Pikachu glared at Giovanni and summoned his keyblade ready to fight. "This is over Giovanni. Your plan has failed." Giovanni evil smirks and his eyes glowed yellow. "Oh it's over? It's far from it. You can't save this world rat. I will conquer it and the rest of this universe. NOT EVEN XEHANORT WILL STOP ME! HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Giovanni started to charge up as evil energy is found deep him and darkness started to control him. Pikachu thought, 'W-wow...his power is so massive. Darkness...his lust for power and greed is controlling him.' Giovanni's eyes was dark red and is fully covered in dark purple aura. His voice was now darker.

Meanwhile at ?...

In another area was a guy in a black coat hiding his face with an adult woman, having blonde hair and yellow eyes. He ask her, "Did you feel that Larxene?" "Yes. It's coming from that stupid rat's world. Might be that old man who killed the rat's family." He nodded at her and had a pause. "Giovanni is letting his darkness take control of him. He's out of control." Larxene then said, "HA! See I told you he might disobey. You idiots didn't listen. Maybe we should have Marluxia deal with him." The guy rolled his eyes. "Let's wait and play it out. The rat can deal with him." Larxene smirks and looks at him. "Yes but wouldn't you be so so sad to see your best friend be killed by Giovanni" "...I'm going to investigate Twilight Town."

Meanwhile at Destiny Islands

A girl with red hair and wearing pink is busy writing a letter down. "Hm I wonder what else I can say to him..." She then felt the darkness coming from the world. "What is that...it feels like darkness...but Sora isn't here. But...I felt someone there. Someone like Sora...whoever it is. Please stop it."

Meanwhile back at PokéIsland

Pikachu rushed a him but Giovanni was too fast and grab him from behind and punch super hard on his back. The yellow mouse grunted in pain. He got up and did Strike Raid. Giovanni blocked it and attacked him viciously and violently. "What's the matter? Scared you are failing your parents?!" He laughed evilly and kept attacking. Then he kick him back which flew him far and hits the wall. "D-Damn it...I don't lose..." "Give up rat! YOU CAN'T WIN! MIGHT AS WELL GIVE UP AND DIE!" Giovanni launched dark ki blasts and Pikachu was trying to dodge them. The dark ki blasts however still managed to hit Pikachu. They keyblade wielder tries using Sonic Blade, but Giovanni grabs him easily and starts crushing him. "This is so boring rat. Come on fight back." He then pull him up and kick him again. Pikachu coughed blood and struggles to get back up. Giovanni steps on his neck making him scream and choke. Pikachu then passed out and Giovanni threw him off the platform.

The yellow mouse was on the ground unconscious bleeding and slowly dying. "It's over rat. For so long I have to deal with you pathetic monsters invading worlds. Now it's time for you to be gone!" He was about to finish him off until a powerful light pearl spell hit Giovanni easily. "What the-?" He then sees Pikachu standing glowing an aura of light. "H-how are you alive?!" He yelled in anger and Pikachu glares as he charged up and armor starts to be on him. "You hurt my friends, killed my parents, and hurt the lives of innocents. Letting you live will endanger others. This. Is. Your. END!"

Pikachu charged up a huge aura of light while in his keyblade armor. His keyblade even changed into a way powerful red and silver keyblade. The Ultima Weapon. Giovanni growled and charged at him but Pikachu easily dodged and countered by slashing him. "Should've given up when you had the chance..." He then did Ultima Sonic Blade where he charge at him thrusting his blade repeatedly in a super speed way and then finish it with a light beam. Giovanni was critically hurt by this. "YOU WON'T WIN RAT NO MATTER WHAT POWER YOU OBTAIN!" Pikachu just stares at him and aim his keyblade at Giovanni. "LIGHT!" "AHHHHHHHHHH!" A bigger light beam shoot out Pikachu's keyblade and it managed to hit Giovanni critically which finished him off and made him vanished.

Pikachu started to pant as the armor fell out of him and he passed out. Later on Pikachu's friends went to see if he is okay. They see him passed out and rushed to him. He started to wake up and lost a lot of energy. "D-Did we won?" Mickey nodded and smile at him. "You did Pikachu. You defeated Giovanni and save all of Pokéisland." The pokémon started to cheer for Pikachu. He thought, 'Mom...Dad...I did it...I stopped him..." The yellow mouse then show tears.

One Week Later

Pikachu woke up and went to see how are his friends doing. "Hey guys. Wanna go hang out?" Oshawott and Eevee nodded but then a Gummi Ship appeared and Mickey jump out of it. "Guys we need to hurry." Pikachu, Eevee, and Oshawott was confused. Eevee asked, "Why your majesty? Is there a favor you want us to do?" Mickey shook his head. "The keyblade war is going to happen." Pikachu was shocked. "Does that mean we need to be ready?" "Yes. We need everyone too. You two, Shadow and Erza, Gine, and Sora." The poké trio nodded and hopped in the Gummi Ship going to another world.

PokéHearts will return in Kingdom PokéHearts 3