Watching Vampire Knight


~Cross Academy

Yukki and Zero watched as the Night Time Class head to the school and the Day Time Class head to their dorms when a silver and brown light engulfed them.

~Night Time Class

Kaname watched as the other Vampires talked about the humans when a blood red and black light wrapped around them.

~Headmaster Quarters

Headmaster Cross was writing his daily report when a red and silver light took him.

~Lair of Dovahs

The three groups appeared in chairs and in a movie theatre-like room. They went to look for an exit when a laugh echoed.

"Would you look at that" a deadly sweet female voice purred, "they smell of fear, it is sooo good"

A girl with silver and brown hair, pale skin and glowing black eyes appeared.

"ACERA!" she called and glared at the ceiling, "STOP IT!"

A bored sigh echoed and a girl with black hair, blood red eyes and paler skin appeared beside the first girl.

"Whatever Sparrow" she huffed.

The first girl, Sparrow, grumbled before looking at their prisoners.

"Greetings, my name is Sparrow and this is my..." she glanced at Acera with a frown, "Master Acera. We brought you here to watch your future and/or past. Once you leave you will not be able to remember what happens until it happens. At times you will not remember what happens to certain people so that the future is safe. Any questions?"

"Yeah" Senri Siki stated, "will any harm come to us?"

"Only if you do something against the rules" Acera smiled evilly.

"Oh yeah, thanks for the reminder Acera" Sparrow clapped her hands twice and a clipboard appeared in everyone's lap, "read the rules and sign the signing place please"

They did so.

"Thanks" Sparrow clapped her hands once and the clipboards disappeared, "One of the rules that wasn't on there was, No Attacking Anyone. If They Are Bleeding Let Acera Handle It"

They nodded.

Acera smiled and leaned back, "anymore questions?"

"Are you two vampires?" Headmaster Cross asked.
Sparrow blinked and Acera tilted her head.

"I am" Acera said rolling her eyes.

"..." Sparrow's eyes narrowed, "Same case as Zero"

Everyone looked between her and Zero.

"Now, no more questions" Acera demanded, "we will answer any you have about the episode AFTER the episode"

Sparrow snapped her fingers and everyone got plastic water bottles.

"The Night Class got blood and the humans got water. The water and blood refill automatically"

The prisoners nodded in understanding.

The place grew dark and the girls disappeared.

If anyone knows where the scrips for Vampire Knight is, can you please send the address to me. I cannot find them. Thanks