Inuyasha just stared at her. Literally that's all he did. He was staring for so long it was starting to make Kagome feel uncomfortable. She was trying to allow what she said to sink in, but now she was starting to worry that maybe telling Inuyasha was the wrong idea. They had only been mates for a month and already they might be bringing a child into the world. Kagome mentally berated herself for being so foolish in thinking Inuyasha might be happy.
"Say it again," Inuyasha suddenly demanded sternly in a low voice as he continued to stare at her.
"Huh?" Kagome responded with confusion clearly written on her face.
"I said, say it again, please."
"I think I might be pregnant." All of a sudden Inuyasha lunged, wrapping his arms around her waist and pushing his face into her abdomen. Kagome just stared down at him as he breathed in deeply through his nose. After a few sniffs Inuyasha's arms gripped her waist tighter as she suddenly felt him start to shake. After a moment realization suddenly dawn on her. "Are you crying?"
"No," Inuyasha snapped in defiance as he kept his face in her abdomen.
"Inuyasha," Kagome cooed as she ran her hands through his mane.
"I can smell it," Inuyasha said as he rubbed his face into her. "I can smell our pup. I'm going to be a father."
"I'm sorry if you didn't want to be a father yet."
"Are you fucking kidding me!" Inuyasha suddenly snapped as he quickly shot up to look her in the eye, unshed tears clearly shining in his amber eyes. "You have no idea how happy I am! Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I was going to have a mate, let alone a family! Kagome you have given me something I thought I would never have!" Happy tears began to fall from Kagome's eyes.
"So you're happy that I'm pregnant?"
"Of course dummy!" Inuyasha shouted as he scooped Kagome up and began to spin them around. "Hey guys I pupped Kagome!"
"What?" Sango gasped as the group rushed over to the couple.
"Serious?" Shippo asked in astonishment.
"That's right," Inuyasha confirmed proudly as he gently put his mate back down. Toga walked over to them with eyes wide as he stared at Kagome's stomach. Inuyasha noticed Toga walking over to them and turned Kagome to face her unknown son. As soon as he was right in front of her Toga suddenly dropped to his knees and pressed his ear to her stomach. After a few moments Toga suddenly squeezed his eyes and wrapped his arms around his mother's waist.
"I did it!" Toga suddenly sobbed. "They're there! I saved my sisters! I can hear all three of their heart beats! Thank you God!"
"What?" Kagome gasped as she stared down at him in shock. "What are you saying?"
"Toga is one of our children," Inuyasha informed.
"What?" Kagome gasped again as she stared down at Toga in disbelief. "You're actually my son?"
"Yeah," Toga admitted with a smile as he separated himself from his mother to look up at her. "Sorry I kept it from you."
"So what you needed to correct in this time was...?" Kagome questioned as she tried to figure everything out.
"My mission was to make sure you and dad become a mated pair and him to pup you during the next time you went into heat to try and get my sisters back," Toga explained as he rose to his feet. "You'll be giving birth to triplets, all three girls."
"Triplets!" everyone shouted in amazement. With a tentative hand Kagome began stroking her stomach.
"I'm carry triplets."
"Three pups!" Inuyasha shouted excitedly as he wrapped his arms around Kagome and twirled her around. "We're going to have three beautiful pups!"
"Hold on Inuyasha!" Kagome shouted in a hurry. "I'm starting to get sick!"
"Let her down Inuyasha!" Shippo shouted he tried to pull Kagome away. "We don't need her getting more sick then she's already going to be."
"Yeah yeah," Inuyasha conceded as he set Kagome down again.
"I must say Inuyasha you're taking the news of having three girls rather well," Miroku said in amazement "That's a lot for your first time having children."
"What do you mean?" Inuyasha questioned. "More pups mean a stronger pack."
"As dog demons we value big families," Toga explained. "The bigger the family the stronger the pack. Even when the pups find thier mates and start thier own separate family the pack continues to strengthen through its extended families. Though it will be a while Uncle Sesshomaru and dad will eventually join their two families together to form a super pack."
"It's nice to know that the two brothers will someday get along. Until then we need to start heading back to Kaede's village now though," Kagome suddenly informed. "I need to let my family know what is going on and I'm sure Toga wants to go home as well. Plus I need to start taking vitamins to help the babies grow."
"I'll go with you to see your family," Inuyasha stated with conviction.
"Wow look at Inuyasha acting like an adult all of a sudden," Shippo teased.
"Shut your damn mouth," Inuyasha scolded as he bonked Shippo on the head. "Of course I'll do whatever it takes to ensure the wellbeing of my mate and pups."
"Lets get going back to Kaede's village then," Sango said as Kilala transformed into her larger form. The group quickly set off back to the village. Though it took them a few weeks to get back everyone couldn't have been in better moods. Inuyasha and Toga's relationship had changed pretty much over night since Inuyasha found out that Toga was his own son. Their relationship had gone from being rivals to a good father and son relationship.
As the weeks past Inuyasha had to admit to himself that Toga was the kind of son any father would be proud of. Also surprisingly he learned that even though Toga looked just like Kagome Toga was all him inside. Toga's temper was almost as bad as his, he was confident like him, and he was protective of the ones he cared about. Plus Toga seemed to have Inuyasha's mouth whenever Kagome wasn't around.
During their travel back to the village Kagome had officially began having morning sickness. Everyone knew this was bound to happen, but no one anticipated Shippo becoming even more possessive of Kagome. Even going as far as running head first into battle whenever they came across an aggressive yokai. Naturally everyone made sure Shippo was never hurt too badly, but no one seemed to be able to talk sense into the little kitsune. Naturally it was a great relief when they finally realized they had entered Inuyasha'a forest thus were close to the village.
"We're here," Miruko said as everyone approached a knoll that over looked the village. "You want to head to the well first before going into the village?"
"I would like to get back to my family," Toga said in a rather forlorn tone.
"All right lets get you home then," Inuyasha said before they all started to make their way to the bone eater well. When they got into sight of the well everyone noticed three figures standing around it. "Who are they?"
"Huh?" Toga said before sniffing the air. "Izayoi, Minako and Emako!" Toga shouted as he took off running towards the new figures.
"Little brother!" the three women shouted together as they ran towards Toga, immediately circling around him in a group hug.
"Inuyasha those are your and Kagome's daughters," Sango gasped as they got closer.
"They all look just like Kagome," Miroku stated in slight shock.
"Wow," Inuyasha breathed as he took in the sight of his three grown daughters. They were all just as beautiful as their mother.
"You saved us little brother," the triplet with the longer hair gushed.
"Of course Izayoi," Toga responded happily.
"Oh," the triplet with her hair up in a high ponytail gasped, "mama and daddy are with you."
"Yes Emako and don't worry they already know I'm their son," Toga informed. "I'm pretty sure they've figured you three out since you all look just like mom."
"Oh my," Minako suddenly gasped as the rest of the group got closer. Toga and his two sisters turned to see Shippo and Minako staring at each other. The stand off lasted for a few moments before Shippo suddenly launched himself at her.
"Mine!" Shippo shouted as he threw himself into Minako's chest. "You are mine!" Everyone stared at him in shock as he began to scent mark her. His ministrations were halted though when he took noticed of the mate mark on her shoulder. "How dare you!"
"Shippo!" Kagome scolded.
"Don't worry mom it's fine," Minako assured before she began nuzzling Shippo. "No my love take notice to whom gave me that mark." Placated for a moment Shippo began to sniff her mark before his eyes widen in wonder.
"That's my scent," Shippo stated in astonishment.
"Yes my mate," Minako cooed happily. "Soon I'll be born into this world and you will have me."
"What!" Inuyasha suddenly shouted in indignation. "The runt is a mate to one of my daughters!"
"Wow daddy I almost forgot you use to look like this back in the feudal era," Izayoi said as she took in both her mother and father.
"Wait until he finds out who Izayoi's mate is," Emako said as she lightly giggled to herself.
"Who's her mate?" Shippo questioned Minako innocently.
"Don't worry about it," Minako answered sweetly as she rubbed one of his ears.
"So how is mom back in the present?" Toga asked curiously.
"Oh you don't know!" Emako shouted happily. "Yuki was born!"
"What?" Toga exclaimed happily. "I officially have a little brother?"
"He looks just like daddy," Izayoi informed with a smile. "White hair and gold eyes."
"So it takes thirteen pups before I finally get one that looks like me," Inuyasha said with a smile before looking at Kagome. "Well I know I'll love all the trying we'll do."
"Inuyasha!" Kagome scolded as a fierce blush overtook her cheeks. "Si," Kagome began but suddenly felt a clawed hand cover her mouth.
"Don't say it!" Inuyasha exclaimed in a panic. "I'm not wrong though." Kagome's eyes went wide as Inuyasha's cheeks turned red. "Mating with you is pure heaven."
"Okay daddy you can get with mating with mom all you want later," Minako said as she put down Shippo. "We need to address the elephant in the room." Inuyasha gave his daughter a confused look. "Is anyone going to say something about how much Toga's mate looks like Auntie Sango?"
"Oh my goodness I forgot what Auntie Sango looked like," Izayoi stated as she looked over Sango.
"Change Sango's eyes to grey and lighten her hair and she'll look just like Faithlynn," Emako added.
"What are you all talking about?" Sango questioned politely.
"Toga didn't tell you guys?" Emako questioned back. "Toga's mate is your and uncle Miroku's descendant."
"Emako!" Toga exclaimed sternly. "I didn't tell them who Sango marries!"
"Oh whatever," Emako brushed her baby brother off in a manner that instantly reminded Inuyasha of Kagome. "It's not like around this time Uncle Miroku isn't already madly in love with auntie Sango."
"What?" Songa gasped before looking at Miroku to see him just as shocked as her.
"Oh he hasn't told her yet," Izayoi said in slight shock.
"Is she correct?" Sango asked Miroku as she shyly looked at the ground. With a contented sigh Miroku moved to stand in front of her. "Miroku?"
"She is absolutely correct." Sango gasped at his confession. "I'm in love with you Sango and I had planned after we defeated Naraku to confess to you and hopefully convince you to become my wife and bare my children." Sango was only able to stare at him in shock, She never thought Miroku shared the same feeling for her as she did for him.
"Good job Emako," Toga growled. "Now Auntie Sango is in shock."
"We all know how those two end up so does it really matter?" Emako shot back. "Beside we need to get back."
"She's right," Izayoi agreed. "We need to get back before we do any real damage."
"My mate" Shippo wined as he gripped Minako's shirt tighter. Minako nuzzled his head.
"Don't worry Shippo," Minako reassured. "You'll be seeing me soon." She kissed Shippo on his head before setting him down. Shippo smiled back with a blush before leaving to stand next to Kagome.
"So you're all going to leave now?" Kagome asked tentatively.
"It's best we leave," Toga confirmed. "Don't worry though. You'll be seeing all of us in the future."
"Take care of yourselves," Inuyasha said with a smile. "I'm going to look forward to when you're born, Toga."
"Just a heads up dad," Emako stated as the siblings approached the well, "Toga will be quite a handful for you."
"Wouldn't have it any other way," Inuyasha responded proudly.
"Take good care of mom," Toga said before him and his three sisters jumped into the well.
"So mine and Sango's bloodline survive to Kagome's time," Miroku stated in slightly awe.
"So are you and Sango going to get married after we defeat Naraku?" Kagome inquired.
"If Sango will have me," Miroku answered before turning to Sango with love in his eyes. A deep blush ran across Sango's cheeks as she nodded her head confirmation.
"Well lets go see Kaede now and inform her of everything," Kagome instructed as she and Inuyasha began to walking to the village.
"Didn't you want to go home first?" Shippo questioned.
"We'll go see my family tomorrow," Kagome answered. "I have a feeling it would be in my best interest if I let future me talk to mom first. Something tells me that I was on my way to see mom when my triplets disappeared."
Kagome was absolutely right. At that moment Toga was receiving probably the biggest hug he had ever gotten in his life. Wrapped around his neck were the arms of his grandmother, crying from how happy she was knowing of what had happened with her daughter and to see what becomes of her five hundred years later.