A/N: Hehe! This is my first attempt in writing a Harry/Draco slash story. I've been reading tonnes of stories like that, but never thought of writing one. -.-' Anyway, this is my first time so...NO FLAMES, yet. Enjoy!


"Spotty, Dotty, Potty!" Peeves shouted, his voice ringing through the halls.

"Go away Peeves," Ron scowled.

"Not nice of you to say that Weeeeeeesley!"

"Ignore him, come on," Hermione said pushing Ron and Harry head of her.

It was Harry's 6th year at Hogwarts. The morning shined as the sun peaked through the dark gloomy clouds. Harry's stomach growled in hunger. The 3 of them ducked past Peeves and hurried into the Great Hall. Finally seating themselves at the Gryffindor table, they each helped themselves to porridges and some orange juice.

"What do we have today?" Ron asked.

"We've got Charms and then Potions before lunch," Hermione said at once.

Potions, the one subject Harry dread the most, besides Divination. Not only does he get many points taken off by Snape, he also have to put up with Malfoy's taunts.

A loud hoot announced the mail. Ron's owl, Pig, stumbled through the air, flapping his tiny wings proudly towards Ron. Pig dropped a letter to Ron before hurrying off with the other owls.

"Mum wants me to take better care of Ginny," Ron frowned.

Harry smiled, remembering what happened during his 5th year. Ginny and a friend of her's from Hufflepuff were taking a quick dip in the lake. Ron thought Ginny was drowning when she was splashing around. Panicking, he sent Hermione to owl his mum while he jumped into the water to "save" his sister.

Another loud hood was heard and in flew an eagle owl dropping a small package at the Slytherin table; Malfoy caught the package. Grey eyes scanned the note before tucking the package away in his pockets.

"Show off, arriving later then the other owls," Ron retorted.

Harry chose to ignore this; he started to avoid anything that has to do with Malfoy. At the Slytherin table, Draco couldn't wait to get out of the Great Hall to open what his father sent him. He quickly and swiftly finished the rest of his breakfast. As he got up, his eyes trailed to the Gryffindor table and stopped at a certain green eyed boy. Draco eyed him interestingly.

Harry could feel someone's eyes on him and he looked up. Green eyes met grey, for a moment it was like this until Ginny came over, and accidentally knocked Harry's shoulder with her elbow. She blushed and quickly walked back to where she was sitting before. When Harry looked back at where Malfoy was, he was gone. Harry tore his thoughts back to Ron who was talking non-stop about Quidditch.

What was Malfoy doing? But then again, he shouldn't waste time wondering about what Malfoy was up to.

"Mr. Malfoy, hold on," Professor McGonagall called out.

Draco stopped walking and turned around. Sneering at the sight of who it was.

"I noticed you received a package this morning. I believe you are aware of the safety measures," Professor McGonagall said. "So I'm afraid I have to confiscate the package until it is fully checked over for any dark magic."

Knowing how his father, Lucius Malfoy, loves his precious Dark Arts stuff, there is no doubt the package contains one of them.

Professor McGonagall raised her thin eyebrows, hand outstretched.

"Hand it over Mr. Malfoy."

Draco got out the neatly wrapped package and shoved it in her hand, before storming off to his first class.

"You can probably get it back a week later in Filch's office," Professor McGonagall told Draco's retreating form.

Draco turned a corner and stopped. He had to get the package back, but how? With a lot of thinking, he thought of the perfect plan. Snape was patrolling the castle at night, so if he catches Draco sneaking around, Draco would not get in trouble. With that, he quickly sped off towards class.

Charms went by smoothly as all they did was review last year's spells. Surprisingly, Harry did pretty well and Ron had a lot of trouble. If Ron didn't say a tongue twisting string of spells and levitated poor Professor Flitwick up onto the roof, the 3 of them wouldn't have been late for Potions. They spent some time outside trying to levitate Professor Flitwick back down, before hurrying back inside towards the dungeons.

"Late? 5 points from Gryffindor," Snape said as soon as they walked in.

Draco smirked in amusement and watched Harry swear at Snape behind his back, receiving a slap on the arm from Hermione, who still thought they should not use vulgar language, despite how mean a nasty a person is.

Today, they were learning how to make a Memory potion. The ingredients were hard to look for, since all of them looked quite similar.

"We need the uh-d...dar," Ron squinted at the book.

Hermione tutted and grabbed the book scanning it quickly.

"We need the darsagine rock and ukiglay leaf," Hermione said.

"I'll get it, you keep on stirring," Harry said getting up.

The potion was very thick and needed a few extra people to help stir.

Harry walked over to the student cupboard and started looking for the ingredients. At least he found them after a few minutes of searching. The darsagine rock and ukiglay leaf were both bright blue, and did indeed look the same. He made his way back to his desk, passing by Draco's, whom this time sat at the very back.

Draco, seeing Harry walk by, stuck out his leg. Harry tripped, hitting Draco's desk and dropped the ingredients. Draco smirked watching a raged Harry glare up at him.

"Watch your step Potter, we can't risk losing the precious Boy-Who- Lived," Draco drawled.

"You-," Harry started.

"What happened?" Snape barked walking over.

"Potter had a clumsy moment," Draco smirked.

Harry continued glaring, this time making an attempt of standing up. Little did he notice that Draco's potion was at the edge of his desk, after the first time Harry hit his desk. Harry's head hit the edge of the desk, and Draco's cauldron dropped to the ground, splattering electric blue liquid on the ground.

"Another one of his clumsy moments," Draco continued smirking.

"POTTER! You will clean up this mess and this instance! 20 points from Gryffindor!" Snape yelled, spit flying. "And a 2 days worth of detention!"

Harry was about to fight back and say it wasn't his fault but the bell rang. A great deal of scrambling was heard as everyone rushed out for lunch, except for Draco who lingered.

"You will go straight to Filch's office and get him to clean the mess instead. Wait for me there until I figure out how to punish you, for spilling Draco's hard work."

Hearing all this, Draco walked up to Snape after Harry left.

"Professor Snape, I have a idea for Potter's detention," Draco said.

"Go on," Professor Snape said.

"You see, he can..."

A/N: xx how was it? Should I continue? Remember to review!