*the carriers come out the gateway while Blaze is holding Dealt in a hard class cell*
*Blaze then presses a button, and the smokescreen smoke fills the Cell*
D:this is because I blow up your room?
P: What do you think?
D:fair enough so what is this smoke? *looking at it*
*Blaze Smiles the Lights on Fire*
D:oh * I'm getting burned by the fire*
P: all right Welcome back to master while Dealt is cooking I will do this. Last time we left Naruto and Rina As Naruto was about to fuck her and he also Gained Tsunade Bulma and Android 18 whom we are calling 18 to the growing group. Now 18 would like to be a mother and Naruto will get them pregnant when he is ready an-
D:*still on fire* which most likely way later on into the story blaze.
P: thank you for Interrupting me. However, she has tattoos, and she will not be the last who is getting the tattoos, but This chapter is going to be Fun. Naruto is going to be stealing women from their Husbands, boyfriends, lovers, finances and sending them Videos of them being his. We don't own anything.
*blaze turn to see that Dealt and the hard glass cell are gone*
Naruto Master of Kunoichi
Chapter 5: Stealing One's Lover
Naruto's room
Lemon starts
Naruto is fucking Rina into oblivion as she screaming out her new master's name as their in doggy style position as Rina screams out "More Naruto-sama fuck me more please" as she loving how her master is fucking as well ruining her pussy for everyone thanks to his monster cock as she has her tongue hanging out of her mouth, "I'm planning to! However, fuck your pussy is whole another class!" said Naruto as he thrust into her more, "That limp dick loser never really fucked me at all" screamed Rina as her Double H cup Breasts bouncing in a lovely way as she is sweating lot since they have been at it for a while now.
As her massive phat ass which it's bit bigger than her breasts as her ass is jigging for each time it hits against Naruto as Naruto says "and what you did to him, I don't think he's going to use it anyway!" as he smacks ass with his left hand, Rina moans knowing it is true and she has a better master.
Before Rina know it, Naruto left her up and carries her over to a mirror thrusting his cock into her pussy while their in front of a mirror with Naruto saying to her "look at yourself now Rina, you look so much happy then you were with Sasuke's slave" as he thrust his cock deeper into her as she screams out with her breasts bouncing more "yes I am happy as your slave, please fuck this slave more Please" screamed Rina as she feels Naruto's cock hitting against her womb.
As they keep going, 18 walks in and has a tattoo of the Uzumaki swirl on the middle of her stomach it is new as she's naked as she says "can I join~" as she gets Naruto to look at her and his cocks gets harder than before, Then three clones appear and Grab her and say "The tattoos are true you belong to the Uzumaki hope your ready slut for a good Fucking." Said a clone as he grabs onto her breasts as 18 moans upon that as the two get on the bed as their making out wildly with Naruto and Rina go it even more as Naruto licking her neck as she screams out "yes! More, please! More Naruto-sama."
Naruto is happy that many sexy Slaves surround him as he looks toward his bed and sees.
The clone is jackhammering down his cock into 18 while he's holding onto her legs as she is screaming as she says "yes. Hammer down in me with the cock that I love and conquered by." as she is screaming louder
"Damn right Uzumaki Slut this is your life now, and you will enjoy it," says the clone as he is jackhammering down his cock into 18's tight pussy as she is screaming louder.
As Naruto and Rina are on the floor with Rina on Naruto's lap as she facing him as she wraps her arms and legs around him with Naruto has his hands on her ass as he ask her while thrusting cock in Rina's pussy as there's overflow of juice, "now tell me the truth, how badly did you want me?"
"Badly I was hoping to be your first slave please more fuck me more master. Fuck. I wanted to be yours when I first saw you when I first come here." scream Rina as she is losing it more as Naruto kissing between her breasts as she loves it, The Uzumaki thrust his cock into Rina's pussy more. A Collar appears around Rina's Neck with the Uzumaki symbol with the number 2, and the tag is Pearl she is being fucked like her alpha 18.
Time skip 7 hours later.
Naruto wipes the sweat off his head as he sees both Rina and 18 passed out in a sex coma as their stomach is so full of his sperm that their look about ten months pregnant with twins, "damn that was something! However, it's getting late, and I should head to be-"
Samui Appears and wraps her arms around his neck and says "I will be your pillow tonight Naru~sama. Plus I would like some fun in the morning" as Naruto smirks and he grabs her and kisses her deeply with a french kiss.
Lemon over
The next day
Hokage office
After fucking Samui into a coma from this morning, Naruto had head over to Tsunade's office as he looks through a list of woman that many men want but they are married, in a relationship or engage, he seems away from it and look toward Tsunade "so your having me looking through this why?" Naruto asks.
Tsunade explains "cause normal men don't dare to do this even though they talk big that they would but there none like you, cause you to carry through you can steal women from their husbands and boyfriends. Make them fall for you", Naruto looks at the busty Hokage and says "so meaning you want me to rape them? Also, make them mine?"
"No Not rape, Seduce them they are all Kunichi some are combat medics, like the first one in the list, one Orihime Kurosaki, she used to be a Medic Kunichi from one of the smaller village and would be the next me in skills of healing jutsu, but she has gotten married and retired."
"So you want me to steal her from her Husband?" said Naruto with Tsunade nodding to that "that is right, now, she lives her days in of all places, the same place we first meet," said Tsunade, Naruto says "so she's somewhere Tanzaku Quarters?"
"Yes she finds her and Seduce her then do the same to the rest that is in that list," said Tsunade, Naruto nods, and he heads out.
Outside of the Hokage tower
Naruto is looking at a photo of Orihime that was taken during her early Chunin days, which is she has long orange hair, with brown eyes as she wearing the green vent with the headbang of her home village, and other one of her without the vest as she wearing a purple shirt which hugging her Double H breasts, in all she's one hot bombshell, Naruto says "fuck if she's like this from before, I can't imagine of what she's like now" as he walks toward home and inform everyone that he's on a solo seducing mission.
His Slaves all kiss him on the lips as good luck as he says that he will come home as soon as he can with his first target.
Naruto gathers of what he needs and heads out toward Tanzaku Quarters to found one Orihime Kurosaki.
Meanwhile somewhere in Tanzaku Quarter
A woman who looks like Orihime but much older as she's in her mid 20s as she wearing a simple shirt with a apron which it's hugging her body which once a hot bombshell into a rocking body of a sexy Milf with K breasts and ass that would put any other woman in Tanzaku Quarter to shame but no man would dare touch her because she's married as well a mother of her only son, but however both her husband and son are not in town as her husband decided to take him with him for two or three weeks since he isn't home that often and it's an excellent time for a father and son bonding since the road that he takes is very safe.
So Orihime is home alone as she is taking care the house, then She hears something in the master bedroom, she goes check it out as she is wondering what it is and what she found in her room is a bird, and the bird has a badly hurt wing.
"Oh, little Bird I can help you." Said Orihime as she gentle pick up the bird, making sure that she doesn't hurt it anymore, and once she has it in her hand, she uses her other hand to use healing jutsu on the bird's wing, it takes a couple of minutes and the bird is healed up and the bird is happy that its wing is healed and fly away with Orihime waves bye to it as it flies away, and Orihime goes back cleaning before she makes herself lunch.
Couple hours later
Entrees of Tanzaku Quarter
Naruto enters the Village, and he would have found her right away by using sensing her, but since he doesn't know what she's like or how her chakra is like, so he has to go around and ask about her and where she lives.
He finds someone who knows where she lives by chance as the person told Naruto that Orihime lives on the southwest of Tanzaku, so Naruto goes there as thanking the man.
Southwest of Tanzaku
Naruto is at housing part of Tanzaku, and he's trying to find the right house that Orihime lives in, and he ask a couple of people if their know Orihime and where she lives, as one woman, a housewife who is friends with Orihime tells Naruto where her house is but ask why he's seeking her out, He answers that he knows someone who could use her help in healing him, little did the housewife know, Naruto lied to her as he's, in fact, steal her away.
Naruto thank her as he heads over to the house of Orihime, as the housewife saying 'your welcome' as Naruto is thinking how this Orihime would look like since the photo of her is old.
He arrived at the house as he looking at it, as he thinking of what he should do to enter the house and not to make a scene but then he hears a couple more housewives walk by as they are talking about, "I heard both Orihime-san's husband and son went on a father and son trip to bond since he's rarely at home, I bet Orihime-san must be feeling so frustrated and so lonely at night"
"Yeah I really do feel bad of Orihime-san" said the other housewife as the two keep walking as Naruto smirks as he thinking that this is the perfect chance and it's the right thing that he brought the recorder with him, He will Leave a Video for the father and son even after Naruto takes Orihime with some new tattoos.
However, he has got in the house first, and the simple to do is go up and knock on the door, the door opens up, Naruto sees Orihime is the one opening it, and right there, everything freeze for him, as his thoughts are 'Damn she is one Sexy Milf what is her husband thinking to leave her alone in the house where she can be taken. Well, his loss is my gain and look at there's breasts! They are the same size as 18's, and I can't wait to feel them on my cock', as everything resume moving as Orihime notice Naruto is the one knock on her door.
"Oh hello! How can I hope you?" said Orihime as Naruto say "oh yes, hello are you Inoue-san?"
"Yes, I am? However, it's Kurosaki now since I'm married after all, so what brings you here?" said Orihime, Naruto replies "you see Kurosaki, I come from a neighboring village and make a report on you as to why you decide to retire at your pack of coming the next 'Tsunade', I heard many things but I would like to hear it from you" said Naruto.
"Ah Come in and I will tell you why, though I'm little surprised that someone knows about my old life," said Orihime with Naruto nodding as he enters the house, Orihime leads Naruto to the kitchen, like that they could talk there to talk about her old life.
As Naruto sits down while Orihime gets some tea for them to drink, both talk with Naruto listening as he said that he would take notes later as Orihime say "well, I guess the reason why I turn away from it all, I just fall in love Ichigo and he told me that I should stay home when our first child was born."
"Damn Not even my mother did that when my four older sisters were born," said Naruto as Orihime look lost "what do you mean? I mean most women who were once Kunoichi had to step down and look after their children."
"Orihime you don't know how stubborn Uzumaki's are and my mother is a strong woman but Stubborn as all hell and also that's if there Kunoichi are simple and their lovers had either left them or died, and my mother keep going with her Kunoichi career while being a mother, so why didn't you? Is it because your husband says so? Cause I feel like you kinda didn't have a choice at all" said Naruto, Orihime is shocked at that, so much so, that she bumps the cup that Naruto's near and it falls over as it gets on his shirt and pants.
"Oh my Gosh I am so sorry" said Orihime as Naruto gets up while thinking 'it was a small shoot but it work nicely' as he plan this to happen as he say "no, it's okay it happen, just let me" he takes off his clothes, and Orihime sees his muscles and she blushes lightly 'He is more ripped then my husband' as she can't take her eyes off of him, Naruto as he about to take off his pants and since Orihime is still staring at his muscles, naruto drop his pants, leaving only his boxers as he says "Is there as shower I can Use?" and Orihime snaps out of it.
"H-huh? Y-ye-" she stops as she notices that Naruto is only on his boxer and thought begin to form as other voice in her head say 'Look at that this young man is bigger then our husband, I wonder how big he really is' said the voice in Orihime's mind, Orihime shook her head, but Naruto knew that he would have her soon from judging of how she is right now.
'I just need something to give her one more push, and she's all mine' said Naruto in thoughts as he goes over to where the shower is as Orihime is somewhat in an argument with the voice in her mind 'i-i can't! I'm a married woman and a mother! I can't just' she walks past the shower, and the door is open, she stops and walks back as she about to peak a little but shakes it off and say in her mind 'no I shouldn't! I already said it! I'm married and a mother', 'So what when was the last time your husband even touched you, and besides it's just a peak, it won't hurt anyone' said the voice that's in Orihime's head as she slowly takes a look inside of the shower and when she did.
She is blushing like never before as she see Naruto taking off his boxers and she sees his dick is huge, way bigger than her husband's as she thought 's-such m-massive cock! H-how c-can someone so young has such beast' as she hides away but she doesn't know that Naruto had already spotted as the voice in her mind say 'well he is a Shinobi, after all, think about how we have gotten their jumbo size breasts' and before Orihime could say anything to the voice.
She felt a hand grabbed her and dragged her into the shower room and the door closed, Orihime epps at this as she founds herself on her knees and comes face to face Naruto's massive hard cock, and she quickly thinks that it's a lot bigger than she first thought as Naruto Say "well, well, we're curious about my cock huh Mrs. Kunoichi? Alternatively, should I say Orihime?" Orihime gulps as she doesn't know what to do.
"I would keep quiet about this if you make a deal with me" said Naruto, "W-what k-kind of d-deal" Orihime asks as she hoping it's not too bad, "I will say a word of you peeking on me if you have sex with me" Orihime glups even more as she blushing badly "well? What do you say? Do we have a deal?" said Naruto, Orihime blushes then sputters out "d-deal," with that Naruto smirks as he reaches out and takes off her clothes.
5 minutes later
Lemon starts
Orihime is on her feet while blushing so bad as she covered her breasts with her left and her right is covering her pussy as Naruto say "holy fuck, your one hardcore hot Milf Orihime" as his cock throbbing very hard, Then Naruto kisses her, surprising her, as her thoughts 'n-no, t-this is wrong! I-I think we should stop a and forget this a and m my husband won't found out!' but however, Naruto grabs her arms and gets them to uncover her breasts and pussy while he's kissing her more.
Naruto the grabs her breasts after letting go her arms as he stops kissing her "wow! Such soft yet firm breasts!" say Naruto as her light pink nipples and he starts pinching her nipples with his index and thumps and causes Orihime to moan very loud as her nipples are gotten very hard from that as she says "T-they are sensitive" with louder moans as Naruto pitches them even more.
Then he starts twisting them, and Orihime moans louder from that "n-no. D-don't d-do that!" said Orihime as she moaning while blushing badly as her pussy is twitching by that as it's leaking out its juice, Naruto keeps twisting her nipples more with Orihime moaning more as he says to her "Oh but I can't help myself your breasts are so soft and fun to play with" as he pulls her nipples and she just lose it as she just cum on the spot.
'T-this is wrong i-i am m-married, i-i can't j-just t-throw away t-ten years of my marriage-' she couldn't finish her thought because Naruto shoves his fingers into her pussy and she moans three times louder with Naruto saying about her wet pussy as well could read her, "oh I know what you are thinking, your thinking no but your body is saying yes cause just look how wet this pussy of your is" as he is fingering her.
Orihime is shocked, and then something surprises Naruto is that her pussy is tight while he's fingering her pussy with Orihime moaning like crazy "wow! Not only it's so wet, but it's also tight as well! Could it be that you are frustrated?" said Naruto, Orihime Shakes her head quickly to answer no, then she moans louder with her breasts bounce because Naruto is fingering her pussy deeper by shoving his shoving his two fingers as well moving them faster with no mercy as he says "come on, I bet you want to say it so bad"
Orihime says nothing at all and is trying not to resist it, but the lust within her is building up, making things hotter by the sec, that is until Naruto shoves his fingers so deep inside of her, he makes her cum once again.
Orihime moans out "c-cumming." as she squirts out so much from her pussy, it's a stream of it as it falls on the floor and her legs give in and collapse, Naruto then bends down and looks at her in the eyes and says "Go ahead say what you want."
Orihime looks at him while blushing badly "I-I-I, I want to fuck. C-cause my husband hasn't touched me since I was pregnant with our child!" said Orihime in the moment of weakness, Naruto smiles then Says "I hope you are ready because when I am done with you, I will be the only man to satisfy you. So I hope you are ready you milf slut, cause I want you suck my cock" as he presented his massive fat hard cock to her with Orihime say as she still can't believe of how big it is "T-That is m-massive" as Naruto put his cock on her face as he says "why not take a closer look of it"Moreover, Orihime sees it is massive up close as well then the smell of it gets into her nose, as the scent of Naruto's cock is making her mind all hazy, she wants to lick it so bad, Naruto see this and he smirks even more as he thought 'good she is caught by it and soon nothing can remove this from her memory' as he sees her starts licking his 18 inch cock lightly.
"It's so massive, so thick, so tastily, I can't stop licking this cock" say Orihime, Naruto says "Good, cause you will soon love this cock of mine as it will be all you think about" with Orihime licking his cock more, as she moving her tongue from top to bottom as she licks Naruto's balls the lightly sucks them then she stops and resumes licking his cock, Naruto says in his mind 'This Milf will Forget her old husband and son like they were never alive. I will enjoy this milf's body she will make a good addition to my harem' as he is enjoying her licking his cock.
As Orihime is licking the tip of Naruto's cock, and she tries to take it into her mouth as she giving Naruto a blowjob but since she never come across a cock like Naruto's, she will make a hard time, She takes about 6 inches into her mouth as she sucking Naruto's cock as she tries to make more of it with Naruto say "that's it Orihime, suck my cock" as he watched her doing that as she placed her hands on Naruto's side as she bobs her head like crazy as she started to sweat, after a few minutes she stops and puts her breasts around Naruto's cock then takes it back into her mouth.
Naruto says "fuck! A combo? So soon? You must want it really bad" as he enjoyed the feel of Orihime's mouth and breasts, Orihime is thinking 'Damn right I do this cock is so addicting I can't get enough of it' as she bobbing her head faster and moving her breasts faster as she takes it out of her mouth and gives Naruto's cock a few licks then takes it back in.
"Oh you will learn a lot from this," said Naruto as he sees her keep doing her combo of blowjob and titfuck as she wants him to cum right now.
However, he holds it grabs the back of her head and forces her to take all of his cocks then cums which amazed her with her eyes wide open, as Naruto had cum with there, and his sperm is going straight into her stomach as she looks at Naruto while having her hands on his balls as she thinking 'So much sperm he could impregnate any women he sleeps with.' as she is drinking all of Naruto's sperm.
5 minutes later
after five minutes, Naruto has Orihime on her back with her hands holding onto the towel, and Naruto is rubbing his cock against her pussy, "Beg me to fuck you, you know you want to" Said Naruto as he smiles again.
Orihime is blushing so severely as her face is a cover bit of Naruto's sperm, Orihime shallows and begs "p-please f-fuck me with that cock, it's been so long p-please."
Naruto Smirks then Thrusts into her pussy making her scream as she tightened her to hold onto the towel with Naruto holding onto her legs as he thrust his cock rough and deep into Orihime as he loves how her pussy it, nicely warm and tight, "Oh this pussy is tight and warm, are you willing to admit that I am better than your husband" said Naruto with him holding up her legs high as he thrust into her with no mercy with Orihime screaming louder as she just losing it with her breasts bouncing wildly.
"You are much bigger than my husband please more shape my pussy to your cock" screamed Orihime, as she unknowingly having her inner walls tighter onto Naruto's cock and Naruto feels it and that makes him starts bucking his hips and makes his cock go deeper into Orihime's pussy and stretching her inner walls more as she screams louder as she screams out "More please Fuck this milf more please." as she losing it badly.
The whole shower room is filled with the sound of a scream, skin hitting against the surface, Naruto thrust his cock in Orihime's pussy as it's covering of her juice as she screams out "More Please more Take me away from here and fuck me as your bitch for the rest of my days."
An hour later
Orihime is on her feet has her hands against the wall as she is screaming way more as Naruto is behind her with his hands on her equally massive ass as it jigging upon his hands as he says "fuck! You have such killer body Orihime!"
Orihime "So I have heard, but no one had ever dared to fuck me!" screamed as she has her eyes closed as both Naruto and Orihime are sweating significantly as their sweat falling on the floor as their go at it even more as Naruto squeezing her massive fat ass as he couldn't get enough how it feels on his hands as their like her breasts, 'Oh I am so keeping this Bitch and maybe send her ex-husband a lot of videos of what I have done to Orihime, maybe starting with anal sex' said Naruto in his thought as he making plans, while Orihime is thinking 'he's too much for me! I want more of him.' as she screaming louder.
Couple minutes went by, and both Naruto and Orihime are in the shower with the hot water running as Orihime is on Naruto's lap as she is riding him wildly with his hands on her hips as she screams out "Oh my husband would never do this to me at all. All he wants to do is, do normal sex." and Naruto smirks as he says "oh? Then you will be more cause I'm willing to do anything after all my mother said I'm the perfect lover."
"W-What do y-you m-mean b-by that?" Orihime asked though scream, Naruto answers "simple, I fuck my mother and I fuck her real good, just like this!", Naruto then Speeds up fucking her making her scream more and her breasts bouncing against Naruto's chest as Orihime screams louder.
30 minutes later
After their shower sex, both Naruto and Orihime are being still wet, both make their way to the kitchen as Naruto is slamming his cock deeply Orihime as both are doing it on the table as it's strong enough for them and their wild sex, Orihime is really losing her mind as her legs are on Naruto's shoulders as he says "look at you now! The perfect obeying housewife has become the Milf slut who loves younger man's cock!"
"Yes I have become a milf slut who does not care about her life as housewife anymore please take me away and own me please I will do anything." screamed Orihime with her tongue out of her mouth with her breasts bouncing more and Naruto smirks upon that and says "anything? Oh, I do have something."
Later into the bedroom
Orihime is sitting on the middle of the bed with her left arm covering her breasts as she looks at Naruto who set up the recorder, she asks as she nervous since she never been in a porn video before "A-Are y-you s-sure a-about t-this", Naruto looks away from the recorder and stare at Orihime "of course sweetheart cause after all, don't you want your husband to know whom you belong to now?" said Naruto as he had it ready and pressed the record button, Orihime is very Nervous and says "h-hello, dear, if you are watching, it means that I'm no longer here."
Then She says "A-And you know that this m-might n-not be, t-the last video, but this is the first m-many, s-so for now" she gets into position of what Naruto told her to get on as she resumes saying "w-watch me having m-my first anal sex" Then She is grabbed by Naruto who walks into the video as he stands above her and he has his massive hard cock aiming for her ass, and he pushed it in with Orihime scream out.
"You are too massive for my ass. Oh kami!" screamed Orihime as she biting onto her lip as she losing it so bad as well getting way too turn on, Naruto keeps pushing his cock into Orihime's ass with the recorder recording this as Naruto says "This ass is Mine now you will learn to enjoy it" with Orihime's legs are rising with her feet are into full nelson as Naruto fucks her he says "Take a good look this is what you will see of Orihime but never able to touch ever again enjoy the show." and her breast are bouncing like mad against the bed.
Naruto then shoves his cock all the way into Orihime's ass, Orihime screams like mad as she screams "it's so deep. It's so deep inside of my ass." with Naruto starts thrusting his cock into Orihime's ass.
Naruto then Grabs her breasts and squeezes them with him thrust his cock more with Orihime screaming out "I'm in love with your cock. It's so much better and bigger than my husband's sad 4-inch cock."
"How the hell did he even get you pregnant anyway but no matter! For now, let's keep having sex Orihime!" said Naruto as he is having his way with Orihime as she is screaming more and more.
An hour later
Orihime is on her knees as she is sucking Naruto's cock as she is cleaning as it's covered in so much sperm as Naruto says as he stands "that's it, clean the cock you love so much."
Her stomach is swollen and she looks seven months pregnant with twins as Orihime does so while Naruto looks at the recorder and says "it's such shame you lost your wife to a much better lover, and most likely you won't see her again well besides the videos that I will be sending, so, for now, this is bye, and Orihime say bye as well" as he looks at her, Orihime stops sucking turns to the camera with a collar with gems and the tag had the Uzumaki symbol with the number 4 and the color of the label is crystal. Mito is her Alpha.
Orihime removes Naruto's cock from her mouth, "Goodbye dear Naru~sama owns me now" says Orihime as she goes back sucking it as Naruto holds up a controller and ends the recorder.
Time skip two days later.
Naruto and his clone are thrusting their cocks into Orihime's pussy and ass as she screaming to high heaven as she screams out "Oh I am so glad I left dear for you Naru~sama." as she feels the cocks thrust deep inside with Naruto say "good cause there's no way I'm leaving you here! So tonight we will be heading to Konoha! However, for now, let's have our last day here with nothing but sex."
"Oh yes, Naru~sama. I am yours please," screamed Orihime as Naruto and his clone fucking the orange hair milf more as their slamming their cocks in her holes at the same time and speed.
With a hour passed, Naruto has Orihime against the window door of her backyard with her breasts press against it as Naruto thrusting into her ass rough and hard with Orihime scream out "Yes Please Let them see me let see what I have become" as she doesn't care if someone sees her now, cause she's Naruto's now as Naruto slamming his cock into her more while he smacks her ass cheeks, one at time with him say "that's right! Let's show them that you are mine now."
Orihime moans loudly hoping that she gets more of this in the future. As the two keep going until sunset.
Lemon over
Late at Night, Konoha
Naruto is unlocking the door of his home as he hopes that he doesn't wake up anyway from him opening at this time as he looks behind and see Orihime fully clothed and has a suitcase full of her clothes, bra, and panties as he says "Welcome to your new home Orihime, and for now, your staying in my room" with Orihime nods as she is blushing.
As the two walking, Naruto closed the door that moment the lights of the dining room turn on, and Mito is there with a smile, "Welcome back Naru~sama The reason no one is here is they have missions and will be back in the morning." then she notices Orihime.
"Oh! Hello there! I'm Mito Uzumaki!" said Mito as she greets Orihime and Orihime does the same "h hello miss Uzumaki! I'm Orihime Kuro- n-no, it's Inoue, Orihime Inoue" said Orihime as Mito looks at her, and she would tell that Orihime is a or used to be, a Housewife, and a mother, 'wow, Naru-sama found such a hot Milf, look at those breasts and that ass is to die for, oh she will fit in nicely' she notice the recorder on Naruto's bag as she thinking 'Oh he recorded him stealing this milf from her ex-husband, I wonder if Naruto would let me have sex with her with recording us doing it' said the thoughts of Mito.
And Naruto is thinking the same idea as he says "say Mito, is it alright if you and Orihime have sex while this is on?" said Naruto as he holds up the recorder with Orihime blushing badly as she never had lesbian sex before, Mito Smiles then sees the Tag on Orihime. "Of course she is in my group after all so an Alpha must help a new member~" said Mito as she grabs Orihime's hand as well take the recorder but Naruto stops her for a sec.
"Hold on Mito-hime, you will have to let Orihime-chan say this" said Naruto as he hands Mito a letter for what Orihime to speak in front of the recorder, Mito Smiles and nods in agreement, as the two went to a room for them to use as Naruto decides to go to bed for the night and reports to Tsunade about him seducing Orihime is a success.
Time Skip
Three days later
Naruto is heading toward the location of his next target, one Rias Gremory. He can't wait to meet this Rias person but he wants to hurry, and he has the recorder ready, and what's more, he got something to watch since the place that he's going is Hot Spring Village, and it will take a day or two more to get there.
As Naruto hold up the recorder and plays the video of Mito's and Orihime's lesbian porn video.
Mito is in the Room with Orihime On her knees with nothing on but her collar, and she says "Hello my Ex-Husband, In this second video I'm going to have my first Lesbian Sex." and that's when Mito walks in and she moves closer to Orihime as the two share a kiss as both are blushing badly, as their breasts press against each other as Mito breaks the kiss and say "I will make your first ever lesbian sex be very pleasurable~" as she kisses Orihime's neck with Orihime start moaning loudly, Then Mito Grabs her breasts making her moan louder.
As Orihime falls onto her back with Mito still kissing Orihime's neck while groping her breasts with Orihime moans out "Oh this is so new to me" as Mito then moves down and starts sucking onto Orihime's left nipple while groping her right, Mito is thinking 'So she is a mother OH I am so going to have much fun with her' as she sucking onto Orihime's left nipple more.
Orihime moans loudly as her nipples are sensitive with Mito sucking them more as her left hands travel down while feeling soft and smooth Orihime's skin is. Then Mito reaches Orihime's pussy, and she starts rubbing Orihime's pussy lightly with Orihime herself starts moaning loudly as she moans out "O-Oh y-you a-are s-so, g-good a-at t-this."
Mito stops sucking her nipple as she smiles while rubbing Orihime's pussy more "oh simple my milf lover~ I had much lesbian sex as just much I do with man, but there were mostly my late husband and our wonderful Master~ They leaders that I am a dominant, but our Master dominated me into a submissive slut~" said Mito as she rubbing Orihime's pussy more as it getting wetter by the sec.
Time skip one Hour
Orihime is laying on the bed with her legs spread wide open as her pussy is soaking wet as she is shaking as well breathing hard with a blush on her as Mito is about to sit on Orihime's pussy as she says "come on Milf, eat me with that tongue~."
Then she sits on Orihime's face and has her pussy licked.
Lemon/flashback stops.
Naruto stops the video while thinking that it was getting good as he notices a lone person wearing a back coat with red clouds with a straw hat, as the person walks by, Naruto see a bit of blue hair as well catching the person's amber eyes, Naruto then thinks 'I wonder what that person is doing wearing that' as he about to go on, but then.
"Excuse me, do you know the way to Konoha?" asked the person behind him as Naruto could tell the voice is that of a woman. Naruto turns around and sees that the woman had taken off her hat and he sees her face full.
'My god she is Beautiful.' "Yeah, I do." Then Naruto tells her the way, then he asks her, "but I have to ask, why there?" Naruto asks, "well, not that long ago, I just a group that I once believed in and now, I don't know anymore," said the woman, naruto looks confused.
She giggles, "it's all right, it's just grown up things, anyway thank you" she kisses Naruto's cheek as she walks off "well I will meet her again I know it" as he sees her walking away and he goes on to his mission, and what was he doing again? Oh right.
Lemon Resumes
Orihime is holding onto Mito's legs as she is eating out of her pussy with Mito moaning out "Oh this your first time, but you are licking like a pro~" as she grabs her breasts and starts folding them as she is moaning more.
Orihime is blushing badly as she is licking more of Mito's pussy with Mito herself folding her breasts more.
"Oh Yes, what would your husband say about this? Mito moans out, Orihime stops "i-i don't care since I care only for our master!"
Time skip Hour and a half
Both Mito and Orihime are moaning like crazy as they're in the scissoring position with their breasts bouncing as their rubbing their pussies to each other with Orihime moaning out " O-OH my how to do you like watching this?" as Mito answers "I bet he's jerking off while feeling both angry and betrayal! Knowing that only your master will be fucking your pussy, ass and mouth like a loyal sex slave" as she moans as she and Orihime rubbing their pussies each other more as their getting wetter by the sec.
Mito then jumps onto Orihime and kisses her profoundly but breaks it off as she spreads Orihime's legs and sits her pussy onto Orihime's as she facing the other way as she using Orihime's legs as support and resumes her pussy against Orihime's pussy as both moaning crazy like with Orihime moaning out "Y-You are so good! I-i'm g-going too crazy if we keep going like this!" as she moaning more with her breasts bouncing more as she covers her face as she shook her head with Mito rubbing her pussy against Orihime's more as she says with a blush "I-I can't t-think straight anymore" as both keep going more and more.
Until finally, both of them cum as their squirts out their juice out of their pussies with Mito keeps rubbing her pussy against Orihime as their squirting with both of them moaning out "O-Oh I love my new life please Mito/Orihime more." as their go it even more while still cumming/squirting.
5 hours later
Orihime laying on top of Mito with Mito saying "I hope you enjoy your first ever lesbian sex Orihime and welcome to our family~" as she and Orihime share a kiss, then breaks and turns to the camera "I hope that you enjoyed this there will be more videos of me being fucked out of my mind" said Orihime as Mito walks up to the camera and says "ps Orihime's ex-husband, I'm going to have more fun with her and you won't get to see it" as she starts the timer to have the carma turn off within 5 sec which within there five secs, Mito quickly walk to Orihime and right away jumps onto her and kisses her deeply as the whole went into black.
Flashback over
Naruto turns off the camera after watching it for the 10th time since he is heading toward The Hot Spring village which he just arrived at as he walks within the community as he starts looking for one Rias Gremory.
Meanwhile in a Large house somewhere Hot spring Village.
A young woman with red hair Sighs because she just had a fight with her boyfriend whom she shares with her best friend, Akeno but however the reason behind the argument is that the boyfriend, because he has been staring at another woman other than her and Akeno, she didn't understand why until an hour ago that he tells her that he wants to break it their relationship off but she won't allow it.
He wants to, but Rias and Akeno are fighting him until he storms off with Akeno telling Rias that she will be cooling off some steam by hitting targets with her lighting jutsu, Rias Understood and let her but then she gets a shiver down her spine that something was going to happen.
On that time, her mother, a woman with brown hair that ranch to her neck as she wearing a white fancy white dress as it showing her body with her Triple J breasts, in all, she's a gorgeous woman, which why Rias got her looks from since Rias's breasts are Double G, she is Venelana, and she notices her daughter being down in the dumps and ask her.
"Darling what is the matter?" Asked Venelana, Rias looks at her mother and tells her of what happened, as Venelana say "Oh Dear. Darling, I think you need to find a way to get his Attention back on you and Akeno" as she pats her daughter's shoulder and Rias smiles then notice the clothes of her mother wearing, "so what are you doing mom? Going out or something?" said Rias.
"Oh Just for a bit I will be back," says Venelana with Rias "all right, have fun," said with Venelana heading out with her saying "oh it's just a meeting" and walks out the door.
What Rias did not know is her mother hired someone to have some time with her to help her with her boyfriend problem.
All she needs to do is to find someone with spiky blond hair.
An hour later
Naruto is looking for an hour, and he can't find this Rias person at all as most don't know where the girl lives even though she's very famous after all, then he sees a beautiful woman with brown hair and she seems to be looking for someone, Naruto was about to go on his business, but then, the brown hair woman notice him and walks up to him which confused Naruto.
Then she asks "Are you Naruto Uzumaki?" with Naruto nodding that, "yes? Why do you ask?" said Naruto as the woman says "oh I will answer your questions but not here, so come with me Handsome~" as she takes Naruto's hand and leads him the way as Naruto is staring at her massive plump yet phat ass and it's jigging for each step she takes as Naruto is thinking 'whomever this woman is, she has breasts and ass to match! Oh yes, she will be mine and maybe more. However, I can't wait to have her bounce on my cock like a slut.'
A bit later
Naruto founds himself at a quite nice restaurant with the woman named Venelana that he learn from her, as she is sitting next to him as she says "I know why you are here Naruto."
"Oh do tell," said Naruto, as Venelana tells him that she's the one who places her daughter's name in the list that Tsunade had given to him and the reason for it? "I am tired of my daughters boyfriend she needs a real man in her life truthfully as will she friend" as she brings out a photo of Rias's best friend, Naruto looks in interest "ok, so you want me to steal them from their boyfriend?" said Naruto as he looks at the photo as he sees a girl with very long black hair and violet eyes. Her hair is usually tied in a long ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place, as she is wearing a Miko style outfit as it hugging her Double H breasts.
Moreover, he could tell that she's at his age too, "Yes I want you to steal them from their boyfriend."
"Ok show me, and I will deal with it. Now payment?" said Naruto and Venelana smiles as she says "come to find me at this love hotel" she tells him where it is "and you get to fuck me all you want~ that's your payment~" then she feels something grab her ass and hears "Well when I am done with you I don't think you will be walking straight for a while kunoichi or not so your sexy ass better be ready." Said Naruto as he squeezes the ass cheek he has, with Venelana moans as she says "y-yes I-I will be~~ i-in m-my most s-sexiest underwear" as she feels Naruto's hand still squeezing her ass, Naruto says "good, now if you excuse me, I have a date with your Busty daughter and her busty friend"
"W-Wait You d-don't k-know w-where I-I live," said Venelana as Naruto says "oh right sorry, so could you tell me?"
"I-I will, s-show y-you," said Venelana, Naruto smiles and says "good and for reward" Naruto pull her close, he kisses her deeply with her blushing badly as there tongue kissing between the two with Naruto Grabbing her other ass cheek making her moan into the kiss.
Naruto breaks off the kiss with Venelana a bit dizzy as she never had such a kiss before, she leads Naruto where her home is as it turns out that she doesn't live too far.
Naruto also had an eye on her bouncing ass, and Venelana knew and had some sway to her hips, Naruto can't wait to fuck her into sex come as both arrive at a mansion (Gremory mansion from Highschool DxD), Venelana tells Naruto that she will be waiting as Naruto watch her leave with her ass jiggles a bit as she walks until she no longer in Naruto's sight as he heads inside of the Mansion.
Naruto walks in and sees no one around, so Naruto goes find Rias's room and knocks on the door.
meanwhile, Venelana had to get ready for Naruto, and She was picking out her most Sexy Lingerie for Naruto she also got some stockings with a Garter belt.
As back at the Mansion, Rias opens the door as she thinks it her boyfriend as she says while holding the door with her eyes close, "so you finally come to your senses and apologize Issei?" as she is wearing her red Lingerie as she knows that Issei likes seeing her in it.
"Who is Issei? is he your boyfriend?" Asked a voice she hears is an not Familiar with as she opens her eyes and see, A stud of a man standing in front of her and she stutters out "W-Who a-are y-you?" as she noticed that he's in the same age as her as he walks into her room and closes the door but forgetting to lock it.
Lemon starts
10 minutes later
Naruto has Rias with her back to him with one hand on her breasts and the other fingering her pussy as she is trying to resist it but she can't as she feeling too good in ways her boyfriend Issei would never do besides kissing, "w-who are you. A-and why a-are are you d-doing this?"
"My Name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I am here to take you away. You see your boyfriend is not doing his job to make sure His girlfriend is happy in bed and I am here to fix that" said Naruto and that's when Rias is outright saying "b-but I-i'm still an a-a virgin!"
"Oh even better you get to learn how to please your man in bed, and I don't think that when I am done with you that he might not be able to please you again," said Naruto as he gets one of her hands and places it onto his cock which to her surprise.
"Y-You're m-massive y-you w-will d-destroy me," says Rias as she blushing so red, that it matches her hair as Naruto says "that's right" as he smirks.
5 minutes later
Rias is out of her underwear and is on her knees facing Naruto's pussy destroying cock, as she is blushing even more so as she says "t-this t-thing i-is too h-huge! A-and y-your o-only t-the s-same a-age a-as m-me."
"Yes I know now how about a good Lick," says Naruto as he has his cock closer to her, Rias is blushing more and more until she feels Naruto's cock onto her face as she is getting a bit dizzy, 'T-This smell is so strong. No what do I think I have a boyfriend I must fight.'
However, her tongue acts on its own and licks Naruto's cock. Naruto is Smiling, and her tongue is liking the taste 'My God it tastes so good…...n-no I can't g-give i-in, e-even i-it's taste so h-heavenly' as she is trying to stop licking Naruto's cock, but there's a part of her wanting Naruto so severely.
Naruto then puts his hand on her head "There you go I know you will learn well" and when Rias felt that Naruto's hand on her, she right away backs off "n-no! I won't do it!"
Naruto Smiles and then he pushes her head onto his cock taking it all into her mouth making her eyes widen and start to tear up as she tasting all of Naruto's cock as her mind split into two voices, 'No My Boyfriend is Issei I must not fuck this man I must give it to Issei!'
'Yes fuck me like a slut make me forget about Issei show me what a true man should do' say one voice as the other voice 'n-no. I can't. I want Issei to be my first. As I want to be with him.'
Naruto knows that she is fighting herself and starts to move in her mouth, as the voices are saying to each other, 'Yes More Fuck me like a slut. Make me yours I will be whatever you want' as the other, 'no he should not. We belong to Issei.'
'Who wants to break up with us? For another woman?' said the other voice which is Rais's lust side, 'I don't care I love him.'
"Oh Get Ready Rias I am about to cum," said Naruto who been thrusting into Rias's mouth like a beast with Rias trying to get away as the voices in her mind says.
'N-no. I if he cums in our mouth! Our love for Issei will be gone.' said the voice that is Rias's reason.
Naruto cums but the love of Issei is still there. Naruto cums right into Rias, as Naruto releases what it seems endless as her stomach getting more Swell by the sec, as the voice of reason says 'w-we need to get away.'
'No we are fucking him! Cause he's the right guy for us then that punk that wishes to break up.' Rias's voice of lust.
Rias's stomach has swelled to looking six months pregnant, and Naruto gets her on the bed as she gets on her front as she tries to get away as she saying "N-No I-I h-have a b-boyfriend."
However, Naruto gets behind her and is about to thrust into her, but he says "When I am done you will only want me" with Rias screaming atop of her lungs with her pussy leaking out blood with her saying with tears dropping "n-no. H-how could you."
"Oh so you don't want to learn to bad," says Naruto as he held onto as she gives Naruto a death glare at him.
30 minutes later
"N-No I-Issei was s-suppose t-to b-be my first" scream Rias as she in the cowgirl position with Naruto thrusting his cock into her pussy as he has his hands on her hips, and Rias is not happy but is slowly breaking. Then Naruto rises up and whispers into her ear "This is what will happen if you join me and be mine, I will take you to bliss" says as he is thrusting his cock into her more as Rias "n-no. I won't give in it for something like that." said.
"Then I guess I will have to take this to the next level" Naruto then Speeds up and makes Rias scream.
An hour later
Naruto is balls deep into Rias as their in the missionary position as he is slamming into her pussy with her screaming out "Please more make me your broodmare. More Please." as Rias had given into Naruto, mostly to his cock and Naruto smirks as he slamming into her more with Naruto says "Oh You will be joined by your best friend and I will fuck both of you in front Of Issei."
When Naruto said 'best friend', someone walks in because she heard screaming He turns to see his second target Akeno, as she wearing nothing but her panties because she was in the shower after blowing off some steam and now she sees Rias being fuck, Naruto smiles then turns Rias toward Akeno "Look who is here your best friend do you think she should Join us" as he fucking her more with Rias screams more with her breasts bouncing more "y yes! She should Naruto-sama. Fuck her like how you fucked me."
Naruto smile and crosses his fingers and a Clone Appear Behind Akeno and gropes her breasts with Akeno moans upon that as she is blushing badly as she says "n-no. P-please don't."
Thirty Minutes
Akeno is having her ass fucked by the clone and is screaming "Yes more Naruto-sama. I am your broodmare from now on I belong to you" as she's in the full nelson position and the same goes for Rias as both are losing it badly, Naruto then asks "Who is your master? Whom do you both belong to?"
Both scream out "we belong to you Naruto-sama. We are your slaves. Your busty slaves." Collars with Gems appear around their necks, and the tag has the Uzumaki symbol with the numbers 2 for Rias and 3 for Akeno, and the colors are Emerald.
Once the collars appeared on them, the door opens and behind it is Issei "Rias I have come to Apologize for an- w-what the hell!" says as he sees that both of his friends are being fuck by some guy he doesn't know, "Oh you are Right on time cause I am taking these two Girls and you will watch." Said Naruto as two clones appear and Tie Issei up and make sure he can't turn away or closes his eyes he can blink but Issei can't take his eyes off this at all as both scream out "Naruto-sama is that who?" as Issei is a shock to hear that.
"R-Rias, A-Akeno I-it's me I-Issei y-your B-boyfriend," said Issei as he's about to tear up as both screams out "we don't know any Issei. Because we only love our master Naruto-sama." as both cum on there as well as do Naruto and his clone as their filling both up with his sperm, Naruto is smiling evilly while Issei is shocked "Hey Girls why don't we see how much he is really packing where it counts" said one of the clones that's holding Issei as their takes off his pants and all see.
His cock is six Inches and is as thick as a thumb as both say "that's so small compared to our master's monster cock" as their get fuck once again by Naruto and his clone, Issei is shocked to see the two women he loves being fucked into Sluts to this Bastard, and they love it, and now the bastard is Grabbing Rias's breasts same as Akeno's.
Time Skip
Lemon over
The morning
Issei sees the women he loves with stomachs Swollen that they look 20 months pregnant and something is stopping the semen from coming out of their ass and Pussies. Those Plugs are stopping it, and they are on their knees licking Naruto's cock. Naruto looks to his clones and says "Deal with him he is not welcome watching me fuck my sluts." The Clones nod
They then Drag him out to the Mansion and Issei is so broken that the memory of Naruto fucking Rias and Akeno are burned into his mind, so much, he won't able to live a normal life as one of the clones say "Well Let's just say this will be the last time you see a naked woman." Said the Clone as he pulls out a Katana.
As both are taking Issei to realize of what is going on as their walk out of the house and heading somewhere, Issei Tries to fight, but they both Stab him with their Katanas both into the heart.
Alternatively, was it?
As Issei realize that he's outside of the house, as he touches his chest where his heart is as he doesn't understand of what happened, Issei to check where he was stabbed in the center but there's nothing happen as he hears laughter as one of the clones say "that was a genjutsu but know this, I could end your life if you ever try to come after me and my new ladies" as their poof away.
Issei then Falls to his knees and starts to cry.
*time freezes as Blaze is making plans to send the carrier for Cleaning and repair for a good time It needs it and a break from Dealt* *and Dealt had disappeared from the glass case*
P: Ugh Lucky the Carrier is headed to the Drydock.
* an Eevee come up to blaze and rubs itself against blaze's leg*
P: Hello Eevee yeah we are headed to the Pokemon world
Eevee: good my master is waiting there *as it wiggling its tail.*
P: No Surprise you can talk, so who is your master?
*everyone else beautiful because this is not the first time they have met a talking pokemon*
Eevee: the one you called Dealt, anyway let's go!
*Eevee is grabbed and Blaze holds him*
P: Hang on the closer little Eevee, and the Carrier is going to the Drydock for some repairs and cleaning, it needs it. So Eevee can you do the closer, please.
Eevee:*pull a dealt on you as Eevee had disappeared*
*Blaze is not happy Because he thought a pokemon would have done well doing the closer*
*but it turns out that Eevee is on Blaze's head*
Eevee: Master taught me how to do this, hump, thank you for reading, leave a review, follow if you are new and favorite for future updates! *smiles*
*Then Eevee is Grabbed by a Dragon Pokemon a Haxorus and this one was powered up by blaze and is looking at Eevee with Hunger in its eyes*
Eevee:*smiles as he pats his paw on Haxorus's nose* hello, I'm Eevee, what's your name? *never meet a haxorus before as Blaze realize that this Eevee own by Dealt so, of course, he's not scared of a Haxorus*
*But then The Haxorus Turns into a shadow Haxorus and that scares Eevee*
Eevee:...*looks at blaze and jumps out of its hand as a gateway opens up and Eevee jumps into it*
*Blaze and Haxorus follow while the Carrier goes into another gateway for scheduled maintenance. Plus the Troops Vacation from Dealt plus some time off.*