Remember my warning~!

"K-Kami-sama?!" She squeaked

He frowned at her, tapping his foot as his arms were crossed over his chest, "Explain to me, Fayola. I want!"

She raised her hands in a pleading manner, "Sir, you need to understand. I can explain!"

He leaned back a bit and said, "You can explain to me in private. However, I will offer you a way to save yourself."

She looked at him confused as he continued, "You have one chance to convince the parents of the young man who you are so smitten by to allow you to have him. If you can't he will be lost to you, do you understand?"

She clenched her fist and nodded, "Yes, sir."

He called for Death, a towering figure with long, shaggy white hair with purple skin with sharp teeth with a short blade in his mouth wearing a white flowing kimono.

He growled in a raspy tone, "Kami...Why have you called me?"

Kami just gave him a smile, before outstretching his palm and collecting a blue ball of chakra before tossing it into the air, as everyone watched as it took the shape of Kushina, who was dressed in gold and white clothes.

She gave a cough and shake of her head as she stretched out her limbs.

"Oh...what was that for? Kami-sama?!"

"Hello, Kushina. I'm sorry for calling you on such short notice, but I need your opinion on something."


He nodded before he looked at Death who groaned before he took the blade from his mouth and slit his stomach, making Minato fall out in a gooey mess, which he quickly stripped off his person. His outfit was the one that he perished in, with dark purple chains wrapped around his neck, arms, waist, and ankles.


"Hello, Minato Namikaze."

He stood up and glanced at Death who was stitching his stomach closed before asking, "Why are we here?"

"Why indeed. But Fate has an offer for you."

The two parents looked at Fate with slowly building contempt as she stated, "Kushina Uzumaki, Minato Namikaze, due to my status, I require your permission to court your son and have him be my warrior."

The entire area was silent as the two parents stared at her for a solid two minutes before Kushina quickly turned to Kami and said, "Is Hell an option?"

Minato cracked his neck and said, "Alright, open up! I'm heading back. The Kyuubi kicking my ass was better than this."

Her mouth dropped as she spluttered, "What?! Y-you would choose worse fates than having your son in my care?"

Kushina snarled, "Considering how you screwed us over, then yes! You're so lucky I can't curse in front of the big guy or else, I would give you such a thrashing!"

She looked at Minato who shook his head, "Don't look at me. Do you think I would allow my son to suffer under your 'care.' I've seen many people in his stomach who have more than a few bones to pick with you."

Before Fate could reply, Kushina cut her off, "Wait! How is he? How's Naruto? Is he happy? Healthy? Please tell me!"

Karma whistled for her attention as showed them Naruto, smiling and happily chatting with a small family with Erik nuzzling against him making her smile.

Minato tilted his head, "Who's the young man, with him?"

Luck grinned, "A person Naru-chan had sex with not even 24 hours ago!"

Kushina giggled, "My son's amazing!"

Minato just smiled, grabbing Fate's attention, "Don't tell me you're okay with this?"

The blond sighed and said, "As long as my son is happy and not in your clutches, he can date or fuck whoever he wants."

"And your final answers?" Kami quipped

Minato shook his head, "No."

"Never!" Kushina screamed


All of Minato's chains broke at the same time, shocking both himself and Kushina as he looked at Death who glanced at him, "Your punishment is enough."

He looked at him for clarification and Death sighed, "Most people would be willing to deal with another in order to get escape me, but you were willing to sacrifice your afterlife in order to protect your son. That more than earns you the right to leave early. Besides, you have two more weeks anyway. Hiruzen would be joining you in a month or two."

Minato bowed to him, "Thank you."

Fate was steaming, before Kami grabbed her ear, making her yelp as he dragged her away.

"Minato!" Kushina squealed as she made to hug him, before he raised a hand, forcing her to stop.

"As much as I want to embrace you, let me take a shower first."

She took a whiff of his shirt, before covering her nose, "Yeah..."

After she led him to her house and he really enjoyed the simple pleasure of a shower, he got dressed and Kushina was sitting in front of the TV waiting for him.

"You were waiting for me?"

"Yes, I wanted to watch what has happened in our son's life and I really didn't want to watch it alone."

He hugged her and making her relax as he sat beside her as she clicked on the TV.

[Scene #1]

Hiruzen was just watching over Naruto in his office, he managed to escape the horrors of paperwork to watch over Naruto in his compound, having him mess around with Asuma's old childhood toys.

Kushina squealed as she wanted to glomp the tv as she saw the cherub-like smile on her son's face as she let out a sight. Minato rubbed her shoulders as he burned the smile of his son into his memory as the scene changed.

[Scene #2]

"Gramps? Where are we going?" A five-year-old Naruto asked

"An old restaurant a certain couple liked."

"Really? Does it have chocolate?"

Hiruzen could only laugh as Kushina laughed with him, making Minato blush.

"He has your chocolate weakness!" She giggled

He pouted at her, "Hey, I don't want to hear this coming from the woman who still wants to swim in a pool of ramen!"

She huffed, "Fair enough."

They watched as Naruto and Hiruzen ordered their ramen as once Naruto tasted it, he took to eating the entire thing quickly and asked for seconds.

"Can I have more?"

"Yes, you can."


Kushina could only coo as she squeezed her husband, "Ugh...the masked bastard better hope I don't get the chance to come down or else, he's dead."

"Don't worry, Kushina. We'll bury him together," He concluded, earning him a kiss on lips from her.

[Scene #3]

Naruto was walking downtown after being forbidden from the fair and he didn't want to bother Gramps, so he just kicked rocks.

He suddenly bumped into a girl, making her land on her butt, as he rushed to help her, "I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going."

A young girl with inky black hair pulled into a loose knot, her skin was pale from lack of sunlight, but her eyes were the best thing about her, they were a unique pink.

She gave him a grin as she dusted herself off, "No worries! The name's Alexia Ryun! What's yours?"

"N-Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki."

"Cool, want to be friends?"


"Yeah, come on. I'll show you something really cool!" She smiled as she literally dragged him wherever she wanted.

"Aw~! They're so cute!" Kushina gushed

"Reminds me of the time you took me to the first Moon festival in Kiri."

"Yeah, but you won me all of those stuffed animals."

"It was well worth it for that night," He quipped, making her blush and playfully hit his shoulder.

The two parents watched the pair and their friendship grow deeper, even after Naruto hid his injuries from her until he accidentally blurted out that he was the container for the Kyuubi and she accepted him as a person, not a monster.

The young boy couldn't help himself but to hug her, which she gleefully returned.

[Scene #4]

The two were sleeping over at his apartment as they just finished eating ramen at Ramen Ichiraku and the two were playing games before a group of men rushed it and attacked Naruto, beating him unconscious. When Alexia tried to interfere, she was harshly chopped in the back of her neck.

Kushina snarled out, "You bastards! What the hell are you doing to my baby!"

Minato forced her back down as she was snarling as the scene continued to play out.

"What do we do with the girl?"

"Leave her."

"Hell no, she's the demon's bitch. She'll probably go on a rampage if we leave her. Just take her with us."

Another thug just shrugged and slugged the young girl on his shoulder as another dragged Naruto by his leg to a bandit camp, a few miles away from Konoha.

Naruto was restrained with chains and was punched awake, only to see Alexia restrained as they forced Naruto watch as they abused Alexia in various ways as she screamed as he begged for them to stop, for hours.

When they left them to recharge for the next round, Naruto whispered, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry!"

She gave him a reassuring smile and told him, "It's not your fault. Thank you...for...being my friend..."

Naruto could only watch the light leave her eyes and he just collapsed from the mental strain.

When he woke up, he saw his best friend hung on a pair of rusty hooks as her body was carved up like a mutilated turkey.

"Those bastards! How could they! What the hell was Hiruzen doing?" She growled

Minato wrapped his arms around her waist to prevent her from destroying the television.

Naruto felt something inside of him snap when he heard the bandits laughing over what they had done and how they were going to be heroes over dealing with the demon brat and his whore.

When a bandit came to check on him to finally put him out of his misery, Naruto lashed out, biting into his neck and tearing out his throat.

His pain-filled gurgles alerted everyone as they went to bring down the Kyuubi, but Naruto glared at them in a mixture of malice and pain as he charged at them with the dead bandit's rough-edged katana.

Slashing and hacking at everything and everyone, his clothes were saturated with blood as he lurched forward to the last remaining one.

A civilian council member who just soiled his clothes with piss and shit as he pleaded, "Mercy! Please!"

Naruto glared at him, "When she begged for mercy did you give it to her? When you violated her? When you tortured her? When you killed her?"

The council member only shivered as Naruto heaved the sword up and screamed as he brought it down, stabbing him again and again, carving a line through his stomach as he tried to hold his guts in.

Naruto then castrated him before cutting off his hands and watched him bleed to death.

He started to bawl and cackle into the night as only the crackling and the moon above were witnesses to his slaughter.

Kushina whimpered as she wiped her eyes of her tears as Minato was trembling with a mixture of rage and sadness.

[Scene #5]

Naruto slowly made his way to Training Ground #62, the underground hell, making Kushina squeeze Minato's waist as she bit her lower lips so hard it bled.

The pair could only watch as Naruto went deeper and deeper into the dark training ground and put on a black kitsune mask.

He raced through the training ground and saw a massive centipede and he tackled it, tearing it apart, covering himself in its' guts before he made to slaughter more giant insects and creatures that tried to attack him, after five hours, Naruto left, with tears running down his face as he quickly made his way home.

After showering, scrubbing all the blood and viscera off his body and wrapped his body around a thin blanket and hoped he wasn't disturbed this night.

[Scene #6]

Naruto had just come from another slaughter of animals and Shikaku who was on a walk caught the sight of him acting strange and made to follow him, only for Naruto to disappear from sight and it was only Shikaku's training that prevented him from having his head ripped off.

The blond was wearing his mask as he growled and chased after the man, who made it to Hiruzen's office and tried to warn him only for Naruto to sit on the couch, nearly giving him a heart attack.

Hiruzen explained that Naruto had certain circumstances that are not to be brought to light unless Naruto wills it and what he just saw was a triple-S secret and if he told anyone, Naruto will kill you and that person.

Shikaku nodded as Naruto only growled at him, unnerving him, before he left, as he let out a sigh.

"Would you really have killed him?"

"I would have kicked the shit out of him to make it seem like an illusion."

"Fair enough. There's a bandit camp with your name on it?"

"...Thank you, Gramps."

[Scene #7]

Naruto woke up screaming, drenched in sweat, alerting the apartment manager who gave him a beating for disturbing him and spitting on him before leaving, making Naruto tremble from the horror and the pain of his beating.

[Scene #8]

Naruto went through another night terror, but tried to silence himself, but ended up nearly biting off his tongue, making him silently weep as he curled up in his bed, shaking and shivering from the horror and the pain.

Kushina shakily turned off the television before she buried her face in Minato's chest, as a slight sob managed to slip out before the dam broke and she burst into tears, as he comforted her as he fought with himself not to break down with her.

He could only look up at the ceiling as he took in a deep breath, 'My son. I'm so sorry.'

[With Naruto]

After the pair finished eating with Tazuna's family, Erik and Naruto walked around town before settling in the forest, enjoying the peace as Erik leaned in for a kiss, but before they could connect Naruto was tackled by one of Fate's servants.

She was a tan-skinned girl with light blonde hair and gray eyes, her lips were full with a busty body underneath her white robes with the mark of Fate tattooed on her right arm.

She rubbed herself against the blond, "Naruto Uzumaki..."


The servant put up a shield around both her and Naruto, they glowed a violent red, shocking Erik, forcing him to move back.

"Go away, unclean one."

Naruto suddenly found himself paralyzed and snarled as she caressed him and was whispered, "Thank you Fate for allowing me this honor," as she tried to kiss him, before the shield cracked, shocking her.

She looked behind her to see Erik in his incubus form who smashed through the shield and ripped her off of him, nearly scalping her, "He's mine!"

The woman spat, "You dare deny Lady Fate?"

Naruto gave a dark growl as his eyes swirled red as he shattered his restraints, "You have a lot of gall to think that I would concede to that bitch."

Erik smiled, making the servant sneer as she spat at him, which he avoided and tossed her on the ground.

"You are undeserving. Someone so disgusting, so revolting, so unclean can never be with him. Only someone as powerful and pure as Lady Fate or those who have her blessing can have her seed to give birth to a new generation."

Naruto rolled his eyes, "Tell me, that bitch knows she's not to interfere with the human world. Yet she continues to do so or did you do this on your own in order to win her favor?"

Erik crossed his arms over his chest, "It's probably a mixture of both."

She hissed at him and tried to kill him, only for Erik to crush her hands, her fingers bent in different directions, as screamed from the pain. As he lifted her up and snarled, "Naruto. Is. Mine."

She glared at him, only for him to shatter her arms, "He's mine and mine alone."

*Crack!* Three broken ribs, "No one touched what's mine!"

*Snap!* Snapped kneecap, "Not you!"

*Sluck!* Torn out femur, "Especially not that bitch, Fate!"

"No one! Anyone who hurts him has to answer to me and I put your damn ass over my fucking fireplace and fuck him as I place your damn head on a plague!"

She groaned as he wailed on her, making her look like a piece of meat before with her remaining eye looked at him fear.

"If you show your miserable face anywhere near him, I will make what I did seem like a honeymoon."

He then punted her deeper into the forest, making him give a cold grin, the situation finally settled into his mind and made him collapse.

Naruto wrapped his arms around him as Erik squeaked, "You... want to leave me now, don't you?"

[Yaoi Upcoming!]

The blond took his chin and pulled him in for a kiss.

"How many times have I wished for someone to want me as you did? To fight and defend me as you did. I never had anyone other than a select few back home stand in my corner and if you think what you did was bad? I could easily be a whole lot worse."

Erik kissed him back, wrapping his arms around Naruto's neck, peppering him with multiple kisses as he whispered, "I wish...I found you sooner."

He smirked, "Jerk. Taking the words right out of my mouth."

Erik then pulled him as he fell back on the grass as they made out, soon clothes were lost as the two embraced into a heat-filled passion.

The pair were unaware that a pair of yellow eyes watched him for a bit before leaving to report to his master.

[Alright, it's over]

[Rain Village]

In a dark room, Obito, his dead-looking eyes cooly looked at the body of his greatest ancestor, Madara Uchiha.

He was naked as he was submerged in a blood-filled tomb and whispered in an almost loving tone, "Soon..."


Tsunade took a sip of alcohol as she summoned all of the rookies, who looked confused over the sudden summoning as she said, "I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed in all of you, although I shouldn't be surprised. But to think all of you would have false reports to your name."

Sakura said, "Sensei, that's not true!"

Tsunade coldly glared at her, making her whimper, as Shizune came with an arm filled many reports, all of them having discrepancies.

"There are a load of false claims in each report, each and every one of them related to Naruto. The blond isn't as stupid as you all think he is and considering that Naruto and the person who asked for the mission made the report earnestly and I double checked all the information, all of which are detailing that Naruto's reports are true and have no errors and for that I am talking half of the money from all of your previous missions that Naruto, unforunately, had to be with all of you and giving it to Naruto. You all will also be facing a punishment."

Ino cried out, stomping her foot, "That's not fair!"

Tsunade slowly cracked her knuckles, "Fair? So, it's fair for you to downgrade Naruto's accomplishments and bolster your own? Hmm...Maybe I should report this to your parents. I wonder how they would feel about it?"

All the rookies minus Sakura and Sasuke paled. They knew their parents who would rip them a new one if they heard that.

"You all have two options...and I expect you to hear me out. The first option is that you do 5 D-ranks for every mission you blue-balled Naruto on with no chakra. Think of it as an expensive learning experience for the value of hard work. The second option is that you have clean-up duty for all the bandit camps around the Fire Country. Killing them, disposing of them, making sure everything is clean and buried, regardless of how sick it makes and detailing and recording everything of value. Returning any captives/burying the victims in a precise location where they can be mourned or taken back by their appropriate parties."

Shikamaru tried to speak before Tsunade continued, "Or I could put you through my training camp?"

Sakura paled as she barely survived her first time with Tsunade and that was because she knew the slug sannin was going easy on her.

Sasuke groaned, "This is because of the dobe, isn't it?"

"Regardless if it is, or not, Naruto wanted a break from Konoha and I gave it into him after I found an inkling of bullshit in your reports. Both Iruka and Shizune were glad to help me find out all the shit you have done,'s your own fault. Now, take your pick or I'll make you do all three."

Hinata sighed, "I... will do the training."

Ino groaned, "The D-ranks."

Sakura nodded, "The D-ranks."

Kiba barely held in the notion to roll his eyes, "The clean-up."

Sasuke smirked, "The training."

Shikamaru yawned, "The D-ranks."

Chouji stated, "The D-ranks."

Shino sighed, "The clean-up."

"Good. Shizune has your assignments, now you better get to it. After all, the strongest of Konoha should be able to hand such merge assignments considering that the person 'holding you back' is no longer around."

She gave them all a smile, but it was anything but pleasant.

"Those who took the training, meet me at Training ground #27. If you are late, I get to use you as my punching bag."

Shizune roughly handed each rookie their assignment as Hinata and Sasuke made their way to the training ground.

Hinata couldn't help but gulp but she needed to do this.

'I can't afford to shame the Hyuuga name. Who am I kidding, as if I already hadn't when I betrayed Naruto. I'm so sorry, please forgive me.'

Not happening, Hinata...not while I'm the author, I'm a horrific petty individual and intend on making you and those who hurt poor Naru-chan suffer. Just wait until Erik gets ahold of you all, then the real fun begins, but I start by watching you squirm.

Moving on, thank you and I'll see all of you in the next chapter.

Thank you for all of your reviews!

Draph91 - Ah, he will get his, don't worry about it.

917brat - Thank you and trust me, he will get his punishment and no, Sasuke's plans are only for him, Fate has nothing to do with him...yet that is.

akeiser45 - Oh, the punishment is glorious. The demonic paperwork is coming for us all. In the forms of tests, notes, and homework die! Thank you!

Xerox45 - Thank you and I hope you enjoy this one.

PinkiePieParty122894 - Thank you and you will see her ass get kicked later.

Skull Flame - He can and will. Erik's protective streak will only grow stronger, not that Naru will mind as he will become quite possive of Erik in turn. Yes, Sasuke wants Naurto but that won't happen as long as I draw breath on this Earth. He's has the feelings of a potential rapists instead of S&M as I feel S&M is more consentual. Incubus are especially NOT exempt of being sadistic, even more so when you know more or his background and parentage. Fate has no legs to stand on...A bartender Harry Potter~, it could have some merit, but that will be for another time. Naruto has only ONE dark side, but that will be explored in full detail as the story progresses. If I feel like making a story with a straight Naruto I will, but only if I feel like it...Probably won't, to be honest. Too much work.

rozielrie - Yes, but you will see Fate get her ass chewed out later.

YuriCrystalMoonlight - You will see it in the upcoming chapters and Naruto and Erik will have more moments for themselves later on.

(guest) Zero fullbuster - Thank you.

(guest) Lycoan - You can suggest stories, yes, but I'm sorry you are going to have to go to someone else for that prompt.

thor94 - Thank you and Naruto will only have Erik, he will make tons of new friends from Erik's side, but it will be strictly Naruto and Erik.

Gammagryro - Your choice.

Queen of Darkness O.o - I just did, hope you like it!

~Kourtney Uzu Yato