It's probably about time I did a proper long story for Dawn. I'd say she earns it after everything I've put her through. Yay, she's finally getting a physical form and a personality!

I'll be taking some things from the Prime cartoon, and leaving some things out. And already, I'm having fun thinking of the endless possibilities. I hope you will have fun reading this too.

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers or any of the characters from the show.

"... It still remains unclear what could've caused this kind of damage to the public library. Only one person was found unconscious on the scene of the eruption and they have been unable to shed light on the events. The police continue their investigations, but so far..."

The sound of the news anchor cut off as agent Fowler paused the video and gazed expectantly at the group of Autobots gathered around the steel grating walkway. "An immense burst of energy, strong enough to warp solid metal structures within 200 feet, yet still leaves every single book untouched and neatly in place. Care to explain what could've caused that, cause none of my guys sure as hell couldn't."

"Whatever it was, it wasn't our fault this time, Fowler", Bulkhead gestured heatedly. "So how about losing the attitude, before someone gets carried away and forgets to watch where they step."

"Bulkhead..." the deep voice of Optimus reproached, silencing the stout wrecker. The red and blue Autobot leader turned his attention back to their human liaison.

"This strange energy signature did not go unnoticed by our equipment either, agent Fowler, and we already performed a covert reconnaissance mission while your human rescue team was still inspecting the scene. There were no traces of cybertronian matter according to our scanners."

"Then we got nothing! There was absolutely nothing to be found. No explosive substances, no mystical super weapons, nada! Only a mystery that goes way over my headache. Can you be absolutely sure it's not some Decepticon shenanigans?"

"With Megatron, I've learned, nothing is certain", the expression on Optimus' face plates grew sterner at the thought of his former friend. "But we weren't the only ones curious about this mystery. Megatron's spy master, Soundwave, also did several flybys over the library. It is my belief that they possess no more information about this incident than we do."

"So that's that, then", Fowler grumbled, dissatisfied. "Uncle Sam doesn't like these kind of unexplained cases."

Optimus shook his head. "I'm afraid there is still one lead we, as well as the Decepticons, could follow."

The experienced agent was quick to follow. "You mean the unconscious girl. She has already been questioned multiple times since she woke up. She has no idea what hit her and no connections to any seedy parties that would imply she has something to hide."

"That might not be enough to keep her from catching Megatron's attention. If he sets out to solve the origin of this energy, he will go after her. Soundwave already saw her face as they were moving her out, it won't take him long to find out all the information they need about her."

"Well, naturally we're keeping tabs on her for now", Fowler announced confidently. "And I happen to know where she is right this moment. I'll send a patrol to pick her up..."

"No, agent Fowler", Optimus interrupted with a tone that accepted no objections, though it rarely seemed to work on the stubborn man. "Though I cannot name a reason for it, something in this case feels... disconcerting to me. It is best we will handle this."

"Like hell it is, Prime! The place we're talking about isn't some backwater junkyard where no one notices giant robots having death matches. There are civilians at risk here!"

A frustrated sigh from Ratchet signaled the medic's patience was wearing thin. "We have more than one way of blending in with the natives of this planet. I suggest you heed Optimus' advice if you want your 'lead' to avoid becoming one of Megatron's test subjects. The fact that you know where she is, means that so does Soundwave, and that we are running out of time."

"... Fine", Fowler gave in begrudgingly after a moment's consideration. "But there better not be giant robot death matches."

Optimus nodded a confirmation, turning to look back at the high-pitched sound of wheels screeching as a red muscle car skidded into the base, transforming on the fly.

"What did I miss? Oh, only the usual berating. You should try loosening that noose around your neck, Fowler, it might keep that vein on your head from popping."

"Cliffjumper", Optimus called the horned mech, who gave a casual salute as he strolled next to Arcee and Bumblebee.

"Ready for action, just say the word."

"Action is one thing we will take care to avoid on this mission", the tall Autobot glanced over his team to make sure he had everyone's attention. "We are going to be in close contact with humans. What we need is stealth and subtlety."

Arcee scoffed with a brief smirk. "Then I know a couple of bots we need to leave at the base."

"Contact Wheeljack", Optimus spoke to Bulkhead. "If he is still in the vicinity, I would appreciate his support."

"Make that three bots", the lithe femme corrected.

"Enlighten me, Prime", agent Fowler looked anything but confident in the Autobots' capabilities. "What exactly are you going to do when you find her?"

Optimus remained silent for a moment. "We will try to reason with her... but as it is likely she will not want to hear us, we might not have any other choice, but to take her with us until she realizes the danger she is in."

Megatron was starting to think sending Starscream might've been a mistake. It usually was.

Still, Soundwave was with him, as were Knock Out and Breakdown, who seemed to be well-acquainted with the human world. How badly could his second in command manage to blunder fetching one human?

He didn't want to answer his own question.

Megatron paced the command center, servos tightly clasped behind his back. Something was making him feel restless, on edge. It might've been that he simply hadn't yet grown used to the newly acquired dark energon that was running through his veins, but he suspected there was more to it. The energy discharge Soundwave had reported soon after his fusion with the so-called blood of Unicron had been the start of his uneasiness.

The Vehicons stationed at their posts increased their work effort nervously every time he drew closer, but the gray-plated warlord paid no mind to them.

In any case, the unexplained event had been too interesting to pass by. Powerful and defying the laws of physics. At first Megatron had suspected one of the ancient relics had surfaced, but had that been the case, the humans would've found it, and according to the intel Soundwave had collected, their searches had yielded nothing.

They might still manage to extract some information from the witnessing human, however. If the modifications Knock Out had planned for the cortical psychic patch would work, they might even see for themselves what happened.

The simplest thing would've been to wait until the human returned to where she resided, and send Soundwave to get her, but apparently she hadn't headed there after her release. Megatron hadn't been willing to wait and give the Autobots the time to possibly foil his plans.

An intercepted message had given them a public location, which complicated things. Despite the formidable forces at his disposal, Megatron wanted to avoid declaring an open war against humankind before the rest of the remaining Autobot resistance would be eviscerated. Hence the more discreet operation he had sent his underlings on.

A dissatisfied snarl bared a set of teeth, as spiky as its owner's massive frame. The nearest Vehicons flinched and took a step back.

It had been too long, Starscream should've reported back already. It wouldn't have been surprising to learn he had found something and was trying to steal it for his own purposes. By the Pits, that egregious fool was causing more harm than he was worth. It was an issue Megatron decided to take under closer consideration in the near future.

But first, he would personally go and make sure he got what he wanted.