"Insolent little mortals" Kaguya muttered as she regenerated from her chakra going berserk after coming in contact with Naruto's attacks.

"Mother, it is better to end them. The chakra is not worth the risk" Black Zetsu spoke with affection as he gave advice seeing the situation was getting dicey

"Indeed" Kaguya muttered as she started creating the truth seeking ball and kept it expanding so that all should go back to the beginning, to make sure no threat to her plan Kaguya covered herself with Tsb.

On the other hand, the heroes on the ground were staring in disbelief at what Kaguya as planning to do with such a move that seems to be expanding at an alarming rate.

'It will kill us within a minute.'

"What do we do now; she has resorted to using a shield even though it was already difficult to hurt her." Sakura said as she looked at the darkness in the sky

"Even I got nothing." Kakashi muttered with a fatigued tone, his mind was just becoming groggy from the all the accumulated pressure

"I think I have a plan" Naruto said with confidence and told them about it

"It is better than nothing so do it now before even that choice is gone" Sasuke said as he readied himself

"Sakura please find a safe ground" Naruto muttered as he entered his Kurama avatar from which as reinforced by six paths chakra and made a clone. Once he did so Sasuke and Kakashi used their Susanoo to engulf his avatars, after which both Susanoo's linked hands and with Naruto help both integrated into one.

It was the perfect combination of their powers, all three in one.

"This is it" Naruto roared as he supplied all his chakra along with the others, they both used lightning so Naruto supplied lightning as well for better results. The Susanoo slashed down on the area where Kaguya had hidden and with the enormous power at its disposal, they destroyed the shield causing damage to Kaguya.

Unfortunately the jutsu had gone for too long and went out of control with Kaguya losing her focus, with no chance to react the giant ball of doom exploded and everything returned to white.

In a world filled with conflict and tragedies, on the island of Patch that was situated in the Sanus continent a being of power awakened. In one of the heavy forested areas, darkness seeped out of the earth and took shape.

A humanoid being with black hair and red eyes along with darkish skin tone had been formed through this unusual method. Naruto opened his eyes and he saw that he was in a forest which confused him as he had just braced himself for the explosion.

'What happened?'

'Did I die, I can't feel any chakra?'

'But this isn't the pure land, so I am alive somehow. Where am I?' Naruto thought as he checked around and saw his body

'I still look similar but weaker. What can this body do?' He thought as tried any of his energy moves but as unable to do any except finally by mistake he was able to shoot a dark ball of energy from his fingers and mouth.

'Really not strong' Naruto thought as his attack just broke through the trees

After some experiments he was able to tell that he could transform his body into weapons along with some other things.

'Where are the others? I thought waiting could help but they haven't found me. We should be in the same situation as we were in the same avatar, right.' Naruto did not let his negative thoughts take over and decided to move

"I should learn where I am, it is better than doing nothing." Naruto muttered as he started walking in a random direction as he had lost his sage senses but he did feel this tingly sensation in a direction so he moved in that direction

'What is this feeling?' Naruto questioned

Naruto couldn't understand but as he followed this feeling he found himself near some wolves which didn't seem to attack him so he was not wary of them.

'They look a lot different than what I am used to.' Naruto thought as he approached them and touched one; it let him touch with no hostility

"Good boy" Naruto said as he let go and decided to move as he needed human habitation not animals

"I can't take this waiting" Naruto muttered as he rushed forth, the unease was eating at away his spirit. He wanted to find at least humans to give him hope or better his friends. After running for several minutes at speeds beyond human level, Naruto near a village as he could see the walls and the houses.

'Finally, I can learn about this place.' Naruto felt a little bit calm seeing his target in reach and decided to approach it.

Naruto approached the place with cautiousness as he didn't know how they might react to strangers so with slow steps Naruto approached the gate. But instead of Human guards he was met with ugly abominations who charged at him once they saw him.

'What are these things?' Naruto felt desire to kill them, once he laid eyes on them and with their abominable appearance he showed to restraint. Naruto charged forth dodging the shooter while he easily cut down the close combat attacker with a slash to the head with his clawed gauntlet which he formed to cover his hands. Following that he shot two dark energy bullets at the other enemy, "What is this hunger I feel?"

Naruto questioned as he pierced the corpse of the dead monster and felt energy enter his body, he felt warm and elated.

'How comfortable, I want more' Naruto thought as his red eyes shined with desire

'They are monsters so I am doing the right thing.' Naruto reasoned and it made him feel stronger which was good as he needed it

Naruto did the same with the other enemy and jumped on to the wall, under his gaze a city filled with monsters was laid out except with some humans here and there who seemed to be in terror.

'I need to save them' Naruto thought and he didn't even consider the threat these many enemies provided to him

"What is it Glynda?"

"Headmaster, something terrible has just occurred on the Island of Patch" Glynda showed a fracture in her usual composure

"Shouldn't the local forces handle it? How is it so special?" Ozpin looked at her with curiosity as he didn't think she would just come inform him something simple

"A new kind of Grimm has appeared, a humanoid, and it slaughtered all the citizens of one the villages except the children. It also seems to have sucked in something from the citizens according to the witness reports as the corpses dried up after it stabbed them."

'More bad news, when can I expect actual good news to come knocking'

A.N Hope you enjoyed