Chapter 10

Thankfully, Mr. Banner had prepared a pop quiz for us today, so I was able to avoid Mike's questioning glances for the entire period. I knew my good luck couldn't last when Mike grabbed my arm on the way to gym. I shook him off me, surprised at the anger I felt at his simple touch.

"So… you and the Cullens, huh?" Mike stammered out. I wanted to giggle at his eloquence.

I thought about how I wanted to respond. "Yeah, Alice and I actually have a lot in common. She's super nice! Did you know she wants to be a fashion designer when she finishes school? How cool is that?" I said excitedly.

This seemed to throw Mike off his train of thought. He hadn't expected me to give him such a normal and girly answer. I was able to make my way to the locker room before he thought to ask his next question. Unfortunately, I knew my good luck couldn't last.

He caught me again as soon I entered the gym. "Yeah, but what about the rest of them? The brothers seemed to be getting close to you at lunch."

I held back my sigh. Ah, so he was jealous. I wanted to tell him to wait until the correct Cullen came back to town but held my tongue.

I rolled my eyes. "Jasper and Emmett seemed more interested in my dad being chief of police than anything about me. They kept asking what it was like inside the cruiser. When I told them I could think of a few ways they'd be able to see the car from the back seat, Jasper asked if I'd have any leverage if either of them did end up in that scenario." I laughed.

This caught Mike off guard yet again. I could tell that he wasn't used to hearing about the Cullens being so normal and human. I hoped I was saying the right things to avoid problems in the future.

"Oh, um, yeah I guess that make sense." Mike mumbled. "Say Bella, would you have any leverage with your dad if I ended up in the back of his cruiser?" He flirted poorly.

I just grinned hoping Alice was watching. "I'll tell you what I told them. Stay on my good side and I'll see what I can do."

My answers seemed to satisfy Mike for the time being and I was left alone for the rest of gym. I was in a state of great relief until Jessica grabbed me when I exited the locker room. She was physically panting, making me think she had literally ran across campus to catch me after our last class. I vaguely wondered if I would have a bruise on my arm from where she grabbed me in her hurry.

"What's going on with you and the Cullens?" She accused, as she pulled me around the corner of the building. The same corner I had pulled Alice to just the day before.

"What do you mean Jessica? I was just making friends with Alice. She's really nice and we actually have a lot in common." I wasn't comfortable with the way this conversation was going.

Jessica huffed. "The Cullens don't make friends." She paused. "You better watch yourself before they drop you for the next new student."

I was shocked. Jessica was never this hostile in the book towards Bella. I felt tears gathering in my eyes on behalf of the Cullens.

"I'm just trying to make friends and fit in at a new school." I cried. "Alice was just trying to be nice because she knows what its like to move schools and be the new student. I don't know what they did to you, but they've been anything but welcoming to me."

I watched Jessica take a step back. She was surprised at my response and didn't know what to say.

Finally, she spoke. "I'm sorry Bella. I should have said that. The Cullens haven't done anything since they arrived besides stick to themselves. There's just something about them and I was worried you would get sucked in." She took a breath. "I'm sorry for upsetting you. Can we still be friends?"

I gave a small smile. "That's all I've wanted since I arrived Jessica. You can't imagine how hard this move has been on me. I was just happy to be making friends who understood." After a brief awkward hug, we departed for the parking lot, promising to hang out sometime soon.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding once I reached my truck at the end of the lot. I gave myself a small smile when I thought about how well I had pulled off my lies to Mike and Jessica. Bella was supposed to be a terrible liar and here I was feeling like I was pulling the con of the century. I laughed at that thought. Although, I hadn't truly lied to either of them. Sure, I skirted around the truth and made some things up, but there was a slight truth to everything I had said. I drove home wondering who had actually spoken today, Bella or my true self. A self that I was starting to lose.

I was happy to have the house to myself while I prepared dinner for Charlie and me. Once dinner was in the oven, I decided to call Renee. The call was not as bad as I expected. While Renee was upset that I hadn't called until now, she was thrilled to hear I was making friends and enjoying Forks. I was happy to remove any guilt she may have had over my move. It was easy to switch the conversation back to her travels with Phil.

Charlie and I ate in relative silence when he got home. He too seemed relieved that I was fitting into the small-town life. I promised myself that I would not be breaking Charlie's heart this time around. He's too good of a man to be put through what he was in the books. After the dishes were done and Charlie hit the couch, I went upstairs to finish the little bit of homework I had left. I fell asleep feeling almost weightless with content.

I awoke early on Friday morning. I passed Charlie in uniform on my way to the bathroom. Even he seemed shocked that I was awake and in such a good mood today. I was showered and headed to my closet in no time. I sighed when I took in my limited selection of warm clothes. As much as I hated to admit it, I needed to go shopping soon. I wondered about asking Alice if she wanted to go with me. Surely it wouldn't be as bad of an experience like what was described in the book.

It seemed my happiness that this would be my last day of school without Edward was noticeable. I couldn't have told you what was discussed in English first period; my mind was too focused on the thought of Edward returning this weekend. Jessica was slightly cold to me in Trig. I guess I couldn't blame her. She had spent two years trying to be friends with the Cullens, only for me to effortlessly fit in with them.

No one was surprised when Alice met me in the cafeteria again today. The looks coming from my human friends subdued my mood. I hated that I might have to choose between them and the Cullens. Jasper gave me a questioning look as I sat down at their table. I just shook my head and picked up a piece of food to play with.

Emmett was the first to break the silence. "What's wrong little Bella? Who do I have to beat up for you?" Leave it to Emmett to lighten the mood.

I giggled. "You don't have to beat anyone up for me, Em. It's just that not everyone is happy about our newfound friendship." I dropped my head.

"Who cares what they think? Its not as if any of them can see past their own noses." Rosalie huffed and flipped her hair.

I was stunned into silence at her statement. Was Rosalie starting to like me? I realized my mouth was hanging open and quickly shut it. I wondered if my declaration towards her yesterday had won me some favor in her eyes. This could make for an interesting turn of events.

The table was silent after her statement. I proceeded to busy myself by eating. I noticed Jasper glancing between all of us sitting there. For once I wished I had Edwards gift and could know what everyone was thinking.

"Oh My Gosh! I can't believe I forgot!" Alice's shrill voice broke the silence.

I jumped, but it was Jasper who responded. "What did you forget Alice?" He asked.

"Bella and I have shopping to plan!" She screamed while bouncing in her seat.

My eyebrows knitted together until I remembered the thought I had standing in front of my closet this morning. I needed to reign her in as soon as possible.

"Alice, I just need some new sweaters for the cold weather. Its nothing major. I just thought we could go shopping together since I don't even know what stores are in the area." I stated calmly.

She wasn't about to be deterred though. "Oh, I know just the stores to take you to! We're going to need a whole day. Do you think you can be ready at 8am tomorrow?"

I stared at her a second until I processed what she had just said. "Um, I'm not going shopping tomorrow. I just had a thought this morning to ask if you possibly wanted to go with me, not to make definite plans and definitely not for tomorrow. This will me my first weekend in Forks. I haven't even completely unpacked yet."

"Come on Bella!" She whined. "It will be fun."

I wasn't letting her win this round. "No, Alice. Not this weekend. Besides your brother will be coming home and you should be there to welcome him."

"You said he'd be back Sunday night, so we would have all day Saturday for shopping." She accused.

I thought back to my conversation the other night and decided to come clean. "I don't actually know when he will get back; just that he will be there in time for school Monday morning. I didn't think you would want to return early from shopping to greet him."

"Are you sure we can't go tomorrow?" She paused then shook her head with a huff. "I can see that you won't change your mind on this. But I also can't see when Edward will return because he refuses to make a decision." She pouted. I relaxed until a huge smile broke out on her face. "Yes! Perfect! Next Saturday it is. Oh, this is great. Esme will be able to come with us too since we are waiting until then."

I didn't have an argument in place for the following weekend, so I just agreed to the plans. I was kind of excited to hear that Esme would be coming with us. I hoped she might be able to tame Alice just a bit and I was looking forward to spending some time with the matriarch of the family.

I was lost in my thoughts of next weekend when Emmett asked if I was planning on spending the rest of the day in the cafeteria with a laugh. I hadn't even noticed that lunch had ended. I walked to my empty table in Biology, nervous for Monday when Edward would be next to me. Mike met me after class and walked me to gym. I was glad to see he wasn't holding a grudge about my friendship with the Cullens.