"Alli come on we've gotta go."

"I'm coming!" The 5 year old answered running down to meet her mother by the front door.

"What's with the rain boots?"

"Oh um I need for the rehearsal." She said walking to the car but her mother stopped her.

"For the play? But isn't your class doing the animal kingdom theme?"

"Not anymore. We're gonna do Disney characters."

"Allison why didn't you tell me?"

The little girl shrugged. "I guess I forgot."

"I see. Come on get in the car before we run late."

Olivia made sure her daughter was safely harnessed in before she drove off.

"Mommy can we listen to my songs?"

"Sure baby, hey why did your class change themes?"

"Miss Watson said we're too wild to be animals."

Olivia stifled a laugh. She knew exactly how 'wild' her daughter's class could be. They were all pretty close and the parents found it rather cute but oh did they have a lot of energy. They were super energetic and talkative.

"Why would she say that?"

"I don't know mommy. Oh! Maybe it's because Grayson and Jack started fighting. One was a lion and the other one was a panther and then we all made animal noises. But we were just playing pretend mommy."

"Maybe you guys were too loud Alli."

"Animals are supposed to be loud."

"So how does everyone feel about the new theme?"

"It's awesome."

"And what character will you be?"


Liv was clueless. "Who's that?"

"From the Ralph movie mom, I always watch it Uncle Harry."

"Oh! That one. Wreck it Ralph, is it?"

"Yes. Can we listen to my songs now?"

"And how do we ask nicely for something?"

"Please." Allison said with a smile.

15 minutes later Liv drove into the drop-off zone at Alli's school. "Have a good day baby girl."

"You too momma, take it easy."

"And if it's easy?" Liv smirked. They did this every morning but it would never get old.

"Take it home!" She said jumping out of the car

"Bye Alli."

Olivia made a mental note to contact Allison's teacher regarding the school play and change of themes as she drove off to work.

The Cloud. An events management company started by Liv's mother, Esther Pope who left the company in the hands of her two daughters three years ago when her husband and their father had become ill. Esther decided to take care of him but it wasn't long until he sadly passed away.

Eventually Esther took a backseat in the business to live a little and explore the world, something her husband and her always wanted to do. Now The Cloud was owned and managed by Olivia and Margo Pope, the latter being the older sister at 35 years old.

Esther was extremely proud of her children and the women their grew up to be.

"Morning mama." Margo greeted her sister while handing her a cup of coffee.

"Coffee? What do you want Margo."

"I was just being generous. Do you not want the coffee?" The two walked into Liv's office.

"Yes of course I want it." She smiled and took a long sip. "Delicious."

"You're 10 minutes late and don't blame it on my niece."

"Margo I would never blame my daughter for my punctuality."

"Yeah right."

"Abby came over last night and we had a few glasses of wine. There, you happy?"

"And why wasn't I invited?"

"Because you have a husband at home and we're single."

"That's cruel Olivia. Next time you invite me out I'm saying no and staying home with Harrison."

"Why are you here in my office again?"

Margo dropped a file on her desk. "To go over the budget for RJ's product launch."

"Margo it's too early to deal with numbers." Liv groaned.

"Which is why I brought the coffee."

"I knew you had a hidden agenda. Okay just allow me 15 minutes before we get started."

"So how's Alli? I haven't seen her in a week."

"She's good. Hey why don't you fetch her from school, it's Friday so they leave early."

"Isn't her father coming to see her this weekend?"

"He is."

"I'm still surprised at-"

"Can we not talk about him?"


"He's in her life now and she actually likes him. I'm okay with that I really am but I don't want to talk about him right now. Like I said, it's too early and I haven't even finished my morning coffee yet."

"It's been close to six months Olivia. He has found out about her months ago and ever since you gave him permission to see his daughter he has been here literally every weekend to spend time with her."

"A plane ride from Chicago to Miami is not that far." Liv said dryly.

"Maybe not but it costs money. He has changed Liv. I know what had happened between the two of you years ago was bad but you gotta give him credit for wanting to be involved in Allison's life."

"Whatever Margo."


Olivia planned a girls night with her 4 year old, Allison Pope. Every now and then they would do something special together and tonight they would be cooking and playing dinner party.

So after work she went to pick her daughter up who was staying with her grandmother after school.

"Alli your mommy is here." Esther called down the hall. "Hey darling."

"Hey ma. Was she good?"

"My poppet is always good Livvie, you didn't exactly raise a monster you know." Esther said jokingly.

"Ma I know how she gets and you allow her to get away with anything."

"Nonsense. I'm just being a grandma."

Allison Pope came running dow the hallway with her schoolbag slung over her shoulder. "Hi mommy!"

"Hey cutie, are you all set to go?"

"Uh huh."

"Good, say goodbye to Grammie."

"See you Grammie, love you."

Esther gave her granddaughter a tight hug. "Bye my sweet girl. Have fun with your dinner tonight."

"I will."

"Bye Livvie."

"Bye mom."

The two left Esther's house to go to the store to get all the ingredients for dinner and other stuff they might need for their girls night.

"Alright I think we have everything."

Allison's head snapped up from her place in the shopping cart, "Ice-cream mommy."

"Oh snap I almost forgot. Let's go get it."

While the two of them were bickering over which flavour to choose, Liv could sense someone staring at her but chose to ignore it.

The feeling intensified and she looked up to see if she was imagining things.

There he stood. Looking the same yet different. His hair was cut short and he sported a scruffy beard.

It's been 6 years since she had last seen him.

Their eyes locked and they stared intently at each other, not once breaking the gaze.

Olivia was frozen in place. She might've even forgot to breathe, that's until Allison tugged on her shirt.

"Mommy, are you okay?"

"Uh, um.. yes. Yes I'm fine, we should go."

Olivia slowly pushed the cart and tried to avoid any further eye contact with the man but she couldn't help herself and took another peek at him. He was now switching gazes between her and her daughter. His face unreadable. Her anxiety started to build and she wanted to flee.

She knew he could see it. Everyone who knew about them could see it. Her daughter had most of his features except for her brown eyes.

Liv could feel her body heat up as she pushed the cart past him.

He wasn't supposed to know. He left. He had no right to know about her baby girl because he left.

Holding her breathe, Olivia walked past him.

"Mommy can we make candy apples?"

"Not tonight baby. How about over the weekend?"

"Mm okay!"

Relieve washed over Olivia as she left the store.

Fitz was here. Was he back for good?


The next day Liv met up with Abby over lunch. She had to tell her best friend that she saw Fitz back in town.

"Liv, he's going to wonder."

"Then let him."

"Olivia I know you hate him but he's her father."

"I don't even hate him anymore, I don't feel anything towards him. I've moved on from all of those feelings. It's been 6 years why the hell did he show up here now."

"But Liv don't you think it's his choice to decide whether he wants to be a father to Alli or not?"

"I don't want him in our lives Abby. That was the whole point of me not telling him."

"To be fair you didn't tell him because you found out you were pregnant a month after he up and left but Alli will eventually wonder about her father as she gets older."

"I'll deal with it but I can't let him in now Abby I just can't. What if he does to her what he did to me and just leaves. She'll be devastated and I will never forgive him."

"I'm sure he has an explanation as to why he left so abruptly."

"Are you team Fitz all of a sudden?"

"No I want to kick him in his balls for leaving you the way he did but keeping a child and her father apart is not okay Liv."

"He stared at her. In the store, when he laid his eyes on her he couldn't look away."

"He knows.. or at least he suspects it."

"He has no one here in Miami, why is he even here ugh!"

"Maybe he came to see you."

"Not likely."

"Whatever the reason, he still knows your mother's address. He probably will go there looking for you." Abby laughed. "Esther might go easy on him but if Margo had to run into him now, oh boy. He'd be a dead man."

Two days went by. Margo and her husband came to fetch Allison to stay with them for the weekend so Liv decided to just have a lazy Saturday alone at home.

A knock at the door had her dragging herself from the couch where she binge watched a series that she stumbled upon.

Dressed in yoga pants and a tank top with her hair in a messy bun she walked leisurely to open the door.


Shocked to see him standing at her door Liv didn't know what to say.

"Olivia?" That deep baritone voice causing old memories to flood back.

"What?" Well that came out rude.

"Uh.. Can I come in."

"What are you doing here? How did you know where I lived?"

"I was at your parents place.. Sorry to hear about your dad."

"It's been 3 years, I've heard enough condolences." Harsh.

"Your mother gave me this address."

"Well you saw me so you can go now."

"Do you have company?"

"I don't want you here."

Fitz could see the hurt on her face and he felt terrible. He shifted from one foot to the other and took a deep breathe.

Again. "Can I come in?"

No response.


"What do want??" She asked with exasperation.

"To talk. Can we talk?"

"It's been 6 years, why now?"

"Liv please."

Olivia inhaled and exhaled then stepped aside. "You can't stay long."

"Okay. Thank you."

Fitz admired the inside of the house. It was so..her.

"So do you live alone?"

"That's none of your concern."


"You wanted to talk." She said pointedly.

They sat in silence for a moment.


"Why what?"

"Don't play dumb with me Olivia. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Can you be more specific?" She wasn't ready to have this conversation.

"Really? Really Liv."

"Don't Liv me. You remember how things ended between us right? Who am I kidding, of course you do because you ended things. So excuse me for freaking out a month later when I found out I was pregnant and didn't immediately run to you like it was the most incredible news."

"Even if you didn't wanted to tell me then but what about as time went by, as she grew up.. Why didn't you inform me then?" Fitz questioned.

"Do you have any idea what I went through? You left. You left Miami and you left me. I was heartbroken then I found out I'm pregnant and.. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I was a wreck and didn't know what to do. I wasn't even sure whether I wanted to keep the baby or not. Luckily I have good friends and an amazing family. They didn't exactly convince me to keep the baby as that was ultimately my choice to make but they did show me that it could just be a blessing. I needed happiness in my life again and so I kept it. I kept her, moved on with my life and I never once regretted it."

"So I didn't matter at all even though I'm the father Olivia really?? That's so petty, I could've been here."

"That's just it Fitz you didn't want to be here! You wanted out. Out of our relationship, out of this city... No you didn't matter because I was enough for her. I gave her my heart. I took care of her. That's my baby. She brought the light back into my life. She makes me happy. She doesn't need difficulty in her life. Giving her the best and ensuring her happiness is my number one priority." Liv started trembling as she spoke and blinked the tears from her eyes. "We were engaged and you ran leaving behind a note saying you're not ready."

"Because I wasn't I-"

She was quick to cut him off. "You're a fucking coward who didn't deserve to be in my baby's life."

"I'm sorry Olivia.."

Liv chuckled bitterly. "After 6 years and that's it? I'm sorry?"

"I could've handled everything better, actually I should've and I genuinely felt bad after I realised just how wrong that was of me. I was selfish. You didn't deserve that."

"So why did you leave?"

He sighed. "Everything was happening so fast. I think I felt somewhat overwhelmed..I don't know."

"You don't know.. You know the least you can do right now is to be honest with me."

"Like how you've been honest with me about our child?" Fitz replied and almost immediately regretted it. Yes he was upset that she didn't tell him about his daughter but making her feel bad right now after breaking her heart was just horrible.

Liv gave him a death stare. "Okay I think it'll be better if you go."

"Look I'm sorry that was harsh. If you want honesty then I'll give it to you. You were my first real longterm relationship. I felt that I had to propose since we've been together for so long and people were almost pushing us to get married. Once we were engaged I freaked out. I don't think I was entirely ready or prepared for such a commitment at such a young age, so I guess you're right I was a coward. But we haven't even finished our degrees yet back then and we had crappy part time jobs.. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to take care of you and you'd hate me for it."

"So you just left. Ran away as quickly as you could."

"I wasn't as confident and self-assured as I appeared to be but I did love you, that's for sure. I was just afraid of that big commitment. I've experienced my parents divorce and because of that I had this fear of getting married and not being able to make it last because divorce is ugly. It probably sounds stupid now but I wanted to give you the best and at that point in time I couldn't. Maybe all those fears had me over thinking, scaring me that you might be it and I'd fail you."

"No offense but fuck you for proposing to me in the first place because I have never once pushed you for marriage. I was happy with the way we were how could you not have seen that?"

"I really don't know what to say other than I'm sorry. I have hurt you and I don't expect your forgiveness but I'm genuinely sorry and I understand now why you kept our daughter a secret. Hell, any child would be blessed to have you as their mother and I know you're doing everything to give her the best life possible."

"We are happy. You're not supposed to be here, you're weren't supposed to come back." Liv said wiping her tears away.

"Does she um, does she know that I exist? Have you told her anything about me at all? Has she asked?"

"She's smart for her age."

"So she's 5 now right?"

"She turned 5 just last month. Anyway as I was saying she's a smart kid. She's had questions, as much as I have tried to avoid having to answer those questions.. She knows about your existence, I mean she knows she has a father but she also knows that I don't like to talk about him and she somehow understands that."

"I'm assuming she's not here?"

"No. She's with Margo for the weekend."

"What's her name."

"Allison... Pope."

Fitz stared out in front of him at nothing in particular.

"Look Fitz I think you should go."

"Is your husband going to be home soon?" He said in a joking way but he was wondering.

"Sometimes it just so happens that you give someone your heart and they shatter it, leaving you incapable of ever loving anyone else ever again because your heart isn't whole. You don't believe in love and you can't trust anyone with your heart, or what's left of it, ever again."

Fitz didn't know how to respond. He was completely silenced by her words. It pained him to see that he practically broke her.

"I have Allison and she's more than enough. She makes my heart whole again." Liv picked up the remote and pressed play. "You can see yourself out."

"Goodbye Olivia."

She had so many more questions, like what was he doing here? Why didn't he even bother to contact her after he had left? Does he have a family of his own now? Did he move on like she never existed while she tried to rebuild herself after the heartache he had caused?

Maybe it's best if he just leaves again.


Fitz showed up at her doorstep again on Sunday. He knew she would be alone since she mentioned that Allison is at her sister's for the weekend.

Seriously what do you want?" Liv asked once she opened the door and saw him on the other side.

She must really hate me, he thought.

"Can I come in?"

"No. Just stand there and tell me what you're doing back and why you're bothering me."

She's become a lot more feisty than what he remembered.

"I came to attend a friend's wedding. It was yesterday."

"Well shouldn't you get back to your girlfriend, wife, family whatever."

"I um, I have a girlfriend but I'm in no rush to get back to Chicago."

"Chicago. So that's where you went."

"My mom lives there, remember?"

"Well I'm sure your girlfriend expects you to be home soon."

"I'd like to know more about Allison."

"Why? You have a whole life back in Chicago just go back Fitz. Leave."

"You hate me, I know that but I can't just leave now. Not when I just found out that I have a daughter." He said calmly.

"You left so easily the first time, why make it so difficult now?"

"Please I... You probably don't care but I believe that I've changed. I've done a lot of growing these past few years."

"Good for you, now you can propose to your girlfriend and get married without running away."


"Are you going to tell her?"


"About Alli.."

"I don't know. . Allison doesn't even know I'm her father."

Olivia crossed the threshold and walked out on the porch. She took a seat on the hammock while Fitz stood a few feet away.

"What do you want to know about her?" Olivia realised that intentionally keeping Allison from her father would be unfair and that withholding details about Allison from Fitz was kind of petty but all she wanted to do was to protect her daughter.

"What is she like?"

"A ray of sunshine. A bundle of joy. She's like any 5 year old I guess but then there's the things that makes her unique. Like, she's not a girly girl. Pink everything, tiaras and princess dresses..that's not her."

"So she's like you then."

"...she looks a lot like you."

"From the short glimpse in the store the other day I kinda noticed that. It's crazy."

"At first I was kinda bummed I mean it was a mini you, but then I stare into her eyes.."

"It's your eyes."

"...it's my eyes but much more beautiful and so innocent."

"How did you celebrate her birthday? You said it was last week?"

"Yes. I didn't want it to be anything too over the top but Margo went all out to give her the most colorfully themed party. It was amazing."

"Nice. Did you um, did you ended up becoming a teacher?"

Liv chuckled. It was quick. Almost like 'oh, of course he remembered.'

"No, Margo and I took over mom's business."

"The events management company? Wow."

"At first I would just help out here and there but then I grew a passion for it and the rest is history."

"I uh finished my degree. I'm a dentist now."

Liv just nodded.

"I can only plead for your forgiveness at this point but I know it won't be easy. I was a total ass, I'm really so sorry."

"Are you apologizing because of what you did or because you just found out about Allison?"


"If you had not seen her with me, would you have been back home by now?"

"Probably but deep down I wanted to see you. I wanted to say sorry and ask for your forgivenes. And I wanted to see how you were doing."

"I don't want my daughter to get hurt."

"Can I give you my number for whenever you'll be ready, well not just you but Allison as well, for me to see her?"

"Maybe.. I guess.." Liv sighed heavily. "I don't know."

"I won't do that to her Olivia. I promise you if you allow me to see her I won't run. Obviously I'm all the way in Chicago but I'd very much like to be a part of her life and I want her to know that. I want to buy her stuff, do fun activities with her but most importantly I want to get to know her."

"You can leave your number but don't expect a call anytime soon."

"Okay. I'm leaving later today.. It was good to see you Olivia."

"Sorry that I can't say the same."

"Goodbye Liv." Fitz said and walked away.


It took multiple conversations with her mother, sister and best friend as well as taking time to herself to think things through for Olivia to make a decision.A month later she made the call but not before she sat her daughter down to tell her about her father. The man she was soon about to meet.

Fitz was excited and scared but in a good way. He was also nervous as hell.

But here he was. On Olivia's doorstep, waiting.

"You're here. Come in."

"Thanks and thank you for this."

"I don't know what her reaction is going to be like when she sees you but she seems eager to meet her father."


In the living room Allison stood next to her mother as she was introduced to the tall man with the blue eyes.

"Hi Allison." Fitz's voice was filled with emotion and he was choking up. "It's so nice to meet you."

"You're my daddy." Allison said shyly and she was never a shy child.

"I am."

"Mommy said you were gone and had to find us and um and I shouldn't be mad at you."

"Your mommy was right. I had to find you guys and I'm so glad that I did. You're a really pretty girl Allison."

"Your eyes are blue..that's mommy's favourite colour. Mine is yellow, I like yellow."

Fitz crouched down to be eye-level with her. "Yellow is a cool colour."

"What colour do you like?"


"How old are you? I'm 5."

"I'm 30."

Allison tipped her head back to look up at her mother.

"What baby?"

"Is that old?"

Liv chuckled. "No it's not."

Fitz interjected, "Well I am two years older than your mommy so maybe it is old." He said trying to lighten the mood.

"I have some work to do. Allison will you be okay to have some alone time with F- um with your..father?"

"I think so mommy."

"Okay. You're such a big girl." Liv gave her a quick hug and a kiss. "I love you."

She knew they needed this. They needed to become comfortable with each other without her in the room.

Things went good.

Liv came back to them laughing together over something and Allison tried to fill her in on what they talked about.

"That is funny." Liv smiled.

"Momma did you know daddy is a dentist?"

Daddy. She called him daddy.

Olivia swallowed down the lump forming in her throat. She almost cheated her daughter out of a relationship with her father.

"I did yes. So now you can't eat all that candy you get from Aunt Margo and Uncle Harry because he might remove all your teeth."

Allison clasped her hands over her mouth in dramatic horror, bringing a smile to Fitz's face. He already adored her.

"Would you do that daddy?"

"I would never do that to you, a girl needs some candy every now and then."

"See momma he gets it."

Fitz was cracking up, his little girl had a good sense of humour but Olivia was used to her sassy behaviour.

"I had fun today. Thank you for spending time with me Alli."

"You're welcome. Are you going back to Chicago now?"

He told her, Liv noted.

"Not yet, I'd like to hang out with you again if that's okay."

"She's going to a friend's birthday party tomorrow, so maybe afterwards." Liv said keeping her eyes on her daughter and not looking at Fitz.

"That's fine with me. Just text me or something."

Their interactions were the opposite of those between father and daughter. Liv was almost cautcautious around him. Her guard was up and she seemed tense.

...But they had to make it work. Interacting with each other was something they would have to become comfortable with because of their daughter.


Olivia finished off her work for the day and gathered her belongings to head home.

She walked to her sister's office just a few offices away from hers to get her daughter.

"Alli come on we're leaving. Thanks again for picking her up from school sis."

"No problem. Bye Alligator."

"Bye Aunt Margo."

"Hey you don't have any shoes on." Liv said.

"It's in my bag." She answered holding up the yellow schoolbag.

"Allison you're not walking to the car on your socks."

She knows when not to argue with her mother so she took out her sneakers and slipped her feet in.

"Good girl now come on, your dad is taking you to the movies later remember?"

"Daddy is here already?" Allison sounded very excited.

"Yes he's at the hotel."


Later that evening Fitz brought home a sleeping Allison. They had so much fun that she fell asleep in no time on their way home.

"Thanks for carrying her to her room." Liv said meeting Fitz at the bottom of the stairs.

"It's not a problem. Hey Liv can we talk?"

It's been almost six months now and at least they could have a normal conversation..and she allowed him to call her Liv instead of Olivia.

"Sure." She replied and he followed her to the kitchen where she was eating dinner before he arrived with their daughter.

"Summer holidays are around the corner and um, I was wondering if I could take Alli to Chicago."

Liv visibly stiffened up so he tried to set her at ease.

"Just for a weekend of course, I mean if it's okay with you."


"I won't let anything happen to her. My mom has heard a lot about her and I've shown her several pictures but I'd like for them to meet each other."

"I'd have to see how Alli feels about it or have you already talked to her about going?"

Fitz was patient with Olivia. She still didn't trust him and he could see that. She was just waiting for him to mess up.

"I've told her about her grandmother but that's it. I wouldn't go behind your back to convince her to go with me. If neither of you are ready then it's fine, I'll drop it. Maybe mom can fly out here with me to see her."

"I'll let you know."


"Goodnight Fitz."

"Goodnight Liv."