Kimimaro Kaguya, (The Loyalist, North Wind of Destruction, Master of the Shitkotsumyaku,)

Level: 72

HP: 13 900 1000/32 000 0000

"DODGE!" I screamed as I launched a volley of Sith Lightning at Kimimaro. The white-haired teen retaliated with a barrage of Bone Bullets as he ran behind a boulder,


Damn! A few of the bullets flew past my lightning and pierced my shoulder. Those hurt this time. I suppose it's time to get serious. I pulled my Obsidian Blade out of my inventory and deflected another barrage of Bone Bullets. I could feel Kimimaro gathering his chakra. Suddenly flared in a burst of energy that disintegrated the boulder he was using as cover. A dark purple aura surrounded the teen as black marks adorned his face. I smirked at his sudden transformation,

"It's about time you got serious Kimimaro. But it's time I show you TRUE power!" I yelled as I brought my hands together. Kimimaro ran at me with lightning speed, but it was far too late. Just as he was about to strike I hit him with the energy gathered in my palms,

"LIGHT GRENADE!" I screamed as the energy in my hands formed into a blue, glowing ball of destruction,

Light Grenade (Chakra Based, User Created, Rank A)

CP: 12 000 per use

Skill Level: MAX

Base Damage: 35 000

Boosts: +50% Explosion Damage

Description: The user puts their hands together in front of them as they charge an energy sphere in their hands. Then, they bring their hands forward and fires the energy sphere, inflicting a massive amount of damage. The user can increase the destruction of this technique by channeling additional chakra within it.

The Light Grenade hit Kimimaro point blank showering the training field in a blinding light. When the light faded, I opened my eyes to see the young Kaguya sprawled across the ground in a bloody heap. He breathed heavily as he struggled to get to his feet,

"Ha...Ha...HAAAAAA!" the white-haired teen roared as another burst of chakra came from deep within him. His black marks on his skin blended, turning his skin dark. The sclera of his eyes turned pure black while his irises turned amber. The white-haired teen glared at me as his spine crawled out from his back. Kimimaro grabbed the protruding bone and pulled it out, revealing a bone spear. I was about to scold him on using such a flimsy weapon against me, but something caught my eye. The spearhead looked to was in a black liquid. Before I had the chance to Observe it, Kimimaro launched himself at me at tremendous speeds. I brought my sword up to block,

"Too slow Kimi-GUH?!"

-60 000HP!

Ping! You have been poisoned!

-5000HP per second!

Duration: 20 seconds!

Kimimaro's spear bent under my sword and pierced my stomach. I coughed up some blood before I looked up with a grin,

"Nice trick Kimimaro I'll admit that much. Where did you get the poison?" the teen's smile matched mine at mine question,

"Well, I had to think of something to get past your guard," he replied as he yanked the spear out of me. I hacked up a few drops of blood, but my healing factor had already taken care of the worst of it, "As for the poison you can thank Kin for that. She developed it just for me a couple of months ago. I've built up enough of a tolerance for it that I can store small pockets of it in my body to coat my bone weapons in." I shook my head at this with a wry smile,

"It never ceases to amaze me how far you've grown Kimimaro. All of you have gone beyond what I expected of you. I'm proud to call you my brother," I said, placing a hand on the teen's shoulder. He reverted to his base form and nodded,

"Of course. I-no, WE owe so much to you Tetsu. I don't know where I'd be without you."

Suddenly an Oto shinobi appeared before us with his head in a low bow,

"Tetsu-sama, I apologize for the intrusion, but a messenger hawk from Konoha arrived for you," he said this as he handed me a small scroll. I took the message and nodded to the man dismissing him. I opened the scroll and let out a low chuckle,

"What is it?" Kimimaro asked. I closed the scroll and faced the teen,

"Gather the others. It's finally time for that special mission I've been preparing you all for" I said, putting the scroll away. Kimimaro's eyes widened,

"Are you sure?" he asked with excitement in his voice. I could tell he's been waiting for this for a long time. I nodded with a smile,

"Yes, we are finally commencing Operation: Scapegoat. Gather the teams and tell them to bring whatever they think they need. We leave in two days" at that the white-haired teen bowed before rushing out of the training ground. I looked at the sky. It was a lovely day without a cloud in sight. I've been keeping tabs on the canonical events of the timeline. The Wave Arc ended with the death of Gato. Not that that mattered since I'm still in control of his company, but it's nice to be finally rid of the little toad. Naruko is turning out to be much more level-headed than the original. Raiden was able to inject Haku and Zabuza with regenerative nanomachines before the battle on the bridge. So when they 'died' the nanomachines kept them in a deathlike state until Raiden could dig them up and bring them into Oto. They've yet to awaken so I'll deal with them later.

It's all come down to this. I'm about to change the future with several eyes on me drastically. I don't have the luxury of hiding in the shadows. This plan has been in the works ever since I created my empire using Orochimaru as my figurehead. The Chunin Exams are the key to all this coming together...hopefully I don't fuck this up!


Anderson watched in disgust as Zetsu feasted on the bandits they had just killed. The mad-priest hated being forced to follow this godless creature's orders, but he had little choice in the matter. He regretted ever trying to challenge the man with the strange mask. Now thanks to whatever spell the masked man had him under Anderson had become enslaved. Instead of being a mindless drone, Anderson was fully aware of what he was doing but could not resist the orders given to him. Zetsu looked up and grinned at the priest, blood oozing down his chin as he chewed on bits of flesh and cartilage. With a loud slurp and gulp, the plant-like man held out a kidney to Anderson,

"Want a bite?" he waved the mangled organ out to the man who sneered in disgust.

Find your strength in me, my Son. You must endure until the time is right.

A heavenly voice rumbled through Anderson's mind, calming him. Yes, soon he would be free of these monsters. When the time comes, this world will know the wrath of God!


I looked back on my team as I handed back the Chunin Exam registration forms. Kin wore what she had in canon except in all black. She wore her hair in a tight bun and had her scarf wrapped around her face tightly covering it. Her teammates were Kimimaro and an information gathering android I've appropriately named 9S. Kimimaro wore the recently developed Zero Suit which was pretty much the armor Zero wore in Borderlands but with white armor plates on top of the black bodysuit. He had a special sword strapped to his back that was made of the strongest bone he could produce along with substantial nanomachine modifications.

I had offered to make him a sword with my adamantium skeleton, but he told me he wanted to take enemies on with a blade of his own. It was quite an impressive creation. I had 9S wear his standard garb from Nier: Automata. The android did not need weapons. Together we entered the village as I turned to face my team,

"You're free to explore but no funny business. I have some things to take care of so be sure to get to the hotel before sundown." the team nodded, but only Kin and Kimimaro left, leaving me with 9S. I gave the android a look,

" can go explore if you like?" the android shook his head,

"I'd rather stay with you if that's alright, Master," he said with a firm nod. I sighed and waved him over,

"Fine, might as well have some company. Come on. We're going to see an old friend," and with that, we walked along the streets of Konoha. A few of the shinobi gave us some suspicious glances but otherwise left us alone. After a few minutes of walking, we found ourselves at Ichiraku's Ramen. I didn't eat anything this morning, so I decided to grab a bite. I pulled one of the curtains back and took a seat on one of the stools with 9S following my lead. Teuchi smiled as we sat in our seats,

"Welcome to Ichiraku's! What can I get for you?" he greeted us jovially as he handed us menus. I glanced at the various dishes,

"We'll take two large miso ramens," I said, handing him back the menus. We ate quietly as Teuchi worked in the kitchen, humming a pleasant tune. 9S turned to me as he finished his bowl,

"This meal is very filling Master. Could we eat here again?" he asked me. I chuckled as Teuchi took our finished dishes,

"Maybe if we have time after the exams kiddo. Let's go. We're running late. Thank you for the meal Teuchi-san."

After we left, it only took a few more minutes to get to where Team Seven was gathered. I could see the Chunin Exam forms in Kakashi's hand as we approached. The masked shinobi looked up with a narrowed eye,

"What are you doing here, Oto-san?" he said in a dull tone but I could tell he was on guard. I chuckled as I shrugged,

"We're here for the Chunin Exams Konoha-san. We decided to get here before the other villages sent their Genin teams." I said as I took a good look at his team. Sakura and Sasuke eyed me suspiciously while Naruko's eyes lit up,

"Tetsu-kun!" she exclaimed, rushing towards me. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her in a warm embrace,

"It's good to see you again, Naruko-chan," I said as she looked up at me with a grin. I turned to Kakashi,

"Aren't you gonna introduce me to your team Konoha-san?" I asked him. The man sighed,

"First off the name's Kakashi. Team, this is Tetsu of the Hidden Sound. He's the diplomat between our two villages" Sasuke scoffed at this,

"Why bother entering the Chunin Exams? You're better off sticking with politics" he said with a smirk. I was about to rip into that little shit, but Naruko walked right up to him and flicked his nose. The young Uchiha yelped as his nose quickly reddened,

"Naruko-baka!" Sakura screeched as she raised her fist. Before she could hit Naruko, however, I caught her wrist and gave her a glare releasing a bit of Killing Intent,

"Now I don't know how you do things here in Konoha, but I wouldn't deck a teammate for a flick." the pink-haired teen trembled in fear even as I released her. Sasuke looked at me with a fire in his eyes,

"Fight me," he demanded. Kakashi looked ready to interject so I spoke before he could,

"Sure, I could use a warm-up. Got a place we could let loose?" I asked turning to face Kakashi to sighed in defeat,

"Follow me," he said in a huff as he put his Chunin Exam forms into his Kunai pouch. We entered a nearby training ground. Sasuke and I stood around 30 feet from each other while the others watched from the sidelines. Kakashi suddenly appeared between us in a swirl of leaves,

"Here are some ground rules. This is a simple spar. No life-threatening injuries or else you will be pulled from the Chunin Exams. The match will end if your opponent is either knocked out or cannot continue. Do you two understand these rules?" Sasuke nodded while I chuckled,

"Just so you know you can't pull me from the Chunin Exams Kakashi-san" the cyclops tilted his head,

"Oh? And why is that Tetsu-san?" he asked. I smirked,

"Well, first of all, I'm not a Genin...I'm a Jonin. I came here to enter MY team into the Chunin Exams" Kakashi's eye widened at this. He looked to Sasuke with a raised eyebrow. The teen looked shocked at my little revelation but gave his sensei a determined nod. Kakashi sighed,

"Alright then...begin!" he disappeared in a swirl of leaves. Sasuke wasted no time in rushing me with a kunai in each hand. He might as well been moving in slow motion, so I hit him with an Observe,

Sasuke Uchiha, ("Last of the Uchiha's")

Level: 21

HP: 1800/1800

That's disappointing to see, to be honest. Granted his level puts him stronger than the average Chunin but his HP is abysmal. Oh? Looks like he's still trying to hit me. The Uchiha growled as his attempts at cutting me failed time and time again. He jumped back and closed his eyes. I could sense that he was gathering chakra into his eyes. Maybe the Sharingan would make this fight a little more entertaining? Sasuke chuckled as he slowly opened his eyes revealing his two tomoed sharingan,

"I don't care if you're a Jonin. With the Sharingan...I can't lose!" he yelled, launching a barrage to kunai at me. With minimal effort, I sidestepped them gracefully only to find my movement restricted. Of course, I saw the ninja wire Sasuke had tied around his kunai, but I decided to play along. The teen grinned as his hands flew into a volley of handseals,

"Dodge this! Katon: Goukakyou no Jutsu!" he brought a hand to his mouth and breathed out a massive fireball that was quickly heading towards me. I also spotted the explosive tags the teen tied to his ninja wire. If I were a normal Genin, I would surely die by his hands. But I'm no Genin, and I think it's time to put this bastard in his place. In half a second, I had freed myself from Sasuke's wires and avoided his fireball. The teen's eyes widened as I stood just a few feet off the path of his technique. He looked ready to rush me, but I've wasted enough time here. Before he could blink, I rushed forward and slammed the Uchiha into the ground with my hand grasped firmly around his throat.

"Do you give up?" I asked him with a bored look on my face. Sasuke struggled as his face reddened in pure rage but then turned purple from lack of oxygen. I released my grip, allowing him to breathe for a moment before I brought one of the kunai he threw at me to his throat. The teen froze looking up at me in fear,

"Now listen here, kid. You're gifted I'll give you that. But your cocky attitude is gonna kill you one of these days." I released him and put a hand out which he begrudgingly accepted. As I pulled him off the ground, Kakashi spoke up,

"So which one of you gives up? You both could continue the fight" I looked to Sasuke with a lopsided grin,

"Well, you heard him. No hard feelings?" the Uchiha sighed before he looked up at me,

"Whatever, do what you need to," and with that, I hit him with a neck chop knocking him out instantly. Kakashi swooped in and caught the teen before he hit the ground. I sighed as 9S walked up to me,

"Can we get some more Ramen before we get back to the others?" he asked. I groaned as I could see Naruko's question before she even asked it,

"Sure buddy. Want to come along Naruko-chan? We're heading to Ichiraku's."

Despite my considerable wealth, I could tell the wallet I brought would be empty by the end of the night. But we're here now, and I've got a plan that's been years in the making. It's time to change history. No one can stop me now...

Foolish mortal. Your time will come soon enough.