
When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body: Penny and Leonard come to learn that they have to consider the ultimate outcomes of their wants desires and more importantly their "actions".

One last time for this story, I do not own these two wonderful characters, or any that are formally associated with the broadcast television show, The Big Bang Theory. I only wish I did.

Leonard pressed himself into the contours of his wife's back kissing her hair and moving to her neck for another kiss. He then moved his hands from Penny's hips, around to her lower abdomen and up to her breasts. Penny could easily feel the "touch" Lisa had earlier felt that Leonard had meant for his wife as she leaned toward the window with her hands on the sash. She accepted his advance with a slight gasp. Slowly, as Leonard advanced, he was being met with an accompanying retreat from his wife. Their actions complemented each other. It wasn't long before Leonard reached around to hold one breast while his other hand found her most sensitive point. With a comforting sigh, Penny turned in her husband's hold and gazed into his eyes as they stood in the window bathed in moonlight, a droplet of perspiration passing slowly between her breasts. Leonard lifted Penny onto the window sill as she wrapped her legs around his waist while being pressed against the window pane. Again each advance Leonard made was met with a curling of Penny's hips to enhance the closeness she only felt with her husband. In all her experiences, she never felt the urge to give herself so completely to her partner. Not until Leonard. She never felt the need to bare herself, to lose herself to lose the control she felt she needed to maintain to let ddown all her protectivd walls. He gave so much of himself making sure she was satisfied, she needed to make sure he received the same. She NEEDED to match his efforts... EVERY one.

It wasn't long before they moved to the bed again entangled on, around, behind and within each other for another episode of intense pleasure. It almost felt as if they were learning anew just what it was like to truly make love to one another. What they were now doing was far more than just having sex. That was what happened earlier. The thoughts of that act with other partners was far away and diminishing with each additional movement and experience. There was nothing but the two of them. No fantasies of other partners, idols, or celebrities would ever creep into their minds after this night. Their mutual climax was complete and satisfying pleasure. Their love was true and lasting.

Lisa had resolved herself to the fact she wouldn't be getting a full night's sleep tonight. That was unless her sister and brother-in-law would at some point run out of steam and fall asleep themselves. When she heard her sister and the telltale words "Oh GOD", the only thing left to do was bury her head under her pillows and wait for morning.

When morning came, Lisa pulled the pillow off her head and lifted herself up on one elbow seeing Penny coming from her children's room pulling her robe tighter. Different from during the night, Penny was clearly wearing a pair of pajamas under it. "What time is it?"

Penny was uncharacteristically perky at this hour of the morning. She looked at the clock on the microwave. "Ummm six thirrrrty".

Lisa could clearly see there was day light in the room. "In the morning?".

Penny could remember sleeping on that very couch one night so long ago. "Yes". A smile crossed her face.

Lisa's head fell back to the pillow and she threw the covers over her head. "Why do you hate sleep?"

Leonard came down the hall. "How are the people in your family actual farmers? Don't you have to get up to do farm stuff?"

Penny stepped close to her husband and put her arms around his waist, hugging him and giving him a kiss. "That's what Dad was for."

Lisa flipped down the covers and sat up, pointing at her brother-in-law. "YOU... get away from my SISTER. I swear-to-GOD if you lay another hand on her... I will make SURE that you will NEVER have any other children!"

Penny looked at her sister. "I told you... you CAN'T shoot my husband!" She then kissed her husband again. "We may have been a little louder than we wanted to be".

Lisa got off the couch wrapped in a sheet and sat at the breakfast island. "Between feeding your kids and doing WHATEVER it is that you two were doing to each other, how is it that you aren't dead tired?"

Penny shrugged as she made a pot of coffee. "Power naps are a way of life around here these days".

Leonard reached into the cupboard to get three mugs. "Yeah, and we take turns with bottle feeding".

Lisa put her head in one palm leaning an elbow on the counter. "You should be exhausted".

Penny leaned on Leonard's shoulder. "I don't know... somehow, I feel really awake this morning... I haven't felt this good in forever." She gave Leonard a sly look.

Lisa took the coffee poured by Leonard, and rolled her eyes at her sister. "My GOD... give it a rest already...!"

Leonard turned to start making breakfast as Penny went to give her sister a sympathy hug.

The rest of Lisa's visit was much more uneventful. There was a lot of nice family time with both the adults and with the children. Picnics in the park, a trip to the beach and some time with their friends.

By the end of her stay, Penny was very much not wanting her sister to go back to Nebraska. Lisa stood hugging her sister as Leonard held both kids before Lisa was entering the departures area at LAX. She looked at her younger sister. "Squirt... you really turned out great. You have it all. Husband, job, and now a family. I envy you so much."

Penny smiled as she looked down shyly and then up. "Sweetie... just talk to Frank... you might be surprised." Another hug, and Lisa went into the security area.

Penny and Leonard had really started to get their routine down. With Penny's new job as Regional Sales Manager due to the overwhelming success of Bernadette's drug, she actually convinced Dan to let her have more virtual time from home. At first, she was worried about her work getting behind. What she found out was, she could actually work pretty efficiently when the kids were napping and Skype calls to the field became very amusing when Max and Jenny joined in.

Leonard had enrolled Max and Jenny in the daycare center at Cal Tech for the days Penny was not home.

It was about a month after Lisa had left and Penny was having a skype call with the southern California sales group with Jenny on her lap. Bernadette had dialed in from her office. She had another drug that was very promising in the area of erectile dysfunction.

Almost in mid sentence making a point that side effect of projectile diarrhea should be minimized, Penny put Jenny down and raced to the bathroom. The group was left with the sight of a smiling and very inquisitive infant who was giggling away. Bernadette took over the call and cut it short when the major points were covered.

Howard was called an told to get together with Leonard a d bring home some take out. it was just the two families as Raj, Sheldon, Amy, Stewart and Denise were out at a comic expo looking for new stock for the store.

Leonard opened the door to 4A to see Halley and Michael playing with Jenny and Max. Bernadette was sitting on the couch overseeing the kids and Penny was nowhere to be seen.

All of a sudden, from down the hall the clear voice of the woman of the house could be heard from behind the bathroom door. "Son of a BITCH!"

Leonard and Howard came to the breakfast island and put down a combination of chinese for the adults and pizza for the Wolowitz children. Leonard looked at Howard. "This can't be good."

Howard looked over to an obviously amused wife. Bernadette was smiling like a Cheshire Cat.

Penny came out of the bathroom, not knowing her husband was home. "No, no, no, no... Bernie... it's POSITIVE!"

Bernadette laughed. "HA! I told you it would be!."

Penny came down the hall. "This can't be happening... HOW could it happen?"

Bernadette chuckled. "You of ALL people should have the answer to THAT question."

Penny came closer to the living room. "Jenny and Max aren't even a year old!" She then came to the end of the hall and saw her husband. "YOU... you did this to me!" She moved toward Leonard. Howard smiled widely and moved to the couch to sit next to his wife. Penny and Leonard circled the island with Penny waving the pregnancy test at her husband. "This wasn't supposed to happen! YOU always wanted three children! This is too soon! This is YOU'RE fault!" She slid the test across the top of the island.

Leonard looked back at his wife confused and surprised after looking at the pregnancy test. "Just like the first time... I was not alone in this. And it was Stewart that put the number at three. I just mentioned "children" to Sheldon. There was no implied number."

Penny went over to the white chair and flopped down. "This can't be happening." She lay her head back. "If I was going to have more kids. It wouldn't be so soon. It can't happen this soon".

Howard shrugged smiling. "I assure you... we have a Michael that proves differently".

Bernadette smiled at her husband and then back at her friend who now had her hands thrown out to the side. "Penny, everything will be fine. we thought it wouldn't, and it really did. You just have to take things one day at a time. You and Leonard can do anything you put your mind to."

Howard smiled. "Yeah... just actually getting married beat the odds".

Leonard came and sat on the arm on the chair frowning at his friend. Penny turned and looked up at her husband patting him gently on his leg. "Yeah... you're probably right".

Leonard frowned at his wife. "We should probably eat before everything gets cold". As he turned to get the food to bring it to the coffee table, Howard and Bernadette went to corral the kids, Penny sat in the chair giving him a slight yet worried smile.

The Wolowitz clan had left for the evening and Penny had finished feeding the kids and put them down. As she tentatively came back to the living room, you could hear the twins cooing and giggling while the soft music from their mobiles played.

Leonard was sitting on the couch watching a program on solar flares when Penny came and sat next to him. He raised his arm so she could cuddle close finally putting his arm around her shoulder. He paused the program. "Are you really upset that you are pregnant again?"

Penny sighed. "I don't know... you have to admit, this is NOT the best timing."

Leonard looked over. "I will agree that this pregnancy was not planned, but that really doesn't answer my question."

Penny sat up and looked into the eyes of her husband. She couldn't remember a look like this one before. The hope of the look when he first told her he loved her was partly there. The disappointment of when he caught her kissing Doug at her door before their Olive date was partly there. The worry when he tried to explain why he said "Ummmm" when she asked him to marry her was there. Penny reached up and put a hand to his cheek. "Oh Sweetie... If your asking if I'm upset about being a mother, I am not. I didn't know if I would be any good at it, but I love being Max and Jenny's mom. If you are asking if I'm upset with having more children with you... of course not. If you're asking if I'm upset that ANY of this happened, you, me, our friends... ABSOLUTELY not. Leonard, I love you, I love being in a relationship with you... being your wife. I LOVE our family. And I will LOVE this baby just as much as the rest of you. It's just so soon. How are we going to do this?"

Leonard looked back as he rubbed both her arms. "We will do this... all of it, together. You, me, Jenny and Max. We all will do this."

Penny half smiled, half rolled her eyes. "Max and Jenny are not even a year old. What could they do?"

Leonard shrugged. "You see how adorable they are. Our friends will see what's going on and they will help more than if we just had one baby. It worked for Howard and Bernadette. You helped them WAY more than you would have if there was just Halley. Payback is a bitch!"

Penny giggled and hugged her husband. "I keep forgetting just how smart you are". She pushed Leonard onto his back and climbed on top of him while pulling her shirt over her head. She reached behind herself to her bra clasp.

Leonard looked up. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Penny let her bra drop to the floor seeing Leonard's eyes widen just a bit like they always did. She cupped each breast and massaged them a bit. "Bras suck, and I can't really get MORE pregnant. Now go ahead an have your way with them. My hormones are waking up again."

Leonard smiled as Penny fumbled with his belt and zipper while he shed his t-shirt. "As you command my Queen!" It was just a short time before there were clothes in every which direction and Sheldon's spot was being defiled yet again.

Upon her appointment to confirm her pregnancy with her Doctor friend Wendy Johnson the predictable conversation took place. Wendy stood between Penny's legs as her patient had assumed the position with her feet in stirrups. "Explain to me just WHY you would want to go through this again so soon after the twins were born?"

Penny just blushed. "What can I tell you? My hormones were still a little wacky and Leonard is a stud."

Wendy sat down on a stool. "Sure, if you say so. Now, when do you think this happened? You say you were still irregular after the birth, so when was it that you were intimate? If in fact you can even whittle down the possibilites."

Penny looked over the edge of her gown. "Very funny... let's see... it could have been... it was probably... OH MY GOD!"

Wendy looked up. "What? Are the instruments too cold?"

Penny bit her finger nail. "What? No... no. Well, yes, but no. I'll bet it was when Lisa came to visit!"

Wendy chuckled. "I thought you didn't share Leonard."

Penny frowned. "I DON'T! And Lisa is my sister. She came to visit and well... it was a while since Leonard and I... you know. Anyway, that was the first time we actually did it in a while and we sort of got carried away... all night, and then again... "

Wendy stood and took off her gloves. "Okay, okay, that's enough details." She patted Penny on the knee and told her to get dressed an then come to her office.

Penny dressed a bit more slowly than usual thinking back to that visit by her sister and the activities that night. "Yeah... it was definately that nigh-T! " putting emphasis on the T while not hiding a smile that crept across her face.

Still thinking of that night and the moonlight, Penny made her way to Wendy's office. Wendy was going through her patient's file. She noticed the look in Penny's eyes as she sat across from her with her hands over her belly. "The dates seem to be close enough that you may be right as to when that little one there was conceived. Everything seems to be in order, you know the routine, vitamins... no alcohol... one cup of coffee."

Penny frowned and rolled her eyes. "Ugh... all that... again..."

Wendy smiled. "Hey, you play with fire... you get burned. Congratulations, and if there aren't any more questions, I'll see you in a month. Tell Leonard congrats and tell him to watch his weight and drink plenty of water. We don't want a repeat of that little episode we had between Max and Jenny".

Penny half smiled. "Leonard is fine, he keeps up on his hydration and he even has been exercising... if I can get him to walk with me."

The pregnancy was far more typical than her first. Penny suffered through first trimester morning sickness as well as food cravings and increased libido. Leonard and their friends navigated the hormonal shifts Penny was also suffering through and Max along with Jenny transitioned to solid food. It was actually remarkable how the children took to puree'd Chinese and Thai food on the appropriately scheduled nights.

Bernadette kept things at work in line putting down a coup from Patty who tried to usurp Penny's authority with a Mid-West sales group. It seems that Penny's childhood friend Rosie walked in on Patty with the head of a large medical account who happened to be her husband. When Rosie reported the event to Zangen, Bernadette took control, dealt with Patty and offered Rosie a group leader position who reported directly to Penny. The whole event never came to light and profits for that quarter met all the projections and Penny along with Bernadette found nice bonus checks in the mail.

Leonard had successful results on his new experiment and was very thankful for the additional grad student help. He was oddly perplexed by the fact that ALL the grad students were males until he found out from Amy that each of the positions approved by President Seaver were pre-approved by Penny... and not one was named Alex.

One night late in the pregnancy Penny found herself tucked comfortably into the arms of her husband when she was brought out of a particularly amorous dream by a sharp pain. Penny sat up slowly holding her now full term baby bump. She threw back the covers and turned on the bedside lamp reaching for her husband. "Okay... water didn't break... Leonard Wake up!"

Leonard rolled over, grabbing his glasses. "What's going on?"

Penny took some deep breaths holding her belly. "Not sure... hurts... water didn't break... hurts... gotta pee".

Leonard got out of bed and ran over to Penny's side. "Okay, okay... when did it happen?"

Penny exhaled. "You know, for a genius, you are SO slow on the uptake sometimes." Not seeing any change in her husband's expression, Penny rolled her eyes. "Just NOW! Help me to the bathroom or I'm gonna pee right here!".

Leonard helped his wife waddle down the hallway to the bathroom. Once inside, Penny yelled out to Leonard who was sleepily leaning against the wall waiting for her to finish. "Call Bernadette! She's on the schedule for taking care of the kids. Tell her to get Howard to call Raj. He needs to meet us at the E.R. Raj has the bag of stuff we need in the birthing room, and call Amy, she's driving us to the Hospital. If Sheldon answers, hang up and call Amy's cell phone!"

Leonard quickly phoned Bernadette. While on the phone, he could hear her yelling to Howard. She also repeated the directions to call Amy... down to the part of hanging up on Sheldon. He was beginning to understand what was happened at Girls Night recently. Once Bernadette chastised him for hanging on with her too long, he was hung up on with a very emphatic "CALL AMY!".

As expected, when the Cooper residence was called, it was indeed Sheldon that answered. Unfortunately, hanging up on Sheldon was not something that was taken lightly. There was always the prospect of being given a strike for any multitude of offenses from calling too early in the morning to just plain rudeness for hanging up. While being given a lecture on what time it was referencing every time zone back to Greenwich Mean Time, and just before he decided he was going to get a strike regardless of what he did, Penny came out of the bathroom with a very interesting grimace while holding her belly.

Penny happened to be holding her phone to her ear. "Yes Amy, as soon as Bernadette gets here or your wackadoodle husband gets off the phone wit MINE!" She then walked over to Leonard and grabbed the phone from his hand, and then held it to her ear. "GOODBYE SHELDON"!

Leonard watched as Penny pushed the off button on the land line phone anand not so gingerly placed it in its cradle. She turned to him. "ONE small instruction... OHHHHH!"

Leonard looked at his watch. "That was at least ten minutes... The book says that five minutes..." The look he received stopped the sentence immediately. "Here... sit down here." Leonard helped his wife to his chair.

The door to the apartment swung open. Amy came running in. "I'm here Bestie I'm here!"

Sheldon walked in closely behind. "I can see that I will have to add a study unit on proper phone etiquette. Penny... you can be the first student."

Penny looked at her husband. "We need to go".

Leonard looked at his wife who was clearly uncomfortable. "Um, Bernadette is not here yet and then there's the five minute thing in the book."

Max and Jenny took this point in time to announce they wanted in to all the commotion. Penny hung her head. "Oh god."

Sheldon smirked as Leonard and Amy went back to the kids room. "Oh god... I'm sure that phrase was said more than one approximately nine months ago".

Penny looked up at her tall neighbor. "LEONARD! We need to GO... NOW!"

Bernadette came through the door. "I remember that tone... Howie was right... it DOES sound like it comes from someone possessed with demons."

Penny looked up. "GET... ME... TO... THE... HOSPITAL!"

Leonard and Amy came into the room with the young Hofstadters. Max immediately reached for Aunt Bernie and Jenny held her arms out to Uncle Sheldon.

Leonard helped Penny up from the chair. "I'm telling you we're just gonna be back here... the book says..."

Penny turned and waddled to the door. "My uterus and this BABY are NOT in that BOOK!" She looked over . "Amy, please take me to the Hospital."

Amy, Leonard and Penny went to the elevator. Penny pushed the button to go down. She looked at her husband as she took his arm as the door opened. "You are SO lucky they fixed the elevator."

Getting to the Hospital was no problem at all for Amy. The passengers, however, were a little surprised when after what was a loud growl by Penny, the car seemed to be able to corner on two wheels.

Once in the E.R., while Leonard tended to the insurance questions from the admitting clerk, Wendy Johnson found her patient. "Well, well, well, what have here?"

Penny reached for her Doctor's lab coat. "Oh thank GOD... Wendy... you're here. I'm ready for drugs."

Wendy chuckled. "Whoa, whoa, whoa there girl. I think you may be getting ahead of yourself."

Penny disagreed. "Well, I don't think I AM! Now GIVE me DRUGS!"

Leonard came up to the Doctor. "Contractions are about eight minutes apart."

Wendy turned to the father of this baby. "Why are you even here?"

Penny could see her husband trying not to be too smug. "HEY!" Both Wendy and Leonard looked down. "We're here because you need to give me DRUGS!"

Wendy took Penny's hand. "Penny, it could be HOURS before you dilate. Go home."

Penny looked directly at her Doctor. "I am NOT leaving!"

Wendy sighed. "Fine, we'll admit you. It's a slow night. Let's see how it goes from there."

Two hours later Leonard was walking his wife around the Nurse's station once again holding the back of her gown covering her behind. Contractions were coming abogut five minutes apart, just where Wendy wanted them. Penny jerked the gown away. "Oh my god. this is rediculous. Stop worrying about my ass showing! There aren't any guy Nurses on tonight and Howard and Sheldon are at home with the kids."

Leonard nodded. "To be fair, Howard is home with his kids, Sheldon is home just making things difficult for Bernadette while she takes care of our kids. And Raj is here in the waiting room with Amy."

Penny rolled her eyes."Relax... Raj already saw my ass". She immediately saw the disappointment in Leonard's eyes. "Oh Sweetie... this ass was made for nobody but you, now let's get back to the room."

Within a few steps, Penny stopped and bent slightly wwith a moan. Then her water broke... like a dam broke. "Get me back to the room...!"

Leonard took the shortest route back to the birthing room, not caring one wit about Penny's ass. Wendy was right there as Penny had started calling for her half way back to the room. Penny barely made it into the room before she locked eyes wit her Doctor. "That's IT! Give me DRUGS!"

Wendy could see the desperation in her patient's eyes. "Penny it's too early. If you get drugs now, you could just delay the labor".

Penny nodded she understood. For the next hour, Penny literally labored with her labor. "I can't do this any more. I need you to just take this baby out!."

Wendy did one last exam and told Penny that she could have her epidural. Leonard brushed the hair from his wife's face and kissed her forehead and then placed his against hers and looked into her eyes. "We can do this... YOU can do this." Penny nodded and then Mrs. Penny Hofstadter did just as Doctor Wendy Johnson had instructed her.

When the first contraction hit after the epidural took effect, Penny breathed through it while Wendy took more interest in how many centimeters dilation were occurring 'down there'. Penny let out her last breath. "Wow... that IS better".

This time around. Penny and Leonard decided they did not want to know the sex of the baby until the day of the ultimate reveal. They had a list of appropriate and agreed upon names that had their appropriate amount of haggling about. Ultimately, it was decided that they wait until the baby was born to decide which name would fit the baby.

Finally, on September twenty fourth, at eight thirty in the evening, Baby Girl Hofstadter was born into the world. Leonard was so happy. He had another daughter and Penny had another daughter in her posse. Penny held the little girl against her bear chest. This birth was so different from the first, everything went pretty much as it was supposed to, the epidural made the event much more laid back. Just one good push and Wendy had an arm full of wiggling baby. Wendy cut the umbilical cord and asked. "So, now that you know you have a new baby daughter, what is her name?"

Penny looked down at the perfect little human being and kissed her head. "I think we should name her Lisa... Lisa Cali Hofstadter... because if Aunt Lisa didn't sleep on the couch that night... these particular genes wouldn't be together to be here right now."

Leonard smiled slightly. "Not one of the names we agreed on, but okay, that makes sense. Why Cali though?"

Penny smiled. "Look at her, out here in this big old world for ten minutes and she's already asleep. She's a real laid back, take it as it comes California Babe... We're gonna have so much fun!"

Leonard smiled and kissed his wife. "Who am I to argue with reasoning like that?" He leaned in and kissed his daughter. "Hi Baby Cali... we love you."

A/N: There you have it. Penny and Leonard have the three kids predicted by Stewart. Beautiful... sure. Smart... perhaps. But in the end all will have their own personality. Shy and reserved like Leonard? Confident and outgoing like Penny? Nerdy, athletic, boisterous, carefree, who knows? Fodder for reboot at some point? These characters and their futures live on only in the minds that love them most... their fans. And for now only in the words of Fanfiction Writers that dare to explore the unknown, untapped possibilities unencumbered by the canon walls.