A parody of the episode: For the Ed, by the Ed
Lily is playing in the front yard, a cape tied around her. She is pretending to be her superhero alter ego, The Deuce. Then a sudden cry for help catches her attention.
"Leave me alone! You bullies! No! You're stretching my favorite undies!" Lincoln is seen being bullied by those jerks, Hank and Hawk. Hawk is holding Lincoln by the underwear. Lily was thinking of what she could do to save her brother, then she got an idea.
"Hey Hank! Got that spider?"
Hank held out a spider. "You bet! Let's make him eat it!"
"Wait, what?" Lincoln said terrified.
Both bullies chanted, "Eat it! Eat it! Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!"
Lincoln struggled to get away. Suddenly, something landed near the bullies. It was a diaper.
"What the heck?" Hawk said. Then the diaper exploded, emitting a foul stench cloud that blinded the boys and caused them to gag.
"Ahh! I can't breathe!" Hank yelled.
"I can't see!" Hawk yelled.
Lily is seen outside of the stink cloud and she tossed her rattle in there. Hawk slipped on it and tumbled onto Hank. Lincoln walked away from the foul stench and took in some fresh air. Then he noticed Lily as she was wearing her superhero outfit. Lily walked over to her brother.
"The Deuce? I mean, Lily? You just saved me!" He picked her up and hugged her. "My hero! Come on, let's go tell everybody!"
Then Lincoln realized Lily wasn't wearing her diaper. "But first, let's get you a new diaper."
Lincoln carries Lily, running by a dazed Hawk and Hank who were lying in a pile.
The twins and Lisa are drinking sodas in the kitchen.
"So all we gotta do is empty out these bottles and cash them in for a refund." Lola explained. "Check Lana out. She knows the drill."
Lana guzzles down two bottles. She finished them and belched.
"Good one, Lana!" The twins both belch as Lisa looked annoyed. Then they look at her expectantly.
"You've got to be kidding." Lisa deadpanned.
"Aw, come on Lisa." Lana said.
"She can't. She's too chicken." Lola taunted.
"Blow a big one!" Lana encouraged. "C'mon! You can do it!"
"Chicken! Bu-bu-buckaw!"
"Small things amuse small minds, I suppose." Lisa attempts it, but only makes a small quacking noise. The same thing happens on subsequent tries. Lola collapses on the ground with laughter. Lana pats a blushing Lisa on the head.
"There there, little lady. There's plenty to be ashamed of."
Then Lincoln came by holding Lily, who was wearing a paper crown. "Guys, Lily's a hero! She's the queen of the Loud house!"
Lily babbled proudly.
"You've got that right, Lily. You're the cutest queen around."
Lincoln headed off with Lily.
"Fare thee well, Queen Lily!" Lana said.
Lola was disgruntled. "Lily? Queen? If anyone's queen around here, it's me!"
"Lily makes a good ruler!" Lana ran after Lily.
"Get back here! I'm the queen and you know it! I demand a vote! Queens have to be elected, you know."
"I'm sorry Lola, but that's incorrect." Lisa stated. "Queens are born into nobility through an eclectic lineage spanning generations."
"I want an election!" Lola said assertively.
"You do? Why, just the thought of implementing a democratic system within the confines of suburban living is-" Lisa belched and turned red. Lola grinned.
"An angel just got its wings, Lisa." Lana said.
The rest of the Loud siblings are hanging out outside.
"Guys, check Lily out!" Lincoln said, holding Lily. "She's the queen of the Loud house!"
"Wow. Lily's a queen?" Leni said. "Does that mean our house is a castle?"
Then Stella, Zach, Liam, and Girl Jordan showed up.
"Hey guys, what's going on here?" Stella said.
"Guys, you're not gonna believe this!" Lincoln said. "It was so awesome! In just one day, Lily saved me from two brutish ogres and a spider."
"That's awesome, Lincoln." Stella said.
"Hooray for the queen!" Girl Jordan cheered.
Liam was frightened. "An infant saved y'all from two brutish ogres and a spider?" He ran away. "ME-MAW! THE FAIRY TALE THAT HAUNTS ME HAS COME TRUE!"
"What's his problem?" Zach wondered.
Lisa is seen and she spoke through a megaphone. "Hear ye, hear ye! Your attention, please! An election has been declared! A great opportunity is at hand, people! A candidate has come forth to seek the office of Queen of the Loud house. I introduce to you, for your consideration, Candidate Lola!"
Lola came over on a wagon towed by Lana. She's also wearing a giant top hat. "Keep it down, folks. There's plenty of me to go around."
"Literally pa-thetic."Lori said unimpressed.
"Yes indeedy." Lisa clapped.
"Free buttons!" Lana threw the hard plastic buttons at the electorate. "Vote for Lola! Wear em' while they're hot!"
"I'd be thankful if you guys showed your support." Lisa said.
"Vote for me, kid!" Lola said to Zach. She shook him. "Vote for me!"
"Candidate Lola! Voters need to see compassion, leadership, and sincerity."
"Dude, do you have a platform or what?" Luna questioned. Lola was confused.
"Uh…" Lola asked Lisa, under her breath. "Platform? What's up with that?"
Lisa held up note cards. "I took the liberty of writing a speech, ma'am."
"I got you a platform, your highness." Lana said, as she got over a box and set it down. Lola stood on the box and gave a speech.
"If elected as queen of the Loud house, inflation will be a thing of the gas!"
"Inflation will be a thing of the past, Lola!" Lisa hissed.
"Inflation, Lola!"
Lola flipped through the speech.
"Snoresville! This is so lame!" Lynn said.
Lola tossed the speech away. "You're right. Let's just cut to the chase. If you vote for me instead of Lily, you get candy for free. For life! Eh?"
Girl Jordan departed. "Well, that was a hoot." Stella and Zach leave as well.
"Is that the best you can offer?" Lori said as she went back inside the house with the others.
"Man, she's so desperate, I swear!" Lynn laughed.
"I'm the queen! You'll see!" Lola got off the box. After a brief moment, she released her fury by tossing her hat on the ground and stomping on it. She then handed the crushed hat to Lisa. "There's gotta be a way of taking Lily out."
Lisa pulled in the "Queen" button, and the hat reverted back to normal.
"I got it! Let's dig up some dirt on that baby!"
"A political scandal?" Lisa got suspicious, then became outraged. "Your rash attempt at disgracing the moral sensibilities of an innocent, good-natured infant have fallen on deaf ears, missy! Count me out."
"What, I was just kidding. That would be so...wrong." Lola pulled her twin sister away.
Lola is pacing in the backyard. She has been there so long, she has worn a groove where she walks. Then Lana came over with a bag in her hands.
"Lola, look what I've got." Lana opened the bag.
Lola was eager to see what Lana had gathered. "C'mon, let's see, what'd you get, what'd you get?"
"Boy, did I get some dirt, Lola!"
Lola grabbed the bag and emptied it out. What she found is a shattered flowerpot, a wrecked plant, and a WHOLE bunch of dirt.
"This is dirt!" Lola held up a plant. "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS? IT'S DIRT!" The dirt at the base of the plant crumbles, revealing a photo. "What's this?"
"Can I see, Lola?"
"Photographic proof! Lily's not so adorable after all."
Lana stares at the picture. "I would hide this too if I had done that!"
Lola laughed evilly.
A voting station is set up outside the house. Lisa came out of the house and shoveled warm cookies onto a plate. The other Loud siblings could sense the familiar smell and ran outside.
"In celebration of Election Day, I got some of Dad's baked homemade cookies. For those of you about to vote."
"Well, we can't resist our Dad's cookies." Lori said.
"STOP THE PRESSES!" Lola yelled. "Looks like your queen's got something to hide from you guys. Check out this photo!" Lola showed the picture to her siblings.
"Choice." Lynn said entertained.
"I can't believe Lily would do that." Lucy said shocked.
"I'll never look at her the same way again." Luan said.
"HOW THE HECK DID YOU GET THAT PICTURE?!" Lincoln said, trying to protect Lily.
Lola kept the picture away from her brother. "I'll never tell. Aide?" She gave Lana the picture, who held it hostage.
Lisa saw the picture. "This is appalling! How did I not know about this?"
"Give it back, that was supposed to be a secret between me and Lily! Please, Lana!"
"Okie-dokey!" Lana handed the picture to Lincoln.
"So Lily made a mistake! We all do! What's she got to do to prove she's the same good ol Lily?"
"Ask not what she can do for the Loud house, ask what I'm gonna do to her once I win this election!" Lola said.
Lisa seethes. "Candidate Lola!"
"The public has a right to know the truth, Lisa. Cause the truth makes you vote for the right guy."
"You got that right, Ms. Abe." Lynn said. "Where do I vote?"
"Right this way, ma'am." Lana said, showing Lynn to the booth.
Lisa hustled over with the plate. "Don't forget your cookie." Lynn took one. "You'll find a napkin by the ballot, Lynn."
The other sisters were about to enter the booth.
"Hold it!" Lisa stopped them. "The voting booth is a private refuge where choice can be made free from persuasion! One voter at a time, thank you."
As Lisa rambled on, Lynn came out of the booth and sneaked another cookie.
"I guess I'll go next." Luna said and she walked in.
"And don't forget, vote for Queen Lola!" Lola pulled out a foam finger that said "Vote Lola."
"Lola, you're pressuring the voters!" Lisa said.
"Don't you have a sister to vote for?" Lola flicked Lisa toward the ballot booth.
Lana took a cookie. "My turn!" She walked into the ballot booth.
"I hope you vote for your favorite sister." Lola said. "That's me. Right Lincoln?"
Lincoln walked by wordlessly. Lana has voted and Lisa walked into the ballet box. The other siblings discuss the election and Lisa came out. "Now then, has everyone voted?"
Lola is in the ballot box, cackling evilly. She began pulling ballots from her sash and stuffed the box with them. Lisa peeked in at her and held out another ballet box.
"Luckily, I anticipated your shenanigans, and swapped the official ballot box for a mock-up." Lisa grabbed a vote. "Only one vote per person, thank you."
Lisa is behind a desk. "Fellow sibling units." She bangs a gavel. "I call this election to a close, and will tally your votes for whom you have really chosen as our queen of the Loud house. Our first vote goes to...Lola!"
"Yes!" Lola cheered.
"Next, we have one for Lily!"
Lily cheered.
"Alright, Lily!" Lincoln said.
"Ooh, and another for Lily. And another one for Lily. And one for...um, we seem to have a spoiled ballot. Cookies don't count, I'm afraid." Lisa looked through the rest of the votes. "It appears the rest of these are for Lily. It's unanimous! Majority rules! I hereby name Lily Queen of the Loud house!"
The other siblings, except for Lola, cheer.
"Yeah! Way to lose, Lola!" Lana said.
The other kids carry Lily above them and head back inside the house. "Lily! Lily! Lily! Lily! Lily!"
"I WANT A RECOUNT!" Lola demanded.
"But Lola, you only got one vote." Lisa pointed out.
"Lana, who did you vote for?"
"The cookies, Lola!"
"One, huh?" Lola does some calculations as Lisa tries to sneak away. "Hey, wait a minute!"
Lisa is seen in the ballot box. "Lola, I had to vote for Lily, seeing as we're close roommates and all. Nothing personal. You understand, don't you?"
"Double crosser!" Lola leapt into the box and attacked Lisa.
"Please, Lola! It's part of the democratic process!"
"I wanna fight!" Lana jumped into the booth. Lola and Lisa are quickly thrown out and Lana fights with herself.
"Well, Lana seems to be celebrating her independence." Lisa said.
"I hope she gets a concussion." Lola said bitterly.