Cait had some of the staff get their things into the Barclay Center in Brooklyn ahead of time. Dottie was setting up her sewing machine after Fergal kissed her, before he went on his way to do something.

"You've been awfully quiet, Dottie. Did something happen between you and Fergal?" Cait asked.

"Fergal asked me to be his girlfriend Friday." She looked at her sister. "I just don't know if I'm doing it right."

"Doing what right?"

"Being a good girlfriend. Mom called my phone last night and I, I told her. I told her about Fergal and me."

"Oh shit." Cait groaned. "Why did you do that?"

"She heard Fergal in the background. She wanted to know why I was still with the foreigner. I told her that Fergal was my boyfriend."

"So he finally got the balls to ask you out, huh?" The two of them turned and looked at the doorway. AJ Styles stood there, he was from SmackDown Live but he was a friend of Fergal. "I was wondering when he would make the move with how much he talks about you."

"I, I," she stammered. But then a nice blonde haired woman, about her height came up with a small girl in her arms wearing pigtails.

"AJ, you better not be bothering them. Hi, I'm Wendy. Allen Jones' wife. This is Anney, our daughter." The woman said with a smile on her face.

"You both have fire hair like Becky Lynch." The little girl said.

Becky Lynch was another Irish person, she had been trained by Fergal for some time back in Ireland. She'd only met Becky a handful of times but she was always a nice person to everyone. Though Dottie suspected Becky only had red hair because the company wanted her to.

"We're part of the Weasley Clan." Cait said, making a reference to Harry Potter. "Did you need something?"

"I'm wearing neon purple for Anney tonight. My performance pants have a rip in the seem. I was wondering if Dottie could work her magic on the sewing machine." He held up the garment.

Dottie walked up and took the wrestling pants from him. She saw where there was a seam rip in the fabric around where his knee would be.

"This is simple enough."

"Can I watch?" Anney asked.

Dottie looked at the girl. "I guess so. Here." She held her hand out.

Anney slid down her mom's side and took Dottie's hand, then followed her over to her sewing station.

Dottie didn't mind children. Anney didn't make a lot of noises as she sat next to Dottie at the machine. She showed the girl how to overlay the torn edges, how hard to press the pedal on the sewing machine.

"They have to be nice and tight or it will rip open again. I always do four, because four is a round number." She went over the tear back and forth four times, making sure that the lines were matched up and that the fabric still stretched the same way it was supposed to. Also she saw Anney watching her.

"You're really pretty." Anney said.

"Thank you."

"Is Finn Balor really your boyfriend?"

She nodded at the girl's question as she snipped off the extra length of thread. It wasn't like she didn't dislike children, she just never had a chance to be around any. Also in part because of the things her mother had said about her to her, to Cait, to just about everyone that would listen. She couldn't have kids.

Dottie was never going to have a normal life, she was never going to have children because she wasn't mentally old enough to take on that responsibility.

"Why do you look sad?" Anney asked.

She sighed. "I'm not normal."

"Is it that ostism thing? Daddy was talking about it to Mommy."

"Anney, okay, enough questions." Wendy picked the little girl up. "I'm sorry about that, Ms. Dottie. Anney just likes to talk."

Dottie shrugged.

"We'll just leave you alone."

Dottie picked up the fixed pair of wrestling pants with it's A1 logo and some Japanese lettering that Dottie didn't understand at all. "Purple is a pretty color. I just like red a little bit better. Mix it with Fergal's blue and you get purple." She looked at the little girl.

"My teacher last year talked about the color wheel." Anney said as Dottie handed the pants over.

"Art was Cait's preferred thing. I much preferred animals."

"You could be a zoo keeper."

"Okay, Anney, you're talking Ms. Dottie's ear off." Wendy picked up the little girl. "She's been nervous, she'll be on television tonight when AJ goes up against Samoa Joe. Things will be said but it's all predetermined."

"I don't go out in the crowd. Last time that happened I didn't talk." She fiddled with her fingers.

She looked around. Apparently during her impromptu sewing lesson with AJ's daughter Cait had left the room. AJ wasn't there either.

"Is it strange having Mr. AJ gone all the time?" She asked Wendy.

"It's the price you pay when you're with a professional wrestler. It was a little less hectic when he was in NJPW for a time."

"When Fergal moved over here for the WWE, AJ took over the Bullet Club." Dottie said. "It's hard keeping those details straight when Fergal tries to explain it."

Renee Young walked in. "Oh my gosh I just heard the news." She said, her hands then came up to cup her mouth. "So sorry, I didn't mean to walk in on a conversation."

"Oh that's fine. I'm just going to give AJ's ring pants back to him. But he left to go do something while Ms. Dottie was mending them. She's really good at this. I can't hardly see where the rip is. Come on, Anney. Say bye-bye."

"Bye!" The little girl waved before she and her mother walked out the door.

"I'm so proud of you, Dottie." Renee said as she put her in a one arm hug, something that she was quick to pick up on from Drew.


"Because, well your sister wouldn't stop talking about the things you did."

"Yeah, the normal things that I should be able to do but can't."

"No, the normal things that make you normal. Just the act of going to the supermarket could be draining even for me. But what I'm talking about is Fergal."

"He's only been my boyfriend for less than forty-eight hours."

"Have you done stuff together?"

"We put the center mast up on the Lego kit he was working on. And the Avenger's plane kit that I got him as a surprise." She rubbed her head and glanced back at the sewing machine.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want Fergal to change because of me." She tugged on her ponytail. "He's stopped drinking, he's stopped hanging out with his friends because of me. I don't want to ask to hang out with you because you and Jon are finally actually working together…"

"Sometimes Jon and I need a break from each other. Here sit down, we need to have a girl talk, since this is about men."

Dottie sat in one chair and Renee sat in the other. She looked nice in the black leather jacket that was so much like what her husband would wear. She was wearing makeup, something Dottie hadn't done since the night she had dinner with Nick. For good reason, she hadn't seen him around the venue yet.

"Jon actually changed quite a lot because of me, for me but also for himself. He used to smoke."

"That explains the voice."

"Yeah. So he quit for his health when I brought it up when we were still dating. Is there some things that Fergal does that you don't like?"

"He kissed me with whiskey on his breath. I don't like alcohol. But before that, when he told his father Fintan that he stopped drinking his Dad got worried that Fergal was giving up stuff just because of me. So I bought whiskey at the behest of his mother Leonie."

"So it's drinking alcohol that you have a problem with," Dottie wasn't sure if it was a question or a statement.

"And the effects it has on people. Mom used to drink a lot when I was younger. But it's his easiness around people. He can do anything and I'm just...stupid." She looked at her hands.

"Fergal's right, you need to stop talking about yourself like that. You're not stupid, Dottie." Renee said.

Dottie sighed and looked towards Renee. Inadvertantly she looked at Renee's ring, her wedding ring, well proposal and wedding ring.

"Jon hates social media. He doesn't even have Twitter. He refuses to get into stuff like that, like what Colby and Joe can do. So you're not alone on the understanding social things. Anything else?" Renee asked.

"When Fergal kisses me something happens. No one explained stuff like that before and I don't want to talk to Cait about them."

"What are you experiencing? Can you describe them?" Renee turned her head slightly.

"I get hot, really hot. In my face, in my belly, down there feels weird. My toes tingle. I start to worry that they are bad things."

"No, they are definitely good things. Ever heard of the phrase being turned on?"

"Sometimes from Cait. In regards to Colby."

"It's about being sexually excited for your partner. When I first went down that road with Jon, I knew he had others before me. He was open about it, but he was open with me about a lot of things. We've both decided that we're not ready to be parents, even if my mom wants grandchildren."

"My mom says I can't."

"Can't? Do you have menstrual cycles?"


"Do you get a regular check up for feminine health care?"

"Three months ago I had a screening saying that everything looks good."

"Then you are capable of physically having children. But I think what your mother was talking about is mentally capable. Would you be able to care for a child? Would you be able to change the diaper, feed it, know what to do when it is crying?"

Dottie looked at her fingers. She ended up starting to rock again.

"Oh, sweetie, don't be like that. No one knows how to raise children. There are even parents out there that should never have kids in the first place."

She looked at Renee.

"But you shouldn't think about stuff that isn't in the here and now. What is happening right now that you need to focus on?"

"My relationship with Fergal."

"You've both barely been going out for two days. Give it some time. Don't rush into anything, okay. Don't think you have to have sex just because it's something he would want. You both will have to want it at the same time. So take some time to get to know the other person, get to know Fergal before you commit your body to him."

Dottie nodded briskly. "You're right. I shouldn't have to worry about this stuff right now."

"Worry about what stuff?" Jon asked from the door.

"Non Ya." Renee said as she stood up and walked up to him.

"Non ya?"

"Yeah, Non ya business." She patted his chest. "Seen Fergal around, Big Guy?"

"I think he's talking to the commissioners. Is she already missing him that much?"

"I'm not clingy." Dottie stood up. "And you're rude."

"Hey, you're the one that said it, not me. I just thought you missed him."

Dottie frowned, her hands balled into a fist as she looked at Jon. He was so infuriating. Like a hyena who was playing with its prey. And he laughed like one too.

"Great, you just pissed her off, Jon."

"I need to get out of here." Dottie walked around them.

"Dottie, don't be mad at Jon."

She turned around and looked at them. "He makes me feel stupid." With that out of her system she went for a walk.

It wasn't that she was mad at Jon, perse but it was the fact that he was right, about her missing Fergal. She did miss him. He didn't come by to see how she was doing. She missed his voice. And she had been with him for the last two days.

Obsessions were things that made sense to her, like animals and animal knowledge. Human nature was an anomaly. They may have as well been aliens to her from another planet. She didn't know if she was making someone mad or annoying someone.

"Oh come on, what do you see in her, Ferg?"

She knew that voice, it belonged to that woman Cathy. She'd been so wrapped up in the thoughts in her head she didn't see where she had walked off to. She was somewhere in a part of the Barclay Center that was unused for the most part.

"I agreed to meet you here so tell me what you want." She heard Fergal say.

She looked around a bend in the hall and saw Fergal there. He was told to dress up as his alter ego, The Demon King. He wasn't painted in body paint but he did have his wrestling trunks, boots and shinguard things on. Her eyes dipped towards his waist where he'd been leaning up against a wall.

Cathy put her hands on Fergal's bare chest. His hands reached up and grabbed them as she seemed to press herself into him.

"What does that little girl have that I don't?"

"She's older than you, Cathy."

"I want you back, Fergal. I want you back in my arms, in my life." She didn't have to tip toe to reach him for the kiss.

Dottie watched as Fergal kissed the other woman. The gasp that left her had both of them looking at her.

"Dottie, no." Fergal said, pushing Cathy away.

"No, no," she repeated under her breath as she took off in the direction she'd come from.