He could taste Victory. It was closer and more alive than the blood that ran through his veins. Another hit was all he needed--it was bare to his eyes.
He stood before what looked like a man. He was massive, towering above the other man who had come before him. He wore a long black cape and coat, each laced with a velvet collars and cuffs. His pants where the same black as his coat, with black leather boots to finish the look. His face was paler than the moon, and his long hair and pointed goatee where as black as the night that lay behind the stars . His eyes were a vicious red with pointed ears that . The most significant feature about him, however, were the large pearly fangs escaping his lips .
"No more shall a Belmont defeat me. This marks the final time." His powerful voice boomed, halting the action momentarily. This was, as the other man knew, Count Dracula--The Prince of Darkness and Lord of Shadows in the flesh.
"I shall not let you exist upon this earth anymore. That is my duty to not only the people of this land, but also my family." The man known as Belmont declared. This man's looks were less refined than that of the Count's. His crimson hair was long enough to reach the base of his shoulders, and his face was fair, but yet possessing more color than most men in the land. His clothing was also black and red, but his was not the same sophisticated look. A leather tunic that cut off at the shoulder blades, with red cloth and black fur swene into the top left shoulder. His pants were also short and leather, cutting off halfway down his thighs with a patch of red on his left leg . His pants and tunic were connected by a large metallic belt which held a sheathed ornamented sword and three strips of leather that hung down over his left leg. The look was completed with black leather boots and fingerless gloves.
This was, as the other man knew, Simon Belmont. The Vampire Hunter and holy defender of Wallachia.
Simon grasped a long black leather whip in his palm, reaching almost more than fifteen feet in length. In his other hand, he held a large blue and silver cross. Belmont cracked the whip with a snap of his wrist, stirring the woven snake to life. And with that he lunged towards, the long black whip slicing through the air towards his opponent. Dracula casually dodged the attack, countering with three fireballs that he launched from his claws. Unfazed by the slightest, the vampire hunter did a running handspring over the fireballs with extreme detexerity, propelling the weapon against his deadly enemy once more. Not even bothering to dodge the blow, the Count created a pillar of light that engrossed his body, emanating a screeching sound in the process. Right as the whip made contact with the pillar, the light dispersed and the Count had vanished.
Simon retracted his whip into a coil as he scanned the room with his eyes, looking for where the Lord of Shadows would possibly reappear.
"Face me, monster, unless you think I prove to be too much for you." Simon taunted.
Belmont kept his wits about him, and for the first time he surveyed his surroundings. The room was huge with high stone ceilings and walls, its colossal weight propped up by the dozens of marble pillars that adorned the chamber. A long crimson carpet split the room into two, acting as a trail to a large golden throne on which the Prince of Darkness had been sitting mere minutes before. Quite naturally there were no windows in the room, only small braziers of fire on each pillar to illuminate his chambers. Simon felt a cold presence travel down his spine, and even the experienced hunter couldn't help but shiver uncontrollably.
The horrible screeching that could be heard when the Count had disappeared sliced through the silence, but to Belmont's frustration Dracula was nowhere in his line of vision...
Before Simon could turn around, a searing pain shot through his entire body as the Vampire dragged his nails in and down his back, piercing his armor and leaving five gruesome cuts all the way down. Belmont double over from the agony and sheer strength behind the assault, leaving him open for another. Sensing another imminent victory, Dracula cackled like the devil that invoked him. His claws, which were now engrossed in fire, descended upon Simon to end his life.
At the final moment, Simon flipped over onto his back and threw out the Cross he had concealed in his hand, wailing in pain as his body made contact with the ground. Dracula barely sidestepped the projectile, the Holy Object grazing his cheek as it flew past him.
"You are out of tricks and out of time--you Belmonts are all too predictable." Dracula towered above Simon, the young Vampire Hunter's attack having ended in tragedy.
Simon instinctively reached for the sword and whip, but not before Dracula stomped on both of his wrist's with the heel of his boots. The Count's flaming hand jabbed itself at Simon, the fire condensing into a large orb about to be released.
"I wouldn't say I'm all out of tricks," Simon smirked slyly at the Vampire, " One of them is still coming around."
At that moment, the Cross that Dracula had thought to be a simple projectile finally revealed its true function. Not unlike a boomerang, it had turned around from where it had been thrown and struck Dracula at the back of his head, imbedding itself firmly in his skull. The Count clutched his wound futilely as he toppled over, angry and painful grunts escaping from his fanged lips. As he pulled the cross from the back of his skull with all that remained of his strength, Dracula looked up to see Belmont swinging his whip above his head.
Simon drove the weapon at the once-proud Lord of Shadows, coiling itself around his body like a anaconda.
"NO." The Lord of Shadows hissed, his impending death about to come to fruition. A pillar of light began to engross the Count again, but there was nothing he could do any longer.
Simon roared in fury, tightening the whip around his archenemys torso. Even the pillar of light now dispersed, incapable of saving its master. The Count began to holler in a language that Simon could not place nor understand, its ancient syllables piecing the air like the claws that raked his spine.
"You will suffer Simon Belmont, I will make sure that you do!" Dracula swore as his tongue returned to one Simon could comprehend.
"Go back to hell, and take the creatures of the Night with you!" Simon delivered one last pull and the Count instantly burst into flames, his body thrown back against the chamber wall.
Simon staggered from the weight of his body as he stood tall, streams of crimson blood oozed down his back when he did. He retrieved his combat Cross and holstered it on his belt, sauntering over to the wall which the Count had been slammed into. The impact had shaken the room when it happened, creating a massive cloud of dust around him. Simon swung his whip back and forth, the movement causing the dust cloud to disperse.
When the cloak of debris had cleared, Simon looked upon what remained of the Count. No longer was there a finely dressed man like moments before, but in his place now lay a skeleton. All the clothes and flesh that adorned the vampire had been completely eradicated, leaving behind a large pale skeleton with a fanged skull. Simon held his body suspended for a moment, struggling to take in all that had happened.
Simon Belmont had killed Dracula. He had attacked Castlevania, fought his way through defeating any monster that stood in his way, made his way to Dracula's chamber and defeated Dracula all in one Night.
He sat on the ground beside the skeleton, shock and pride overwhelming his instincts.
"I've done it... I've done it!" Simon announced aloud, his voice interrupting the unnerving silence. He coiled his whip and placed it upon his belt, his Vampire Killer, the sacred whip that had slain so many creatures of the night by his proud line of ancestors. He was now part of that proud line, a true Belmont worthy of the name.
As the chamber of Dracula was cast in silence, with the only occupant being a proud Belmont, a pillar of light appeared without warning in the room. Caught off guard, Simon fell back a little startledly. It was the same type of light pillar that Dracula had used to teleport during the fight. Slowly, he propped himself against the wall and stood up, drawing his sword.
"What have you done?", Simon asked the skeleton.
There came no response.
"...And why was I expecting an answer?" Simon questioned himself as he approached the pillar of light. He got only a few feet away from the pillar before stopping again to examine it. It was just "There". The apparition did nothing nor affected anything. No bats flew out, no monsters, no demons, nothing emerged at all...
"Must just be the Castle not knowing how to react." Simon reasoned before turning around. "The sun is rising soon, and i don't wanna be stuck in here when it does." The Hunter could already notice the effects of Dracula's death upon the castle. Without a master, the castle was beginning to fall apart. The stone was cracking, the metal rusting, and by sunrise he knew the structure would no longer be able to support itself.
Just as Simon had made his way to the top of the staircase that would lead down into the lower sections of the castle, he started to feel peculiar. His leg muscles had become increasingly harder to use, until he couldn't move towards by a single step. Belmont grunted as he tried to force his foot to move properly forward, but they wouldn't even budge a centimeter.
"What is the matter with you? Moments ago you worked without a hitch!" he yelled at his own legs, "Move, you god forsaken limbs!"
With the holy defender still engrossed in the act of screaming at his own limbs, the chamber began to stir silently. The pillar of light, which was moments ago dormant, began to come to life. Initially only small things began to move towards it, resembling the broken shards of a wine glass, but within seconds anything that wasn't pinned down in the room began to be magnetized towards the pillar. Objects like the Golden throne, paintings, and the basins that held the fire which had illuminated the room were gravitated into the pillar, disappearing completely once they made contact.
As Simon was being sucked into the light, he pulled the Vampire Killer off his belt and launched it at one of the marble pillars. The whip lassoed around the marble pillar as Simon held on for dear life.
"Was this your plan for trying to destroy me?", Simon yelled at the top of his lungs towards the skeleton that was now being sucked into the portal bone by bone itself. "Well, you are mistaken, Monster! This whip is practically indestructible, so good luck with trying to get m-"
Simon couldn't even finish his own sentence as the marble pillar snapped like a twig from the strain of the portal's draw.
"Jesus Of Nazareth!" Simon let out a final cry as he, too, was magnetized into the portal. Simon tried again to desperately latch onto another pillar--but it was too late, and he felt his own body being drawn into the portal like everything else in the room.
As soon as he was gone however, the pillar of light promptly disappeared, leaving the room silent once again……...
To be continued
Hello and welcome to the first chapter of my Casltevania and Avatar the last Airbender FanFiction: Vampire Killer
This chapter is only a prelude, taking place at the very end of the Orginal Castlevania. The character designs themselves are from Castlevania Chronicles, a remake of the original NES title.
I know the first chapter is very short, but I wanted the first chapter to only serve as a introduction and insert Simon Belmont into the story.
Please leave a comment on the story, I will reply to them and I'm always open to critism.
Cheers and have a great day