Gaara as he sank.
It was with confusion that Gaara watched the first few matches, as ninja fought atop the water, he remembered this from before, vague memories of missions along the suna border coming to mind. But as he thought on it he remembered Temari walking along the liquid surface of winding rivers, Kankuro too, well if they could he certainly could, he was stronger after all.
When his turn came he moved up to the edge, pausing for a second before stepping onto the surface, certain it would hold him.
As he fell through he only felt surprise, then outrage, how dare this water not support him. His outrage quickly turned to shock, the water was touching him! It was going straight through his sand armour, no it was taking it away! Screaming in desperation he ordered his sand out to destroy the water, only for his attacks to dissolve within the ocean.
Panicking now he inhaled water and began choking. No, Mother. What is this, how is it hurting me? Mother Stop it!
As he drank more water his vision began fading and Gaara passed out.
Shukaku tore free from his miserable container letting out insane laughter as he took over his poor vessel, his newly formed right arm launching out and, dissolving…
What? No! Shukaku screamed as his newly formed body was broken apart by the water, no he was finally free, how had he already been imprisoned!
The body fully dissolved and Gaara sank to the ground once more, in a last ditch chance to at least save his container Shukaku used the last of his disappearing presence to form a quick futon, blowing the air straight up Gaara's gourd, letting him begin to float to the surface.
With that Shukaku dissolved once more, next time, next time he would destroy all in his path, and then he would burn all the water in the world, so this would never happen again.
Inside Naruto's mindscape, the Kyuubi roared with laughter as he watched perhaps the most ineffectual bijuu escape ever, he had to tell the rest of his brethren, Shukaku would never live this down.