Arc 1 : The Phantom of the Dragon Temple

Robin was not happy.

Why, you ask?

Simple, they had gotten caught.

Maybe he should start from the beginning.

It had started as a normal mission. Batman had come in and told them that he was sending them (minus Superboy, Zatana, and Rocket, who were all doing things with their mentors/training) covertly -he'd stressed that word as much as he could while still maintaining his Dark Knight persona- to gather information on a deal going down between the League of Shadows and a small gang that they had decided to ally with for some reason or another.

The mission itself had started off well. Their plan was to sneak into the warehouse and hang around in the rafters to listen to the thugs' negotiations. They had not been expecting for Ra's al Gul himself to be there. One wrong move on Kid Flash's conscience later (he sneezed, yes sneezed, Robin was never going to let him live it down - if they survived, that is), and they found themselves suddenly surrounded by dozens of heartless assassins.

They fought bravely, but no matter the fact that they were teenagers trained by the best superheroes the Earth has to offer, they were still just teenagers, and were all rounded up within a half-hour.

They were brought to their knees before Ra's, who decided it would be a good idea to use them as an example in front of an orphanage/monastery -that had been rebelling recently- of what would happen to them if they didn't fall back in line.

So here they were, chained and injured and tired, being forced to walk up a long flight of old steps somewhere in... Japan, maybe? Robin wasn't sure, he had taken a hard hit to the head during the fight that was making it difficult to concentrate, probably -no- most definitely a concussion.

*Robin,* the sound of Miss Martian's mental voice is a welcome one, breaking him from his thoughts -and throbbing headache- and allowing him to focus a bit better on their rapidly declining situation. *How are you doing?*

* 'Astrous,* he tries to keep the whine he knows is there to a minimum, *Anyone got a plan yet?*

*No,* Kalder is the one who answers, *unless the League gets our distress signals, I do not think we will escape.*

*Well that's just great,* it's Kid Flash this time, *so, what? We just toddle along like good little lambs to the slaughter?!*

*Shut it, Baywatch,* Artemis hisses, *you're the one who got us into this mess in the first place.*

He snorts and is obviously about to retort when Megan stops them with a quiet *Guys!*

The Mind Link goes silent and they continue to follow their captors up the mountain. Robin can't help but to wonder how their gonna get out of this one. He hoped that someone, anyone, with connections to the Justice League, or even just a hero -or antihero- in general would pick up on their distress signals, but he doubted it. Ra's most likely had his people jamming it, after all.

The hands on his arms suddenly tightened, pulling him to a stop. He hadn't noticed -he blamed the concussion- but they had reached the top and were now standing in the center of an old courtyard. It was in the classic Japanese design of wooden walls and slanted roofs, with uneven stones underfoot and tall poles bearing different colored flags.

All around them, gathered at the edges of the plaza, are the residents of this ancient landmark. Robin feels his stomach drop. Not only are there adults -monks- but there's also dozens upon dozens of children of all ages. Was Ra's really about to kill them in front of little kids?

"People of The Phantom Dragon Temple," despite how messed up his head is right now, Robin can easily understand the native tongue Ra's is speaking, "I have grown tired of waiting for you to send your Tributes to me. But no one can say that I am not a merciful ruler. Present your Tributes to me now, and there need not be bloodshed. If you do not" -the old man swings his arm towards the restrained Team of captive teens- "they will be the first to die."

For a moment, everything is still. Then, Robin spots a stirring in the small crowd in front of the largest building, the one directly before them.

The people part down the middle like the adult heroes do when Batman is in one of is moods (they'd probably do the same thing for Cardinal and Flamebird if they ever met them) to allow an extremely elder gentleman to walk between them from the porch. His mocha skin is so wrinkled that it hides his eyes from view, and his scalp is completely hairless except for the immaculately groomed mustache and beard (Hey, if immaculate meant without stain or blemish, did that mean maculate meant un-pure? ...Sorry, wrong timing.) His clothing was what you would expect from a monk: loose fitting, breathable, colored in faded oranges and brown, the works.

When he stops a few yards away from Ra's, the two seem to have a staring contest, waiting for the other to make the first move.

*Robin, can you understand them,* it's Kalder asking.

*Yeah,* he answered, * I can. Megan, feel free to use my mind to translate over the link.*


"Head of Demons, please, I beg you to reconsider. The Land's Protector, our dear Dragon, has recently returned to us. He will not take kindly to such a threat on his land, especially against the children. Continue on this path and you will doom us all."

*You have got to be kidding me.* To his right, KF is looking at the Elder in disbelief. *They don't actually think that dragons exist, do they?*

*It's a part of their culture , Kid,* Robin can't help but to correct. *They don't know any better.*

"Your Dragon is not real. It is just a story your ancestors told to dismiss the poor handling that broke your so-called artifacts." Ra's almost looks gleeful -well, if you ignore the fact that his face doesn't really change expressions- as he says this, before motioning behind him, causing Robin's guards to drag the Boy Wonder towards him. "You made your refusal clear, so I will make myself clear to you."

Robin's forced onto his knees with his teammates mental voices shouting in his ears. Calmly, the youngest Bat meets Ra's eyes watching dispassionately as the assassin pulls his sword from it's sheath and stalks toward him.

"Ready to die, Fledgling?" the question is posed in a quiet mummer as the man raises his weapon over the boy's head.

"That depends," the boy mummers back, "are you ready to deal with my Family?"

Ra's just chuckles in that same quiet whisper. "With you gone, Fledgling, they won't stand a chance."

The sword drops.

The Team's yells are no longer confined to his mind.

And, for one moment, as he watches the blade arc toward him, Robin sees his life flash before his eyes. His time in the circus, with bitter sweet memories of his parents; his first day with Bruce and his new older siblings; discovering the Bat-Cave; becoming Robin, the newest Fledgling, name chosen in honor of his life before; meeting the Justice League and, later, their partners; meeting Superboy and forming the Team; and all that followed after. His only regret was that he wouldn't get to say good-bye to them, and thank them, especially his Father-figure and brothers and sister and Grandfather-figure, for taking care of him and helping him when he was down. He was going to miss them.

A strange sound, almost like a laser-gun being shot, hits Robin's ears. A poisonous green light fills his vision, then clang and flunc and the shinc of sharp metal being buried into rock, and everything falls silent, leaving the Boy Wonder to blink spots out of his eyes.

*Guys?* Robin sounds shaky, even to himself. *What just happened?*

*Whoa,* KF sounds just as shaken as Robin feels. *I guess that's their Dragon.*

The spots clear and Robin looks around, finding that all the inhabitants of the monastery have fallen to their knees, bowing so low that their faces almost touch the ground, heads pointed toward the main building.

Finally, he spots what everyone is staring at.

Just before the front of the wooden steps, floating a few inches off the ground, is black clad humanoid. Dressed in ancient Japanese cotton shirt, pants, and equally old fashioned shoes and black straw hat, lower face covered in clothe of the same dark color, and his green eyes glowing and lighting up his face, he's a sight to behold, especially with the white aura surrounding him.

This being raises his arm, pointing an intricately designed sword at Ra's, before falling still.

"What-what is this!?" Ra's spluttered.

"I warned you, Demon's Head." The Elder says from his kneeling position on the ground. "Our Dragon does not take kindly to threats against those he considers his."

For a moment, everything is silent.

Perhaps, Robin thinks, we might get out of this alive after all.

Suddenly, Ra's turns on his men with a shout of "What are you waiting for?! Show these fools the power of the League of Assassins!"

Immediately, half the grunts that came with them abandon their guard of the Team and charge at the ancient Being before them, quickly proving their effort futile, as the so-called Dragon lazily flicks it's sword at them, sending out a wave of glowing green energy, just a shade or two off from being the same color as the Green Lantern's. The assassins are all flung back, hitting the ground hard, as the energy curves upwards and back around towards its wielder, then swirls around said being, taking on a different shape. A leg here, a horn there, scales detailing themselves along it, and suddenly they're looking at a ferocious Eastern Dragon with it's foot-long claws digging into the stone underneath it and a terrifying (silent) snarl pulling at it's lips.

All is still as everyone stares, then Ra's turns on his followers.

"What are doing, you fools?! Don't just stand there! Attack!"

The assassins hesitate, then all of them, even the ones guarding the Team, charge.

Yet again, they don't get far.

The Dragon unravels from it's Master, roaring in a tone that can't be heard-only felt- as it rushes towards those who dare challenge it.

At the last moment, it pulls up, soaring over it's opponents, then turning and strafing the land with a shimmering light blue-cyan mist that blocks Robin's vision.

Once again, it is silent but for the sounds coming from inside the mist cloud, sounds Robin can only associate with the creaks and groans of fast forming ice (never let it be said that Mr. Freeze is an easy opponent) and a cold chill settles over the mountain top.

As the Dragon stills in the air over it's creator, the cloud thins and disappears, allowing everyone to see the statues hidden inside.

*Oh, gosh,* Megan "sounds" vaguely horrified, and a bit faint.

*Dude* KF says "breathlessly," *That's just sick.*

*Whoa,* Artemis agrees.

The assassins are now a collection of grotesque ice sculptures, frozen mid-run and mid-scream in the ethereal cyan substance. Robin, while used to such sights, has to admit that it is not a pretty one.

The Being in front of them turns it's attention to Ra's, floating forward through the still bowing locals and the frozen assassins alike, then stops just within striking distance of it's sword, coincidentally bringing it to about four feet away from Robin.

" YOU HAVE TRESPASSED ON MY LAND, THREATENED MY PEOPLE, AND TRIED TO SPILL THE BLOOD OF AN INNOCENT." The voice is chilling with it's soft tone and startling echo and Robin fought back a shiver. " BUT I AM MERCIFUL. LEAVE, NOW, AND NEVER RETURN."

Ra's face seems to be turning an interesting mix of pale white and dark red that Robin can only recall seeing once after a prank gone wrong (don't ask, just... don't ask) and is obviously debating the merits of fight vs. flight, before finally speaking. "I will need my men returned to me."

The Being doesn't show any kind of movement, but the assassin popsicles wink out of existence. " AND YOUR PRISONERS SHALL REMAIN HERE WITH ME."

"Wai-," then the old fart is gone too,and the Being turns to Robin and the Team. It lifts it's sword and, without touching them, flicks it five times.

Immediately, Robin feels the wire that had held his wrists together slacken, allowing him to finally pull his hands in front of him. The Fledgling stands, slowly at first, then fully as he realizes the Being before him isn't stopping him.

"Um, th-thank you...for the assist." Robin gives it a ninety degrees bow – he hadn't quite finished his Japanese Culture course book, so he hoped this was correct – and straightened again to look this Being in the eye. It dipped it's head in acceptance, re-met Robin's gaze, and seemed to be blown away in the breeze, leaving the Team and the villagers behind.

~! #$%^&*()_+

It doesn't take long for the League to reach them, but by that time, the monastery had gone back to it's regularly scheduled program as the Elder made sure the Team had gotten a place to sit and some water while they waited for their mentors to get them.

Within half-an-hour of their arrival, the proteges have been bundled up and begun the journey back to Mt. Justice.

After they have time to recover, Batman calls on them to debrief.

When they finish, Batman grunts and turns towards the Zeta-tubes. "Go home, Team. Rest. You will be expected here tomorrow at 1:30 sharp for escape training so this doesn't happen again. Robin, let's go."

"Wait!" KF shouts. "That's it?! You're just going to leave us hanging! What about that dragon guy?! Who is he?! What is he?! You can't just walk out of without telling us!"

The Team stands in silent agreement, all glaring at the Dark Knight, even Robin, who really wants to go home and curl up in his comfy bed and sleep for a week – and maybe take some ibuprofen for his migraine.

"When we have the answers, you'll get them." With all the grace of the vampire he looked like, Batman restarts his stalk to the tubes. "Robin."

"Recognized: Batman 0-2; Robin B-01."

~! #$%^&*()_+


Thanks for reading. This will be the first fic I've ever posted and is un-beta-ed, so if you spot any mistakes, let me know so they can be fixed. Also, if you would like me to continue, feel free to say so (er... write so?... never mind)

That said (written?), be sure to leave a comment, like, and subscribe (record scratch) – no wait, that's Youtube. Uh, reviews?...