Yo yo yo kng here with another story and as you can see it's a naru x highschool DxD crossover.

Now there will be characters from the show Lucifer in the story as well, but I'm not gonna spoil to much for you so let's just get to the story. Ne?

Also it's my 19th birthday today (Aug 27th) so happy bday to me I waited for 2 months to release this story on this special dayenjoy

Kyuubi no goku doesn't own highschool dxd, Lucifer, or any other franchise that appears in the story but any OC is mine

Kuoh, park

Electric blue eyes gazed at the woman before them with confusion. "I don't believe I heard you right, could you repeat that"

The woman in question was an attractive young woman with violet eyes having a slender body. She had long silky black hair down to her hips, she wore a dark red jacket with the letter "P" embroidered in gold, a white undershirt, a red bow, and a green skirt with a thin white strip around the lower end of it.

The woman's face was covered in an atomic blush "W-Will you go out with me Naruto-san?"

The now identified Naruto seemed to thinking about it as he looked over himself in the window of a clothing shop.

Naruto had spiky yellow hair with black tipped bangs that framed his face. His electric blue eyes seemed to radiate warmth yet at the same time seemed to pierce through your vary soul. He stood at 6'7 with an athletic build, he had muscles but not enough to make him look like a body builder. Naruto was wearing a expensive red and black suit with a red tie and black dress shoes.

After pondering on it for a minute the blond smiled warmly causing the woman's blush to become deeper "sure, why not…Yuuma was it?"

"T-thank you Naruto-kun" the ravenette stuttered

Naruto gave her charming smile " If your free right now how about we go to this ice cream place I know just outside the city limits and get to know each other"

The disguised fallen angel was going to say no but something about the boys smile made her agree with a shy nod

"Excellent if you'll wait here I'll pull my car around" 5 minutes passed before the blond pull up in a all black1962 Corvette. The license plate read "FALLEN" Which caused Yuuma to inwardly gasp.

Just outside kuoh, interstate

Naruto and Yuuma had been driving for 30 minutes when the blond driver took a turn off the highway and onto a dirt road.

"ito Naruto-kun where are we going" actual fear evident on the seemingly innocent girls face. Inwardly she was also panicking as a sense of foreboding wash over her, the flashes of white dashing between the trees didn't help.

"You know Yuuma I hate Liars, my father would always tell me as a kid that if I was good he'd take me out to get Ice cream yet no matter how good I was he'd always be to busy with work. Then when he finally did take me to get Ice cream he brought me here." Naruto explained as they pulled into the parking lot of the ice cream parlor which was called sweet tooth.

After parking his car and helping Yuuma out he let her walk ahead in front of him.

"Ne, Yuuma-chan?"

"Y-yes Naruto-Kun"

"When were you going to tell me you were a bird of sin…or were you planning on killing me a sunset like your name implies? Naruto had to move his head to the side to avoid a light spear

The once innocent looking girl had grown taller, taking on a more mature appearance, and her eyes changed, taking on a darker, more evil look. Her clothing also changed dramatically, now consisting of black, strap-like objects (resembling leather) around and under her breasts, a thong-like piece held around her hips by three thin straps, gloves that ran right up her arms with small lengths of chains hanging from them, shoulder guard-like objects on her shoulders with three large spikes sprouting from her right shoulder, and black thigh-high heel boots.

"now now love violence isn't the option, how about we sit down and talk" Naruto had to duck under another spear and sighed "I guess I'll have to clip your wings" A pair of angel wings sprouted out of the boys back as he caught the light spear in his hand further shocking the fallen angel.

"W-w-whats a angel doing here"

"Hahahahaha I'm not a angel…well in the technical sense I'm just like you my dear." The blond disappeared before reappearing behind Yuuma and grabbing her by her wings and pulled until a ripping sound followed by a blood curding scream echo though out the forest. The fallen angel passed out soon after from shock and blood loss.

Looking over himself the winged blond sighed seeing that his suit was covered in blood "Such a shame I just brought this suit"

The angel picked up the fallen beauty(and her wings) and with a powerful flap of his wings propelled himself into the air at subsonic speeds.

Los Angeles California, Lux, penthouse

Our blond protagonist and his cargo landed on the balcony of an expensive penthouse.

Walking inside he handed off the fallen women and her wings to a women wearing a white mask that hid half her face and changed into a clean suit. With that out of the way Naruto took the elevator to the bottom floor that just so happened to be a club owned by his family.

The blond angel walked out the elevator and straighten out his suit.


Looking around Naruto found his Target and walked behind him.

"Your late"

"I caught a crow and decided to clip its wings"

"I'm assuming that's the power signature I sensed."


"well what do you plan to do with them?"

"well I was…"

2 weeks later, Kuoh academy

Naruto stepped out of his car and inwardly sighed as he walked to class. He occasionally stopped to say hello or smile at the female population of the school.

After reaching his class the teacher told him to wait outside until she called for him.

"Before we start our lesson today I'd like to welcome our new foreign exchange student from North America. Please introduce yourself Morningstar-san." Naruto slide the sliding door open and entered the classroom

"My name is Naruto Morningstar, please to make your acquaintance" he said with a slight bow and flashing one of his charming smiles that made all the females in the class swoon and three perverts jealous.

"W-well please take a seat by Issei Hyoudou" the teacher pointed to a brown hair boy that was fuming with anger.

Naruto nodded and proceeded to his seat by the pervert. 'This'll be fun'

Stopping in front of the boy Naruto extended his hand " Howdy names Naruto I hope we can be friends, how about we hang out at my club after school"

Issei was taken aback by the offer, he expected the blond to be an asshole. "S-sure"

"Great let's meet up at the front of the main building ne?" the blond angel asked.

After class, student council room

We now find out protagonist sitting in front of a black haired bespectacled woman. The blond was leaving class when he was approached by a rather busty girl who led him here.

"I'd like to welcome you to Kuoh academy firstly, I'm Souna Shitori student council president." The now known Souna introduced.

Souna is a young bespectacled woman with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut and violet eyes

'shes kinda cute even though her body isn't as great when compared to the younger sister of Sirzechs. Wonder how long it'd take to get her in my bed' he thought

"It's nice to meet you Shitori-san" the blond smiled keeping up his nice guy act

" The feelings mutual, now secondly I don't mean to be rude but what exactly are you?"

'Shit I thought I suppressed my powers' Naruto panicked inwardly "I don't follow what you mean Shitori-san? I'm British American is there something wrong with my ethnicity?" he asked

The blueette narrowed her eyes "We both know that's not what I meant Morningstar-san. I sense devil and holy energy in you and I'd like to know why."

Naruto sighed before narrowing his eyes and leaning forward "Before I answer your question I'd like to know how you figured it out"

"I sensed you as soon as you entered the city."

"Bloody hell seems I underestimated the barrier your sister and Zechs put up but I can assure you I'm no threat to you. And to answer your question…" Naruto stood up and allowed his wings to sprout from his back "…I'm a devil just like you my dear "

"You have the wings of an angel" Sona deadpanned

"Be that as it may my dear my devil blood is much more pure than yours." Seeing the girls confusion he decided to further elaborate "Sorry allow me to rephrase that my wings are that of an angel because I'm not the proginity of a devil I'm the son of THE devil not the Lucifer that ruled over the underworld. He is my oldest brother though. I'm the youngest son to be precise" he explained

Sona formed a magic circle ready to attack

The now reviled son of the Morningstar raised his hand

"If your worried about me supporting my idiot nephew and his old satin faction don't be, I'm already the crown prince of the nine circles of hell. Plus my father and the current satins have reached a common ground that's why I'm here unfortunately seeing as I'm 17 I have to attend school and I'll be sharing this territory with you and Rias-san." he finished with a sigh while pulling a letter out of his pocket. "I was hoping that you and Rias wouldn't sense me until had time to tie up some loose ends with Lux Japan but eh what can you do Zechs and Serafall asked me to deliver that to you as well, it'll explain everything. I'll also be handling your fallen problem as a sign of good faith."

"If you'll excuse me I did invite Issei to hang out at Lux so I'll catch you later Sona-chan." The blond waved over his shoulder as he walked out of the student council room not seeing the normal sotic girls blush.

Downtown Kuoh, Lux Japan

The Japan branch of Lux was modeled after the originals interior with the outside being of Japanese design. It also had a penthouse which is where Naruto lives.

Speaking of blond protagonists we find him sitting at the bar laughing at his new friends attempt at drinking. "Hahaha you'll be able to hold your liquor eventually, almost everyone chokes on their first sip"

" I'm not sure about that Naruto-sempai" Issei said laughing nervously

"That's what they all say kiddo, so what do you do for fun? Naruto asked while taking a sip of his Shirley Temple

Issei vividly described his past times getting a deadpan from his blond friend. "You're a hopeless pervert, but that is easily fixed. Tiffany, be a dear and show Issei here a good time"

Tiffany was a blue haired woman in her late 20's. She had a heart shaped face and was wearing a white mask that covered half her face and a strapless blue dress with matching blue heals. She was also the bartender but Naruto could have one of his peerage members take over the bar for a few hours.

The blonds eyes narrowed Into slits as he watched his perverted friends form disappear in the crowd.

"You can come out now Gremory-san" He said looking into the blue green eyes of the red head beauty that was glaring at him. "So can I offer you a drink?"

All he got was a glare in return "I figured not, so what can I do for you my dear"

"Who are you and why are you in my territory." While to most it sounded like a question but Naruto knew it was a demand.

"You could ask nicely my dear, but if you must know I'm the son of Lucifer. A pleasure to make your acquaintance especially a young woman as beautiful as yourself." The prince of darkness introduced with a charming grin while taking a sip if his drink.

"Begon filth!" Rias said while firing a ball of condensed power of destruction at the blond devil

A pair of golden wings sprouted from his back and shielded him from the certain death.

"well that was most certainly close" Naruto taunted while taking another sip of his Shirley Temple.

The red head fired off more orbs hoping to hit the blond in front of her getting the same result as the last time. Seeing that her current tactic wasn't working she prepared to fire off large orb.

Naruto sighed before teleporting both of them to the schools courtyard so that his club didn't get damaged and created a light sword.

The blond blurred and was behind the ruin princess with his sword at her neck.

"Gremory-san please dispell your magic before you cause a international incident. My father is The devil the one who rules hell not the one from the old satin faction although we are related. My father and your brother recently came to an agreement to broker peace between our factions thus I'm attending Kuoh academy as a way to promote peace even though our factions have never been on hostile terms. I also will be sharing this territory with you and Sona-san for the foreseeable future, isn't that right Sona-san. Naruto explained while looking at the Sitri heir who was none to pleased at the moment.

"Morningstar-san is correct Rias I'll have to inform Lucifer-sama about this" the blueettes annoyance was clear causing the red head to pale and start apologizing to our favorite devilish blond.

Naruto waved her off with smile telling her it was water under the bridge.

After that he teleported back to Lux to check on his friend.

2 days later, Lux Japan, underground cell

2 days had flown by since the incident between Naruto and Rias and the two we're getting along better even though the Gremory heir didn't fully trust him.

During the past two days Naruto had been watching over Issei from a far as a favor from Rias. Quickly deducing that he had a longinus scared gear of which one he was sure it was the boosted gear since the damn thing felt like a dragon.

That's part of the reason why he had 4 wingless fallen angels tied up in front of him, three of which were knocked out.

"So would you like to explain why you four are in devil territory killing humans no less?"

"Fuck you, you bastard you cut off my wings" Yuuma spat at her host shoes and received a slap for it.

"As stubborn as ever I see. I'd implor you to come clean because I can assure you that unlike my father I have no problem getting my hands bloody."

"Fuck you, I'm not talking to angel scum like you."

This time she got a punch for her potty mouth "Woman do not confuse me for my foolish uncles and aunts I have no problem torturing and raping you and your subordinates for the information I desire."

The woman spat blood at her captors feet "You'll fall if you do, so go fuck yourself bastard"

Naruto's patience began to wear thin and it showed when he grabbed the fallen woman's face and forced her to look at him. "Look here slut allow me to show you who exactly your fucking with" in the place of his face was red doubled slit pupiled eyes, scarred and burnt red skin, sharp teeth, and two horns that jetted out of his forehead.

Yuuma's face twisted in to a look of pure horror as she realized she was dealing with a true devil.

"Now you understand who I am and what your dealing with. Talk. Now.

Instead of information he got a loud scream that woke up the other fallen angels who also began screaming in terror.

The young devil sighed as his patience broke, his angel wings sprouted from his back as he focused his killing intent on the fallen in front of him shutting them up.

Looking at Yuuma he grasped her by the throat lifting her and the chair she was tied to in the air forcing her to look him in the eye "Talk!"

"K-k-Kokabiel he sent us here to extract a nuns scared gear while he steals the Excalibur swords from the church so that he can kill the sisters of the current Lucifer and Leviathan." She all but screamed.

The devil dropped the woman and walked over to the male who was glaring at Narutos victim. Dona was his name or something along those lines if he remembered correctly "Anything you'd like to add scum"

"Yea burn in hell monster" Dona said while spitting in the devil's burnt face.

The prince snapped his fingers and the ground split open and burnt hands grabbed Dona and the Loli that was tied up next to him by their legs and pulling the terrified duo into the fiery depths of hell.

"Anyone else feeling brave?" all he got in return were terrified looks "perfect"

Moving over to the buxom blueette woman wearing the tattered remains of a revealing business suit. Naruto remember this ones name was Kalawarner "Wheres the nun at she wasn't at the church"

"T-the Gremory heir took her while she was with one of our stray exorcist" kalawarner stuttered

"Interesting, tell me what is it you desire" Naruto asked Kalawarner and Yuuma using one of the abilities he inherited from his father.

"To…to serve a strong master" was Kalawarners answer

"I…I want to…to be pure again and bare strong children" was Yuumas answer.

"Such simple desires to grant. Sell your souls to me and I'll make your desires come true." Naruto offered the entranced females while freeing them from their binds with a snap of the fingers.

Holding out two contracts that materialized on his hands the two fallen angels touched the contracts before yanking their hands back in pain as the paper cut them. The devil rolled up the contracts and dropped then into a fissure I'm the ground.

Walking behind the kneeling forms of his newest servants the blond stabbed his light covered hands into the fallen women's hearts elicting bloodcurdling screams as Naruto's divinity burned them from the inside out.

When he ripped his hands free two pairs of white wings sprouted out of both of the former fallen angels backs.

"Now that my end of the deal is complete it's your turn"

"Yes Lucifer-sama"

"Lucifer is my father's name, I'm Naruto. You two will be attending Kuoh academy with me as my body guards." He corrected "Tiffiny! Show these two to their rooms, get them their uniforms, and educate them in their new dutys, I have somethings to handle."

Kuoh academy, student council room

Naruto stepped out of his teleportation circle greeting Sona and her queen Tsubaki with a kind smile.

The Sitri heiress glared at the blond devil confusing him."What?"

"Your 2 hours late to school Morningstar-san."

Naruto sweat droped "that's what your glaring at me for"

"Yes I take every students education very seriously" was the stotic girls answer.

"I was busy interrogating the fallen angels I captured and I lost track of time" Naruto offhandedly replied taking a seat across from the student council president.

Sona's glare hardened "That's not an excuse, if you're late again I'll have to give you detention"

Naruto deadpanned "Noted"

"I'll assume that those explosions last night were your doing. So what did you find out from the fallen angels?" Sona asked while summoning a chess board and Tsubaki served the two tea.

Naruto smiled at the queen causing her to turn away to hide her blush.

"They we're sent by Azazel to observe Issei-kun, that much I've known for the past few weeks." Seeing the girls questioning gaze Naruto took a sip of his tea while taking one of Sona's pawns. " I was in town 2 weeks ago doing a PR event to promote the opening of Lux Japan. Apparently I caught the attention of one of the crows and she planned to kill me but it back fired and I ripped her wings off and let hells most brutal torturer play with her for a bit. Until I had her transported her yesterday when I captured her colleagues."

"Ah I see, did they have any other relevant information?"

"I'm not sure to be honest I sent two of the four to hell for further interrogation, I'll have a report on what ever they find on Monday"

"What of the other two?"

"I granted their desires and now they serve me"

This caught the bespectacled womans attention "Explain"

"Well you know those legands of how humans would sell their souls to my father?" Sona nodded "It's exactly that, beings sell me their souls and in exchange I make their desires come true. Your contract system is based off of it actually minus the whole selling their souls and having to worship you"

"I see. If you don't mind me asking what exactly was it you granted them?"

The blond chuckled as he took another one of Sona's pieces. " I made them angels again nothing to complicated really"

Sona and her queens glasses fell off their faces at the bombshell that Naruto just dropped.

"Come again? I could have sworn you said you made them angels again" Sona asked disbelief evident in her voice

"That's exactly what I said my dear."

"That's not supposed to be possible. Once an angel falls they can't return to God's good graces"

"Na it's fully possible to return to grandfathers good graces the old croons just the most stubborn being you'll ever meet but since my father rules hell and he has a large following of worshippers he's the strongest of the death God's and unlike my older brother which was your original Lucifer who was the product of one of father's flings with the demoness Lilith, I'm the biproduct of two death gods going at it like rabbits on aphrodisiacs, so it's also with in my power to create angels, demons, and what not since I have a small following of devoted follows. I can't go creating or turning people into angels willynilly though since it took half of my divinity just to convert those two into my angels. My mother is Macaria if you were going to ask so Hades is my maternal grandfather" he explained and to further drive his point home he summoned his newest subjects.

By the time Naruto finished Sona and Tsubaki's mouths where hanging open the appearance of his angelic bodyguards didn't help.

When the devil duo got their barings back Sona asked the question that was on both their minds

"So you're a god?"

"In the technical sense yes realistically, no not even by a long shot. I don't have a large enough following to even be considered a minor god. As of right now I only have about thirty three hundred followers so it'd be easy for another pathology such as the Hindu or Shinto God's to destroy me, they could do so with little to no problems but they don't in fear of having not only hells armies at their door steps but also the Greek armies since my uncle zuse would see it as an attack on them. Also checkmate" Naruto said with a shit eating grin as he took Sona's king

The poor girls were staring into space overwhelmed by the not only the info they just got but also the fact that Naruto beat Sona in chess only loosing a pawn and a rook.

"Er… Sona-san Tsubaki-san? I think I broke them" Naruto sweat dropped. Seeing that they were gonna be like that for a while the blond devil took the necessary paperwork to enroll the girls into the academy from Sona's desk and had the girls fill them out before finishing his tea and leaving a note for Sona on her desk.

Occult research clubhouse

Since Sona was out of it Naruto decided to visit Rias instead of going to class.

That's why we find our favorite devil sitting across from the red haired ruin princess drinking tea, playing chess and eating sweets that her queen Akeno made.

After the incident 2 days ago true to his word Naruto swept it under the bridge and was getting along with the girl just fine. He did find her almost fantical obsession with anime and Japanese culture a bit off putting but hey he has a death cult that worships him so he can't really talk.

…speaking of death cults one of his worshippers was calling him right now

"Excuse me one second Rias I have to take this"


"Hiya Jashin-sama"

"I told you not to call me that"

"But Jashin-sama it'd be a sin not to call you by your title"


"What do you want Hidan I'm in school right now!"

"Your at a school right now!? Boss are their any good sacrifices there?!."


"No Hidan theirs not a single person you can sacrifice here now what do you want it's bad enough I hear your prayers every 30 minutes."

"Right I was letting you know that I'm in Japan right now ready to begin slaughtering these heathens."




"Helloooooo booossseee are you there"


"Hiden you idiot! I said CONVERT not MURDER please tell me you haven't killed anyone yet"

"Not yet why? I got lost in the forest"

"Thank father. Return to Lux Japan and wait for me to decide your punishment"

"As you wish Jashin-sama"

Naruto hung up the phone before groaning and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Trouble controlling your peerage?" Rias teased getting another groan from her blond friend.

"Controlling hims not the problem he's just a idiot who's one track mind is always set on murder. Checkmate by the way"

"Where's the rest of your peerage at and what are they like."

Naruto blinked "Their … you know … around" Naruto paled as he remembered he forgot to check up on his more violent members "…most of them are… nice people. Just don't go swimming, fall asleep or look in mirrors while in the dark when some of them are around" Naruto warned getting a raised eye brow from the girl sitting in front of him

" I need to go check on said servants right now" Naruto quickly teleported out of the clubhouse leaving a confused Rias and Akeno behind.

6 hours later, Naruto's penthouse

The blond fell face first onto his bed groaning in pleasure as it's soft confines greated him.

He had spent the last 6 hours checking on Several members who tended to cause him headaches and/or get him in trouble with the other gods and factions.

All in all he was utterly exhausted and wanted nothing more than to sleep. Nothing could ruin that at this point.

"Naruto-sama are you here!?"

Oh dear father no anyone but her.

"Naruto-sama why didn't you tell me you were leaving hell?! I missed you so much!"

' probably because you're a crazy obsessive fanticly loyal bitch'

"Halt Naruto-sama said no one's allowed to enter!"

Thank hell for Kalawarner and Raynare.

"Begone bitchs" Naruto groaned when he heard his guards being thrown off the balcony and his bed room doors opening

"For fucks sake fine Albedo I'm sorry for leaving you in hell now can you please let me sleep I've been keeping the rest of my idiot servants out of trouble!"

He rolled over to look at the object of his current frustration headache.

Albedo was an impeccable beauty with lustrous jet black hair and a face of an goddess (even though she's the furthest from being a goddess). Her golden slit eyes were gazing at Naruto with untamed lust which unnerved him to no end. She had two thick horns protruding crookedly from her left and right Temples. She was wearing a pure white dress that showed ample amounts of her breast and gloves silky gloves that covered her slender hands.

Sometimes he regreted creating her since she normally caused him problems or headaches. He only redeeming qualities were her looks and her ability to keep her his cults and peerage in line. Although she tended to rack up a higher human body count than even his cult.

Did he mention that she was madly in love with him to a disturbing degree that made him question his line of thought when he made her when he was a kid.

Naruto felt her crawl into his bed and snake her arms around his form basking in the heat his body let off.

The blond sighed for the umpteenth time today "If your going to stay in the human world with me you'd better behave or I'll lock you in hell understood?"

His response was a light snore.

"Goodnight Albedo don't cause me any problems" with that Naruto drifted off to sleep.

USA, Florida, Lake Eaton Campground

"chu chu chu chu {I'm busy can't talk}"

"I don't care if your busy hunting, I need everyone together at lux and for fucks sake speak normally I repaired your body when I found you"

"Chu chu chu chi {no, I don't know if my victims are in,hearing distance. What do you even need everyone for you I thought you told us to keep killing in your name.}"

"Yea well I'm getting the feeling that shit gonna hit the fan soon better safe than sorry."

"chu chu chu chu chu {Fine I'll be there in a few hours after I finish here}"


Lux Japan, clubroom

We find our blond devil sitting at his bar enjoying a drink while making contracts with various people.

By his sides were Albedo and a man holding a massive tri-bladed scythe.

The man had medium-length grey hair that was slicked back and distinctive purple eyes. He stood at 5'7 and was wearing a dress extravagant black suit jacket and pants with a blue dress shirt matching shoes, and a black tie.

This was Hidan, one of Naruto's pawns and the leader of his cult. Hidan has a sadistic masochist personality and has little to no respect for anyone but his Lord and savior. He'll happily commit any sin and any crime if it means Naruto would be pleased with him even though it normally results in headaches from his constant praying.

"now as agreed in exchange for your soul and worshipping me you'll become rich and famous in the near future" Naruto rehashed before calling the next person.

Naruto sighed inwardly forming contracts was boring as hell most these people either wanted money or fame…although that one abomination that wanted to become a magic girl was erased form existence by the scythe a wielding maniac not that the blond was complaining. That thing was going to give him nightmares for the next few weeks.

"Morningstar-san" A familiar voice called sounding non to pleased

"Hello Sona, what brings you to my humble den on sin today?"

"You're skipping school again Morningstar-san, I will have to give you two weeks of detention as punishment." The now reviled Sona stated arms crossed under her moderate bust.

Naruto deadpanned " You're joking right"

"How dare you give Jashin-sama detention you blasphemous bitch! I'll kill you for this insult"


"As you wish Naruto-sama" the pulled out a axe and decapitated the raging zealot not that stopped him from complaining or making threats.

"Tiffany be a dear and take Hidan upstairs and stitch his head on backwards"

The blueette nodded and took both halves of the pawn to the elevator.

Turning his attention back to his fellow student he saw the questioning glint in her eyes. "That was Hidan one of my pawns and the leader of my death cults just ignore what he says he's an idiot, a strong nigh immortal idiot but an idiot none the less"

"How didn't he die after she decapitated him?" the Sitri heiress asked while pushing up her glasses.

"Nigh immortality is one of the main perks of following my religion."

"I see well what's your reason for skipping school today?"

"I'm waiting for the rest of my peerage members to get here."

That's not a valid reason to miss school Morningstar-san"

"It is unless you'd like multiple strings of disappearances, murders, missing children, decapitations, sleep related deaths, sexual harassment complaints, cannibalistic acts and beheadings."

Seeing the young woman's confused look he sighed. "Both my parents are gods who's powers are directly tied to the dead so by birthright my power base revolves around the dead. My peerage directly reflects that Hidan runs my main death cult, others are just beings that kill for fun. You'll meet them all tommorow I'll introduce you to one of my favorite members though." Naruto's pupils bled red and split and he pulled out a pocket mirror. Looking at one of his clients the blond enthralled them and forced them to utter out a name thrice before he was yanked into the mirror and a figure climbed out.

The figure had long brunette hair that stopped just short of her tailbone. She her eyes seemed to glow a light yellow that wanted to draw you in, the right side of her heart shaped face was hidden behind a bang. She was wearing a strapless blood stained white dress that complemented her buxom figure and white heels.

The woman smiled at Naruto "Hello Naruto-kun, couldn't wait to see little old me again?"

Smiling back at the woman the spawn of Satan hugged her tightly "Of course not you are my best friend after all."

"So this is the new Lux? Kind of bland thought you'd add your own style to it." The woman said while looking around. He eyes landed on Sona who had been observing the scene in front of her with a cocked eye brow.

"Ara ara are you going to introduce me to your girlfriend?" she teased getting a blank look from her best friend and a almost unnoticeable blush from the sister of the Leviathan.

"She not my girlfriend we've barely known each other for more than a week. Sona this is my best friend Mary but you'd probably know her as Bloody Mary, Mary this is Sona the younger sister of Serafall."

"Nice to meet you Mary-san"

"So polite, you made a fine pick Naru I approve"

"… moving on Sona as you can see I'm not ditching school on purpose…well I am but with good reason aside from Mary and Albedo I have trouble controlling my members violent tendencies."

" Good reason or not Morningstar-san I cannot make an exception for you ally or not. I will see you in detention tomorrow after school and please make sure you control your peerage, ja ne." Sona said as she teleported back to the school.

"Sooo how much did you tell her?" the brunette asked while taking Naruto's drink and downing it in one go.

"Tiffany give me another BloodyMary" the young satin glared at his friend as the blueette handed him his drink. "Eh I only told her and Gremory the same thing I told Sirzechs."

Mary pouted when she failed to steal Naruto's drink "Have you told them about Kokabiel yet or are you going to wait and see how things play out?"

"I'm not here to hold their hands or clean up their problems it's bad enough that man child asked me to deal with one of her problems." The blond sighed pulling out a blunt and lit it with a small fire spell.

The woman cocked an eyebrow "What'd he ask you to do and how'd he get you to say yes?"

"He wants me to get her out her arranged marriage and as for how let's just say he made a deal with father." Naruto blew the smoke out his nose and passed the blunt to Mary "If everything goes as predicted Rias will either try to give me or Issei her virginity. If she goes with Issei she'll end in failure since Grayfia will intervene, if she comes to me her plan will succeed but she'll still be stuck in the contract, she'll not only embarrass her family but give me and father more pull in the underworld. I'll have to fry a chicken since he'll be insulted that I fucked Rias before him and challenge me for her hand."

The mass murderer smirked "You truly are the spawn of the devil Naru"

All she got in response was a grin and a wink.

Well that's it for chapter one tell me what you think in the comments