After reading all of those crossovers stories, I couldn't help but be inspired by how they crafted their stories. It was just amazing. Ranging from romance, etc. Now, before I start this story I'll just warn you my characters may be 1 dimensional. So because of that, I've been reading even more stories to "get me in shape." Do expect some grammar errors (I should really buy Grammarly premium) and lots of other stuff. Hopefully, I can find someone that can help me make characters "develop" and grow throughout.

Now for the story, the main character is Sieg. You see, when I watched Fate/Apocrypha I was like, "Wow. This is gonna be great like most of the other fate series (F/SN UBW). It was not what I expected. The whole series REVOLVES around Sieg. We barely see anyone else... like wth bro. Who decided that watching a single guy who literally gains power non-stop, heavy a55 plot armor, and some hot girl falling for him, who not to mention is the HOLY MAIDEN is good.

Sieg. He has a nice character design... and yeah. There's nothing special about him other than him being a Homunculus. NOw don't get me wrong, I rather like him, but he's just so... plain. He has no place to grow, literally doesn't change thru-out the story (except at the final parts) and is just a self-insert character. Like what is this.. some kinda dating sim? Think of all that potential just wasted. It's literally just making a nice base for some character, and just keeping that base. No change no nothing. So Sieg in this story will growwww.

That ending though. Apparently, he and Ruler meet. But in the end, I'm kinda confused. "A new world awaits you~!" do you mean a parallel dimension? Like some Zelretch stuff? So judging from that, I'm pretty sure Sieg could leave whenever he wanted to but chose to wait for his "beloved." Sigh the ship wasn't too bad... I Guess...

Additional, please do tell me if Sieg doesn't change, I need inspiration for his personality :)

RWBY and Fate/Apo isn't owned by moi.

The Reverse side of the world. A place always in the age of the gods, sheltering Phantasmal Species instead of people. Beautiful is one way to describe it. The Galaxy can be seen just by looking in any direction (other than down) as the whole place seems like a paradise in space. This is my new home and my only home.

I have been here for eons, standing guard over the grail, like a lover. The grail was the wish-granting device. The prize that would be given to the winner in the war. But my rival of a sort, Amakusa Shirou had made a wish over it. To grant humanity immortal life... by taking their souls from their physical bodies. The first thing I thought was, "I had to stop this!" it wasn't right. Humanity was just not ready for immortality. In order to stop this from happening, I, in turn, made a wish. I had already lost all my command seals and was turning into a failed version of dragon-kin. So in the grail, I made a wish. And became the Evil Dragon Fafnir.

As I have said, no humans will ever reach the reverse side of the world. So in my "dragon form," I was able to take the Grail in my jaws, and take it to the reverse side of the world. The reverse side of the world, as stated will never have any humans in it, so Amakusa's wish for Salvation would never come true here. And it resulted in me being stuck here. Forever. There were a few phantasmal beasts here and there, but none I knew. I even saw a little girl with blue eyes here once. Was she even human? Huh. That was some time ago. Being a dragon has its perks I guess. But none will benefit me at the moment. Stuck here until humanity wipes out, which is probably never. Well, I guess this was my future no matter what. Sure beats being a magical core for a Golem. Sigh. I guess I'll be here until the world ends. if you wondering "Well, there has to be a way for you to get out!" Well... there is. But there was something stopping me from doing that. The grail (of course) and Jeanne... There was just this feeling. Something that made me connected to her. A feeling that made me what... no... desire to see her again. *Sigh*

Sometimes I wonder why I was giving this life. I was just another homunculus, made to serve and die. Merely a tool to be used and discarded right after. Was I destined for this fate? Or was I just lucky? I would contemplate for days about my own existence, thinking about my purpose, why I was giving this life. I started to think about it again... until a jovial sounding voice cut through my thoughts.

"Why hello there young dragon! How are you today? Care for some tea?"

Huh..? Was there someone talking to me? As far as I remembered, (dragon perks :D) no one had attempted to talk with me in this.. paradise. I slowly opened my eyes, revealing my electric blue eyes with slitted pupils. An old man stood in front of me. How intriguing. Not only was he able to reach this place without dying, it also seemed he was not scared of me. A dragon. And a huge one to add to that. We were feared by many because of our power and ferocity. He took my eye-opening as a gesture to move on.

"So, you ever heard of dimension jumping? I'm sure you can leave and all right now, but you're worried about the Grail, aren't you? Well, what if I told you... I could transport you to another dimension without having to worry about the grail?"

My mind blanked. Who was this person? Just who was he? Able to reach this place, and now able to move things across dimensions? I narrowed my eyes. This this being in front of me was something I could not ever hope of matching. I tensed up, something that was hard to do due to eons of not moving.

He chuckled.

"You think I'm lying aren't you? Well, there is a small price, so small you won't even notice it for my generous offer. You must amuse me!"

Oh was that all?

He clapped his hands

"Ok ok, so what's your choice my young dragon?"

... This choice. So many cons and pros to it. So many hidden meanings and traps. I could be transported to some hell-like dimension for all I know. (Doom: hell on earth) But the Grail would be taken care of. Ugh... I think I finally have a migraine after all the eons. It was starting to get lonely here. Ugh... choices. I mustered up my courage and croaked out a single word.


Didn't think speaking would be that hard would ya? Well, sit down for a couple eons without doing anything and then tell me.

he chuckled. Again.

"Good choice boy. Before you go to this new place, let me warn you... There are lots of new things there, humans of course. But now there are also creatures of darkness that have almost overrun the world... Grimm. Children are trained to fight against them at a young age. And... Uh.. yeah."

Now wasn't that amazing. Literally, no information giving, except for "Creatures of darkness." But that children part made be concerned. Who would train their own children for god's sake to fight against monsters? Talk about a rough childhood.

"Well time's up, I got more people to go to! Before you partake in this marvelous adventure, I will give you one more piece of advice... Try to hide your powers from the residents there. There isn't much magic there like yours, so do be careful! Now, any questions? No? Ok then, time for you leave this... paradise of a place! Pack your stuff and let's go!... Well, only you! Do amuse me my dear dragon and farewell!

My head spun at the pace he talked in. At least I knew now that I should hide my powers of being a DRAGON from everyone there. What amazing advice I have recieved. Before I got up, light engulfed my vision. Myriads of colors danced across my eyes... like a kaleidoscope. That was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

"heh... I wonder what's going to happen this time..."

Well... that's the end of the prologue. There weren't that many words in it tbh, just a short start. As they say, short and steady wins the game! Please do tell me how I did on this fanfiction, (it's my first) and what I can do to improve it, and boost it to new heights! (plz don't flame 2 muchhhh :D) See ya next chapter!