"Spirit blast!" Hayata shouted as he created an energy bomb in his hands that moved straight toward Kurama and the others.

I have no choice, Kurama thought, "Rose whip!" He pulled out a rose from his hand and created the whip in an instant, cutting the energy blast in half.

Yahiko asked, "Where did that just come from?"

"What is that?" Sanoske asked.

"I've never seen anything like it," Kenshin remarked, almost dropping his sword before getting ahold of himself.

Hayata said, "As I thought, you're an animal demon in disguise!"

"It's not like that," Kurama replied, "Kenshin, block Sanoske and Yahiko from attacks." He raised his whip toward Hayata.

Yahiko asked, "Kurama you really are a fox aren't you! That's what that guy just said!"

Kurama said, "Rose whip lash!" He attacked Hayata and he was cut down. The humans that were under hypnonsis were released, but still knocked out from Kenshin's attack.

Sanoske asked, "What is that thing?"

"Careful," Kurama replied as he pulled away, "the thorns cut through everything especially human flesh."

Kensin asked, "Can you explain to us what just happened?"

Kurama made his rose whip turn back into a normal rose and put it back into his hair. "You were correct about me," he explained, "I was once a fox, a demon fox, however several years ago I was fatally injured and merged my soul with a human body in order to survive. Ever since I've slowly been regaining my energy, something all demons have."

Sanoske shouted, "I knew it! I knew it! You really are some sort of spirit! You're not going to trick us, are you?" He hid behind Kenshin and grabbed him tight.

"If he was going to trick us," Kenshin replied as he tried to pry himself off of Sanoske, "he would have already, that he would."

Yahiko said, "He might have something else up his sleeve!" He moved his wooden sword in the position to attack.

"To be honest," Kurama replied, "I never cared for attacking or tricking humans even when I was a demon. You're worried for no reason."

"So you are a fox!" Kaoru shouted, "I knew it! It's your unnatural and freakish green eyes!" She stood on the end of her porch back at her house.

Kenshin said, "Actually Miss Kaoru, many westerners are said to have naturally green eyes."

Kurama replied, "I didn't come here to harm you, I promise. There is something else I should probably tell you."

Inside the dinning space, Kaoru said, "Let me get this straight, you're from over 100 years into the future? No wonder you're dressed so strange." She examined Kurama who was sitting in front of her.

Yahiko asked, "How did you get here?"

"What's Japan like in the future?" Sanoske asked.

Kurama answered, "I'm not exactly sure how I got here and as for the future of Japan, I don't think I'm in liberty to say. One moment I was checking my well to see if I had water and the next I was crawling out of it here." He looked back outside in the darkness.

Yahiko asked, "You fell down a well?"

"That is what I just said," he replied, slightly embarrassed.

Kaoru said, "Well then Kurama, you should probably try going down our well back to your time. It's worth a shot, right?"

"Can't you tell us anything about the future?" Sanoske asked.

"Alright," Kurama said, "it's the 11th year of the Meiji era now, correct? If you're all still alive 67 years from now, in the 20th year of the Showa era or in the western year of 1945, don't go to Hiroshima or Nagasaki."

They are stared at him. "Why?" Kaoru asked.

Yahiko asked, "Yeah, what happens?"

Kenshin said, "It's probably best we don't know all of the details, however, since you did give us a hint, is it possible we know more? I don't even know if I'll be alive in 67 years." He started counting to figure out how old he would be. (95)

"I could still be alive at that time," Yahiko said, "77 isn't too bad of an age to live, right?"

Sanoske said, "I'm thinking it'll go either way for me, 88 is pretty old."

"Since I already told you that much," he replied, "just know that there will be something called world war 2 and that those cities will be devistated. Don't go near there, alright?" They all agreed.

"Go on," Kaoru said assuringly as Kurama looked down their well that night.

"You have no idea how rediculous I feel," he said. Still, he thought, at least I managed to help decent people.

Sanoske said, "Guess this is goodbye."

"I suppose so," Kurama replied as he jumped onto the rim, "take care, and remember, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Showa year 20." He jumped down and landed in the water just like before, only it was suddenly bright above him.

"Shuichi?" his mother's voice called, "Where is he?"

Great, now more people get to know about this and I worried her, he thought before he shouted, "Down here!"

"Shuichi!" she shouted, "Are you alright? Hold on, I'll call for help!"

"The good news is there is water in the well," he replied as he looked down and saw it only went up to his thighs.

"He's gone," Kaoru said, "I don't see or hear anything." He threw a match down there to try and light the path and it landed in the water.

Sanoske said, "Kenshin, what he said."

"World war 2," Kenshin replied seriously, "yes, I heard. In order for a second world war there must be a first one and Japan definetly gets involved in the second one. That we know for sure." He looked back at the well nervously.

Yahiko said, "Don't worry! I'll still be around and make sure the government doesn't do anything crazy!"

"At 77?" Sanoske asked, "I don't think so."

Kenshin said, "We'll all have decscendents by then I'm sure. We'll tell them about Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the 20th year of the Showa era, for now since there isn't anything we can do we shouldn't worry about it." He turned away from the well.

The End