Thank you all for the follows, favs and reviews!
§ Parsletongue §
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing of Harry Potter, only my OC(s) and some plot twists...
I've seen a lot of things in my life, but walking into a staring match between Ollivander and Riley, was something that even I found difficult to get my head around.
"Umm…" but my expression changed to one of wonder when I noted the rectangular box resting on the table top, it's insides covered with black velvet upon which lay a wand, no doubt my own.
Dark maroon, almost black with just a hint of blue if the light hit it with the right angle, the hilt was plain, bound in a cloth of some sort (black leather I think) I realized just then that I'd already walked up to the table, and saw my hand reach out towards it.
The closest I can come to describe the feeling, is euphoria only… different, a fountain of blue sparks were expelled from it's tip as warmth like nothing I'd experienced before spread through my entire being 'Now this, is my wand' basking in the moment, I simply uttered the spell without a second thought "Expecto Patronum!"
A blinding bright light emerged, forming a shield with my wand at its center, nowhere near being corporeal but many times better that what I'd gotten previously with Colin's wand.
'Hell yeah! Take that Potter!' I would've jumped for joy, but my arms suddenly seemed a lot heavier 'Guess the spell's still a bit too advanced for me…' but now at least I was confident I that would eventually get it right.
"Young Master!" I felt someone shake my shoulder lightly, and turned to see that it was Riley 'Wow! Since when was she so tall!?' I wondered, her eyes were almost on level with my own!
"Wha–" I started, only for her to stuff something into my mouth.
'Chocolate…' I saw that I was no longer on my feet and my back was propped up against something hard, 'The table?!' I grimaced, my legs had probably given way at some point and either Riley or Ollivander (who was holding an unwrapped chocolate-frog box in his hand) had propped me up, neither of which I remembered, leading me to believe that I'd blacked out.
'Okay… maybe the spell was more than a bit too advanced for me' I sighed ruefully as I, with Riley's help shakily got back to my feet.
"I must thank you…" I involuntarily jumped when Ollivander started suddenly, and then fought to hold my balance.
"For letting me bear witness to a beautiful display of magic, not to mention an instance which I previously considered, improbable" his gaze fell onto my wand, that I still clutched firmly in my hand "A wand of dual cores..." his eyes briefly drifted towards my House-elf, who was still fretting over me, before returning to my own.
"I'm sorry?" I asked, too confused with the entire situation, I was glad that I'd finally gotten a wand that would work for me and happy that I'd made progress towards mastering a spell that I'd previously, all but given up on.
"Regardless, you have my sincerest gratitude, and apologies…" he started, I had no idea what he was going on about so I let him continue without interrupting "Had your House-elf not appeared when she did, I fear that my lapse in judgement would have rendered the core 'dead' so to speak" at this point he seemed to be talking more to himself "We who study Wandlore know that it is just about the vaguest branch of magic"
My thoughts were swirling 'The core almost died?! Dual cores!? And just what in fucking name was Riley even doin–' but the answer to that question came to me immediately '...Luna' and I managed to calm myself down, somewhat.
"Would you mind elaborating?" I asked, glancing at my wand.
"The Unicorn, who's tail hair currently resides in your wand was upwards of two hundred years old an impressive specimen indeed, thought it seems to have disappeared from the reserve" his pale eyes scrutinizing me once more "Shortly after the hair for your wand was harvested I am told, now while I was in the process of reforging your wand core I found that your magic mixed with the blood you left behind had over-saturated it" he extend a hand and even though I didn't want to, I relinquished my wand anyway.
"But try as I might," he continued "it wouldn't accept any of the secondary cores I had with me" he explained, his eyes focused completely on the wand as he continued "Your House-elf appeared a little after that, any later and the core would have become indisposed, fortunately that scenario was avoided"
"... say what now?"
"Oh, dual core wands aren't completely unheard of," he went on with the impromptu lesson "though I admit it has been well over a decade since I last made one, and that was under quite… trying circumstances" his eyes now had a slight far away look to them "A true wand bearing dual cores, especially one such as yours, to my knowledge hasn't been seen for well over half a century"
'Okaay… save and analyze the information dump for later' the had a more pressing issue, I still didn't know any of the new wand's specifications "Ol–Mr. Ollivander, cou–"
"Eleven and three-fourth of an inch, Acacia with a dual core of Unicorn hair interwoven with what I presumed to be, that of a Demiguise" he said, handing me back my wand "A shard of tanzanite, was the binding agent I was allowed to use to forge the new core, also provided by your House-elf" Riley was practically hiding behind me, but the old wandmaker seemed to be ignoring her "A very… unusual combination, heavily oriented towards Transfiguration, Charms and the more subtler forms of magic yet capable of being as destructive as any other, if the need arises"
He gave me his signature gaze that simultaneously looked right through me, while also unnerving me "Wands made of Acacia are less common in these times, and though I am not one to group them, I cannot accurately refute the logic of those that do"
By now I was seriously beginning to think that the years spent alone in the shop, were beginning to get to him "Some consider Blackthorn to be a Warrior's wand, while others state that Willow favours Travellers, there have been many disagreements of course" I quietly asked Riley to return to the castle, something told me I wouldn't be returning just yet, she was only too happy to comply.
I then focused my attention back onto his words "–rimarily regarding the shady nature of Yew and Elder but given their history unsurprising to say the least. Acacia wands on the other hand, were usually found… in the hands of an Assassin"
Needless to say, by the time I left I had more questions than answers, but I was a happy customer nonetheless. Ollivander had given me an old wand holster (which he said had been 'lying around gathering dust') it was nothing fancy, basically just a simple leather brace that had a open slot, starting from the wrist-end of the bracer.
The slot somehow turned out to be the exact dimensions of my wand's hilt, even the color of the leather seemed to match perfectly… a little too coincidental by my books, and bounded leather grips weren't all that common in this age, so I straight up confronted the old man about it.
He readily said that it was his way of 'showing his gratitude' and outright declared that the grip would only come off if either I, or my wand was no more (I wasn't exactly bummed, since I quite liked how it looked) anyway, back to the holster… the other end of the slot had a circular cavity that effectively acted as a sheath and the entire thing was no doubt, under one of those spatial expansion charms (else I'd basically have to hollow out my hand)
The cavity was fitted with several layers of the cleaning fur, that were under permanent statis so they would never shrivel or wither away, a flap on the side would allow me to add the special polishing potion that Ollivander used, which had to be replenish even three months or so (I promptly signed up for a mail order)
However, the icing on the cake was when I found out that the grip and the brace were enchanted (neither could be summoned away) such that should I loose or drop my wand, it would return to the bracer automatically after a minute or two (unless someone else had won it over, unlikely given its nature) I tried to argue and pay him for it but he refused.
"The more modern holsters come with an permanent cleaning charm, the wielder can withdraw one's wand with but a flick of their wrist, and they are also enchanted to be weightless" what he failed to mention was that they were expensive as hell and were usually only made available to Aurors "Some can even carry a stock of emergency potions…" he went on to counter me at every turn, until I finally had to relent.
'And here I was, thinking that I was stubborn mule' I grumbled as I walked to one of the more secluded streets leading away from the Alley. Just as I was about to call for Riley once more, my gaze fell onto the shop a little wash to my left and I stopped 'It'll only take a few minutes at most' I mused, glancing at my watch, Tea was fast approaching.
I grinned as I palmed the butterbeer cork I'd accidentally pocketed during lunch, and began walking towards the shop's doorway 'Hopefully Shade won't mind delivering a late night letter…'
I didn't see Luna all through Tea, probably out doing her own thing so I'd initially decided on giving her some privacy but I started getting worried when, even after all the Hogsmeade goers had returned there was no sign of her. So after I made it back to my dorm, and once I'd closed my bed's curtains, I had Riley take me to her.
A point I would like to clarify, the movies got the Forbidden Forest down perfectly in terms of eeriness and what not but, they didn't quite get across how bone-fucking-freezing the place was!
But luckily for me, I was too busy trying not to crap my pants to take much notice. Staring into the white eyes of a Thestral, mere inches away from your own would do that to a person 'Please tell me I'm not gonna become your din–' but our impromptu staring contest came to an end just then, for the towering beast suddenly leaned in… and bonked me on the head with it's sharp beak.
"Ouch! Hey!" it kinda felt similar to when my old man would rap me on the head with his knuckles (not very painful, but definitely not pleasant) to remind me not to do whatever it was I did to gain his disapproval, again.
Apparently my stink eye wasn't appreciated, for down came the beak once more, which triggered a few more muttered curses on my part. The Thestral snorted majestically at that and then turned around, walked to the base of a nearby tree, plonked itself down and proceeded to ignore me completely.
'Okaaay…' I noted that I was in some sort of clearing (the same one in the movies I think) and that there were quite a few Thestrals around me. I suddenly felt a tug on my sleeve, "Young Master, Miss Luna be there…" Riley told me in a low voice and I saw that she was pointing to a cave that was right at the edge of the clearing, which if not for me standing at my exact position was completely hidden from view, covered in the shade of the overlying tree cover.
I slowly made my way towards it, wary of the other Thestrals around it, but like the first guy (I'm assuming it's a guy) they simply paid me no heed. By now I was quite close to the cave, it wasn't that deep in fact I could practically see right into it, my footsteps stalled.
There was another full grown Thestral there, sizewise I'd say a bit smaller than the one that had 'tapped' me on my head (so I'm assuming it's a female) and leaning with her back against it was Luna, a gentle smile on her face as she stroked the baby Thestral whose head was on her lap in turn.
It was arguably the most beautiful sight I'd had the good fortune to lay my eyes on…
I was so absorbed in the scene that I failed to realize that my legs had moved on their own accord, it was only when felt Mommy Thestral's breath on my hair that I froze 'Riley I hope you know how to fix a cracked skull!'
I would learn only later that a House-elf instinctively knew when their, for lack of a better word 'Owner' was in danger, how quickly they would react to the fact on the other hand depended upon the strength of the bond they shared.
A stronger bond begot an all the more faster reaction, a fragile one however (like Dobby with the Malfoys) would give the elf some leeway so to say, they could essentially choose to ignore the compulsion to go to their 'Owner's' side (until and unless they're we're directly summoned of course)
In simple words… Riley had my back I just didn't know it yet, not that I blamed her since it was my own lapse in judgement that resulted in me potentially at the receiving end of the Thestral's ire.
Contrary to my expectations though, the Thestral gently nuzzled against my head almost as if she was comforting me, and gave me a series of grunts (none of which I understood of course)
Luckily I had a translator... I think.
"She's glad that you're back," Luna explained, her voice barely above a whisper "and that that Leader was merely just warning you not to stray off from the herd" I was kneeling right next to her at this point, stroking the baby still sleeping peacefully on her lap, my hand stilled.
"Wha–?" but Luna had turned towards my silent House-elf.
"Did he ask you to save me a slice Riley?" she asked, to which the latter nodded "Thank you!" with her signature bright smile she leaned forwards and gave me a swift peck on the lips.
My eyes widened, 'Wait… did she jus–'
"Though I think Witherwings is quite a nice name" she agreed, "your brother might recent you if he comes to understand what it means…" her tone turned warning while my eyes widened all the more, my mind just getting over the event of this body's impromptu first kiss.
'Witherwings?! Isn't that Beakey's alia–wait, brother…!?' I took in a deep breath, as I fought to keep myself from reacting vocally "Lun–" but a conversation already seemed to be underway between her and Riley.
"–n't worry Riley, you will have more than a few babies to look after soon enough" she assured, giving a very Luna-like smile before turning back to me "Yes, I think Knight is a better choice" she agreed.
"Thank yous Miss Luna! I shall be looking forwards to it!" came Riley's enthusiastic (but somehow still not above a whisper) response.
'The fuck!?' I but my attempts to get my head around everything were for naught.
Ah, Mr. Migraine it's been too long! How have you been? Will you be staying for long? Oh! Good to know, good to know… please, feel free to make yourselves at home!
On the outside, as opposed to my internal monologue, given all the years of accumulated knowledge combined with my proficiency in the ways of the English language, I replied with the most eloquent "...huh!?"
And this, is where I end the chapter...
As always, reviews and/or suggestions are welcome and appreciated, as is constructive criticism, though any and all flames will be ignored.
Until next time...
BerserkSpectre out