Alrain: You may not like this Chapter since it is getting a bit dark in here as whatever I planned to do with this story...won't be so fluffy as it was in the beginning. It will put a strain on Izuku's and All Might's relationship as there had been some bad blood between Izuku and the Shimura Clan, let's just say some people gotten too proud and delusional of what Izuku was in the past.

Chapter 8: Enemies of the Past.


"SHIMURA!" roared Izuku angrily at he looked at Shigaraki with murderous eyes and charged immediately at the man with the intent to kill him, Shigaraki had dodged just in time taken by surprise when Izuku roared and destroyed the building behind him. "You may not be the Shimura from once then...but you have the same intentions as your disgusting Ancestors!"

"It is our right! We have the power to restrain monsters like you! We are not the danger of the world but you are!" shouted Shigaraki and ordered Noumu to attack again but before the Bio-Engineered human could respond back with couldn't as Izuku gotten more savage and picked Noumu up by his legs and continuously smashes him into the ground with no signs of stopping, before lightly chucking him away into a building that collapsed once Noumu was thrown into it. this was definitely not a good day for UA as the damages were getting worse and they also lost an office building in it as well, a lot of ground was destroyed and possible charges for the endangering of students and accusing of Izuku.

"I'm a monster! I granted the people in times of need the gift of fertility! They were seeing me as a God because of their own accord!" roared Izuku confusing the others what the talk was about as his voice was heard all over the place, and Shigaraki was heard as well and he sounded like those people back in the day of how arrogant they were. "I will destroy you and the Remnants of the Shimura Clan and all the others will suffer the same fate!"

Rearing back his fist he went in for a punch and went back to destroying the grounds.

" you know who the Shimura Clan is?" asked Mezou.

"Yes, I do know what the Shimura Clan is and their history as well...but it isn't anything good at all is what I can tell you," replied Ojiro turning a bit green at the mention of the Clan and what things they had done as the belief was very high at the time, the purge of the Clan happened around the Sengoku Era as unfortunate bad luck struck them causing a lot of members to die from sickness, assassination, or simply bad luck. "I will tell you but we need to get to a safer place!"

And with that Ojiro, Mezou, Rikidou but then the building in front of them collapsed revealing Tokoyami looking even more enraged than he had ever been.

"...If we ever get to it," added Ojiro as Tokoyami advanced forward.

But to the trio's surprise, Tokoyami ignored them and went to Izuku's aid as he was looking at Shigaraki with hatred in his eyes and roared the same thing as Izuku had done. "SHIMURA! YOU WILL DIE!"

"So...the stories were real!" muttered Ojiro to himself though before he would think about it Mezou had slung him over his shoulder as they charged going to the stairs, he had to let him down to walk on his own as they came across Tsuyu and Mineta carrying a very wounded Aizawa. Apparently there were more of them, more of the Noumu's and Aizawa had fought one of them and lost terribly, and All Might...he was gaping at the 2 giants as they advanced to Shigaraki until the other Noumu's attacked.

"All Might, we need to leave! Whoever this Shimura Descendant is there is no use saving him!" shouted Ojiro pulling All Might away from the fight.

"Shimura-sensei," muttered All Might just loud enough for Ojiro to hear and widen his eyes at that before continuing pulling All Might away, he heard what All Might said and thought about it and shook his head at the conclusion he had made. The Shimura Clan was dead but he couldn't convince himself as the stories he had been told, what was unraveling over here in the USJ, and how a simple amulet could cause Izuku to turn into that and rampage around.

There had been one story that was always known about the Shimura Clan besides their betrayal and their hypocrisy, it was their curse as the Shimura Clan had such arrogance they attempted to do something and it almost worked, but not in the way they wanted to as their arrogance was their downfall. You see the Amulet Ojiro had seen was like the one in the story where the power could lock the Lords down, who the Lords are as simple as they are the physical manifestation of what the world was and the inhabitants. All the Lords governed something that was equally important as the other and if the balance was disrupted the whole of Japan would collapse or even the world itself, they did take human forms but it mostly had some animal features to them that made them recognized in an instant.

The Shimura Clan's plan failed and was heavily punished and hated by both Lords and the People alike for their stupidity, and was cursed with bad luck and terror for their lives, each time they sinned they would be punished in a cruel way and Ojiro never believed this. Until he saw Shigaraki Tomura and that he was named a Shimura, meaning there must have been something he had done so bad but the Lords didn't even attempt to free them?

"YOU RUINED MY LIFE!" shouted Shigaraki at Izuku and Tokoyami whom both winced at the accusation that it was their fault.

"It was not our fault!"

"It was because of you that we couldn't free ourselves! You Shimura's are hypocrites compared to us who keep our promise, but none of you ever accepted the idea that we gave them a chance to redeem themselves!" screeched Tokoyami flapping his wings creating huge gusts of wind making rubble fly everywhere. "We did not punish out of hatred, we loved humans back but you compared us to those stupid Greek Mythologies!"

"You smell like him! That bastard that tricked us he would free us!" snarled Izuku as he looked past his anger and smelled another scent on the boy. "I see are just a puppet to him!"

"I AM NOT A PUPPET! I AM THE MASTER'S TRUSTED RIGHT HAND!" roared Shigaraki back and conjured up the biggest orb of his powers and with the Noumu's holding them back it grew, it had now grown into the size of a small statue that could be found in a town and then shrunk down.

"W-Wait! Why is it getting smaller, doesn't it need to be bigger to be stronger!?" shouted Denki.

"Idiot!" shouted Katsuki angrily at Denki of how obvious that answer was thought inside of the mind of Denki, crossing him out of the potential enemies he would kill for him to reach his goals to become the next Number 1 Hero. "He's concentrating that power of his and making it more powerful, it may look smaller but it is far deadlier right now!"

And that was proven as both Tokoyami and Izuku fired off their own orbs of destruction a bit earlier before it oculd be fully expanded and made it collide against that of Shigaraki, the force knocked both sides back but the 2 titans remained standing while Shigaraki had to be caught by a Noumu.

"CAPTURE THEM AT ALL COST!" roared Shigaraki ordering all Noumu's to attack but the 1st one who charged in to attack was then shot through the head and fell down.

Turning around Shigaraki snarled at the sight of the heroes that have arrived meaning that Kurogiri failed at preventing the students from escaping the USJ.

"Shigaraki! I'm sorry but we have to leave now as the cards are not in our favor!" shouted Kurogiri appearing next to Shigaraki and began warping him and all the villains and Nomu's away.

"I will get all of you! And you will all bow down to me!" growled Shigaraki giving one more death stare at Izuku and Tokoyami who glared that said they were ready to fight back. Soon after the portal disappeared both titans fell down unconscious and the energy retreated itself back into their bodies, others who were worried rushed forward and saw the state that both Izuku and Tokoyami were in.

It wasn't a pretty sight as appearing as giants weren't without cost and their bodies were covered in blood, the eyelids not visible as they were covered in blood making it looked like they have lost their eyes, their costumes drenched in blood and having tears in them.

Shouts erupted forcing the Pro Heroes to make the students back down and immediately and carefully drag the 2 students away.

Unknown Place.

"Grrr!" growled Shigaraki nursing his wounded arms that had many scuffs on them and pulled out small pieces of stone that luckily for him didn't manage to pierce his skin. He had just failed at capturing what was rightfully his and only his as there was no one else besides him that was living, it made him automatically the sole heir and the rightful one that was to keep those beasts. He almost had them in his hands but the amulet wasn't strong enough and they got only wild by it, the sedation worked but the amount was not enough to make them obedient to him and what was worse he couldn't get a single one of them and there were 2 in front of him.

Though that anger was slightly calmed down as he recalled what his ancestors had written down for him that there was an order in which Lord was the strongest and what their weak points are, the day they are at their strongest and the day that they are at their weakest. Where their power especially lay, what individual special ability exclusively to them alone, their domains as well, and everything else he had read to acquire them and obtain his possession.

' you truly met them and survived a fight against them...what else can't you do?' chuckled Shigaraki to himself as he went through the information in his head.

The Fox and the Raven both lords with the former Lord of a Population and the latter Lord of the Night and both of them ranked in the Top, though the latter was at his weakest form as it was the day and not the night hampering its power, the former was powerful any time as his weakness was rather hard to figure out as the Fox didn't even react to anything foxes dislike except for the amulet.

"Tomura," cut the voice that made Shigaraki immediately turn around and bow, and Kurogiri did the same thing, even if the contact told them it was sound only it just proved how terrifying Shigaraki's master was that if only his voice was heard that made them both bow.


"I heard that you encountered both of they did come back to get revenge. For now, retreat Tomura as this defeat gave you the experience what it is like to fight with them," concluded Shigaraki's master making Tomura feel proud. "Rest now and we will continue your training a bit sooner than planned, I want the faces of the 2 that you encountered and fought with. Kurogiri, good decision you made there so I will give you a reward for it, "

And with that, the call ended and the 2 were given what they were ordered to do.

However, Shigaraki wasn't pleased with it at all even with the praise he got from his master he had failed to get the treasures of his Family name, something he couldn't destroy and keep it to himself and use it to get anything he wanted what his master ordered him to get it for him. He would come back again and claim those 2 soon enough and wreak havoc on the hero society, the very same society that left him to rot on the streets and no one looking at him even when he had pleaded for help. That society would pay for that of leaving him on the streets on the cold tiles while he was starving from hunger and thirst, the house he had lived in was burned down to the ground by his hands and those memories...they haunted him to this day and not being able to look himself in the mirror.

The Hands that were part of his equipment kept him together and not to struggle walking as one wrong movement made him think, think back how he struggled t walk through the fire and debris as the shock had made his legs feel incredibly numb that he felt he could fall over any moment. He needed his property that his family had failed to claim back for hundreds of years before modern society came, the beasts aware that their power wasn't increased nor decreased by prayers and went into hiding.

The Beasts hid because they knew the Modern Society and Technology from observation would prevent the Shimura-Clan from gaining followers, preferring to stay alive rather than the attention they were given they hid. Still, history told them they had successfully killed them except that it didn't as their masses of energy tied to nature brought great famine, and they were simply reborn and the ones he had seen were the ones immortal even there were no humans or nature anymore.

If they could do that then why not use it on humans?

He had to take the chance and even if it was a small one he would take it no matter the cost even if a few hundred civilians had to die, or a few hundred heroes, or the forces of nature, and even go against his master too because only he could read the savings of his family. An ancient spell not put to use as it was described as one that can break the realms of dead and alive, the resurrection spell that would bring his family back and they would take the ones abandoned and left on the street in.

'I promised myself to bring you all back...then we can be a family once again,'

Izuku and Tokoyami had been brought into medical transport with haste as the 2 were heavily bleeding and needed a blood transfusion right away, Tokoyami could be treated right now but Izuku was a harder case as his blood group was rare. And the bad luck kicked in as Izuku had to go to the hospital right away as there was no one in his class that had the same blood group as him, the wagon had gone right away and took Tokoyami with them finding it better he'd get treated at the Hospital instead of public space.

"Are you sure about this Toshi?" asked Gran Torino who's previous annoyed attitude had faded when the name Shimura was mentioned.

" seems that I got to know more about Master's Family History...but the only sources I can get information is the man named Shigaraki Tomura, and my Students Fumikage Tokoyami and Midoriya Izuku," responded Toshinori wanting to know more about it right now what the connection between his students, the man, had to his deceased master but he wouldn't be getting them as soon as he learned more and the oppertunity itself closed itself again.

"...I don't know much more about this myself Toshi, Nana was a very reserved woman when it came to her family...but to come to this perhaps I should've been a bit pushier," Gran Torino sighed as he felt far too old to deal with big problems but this was personal as this was about Nana, and the subject she never wanted to talk about was her family and now that he had gotten something he felt a few years younger. He had never let go of the subject why Nana was so sensitive about it and now he wished he had been pushier when he left the subject about her family, it always left him with a bad feeling if he had left it alone but at that age, he had shrugged it off thinking it was teenager trouble and simply being embarrassed.

He had never forgiven himself for it as the time of peace wasn't present and every single bad feeling was one you need to trust on to help another, it was one of common sense before Toshinori had inherited his powers and rose in the Ranks and the time of peace had come.

"If this Midoriya kid knows anything about Nana and what her surname means then get it from him but be careful, from the way you told me he holds a very hostile reaction to the name alone. Besides, you have a reputation to hold on for and he has the same reputation as you with that pillow advertisement,"

"You got it too? Those pillows are great and have been giving me better night sleeps!"


"Kon, kon," muttered Izuku still unconscious as his mother was by his side holding his hand gently but firm as she refused to look away for a second, she had been told about Izuku's condition and was personally guided to the room where he was residing, the front gates had been flooding with those greedy journalists that they had to force away from the Hospital. Not like they could shame the Hospital as they would have only good reasons to chase them away, and the very moment her eyes caught a bloodied form of her son she rushed over to him to check if he still had a pulse.

"It was all so unexpected Ms. Midoriya...but it seems that your son's Quirk is no longer one that can be seen as normal," said Naomasa who was in the same room.

"What happened to him?"

"I don't know if you'll believe it but it seems that...something spiritually has gone down and turned your son into a giant hulking fox made of orange energy," said Naomasa hardly believing himself but with the evidence, it wasn't that harder to believe as they had captured Noumu and he was very strong. It was made to defeat All Might but All Might wasn't in his prime anymore so it must have been engineered to be countering the powers of All Might, but never beyond it and the destruction it had left behind wasn't done by him, students, villains, and the teachers told him that it was a gigantic fox and a crow that destroyed hide amounts of the area.

"...I knew that he was special but to that point..." muttered Inko in herself that her son was a special case but not mentally ill but that he was something far bigger.

"My son! Is he here!" shouted a woman as she came into the room.

She was a beautiful woman with long flowing black hair and red eyes and was very tall too and her eyes locked onto Tokoyami and rushed over to his side, the blood was gone from his body but with the several medical pieces of equipment attached to him and the number of bandages wrapped around him.

"Ms. Fumikage, I presume? I am Detective Naomasa and here to inform you about your son," said Naomasa as he went over to the woman to explain about the situation and hoping that she would take it as well as Inko had done, she luckily did and introduced herself and not too surprising her name was Yami Fumikage who had been called like Inko. "You can stay here the night with your sons but if you leave then take the back entrance as the front entrance is still getting cleared, those stupid reporters are stubborn and stupid not to realize this will pain them in an even worse light,"

Naomasa looked at the 2 boys still unconscious.

"We will try to find a way to suppress the powers of your children as their power may cause trouble...we don't want another cold war to happen again," Naomasa just had to get that off his chest that it would trigger such an event again when the Quirks appeared, before the idea came to have Heroes all over the world there was another alternative and that was Supersoldiers. Quirks were in the eyes of some government power to be used and some countries saw them as a gift from Gods depending on the countries with strong belief, so something like training programs happened and all that dark stuff but luckily when the idea of Heroes was suggested they ceased.

Some were forced to cease down and some countries had made a revolution and abolished beliefs as new generations helped out.

There was always a dark-side to everything and every single idea of times happening like this when power is in hand or some opportunity to gain something good.

"Anyways, I will be talking to you later but for now I will leave you alone with your sons," Naomasa left the room having still work left to do as being a Detective was taxing and a demanding job, he may not have a Quirk but he was proud of his job and how much he was valued for his skills and the respect he got from various Pro Heroes. Right now that was this situation required him more than ever as there was plenty to do for him and that was research into this Shimura Clan, to see any footage was leaked out, the research Nomu and what he exactly was and who made him in the 1st place.

But there was one in the list standing above all of them and that was talking to a certain Ojiro Mashiro.

The report told him that he was conversing with some of his classmates that he knew about the Shimura Clan and the slight problem was that he was from such a clan, and clans that have been able to remain themselves in the modern times were highly respected and the report also told him that Ojiro was the next possible Head.

This was dangerous waters they were treading and had to be carefully done.

If one mistake was made then all would fall in waters as they had planned to send a letter to get to talk to the clan and-!

"Detective Naomasa, the Mashiro Clan has agreed to talk with us and explain the history of their clan as long as we promise not to tell it to the public and such!" came an officer saluting to Naomasa.

...Well, that was less work for him at least.

Alrain: Yeah, I am sorry for making our adorable little fluffball get hurt and that the story took quite the dark turn as well, but I can't help but want to see what the dark side of every manga there is. Sure, MHA has some bad villains and Noumu's (Still don't know if it is that name or just Nomu.) but the Quirks just remind me something akin to Marvel and DC soldier and discrimination shit.

Every other Manga has that like with Highschool DxD with the Reincarnation System as I don't believe that all the Devils become peaceful, much less those of Medieval Nobility and such things.

More history about Izuku and Tokoyami's Origin will be told in the next chapter and you know about Ojiro gaining more powers, let's just add a few more like Iida, Ochako, Tsuyu, and some others and perhaps make a poll who to join.